« TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 10, 1917 5.00 W. A. Williams .. 5.00 Frank A. Rowe ... 5.00 F. R. Beals ............ 5.00 W. J. Peterson ... 5.00 Henry Dunstan ... 5.00 Rosenberg Bros ... 5.00 J. S. Lamar .......... 5.00 Mrs. J. H. Dunstan 10.00 Car 1 Haberlach 5.00 A. A. Pennington 70.00 Fairview Grange .. 10.00 R. Kennedy ............ 500 H. T. Botts............ Special Meeting of Pomona Grange. Sacret Heart Parish ................... 25.00 ------ o------ South Prfairie Farmers Union :/-*o The Tillapiook County Pomona 500 Talmage ........................... Grange will meet at Tillamook at the C. W. City Hall at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, For Sale. Alay 19th, for the purpose of discus- < ------ o------ sing resolutions regarding the pro- 1 A few head of yearling Jersey posed bond issue, and any other busi­ heifers. Also a high grade 3 year old ness to come before the meeting. Jersey bull for rent.—Apply to Frank The meeting in the afternoon from Bester, Both prones. 1:30 to 2:30 will be open to the public. By order of the Master, W. H. Card of Thanks. Christensen. R. Y. Blalock, Secretary. We wish to express our thanks to I Executive Committee of the Army Y. M. C. A. was organized to promote I the work in Tillamook. Mr. R. W. ! Kirk, Superintendent qf Schools, was elected chairman of the committee, C. O. Dawson, secretary, and C. J. Edwards, treasurer. Several represen­ tative citizens were chosen to act in . the promotion of this movement as members of the committee. SHE STEALS A MILLION Knowingly and with malice afore­ thought. she deliberately draws his money from the bank and hides it until she deems him fit to take charge of it ! He doesn’t care ! lie’s George Walsh Who plays the spendthrift in the WILLIAM FOX photoplay “MELTING MILLIONS’’ Gem Theatre, the many friends who showed so much kindness and sympathy to­ wards us on account of the death of On Friday evening, May 11, the Ex­ Mrs. Grace Johnson. Thursday, May 1 7th. ecutive Committee of the Army Mrs. Ella Blanchard and Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. Young Men’s Christian Association, Family. will hold a big rally and mass meeting at the City Hall. Mr. I. B. Rhodes, Nazarene Church. State Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. has secured a very-capable and inter­ Rev. John T. Little, District Super­ Five Hundred Parties. Red Cross Meeting. esting speaker from Portland to give intendent, will hold services in Hem­ Last Tuesday and Wednesday lock, Thursday, May 10th at 8 p.m., There will "be a meeting this the address of the evening evening Mr. and Mrs. Thad Robison (Thursday) evening at the High The Y. M. C. A. has taken up a and in Tillamook Friday at 8 p.m., and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Lamar, en­ School Auditorium at eight o’clock, great task of serving the boys who and at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Sunday. tertained a large number of friends at for the purpose of organizing a Red join the army. You will be interested Come worship the Lord with us. the home of the former. The guests Cross for Tillamook. All are cordially in this work, and whether you live A. H. Smith, Pastor. had a delightful and jolly time togeth­ I invited to attend and take an interest far or near you are cordially invited er, thanks to the hostesses, who cer­ in this laudable effort. to attend the meeting on Friday Sunday School Convention. tainly did not spare anything to make All persons over the age of 14 are evening. their visitors feel at home. Five hun­ eligible to become members of the The Sunday School Convention, of Death of Mrs. D. M. Oliver. dred was the card game, and some Red Cross, and it is hoped there will Sunday School workers of Tillamook good scores were made. County, which was held here on Fri­ be a large attendance for other cities Mary Jane Woods was born in day, Saturday and end Sunday, was the tho The invited guests on Tuesday have formed organizations and les­ Mercer County, Missouri, Nov. 26, were Mr. and Mrs. Max Schultz, Mr. sons are being given to the members 1847, and passed from this life Sunday best Sunday School Convention ever held here. The meetings were well and Mrs. C. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. S. in Red Cross work. evening, Alay 6, 1917, having attained attended and much interest shown. Conover, Mr. and Airs. H. Mason. Air. the age of 69 years, 5 months and 10 On Friday evening Mayor Boals gave University Day. and Mrs. H. A. Williams, Air. and days. In the year 1867 she was mar­ the address of welcome at the M. E. ------ o------ Airs. W. J. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. ried to R. B. Lindsay. To this union Governor James Withycombe ha! were born two daughters and one son. Church. The program was carried out Burge, Air. and Airs. Fred Poorman, as previously advertised. Rev. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moulton, Air. and designated Friday May II, as Univer­ In the year 1875 the family moved to A. Phipps, the Sunday School man, Airs. H. A. Franklin, Air. and Mrs. sity Day throughout the state. On Jackson, Cal., and resided for about a was present and gave much good ad­ His addresses George Hanselmier, Mr. and Airs. W. that day a special effort will be made year, when they removed to Point vice and instruction. A. Williams, Miss Carrie Galwith, in every High School in the state to Arena, Mendocino Co., Cal. At this were good and much appreciated. The last meeting of the convention was Mrs. Nellie Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. interest the students in higher educa­ place Mr. Lindsay died in 1881. held at the Christian Church and was 1 W. B. Aiderman, Air. and Airs. Carl tion. These meetings will be conduct­ Airs. Mary Jane Lindsay was unit­ attended by a very large audience. The delegates from Sunday Schools Haberlach, Mr. and Airs. E. Bales, ed by University of Oregon graduates ed in marriage to D M. Oliver at Pt. about the county were: Oretown, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hadley, Air. and Airs. and ex-students. Arena, Cal., in the year 1886. Two Follett, T. A. Porter and wife; Clover­ The local work will be in charge of children, a son and daughter, have dale, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Searcy and W. A. Lewis, Air. and Mrs. R. B. Fred Hardesty, Hazel McKown and been born to this union. In the year Mrs. Taylor; Sandlake, Mrs. Brandt. Walls, Air. and Airs. Fred Burton. The following officers were elected The honors fell to Mr. and Mrs. W. Cloyd Dawson. A meeting with the 1891 the farily removed to Tillamook, J. Hill and the consolation to Mr. and High School students has been ar- Oregon, where the home has been for the ensuing year : Pres., Mrs. C. J. Edwards; Vice-Pres. Dr. David ranged for by the committee, and continuously for these 26 years. Mrs. M. Schultz. Robinson. Sec. and Très., Mrs. H. T. Botts; The invited guests on Wednesday every effort will be made to create a Today there are left to mourn her were: Mr. and Airs. J. S. Lamar, Air. greater interest in higher education. passing from their circle her husband, Supt. Elmentary Dept., Mrs. Fred Beals, Intermediate Supt., Mrs. Frank and Mrs. W. Campbell, Air. and Airs. It is hoped that several of our high D. Af. Oliver, and children, viz: Mrs. Taylor, of Cloverdale ; Supt. Adult and school students will be able to attend Geo. Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Jones, and Airs. Easie Mullin, of Till­ Home Dept., Rev. J. C. Young of Ne­ halem; Supt. of Educational Dept., J. Clough, Air. and Airs. Albert Byers, the University next fall. amook; Airs. Viola Mills of Redlands, O. Bozorth of Bay Citv. Mr. and Mrs. S. A Brodhead, Mr. and Cal.; Edgar Lindsay, of Nehalem, Mrs. H. T. Botts was chosen as dele­ Army Y. M. C. A. Organiz'd. Mrs. Dr. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oregon; Walter Oliver, of Bay City, gate to the State Convention which will be held at Newberg on May 14, 15, J. Riechers, Air. and Airs. A. Ammer, Oregon. Besides these of the immed­ O11 Thursday evening May 3, a iate family there are 7 grandchildren, and 16. Mr. and Airs. Oscar Schultz, Mr. and Airs. Albert Plank, Air. and Airs. group of citizens met at the High and a large number of friends and WHY EVERY COUNTY Fred C. Baker, Air. and Mrs. J. C. School and organized a local Exccu- acquaintances of long standing. SHOULD VOTE BONDS Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Holmes, tive Committee of the Army Young In early life she made her profes­ There is an excellent reason why Air. and Airs. B; C. Lamb, Air. and Men's Christian Association. sion of the Christian faith, and the Mrs. Dr. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob. The meeting was addressed by Mr. quality of her life and character has every voter in every county in the Leonard, Mr. and Airs. Ross Shreve, Clark, Secretary of the Astoria Y, . M. ever been fruitful of good in the State outside of Multnomah County should vote for the $6,000,000 road Air. and Airs. Dr. Olson, Airs. Bew­ I C. A. He very ably told of the work sphere of her influence. Her activities bond bill. Here it is: ley, Aliss Blanch McNair, Air. and of the Y. Al. C. A. in the training in a public way have been connected Multnomah County has paved her Airs. E. T. Haltom, Air. apd Airs. E. stations and prison camps of Europe, with the Ladies’ Guild of the Presby­ roads. The $6.o00.000 paving fund will E. Koch, Mr. and Airs. A. McNair. and how, in the United States, great terian church. For seven years she all be expended outside of Multnomah Dr. and Mrs. G. Peterson was the j things were done for the National has been a faithful member of the County. Multnomah County pays 40 winner of first honors and Mr. and , Guardsmen on the .Mexican border Daughters of Rebekah Morning Star per cent of the automobile license and the quarter-mill state road tax, whiph last summer, including the Third Ore­ Lodge. No. 52, an auxiliary relation means she will pay 40 per cent of the Mrs. Albert Plank the consolation. A most dainty lunch was served gon. with the I. O. O. F.,and her sympa-» $6,000,000 bonds. Her contribution to which was much enjoyed. After Mr. Clark’s address a local thies have been loyally expressed the other counties for roads will be »2.400.000. many times in kindly wavs. Your county will get more back Funeral services were held Tuesday from these bonds than it will contrib­ at 1 p in. at the Presbyterian church, ute. conducted by the pastor Rev. J. E. Youel, and buriel was in the I. O. O. WILL BE NO CHANCE F. cemetery, the Rebekah sisters us­ TO JUGGLE THE BIOS ing their beautiful ritualistic cere­ The State Highway Commission has mony. The many friends attending the services was expressive of the formulated a general policy In the mat­ ter of letting contracts for road work deep sympathy of the community for in co-operation with the counties as the family. contemplated in the $6,000,000 road bond bill. It has been decided that through Notice of Completed Contract. the Commission sitting with the coun­ ty court will let the contracts in the Notice is hereby given that the couaty in which the work Is to be County Surveyor of Tillamook Coun­ done. All blds are to be received on ty, Oregon, has filed in this office his the day of award from the bidders or agents directly on the day of opening certificate of completion of the con­ and read in the presence of the bid­ tract of Mallory & B>um on the ders The object aimed at is to pre­ Compton Trestle in accordiance with clude any charge of the bide having the plans and specifications, and any been tampered with. person firm or corporation having SAN objections to file to the acceptance of Farmers not residing on any of the said work may do so within two roads to be improved under the road weeks from the date of the first pub­ bond bill should not for that reason oppose the bond measure. With the lication. approval by the voters of the bond is­ Dated this 24th day of April, 1917. sue. every such farmer will derive a First-publication April 26, 1917. two fold oenefit. In the first place, I.ast publication May 10, 1917. he will be brought that much closer Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. to a hard-surfaced road Secondly, the anil many other attractions. money now expended on the main roads will be available for the im­ Artillery ComPany Fund. provement of the connecting roads $1000 Surely the farmer, regardless of his Tillamook County Bank . 10.00 resid r.ce with rw-'et to the main First National Bank ............ LOO trunk roads, cannot help but recognize R D. Lamar ........................... K.OO that he will be benefited by the ex­ C. I. Clough ......................... Ask loeni intent for information 5.00 penditure of funds raised by the pro l.anib-Schrader Co................ KOO poeed bond 'esue E. T. Haltom ......................... JOHN M. SCOTT, General Piiwvenger Agent, LOO King Crenshaw Co. ........ Portland. K.OO Coast Power Co...................... Young men are being eor inually K.OO urged to "Get back to the F. m.” but F. C Baker ........................... O. R Dale............................... K.OO they are expected to wade in mud up C. E. Trombley ..................... K OO to their knee» to get there. Vote for ÏOOO P W Todd ....................... the »6.000 oi»p bond measu-e and help \C. C. lensen ....................... KOO make the tarn; more acceesible to la­ KOO E. G Anderson ..................... bor aa *vll aa to the markets. Alex McNair............................ ... 500 Su nslii ne Honte Open Window Wax California MT SHASTA FRANCISCO YOSEMITE VALLEY LOS ANGELES ORANGE EMPIRE Costs Little More. SOUTHREN PACIFIC LINES I * —’ i The Annual May Sewing Event Ends Saturday, May 12. I’kin to do your Shopping in Summer Sewing Needs not later than Friday or Saturday and thus Save Money on every Purchase. ANY BUTTERICK PATTERN FREE With Everjl Cash Purchase of Dress Goods or Wash Goods amounting to $2.00 or over TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) AND SATURDAY. Mass Meeting Friday Evening I T’S a wise plan to start in early on the design- ing and making of those pretty clothes a woman always likes to have for the bright, warm days of summer, and the selections shown here are just the loveliest and most up-to-date you could possibly wish to choose from. Best of all, very special prices are quoted for this annual event and the woman who will avail herself of these will save many dollars on the purchase of fabrics for her own and her family’s summer clothing needs. New S.P. Schedule F ''OR the convenience of our patrons resident north of Tillamook City we reproduce the ~ New Southern Pacific Schedule effective on Saturday, May 12th and every Saturday thereafter until further notice. Leave TILLAMOOK 7:20 A.M. 4: 15 P.M. Arrive MOHLER 8:45 A.M. 5:40 P M. Leave MOHLER 9:00 A.M. 5:55 P.M. Arrive TILLAMOOK 10:25 A.M. 7:20 P.M. This schedule affords you an excellent oppor­ tunity and plenty of time to do your shopping here and return home the same day. We are Eager to have every Woman in this Vicinity know of the ¿Merits of the Wirthmor $1.00 Waist. IRTHMOR ’S The Four New Styles Illustrated Now on Sale. want every woman in this vicinity to know the merits of these famous $1.00 \\ aists not only because you will there- after buy them repeatedly, but more particularly because they demonstrate so convincingly the splendid results that can be obtained when the retailer and manufacturer unite in co-operation with <1 sincere desire to give the buying public a higher standard of service. And in this con­ nection let us add that we avail ourselves of everv opportunity for such co-operation as will be an aid in bettering our service or values. These thoroughly desirable Wirthmor Waists Can be Sold in just one good store in every city and they are Sold here exclusively. ALWAYS $100. . . ALWAYS WORTH MORE. The Bargain Balcony Recognized by Discriminating Women as the Log.cal Place in which to effect the Economies so greatly desired at this time. ERE on the Bargain Balcony are hundreds of Bargains arranged, some on tables at one price, others in groups of one kind, and all priced away below the actual values. No matter "h»>e«i orm what dept you buy always step upto t e Bargain Balcony—it will repay you every time H