TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 10, 1917, r-OST OF ROAD WORK TO BE Tillamook Feed Co........ 5.00 HIGHER. Roll of Honor—April, 1917. I Wilkes, Hazel Wilkes. AgricuJtural Defense Day. D. S. Boyakin.............. AGRICULTURAL NOTES 7.10 ----- o — District 26.—George Armentrout, H. Mason & Co........ ----- O''- By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. I vs- . ----- ------ »5 35 Wages Raised from to *3 °° an<1 District 1.—Ethyl Anderson, Leona Margaret Armentrout, Ethel Trout­ Saturday. May t2th, has been set Justice Ca»e8 ■ ' O' Rupp, Ruby Anderson, Pear Hughey, man, Jean Gould, Ruth Gould, Albert aside by Governor Withycombe as from »5 00 to •6o° for Man and Jury in Briggs case .............. Patriotism and Profit. 7.60 Team. Edith Fletcher, Willie Lucas, Oren Slakis, Walter Hollett, Charlotte Oregon Agricultural Defense Day. It Witnesses in Briggs case General farmers and live stock pro­ 9540 l.each, Schuyler Fletcher, Marion Measor, is the intention at . this time to ac­ ducers can do their country no great­ E- W. Stanley, Hummel case. 8.50 Jn the matter of the petition of E. E. Webb, constable District 31.—Evelyn Provoost, quaint the farmers of Tillamook er service than by seeking to make Severance, Walter Severance, Mabie 8.00 Andrson, Joseph Everett Wells for a county road, R E. W. Stanley, Biggs case ... Maxwell, Mary Myrtle Mather,, Elizabeth Hess, County with the exact conditions re­ their production reach the very limit E. Shreve, Henry Leach, and Sid O. G. Swenson, constable .... 11.30 Pangborn, Charles Thomas, George Robert Wilkins, Mel Duncan, Wm. garding the world’s food supply and of possibility. 10.00 I rowbridge, Albert Myer,, Douglas Finch, Alan Warren, Wayne Wilkins, to discuss plans for meeting the situ­ Anderson were appointed a board of Witnesses Hummel case Men who send to market immature 32-70 Leach, Rosa Mayer, Ina Anderson, Richard Hayes, Helen Jordan, Cora ation by the American farmer. road supervisors. and young stock that could carry Corner’s Jury, Merrill Maxwell, Guy Thomas, Jack Pike, Eileen Trombley, Lillian De- Jn the matter of the petition of S. Inqui t on John Koeser Each Grange and Farmers’ Union greater weight are wasting the coun­ 7-20 -Mowery, Lloyd Hughey, Anna An­ Atley, Donald Provoost, Albert Ma­ local in the county will be summoned jl Rock to vacate a county road, the try’s resources. In all human proba­ • Surveyor’s Office. derson, Helen Barber. ther, Orrin Hess, Wendell Prime, in extraordinary session on that date bility they are also sacrificing profits same was rejected. Surveying, etc....................... Erma Hess, Erma on their respective meeting places they might reap The unprecedented jn the matter of the claim of H. H. R. L. Shreve, express............ 526.36 District 2.—Orval Johnson, Edith Nola Flagg, 9-58 Hayward for indemnity, $75.00 was Miller, Viola Johnson, Pebble Wells, Vaughn, Naomi Simmons, Jennie and there acquainted with the situa­ prices have been and are a temptation Road District No. j, allowed, and $35 5° to N. S. Nehl. Oradella Miller, Johnnie Blaser, Anderson, Margery Prime, Winifield tion. The Agricultural Council of this to cash in while the cashing is good; Ackley & Murphy................... 51.20 Jn the matter of completion of E. H. Lindsey .......... Francis Blaser, Hilda Gillam, Emma Trombley, Kenneth Warren, Cecil County are acquainted with the situa­ but when a man sends to market un­ 5-00 Wilkins, Arthur Anderson, Henry tion, each member of the Council will derweight and young breeding stpek contract of Mallory and Blum on Nehalem Hotel Gillam, Charles Wells. 55-20 Compton trestle it was ordered that Pacific lent & Awning Co. he is killing the goose that lays the District 3.—Jack Rush, Nellie Rush, Crawford, Lynn Hayes, Herbert Mil­ act as leader in his own district. 58.67 ler, Lucile Crawford, Marie Flagg, That we all should know the real golden egg. He is making it harder the clerk give notice of completion. Vivienne Illingworth. Paul Kline .................. 300 In the matter of an audit of the Howard-Cooper Corporation. District 6.—Ethel Ray, Hubert Etk- Anna McClew, Porter DeAtley, Har­ situation is of extreme importance. for himself and others to replenish 1006.62 county books for the year 1917, J. H. W. F. Cain ....................... wiler, Oral Ray, Esther Otzen, Jody vey Maddux, Harold Williams, James For instance, do you know that the feed lots and pastures. 64.00 To be sure, no man can be expected Wilson was given the work for $200. Wheeler Lumber Co............... Etzwiler, Roy Redberg, Arnold Jen- Starr, Hazel Bodie, Ada Bozorth, wheat crop in 1915 was over three and •9-25 In the matter of the petition of D. 1 ohl & Anderson ................ sen, Walter Otzen, Ralph Redberg, Thelma Mather, Clifford Pike, Jennie one-half billion bushels while last to go out and buy dear feed to make 141.48 Elma Carver. McClew, Gladys Richard, Barbara year it fell short of that by 834 mil­ 1600 and 1700-pound steers or 350 to L. Jones for county road, on report U. S. Steel Products Co. . 12.31 lion bushels, over 4-5 of a billion 400-pound hogs, but it is little less of viewers, the same was established s. p. co..................... \ 100.73 Dist. 8.—Lulu McClay, Myrtle Mc- Simmons, Winifred Brace. 32. — Clarice Booth, Lila District bushels. Other food-stuffs show a than an economic crime at this time and considered as a pub! highway. Hawthorne Dock Co.............. 22.50 Clay; Nina Vetsch, Jack Shoemaker, Booth. corresponding decrease. to send in half finished 100 to 1200- In the matter of opening ballot box­ F. P. Hobson ............. Lewis Waymire, Elizabeth Vetsch, 28.50 Phillips, District 33.—Elizabeth It is the patriotic duty of every pound steers and 150 to i8o-pound es, the clerk was ordered to open the W. F. Caifl’s report .............. 1028.92 Jean Wilson. Eugene Simmons, farmer to turn out Saturday and find hogs. Marie Mayer, same preparatory for the June elec­ F. P. Hobson's report ........... 116.25 District 9.—James Campbell, Retta George Blum, Lyle Simmons. out just exactly what he has to do Marketing of strictly dairy veal tion. King Crenshaw Co................. 9-56 Goodspeed, Herbert Chandler, Ollie District 32.—Clarice Booth, Lila and to help organize the effort of calves is excusable, but every calf In the matter of wages for road W. R. Illingworth ................ 6.25 Miner, Merle Rogers, John Rose, Booth. ■ this county so as to accomplish the that could grow into good beef should work, the wage was raised from $2.50 Frank Dye ............................ 7400 Bruce Austin, Claude Frisbie, Emma District 33.—Elizabeth Phillips, greatest good. by all means be kept. to $3.00 a day for man and from $5.00 Hodson-Fecnaughty Co.......... LaVerna Marie Mayer, 9.60 Groat, Clayton Hadley, Eugene Simmons The Tillamook district meeting will Sending to slaughter pregnant cows .to $0.00 for man and team. Chas. Thurman ..................... 15-75 Holden Bud Johnson, Frank Mayer, George Blum, Lyle Simmons. be held at the Tillampok City Hall at and heifers for beef should be abso­ R. F. Zachman ..................... 2.31 Ogden Moulton, Mae Pesterfield, District 36—Reports 26 pupils 2:30 p.m., Saturday, May 12. Miscellaneous Bills. lutely discontinued, at least for the Joe Schriber .......................... 50.00 Gerald Stark, Leo Wheatley, Wilbur neither absent nor tardy, names not period of the war. T. H. Goyne, prohibition law. $ 50.00 Frank Dye’s report.......... .... 448.24 Kirk, Erma Ball, Lillian Groat, Er- given. JR B. Driscoll, reporting Hum­ In our great national emergency TriPie Birthday Anniversarie». W. H. Bancke ................... . 2.50 rold Haltom, William Henderson, Dist 37.—Lita Lane, Edna WTlson, every man should consider how best mel case............... . ............... 25.00 Star Garage .......................... Archie Pye, Lee Stephens, Carlisle 23.10 Earl Wilson, Elizabeth Davis, Last Tuesday afternoon, twelve he can help along. The easiest way T. H. Goyne, office rent, etc.. 3400 Alex McNair & Co................. 11.85 Stranahan, Albert Vierick,, Eston Laurence Davis, Joe Aufdermauer, lady friends of Mrs. M. E. Gruber, for every owner of live stock to do Mutual Telephone Co............. 6.30 W. D. Wood ......................... 24.00 Woods, James Riley, Miles Austin, Albert Aufdemauer, Arlene Kellow, gave her a pleasant surprise, it being his bit is to see that every animal Sweder Blue Print Co............. 500 J. J. Dailey ............................ 36.75 Ella Davidson, Sarette DeLillies, Lslie Kellow. her birthday. The beautiful gifts re­ goes to market carrying as much The Frederick Post Co............ 20.38 C F. Stone ............................ Donald Dick, Weltha Lance, Ken ­ 16.87 District 38—Kenneth Elliott, Kate ceived betoken the love and esteem in weight as it is practical to put on. 3.00 J. M. Selby .............................. I. F. Larsen .......................... 3-50 neth Murphy, Thad Robison, Vera Shaw, Asbury Shaw, Willie Olson, which the hostess is held by her many We are now drawing upon the 2.20 H. V. Berg ........................... A. C. Vogler............................. 1.87 Rogers, Glenda Sumerlin, Ora Rose, Gladys Kodad, Nina Kodad, Dorothy friends, fancy work and a contest be­ May, June and July supplies of beef* Health Officer ......................... 9-25 Irma Austin, Illa Davidson, Ramona Vaughn, Roy Shaw, Warren Good­ ing the features of the afternoon. R°ad District No. 3. pork and mutton. R. N. Henkle, inquiry into Leo Norton ........................... 500 Haltom, Mary Lamar, Pauline Lamar speed, Harold Haugee, Elizabeth Having partaking of a hearty lunch, Farming and live stock feeding is a 30.00 Coast Bridge Co..................... deaths .................................... 56.25 Hazel Morgan, Inez Schwarz, Lulu Vaughn, Virgie Shaw, Willie Good­ the guests departed, wishing many good deal of a gamble, but there Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 16.00 A. C. Deuel .......................... Thomas, Ernest 25.00 Thayer, Bessie returns of the day. Those present never was a time since the American speed. 70.00 Underwood Typewriter Co. .. Win. G. Carroll ..................... 5-50 Dodge, Leslie Gray, Nathan Kessel- Crawford, were Mesdames Roy Jones, C. J. Civil War when a feeder could feel as District 39.—Frances 2.60 R. E. Wilson Co..................... L. Hushbeck, meals ............... 8.45 man, Loraine King, Carl Leach, Clay Christoph Zwiefel, Owen Crawford, 'Edwards, W. J. Peterson, M. Rhodes, sure of good profit on bringing his W. N. Barrett, Orc. reports.. 190.00 J. M. Baker.......................... 606.00 Myers, Gorden SharteY, Jimmie Wat­ Willie Batzncr, Helen Burmester, Ray Walls, J. Lamar, Farley Seiffer, live stock up to normal weight. P. W. Todd, stamps 34-96 Geo. Shaver .......................... 10.62 son, Kathryn Kirk, Albert Fischer, Eva Eggleston, Percy Eggleston, F. Feldschau, Erickson, and Ellison. The higher the price for grain, the E. Harrison, express charges. 3-13 Wheeler Reporter ................. 25.15 Bernice Clark, Madge DeFord, Helen Victor Olson, Alice Steel, James Red- Thursday Frank Heyd received more certain is the feedsr of a profit Tillamook Headlight 45-«» J. M. Baker’s report .............. 36195 Eadus, Ruth Heitsman, Cordelia Oat­ many flowers and gifts to remind him in putting weight on immature stock. daway. ¡0.70 T. E. Epplett, board Hummel field, Claude Ball, Ingve Ericson, I District 48.—Thelma Lane, Luella of his birthday, the party in his honor Bills Continued. From one end of the county to the Harris-Ammer Furn. Co......... 27.00 Rodney Farley, Erwin Johnson, Jesse Lane, Mila Houser, Mildren Houser, having been recalled, on account of 975 i R. N. Henkle ......................... other there is a dearth of mature Glass & l’rudhomme Co........ 33-75 j Tillamook Drug Co................. 705 Shortlidge, Marion Robison,Alta Carr Mildred Lupro, Robert Cronen, Stan­ the serious illness of his mother. stock. Feed lots, East, West, North Gaylord Bros............. Ruth Erskine, Wanda Haltom, Mabel ley Renninger, t-3° \\,’itness fees Miami Lumber Friday friends of Mrs. W. J. Peter­ and South are bare. Hundreds of Rudolph Arken, J. J. Dailey............. . 67.20 Harrison, Alice Holding,, Irene Lys- 5 I Co. case .............................. Lillian Sitser, Clyde Alley, Donald son gave her a surprise, coming at thousand of sheep and cattle have Glass & Prudhomme Co......... 20.10 ter, Roletta Watson, Florence Willett ¿83 Ki»8-Crc»3haw Co................. French, Wilfred Martensen, Inez the noon hour with a very appetizing been wiped out by the almost unpre­ Irwin-Hodson Co...................... Hazel Wheatley, Leonard Bales, Johnson, Oscar Magnuson, Kenneth lunch, covers being laid for twelve, cedented severity of winter in the C°unty Fair Notes. Kelham Staty. Co..................... 53-23 Merle Frisbie, Leon Illingworth, the birthday cake and flowers being Huddleston, Emerson Whitney, Wil ­ West and there is no spot on the map 3.00 B. E. King, drawing ury......... Kenneth Mahan, Earle Miner, LeRoy' most inviting to the guests, many where one can turn to find a surplus 3-00 Geo. Williams, drawing ury .. When you exhibit at your county Stillwell, Elizabeth Mowery, Jaunita bur Burdock, Claude Burdock. useful gifts were received and appre­ of young stock to put in feed lots or Chris- E. W. Stanley, drawing jury.. 3-°° ' fair you are a Rooster. When you Thompson, Una Baker, Vern C ---- , I District 49—Rosie Abplanalp, War- ciated by the hostess. Exchanging turn on the pasture. Marion ncd Abplanalp, Lizzie Abplanalp, A. F. Coats Lmbr. Co............. 58-9* 1 advertise your county, yourself and tensen, James Harrison, Patriotism alone ought to be suf­ Pacific Tele. Co........................ 29-75 the other fellow’s business you are a Lamb, Donald McGee, Julius Sylves­ Bertha Zirr, George Becker, Ferdi­ good wishes for all three birthdays, all departed having spent a very ficient spur to induce farmers and 37-04* TrUe Blue Booster. Let us all be ter, Clarence Albert, Gerald Cren- nand Becker, Agnes Zirr, Coast Power Co........................ t I District 50.—Vernon Johnson, pleasant afternoon. Those present feeders to mature their holdings. At Western Union Tele. Co......... 144 Boosters. We have all got to learn shaw, Wade Jenkins, Gilbert Pye, were, Mrs. McGhee, Mrs. Farley, this time it seems highly probable Hazel R ea ta Kinnaman. John Aschim, desk................. 17-50 the game so begin now. To-day is the Elvon Smith,, Earl Schwarz, Holden, that such a course would not only be Bushong & Co.......................... 39°-*5 ¿av to start the preparation for the Duvall, Evelyn Hanenkratt, Alma’ District 55.—Persis Edmunds, Paul Mrs. Gruber, Mrs. Heyd, Mrs Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Wolf, highly patriotic, Mrs. Lamar, but handsomely Edmunds, Charles Edmunds, Wilbur Frank Heyd Xi Co.................... °9 So big Booster’s Day by exhibiting at Heusser, Corinne Jenkins, Ione Tal- Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. profitable.—Chicago Live Stock W. L. Campbell,, railroad fares 24 50 J the County Fair, August 28-29-30-31. cott, Muriel Wiley, Elvira Woolfe, • Northup, Gladys Northup, Mark Ed­ Mrs. Seiffer, World. . -i-' - - j f ; J j > 16.25 Select, prepare and exhibit your pro­ Clayton Hoy, Fred Gilliland, Paul munds, Paul Northup, Lewis Fisher, Feldschau and Mrs. Peterson. Tillamook Herald ........... » Poisoning Cut-Worms. Frank Heyd & Co............. ... 157-37 duct so as to be as near perfect as Johnson,, Lee Stillwell, Gertrude 1 Herman Fisher. i 1 IS NOW A BRIDE. District 56.—Clarence Anderson, This year more than ever it is J. S. Lamar......................... ... 34 98 possible. It is very easy and every­ Johnson. Pearl Anderson, Dorothy necessary to take measures to check City Transfer Co................ 21-59 one can and has plenty of exhibiting Cook, Hallie Harris, LaVant Holden, Mabie Anderson, Leo Best, Lewis Miss Rose Wert» United in Marriage the ravages of the cut-worm, which >3-44 i stock on hand. The essential points Mark Hoy, Francis Long, Clara Leap Best, Marshall Beatty, Wendal Byers. Mallory & Blum ............... To Mr. H. D. Wheeler. District 57.—Lenhart Geinger, Den­ 10.00 is to keep in mind is to select Corinne Stranahan, Harold \ antress, are so familiar to us all as to not need L. A. King........................ description. A good method of con­ 6.00 specimens of uniform size and color Maurice Woolfe, Harlan Youel, Hen­ nis Tone, Mabie Klinehan, John Tillamook Water Cd......... ... (Napa Daily Journal.) Gladys Hunter, trol is a poison bran mash consisting E. E. Goodspeed ............... ... 80.00 1 be free of scales, insects, mechanical ry Berkey, Mason Hanenkratt, Doro­ Gienger, Agnes At a quiet wedding in San Francis­ of sixteen, pounds of bran, one pound 3 06 bruises, and lack of stems. Y ou thy Kirk, Alfred Sylvester, Roy Elf- Klinehan. G. B. Lamb, express......... co, at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon, of Paris Green, one half pound of salt, District 59.—Maxwell Gray. realize the great benefits you have strom, Alvera True, Bertha Baker, Indemnity Claims. Miss Rose Werts became the bride of one gallon of cheap syrup and enough Law- derived at the last County Fair. It has Baker, Carolyn Haberlach, ! District 60.—Susie Brown, 7500 H. H. Hayward ................. Bessie Mr. H. D. Wheeler, of that city. warm water to make a crumbly mash. 37-5° made it possible for you to increase Oarrol Schultz, Clarence N. S. Nehl .............................. White, rence Garner, Florence Blum. Eunice The bride has been for fourteen This is best applied in the evening, the production of your farm and Donald Crenshaw, Eva Widows' Pensions. Gilliland, Hall, Edith Nelson, Gladys Simmons. years past connected with the Jour­ about the base of the plants or scat­ 2500 factory. It is most important this Evelyn Oliver, Eugene Knight, Fred Mary Burmester ................... District 61.—Arthur Krebs, Helen 2 5-0° year that every one of us should pu Heitsman, Frederic Knudson, George Krebs, Erna Krebs, Florence Krebs, nal, where she has been a most effi­ tered in the field. Care should be Hilnia Anderson ................... cient assistant in many capacities, taken not not to allow chickens in the 17.50 forth every effort to make an exhibit Sawyer, Herman Smith, Jesse Dow, Oscar Krebs, Richard Krebs, Frieda Anna Hcrchenhem ............... having been for some years past one field which has been treated. 1750 leven though it be small, as it is our Norman Burdick, Duvall, pcarl Graves. Irene Eadus .......................... 1.-------- - Oral - of its business managers. Her accom­ Another method is to place card­ sacred duty to our country, and cx- 17.50 Johanna York ....................... White, Ruth Beals, Rolland Beals, Elta modating ways and amiable person­ Academy.—Ruth Benson, 25.00 pectionally in this agricultura 1 coun y Robert Boals, I, Richard Walls, Vera board or cans about the base of the Lizzie Armstrong ................. Sheets, Mary Fitzpatrick, Rose Plas- ality have won her many friends, not 25.00 of ours at this time to insure h Laura I. Winters ................. Wagy, Wayne Wiley, Irvine Baker, ker, Carolina Portman, Rose Port­ only among the office force with plants, but this is more expensive and 25.00 est possible production of our fie d not so easily accomplished as the Melvin Dick, Raymond Woods, Oscar man, Anna Portman, Frances High- Elizabeth Gilliland ............... whom she has been so long pleasant­ poison bran mash. 32.50 You cannot serve your country Hanenkratt, Elmer Elfstrom, Ora bergcr, Florence M. Baker ............... Catherine O’Hara, Leo ly associated, but in the community in 25.00 better nor be more loyal than to grow Gillock, Dorris Knight, Evelyn Mar­ Ovel V. Gillam....................... Plasker, Dorothy Jacob, Gertrude general, and the wishes for her hap­ 10.00 the largest crop you have ever grown tin, Pearl Richards, Florence Stran­ Della to Fish in Deep Sea. Grace Jennings ..................... Brooks, Jack Wells, Peter Betchert, and then come out and not be selfish- ahan,, Sara Trombley, Lucia Wiley,1 Kenneth Martin, Ruth Kuppenbender piness in her new relation in life will Salaries. be heartfelt and sincere. Deep sea fishing in the halibut beds €. A. Johnson ............... . ....... 100.00 Bring your best and show your neigh- Dorris Woolfe. [Joseph Emeneggar, Willie Plasker, The groom was once connected off the coast will be undertaken by 7500 H. B. Millis............................ District 11. — Clifford Hanks, Geo. Maribellc Eastland, Martin Emmen- 75.00 to do it. That’S the way "We’ll Ludke, Ivan Ludke, Alta Hanks, eggar, Vincent Emmeneggar, Bert with the Winship Beard Co. in Napa, the schooner Della, which left port W. S. Coates........................... and made many friends while here. visits 86.88 make ’er Go.” Everyone who Elmer L. Webb ..................... Adolph He has of late years been assistant Tuesday. It is expected that the fast­ efforts Elmer Lundberg, Ira Hill, earl.Bar­ . Eastland, Karl Eastland, 48.50 the fair will F. L. Owens ............................ win look over - your . , ■ ber- I Bcnschcidt, Mabel Soderberg, , Clara manager of the Ellery Manufacturing est trip will take two days. The new with the greatest interest, and I 50.00 C. B. Stanley .......................... District 12.—Hallie Desmond, F.dna Brooks, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, 1 rene Co., Incorporated, making of sporting venture is being financed by Charles Ray, of Cloverdale; F. D. Small, of ‘ ‘ Homer r Blum, W. L. Campbell ..................... 133 33 you will not allow any one to <«• Wismcr, Edith Quick, 1 Jacob, Filamina Hoffert, Pius Hof- goods in San Francisco. appoint his just expectations. K.ndly the Tillamook Ice Xc Cold Storage Co. 4M Casper Robitsch, J. C. Bewley ........................... Harold Proctor, fert, Estelle Kuppenbender. The bride was attended at the cere­ and W. G. Dwight of this city. Cap­ Graf, Laverne G. B. Lamb .............................. 11463 let me hear from you. Bessie Getchel, Jack mony by her sister, Mrs. Edythe tain Emmett Jenkins is in command B. Kuppenbender, 50.00 Mary L. White ....................... Walker, Blakesley, of Napa. to Mgr. Tillamook Co. Fair. t I "That $6,000,000 is a large sum of the craft. 793 District 14.—Mildred Pallin, Ernest J- F. Jones .............................. After a honeymoon tour, the newly Me- from the taxpayers,” is an 29.88 The Della for some years has been O. G. Swenson ....................... Floyd • Harmon, Waunita - take away 1 Pallin, anin, rivju ----- ... , , , , in • married couple will establish their operated as a freighter between Port­ Farland Lillian Pallin, Willie Spring- assertion being made a good deal 1 133 33 The Silver Lining. Erwin Harrison ..................... home in San Francisco. land and Nestucca Bay. The promot­ gley, George Illingworth, commenting upon the pending road 75-00 Kathleen Mills........................ er. Fay Lan The Journal, in company with their ers of the new undertaking are con­ 1 is based 65.00 Yida Millis .............................. Verne Davidson, 1, Chester Illingworth, bond issue. The assertion other friends, wishes them fident of success, as extensive investi­ many upon a prevalent misunderstanding of 55.00 James Cole, Kenneth Cole, Sadie 1- E. Epplett .......................... every happiness in their future united gation of the halibut bed has been R- L. Beals .............................. . ¿3 33 may seem long; they may pass very Johnston, Marion Evans, Leta Bar- what the act involve». Nothing.in the lives. made recently and its size and loca­ " ■ act require» any increase of taxation nette, David Krumlaui, Clifford Ben­ A. M. Hare .............................. 100.00 ¡quickly. Thy may het ----- o----- tion have been determined. On this Ina Davidson, in order to get the $6,000,000. It is the 45.00 ’. K bur,. Ofi son, Harley Davidson, I.._ ----- . E. J. Claussen .......................... The bride was a former resident of trip the Della carries three halibut ( automobile which pays the money. ßl.OO S. G. Reed .............................. X^;atrmti»mfBut.;tWhatever Henreka Str«eby, \ Hurliirran, F.va Auto license fees have doubled, and this city, living here with her parents, lines. 1 hrec more have been ordered For C°unty Poor, Etc. District 16.—Agatha and was initiated into the mysteries for future operations. Each with a normal increase of machines line car- 5-00 J- S. Stephens ........................ Shaver. of a newspaper in the office of the ris 150 hooks. Himes, Henry'owned in Oregon, the fee» will more 25.00 general 17. — Mattie Alex. Anderson Jr................... District Tillamook Headlight, and the editor There will be a base ball game at I than cover the iuterest and the sink- 2.95 ,he "TrXce ored^ both Crystal Laundry Co................ WW ■ f 1 paymnts __ a- to retire the bond kzmrl can also add hi« best wishes for the the Fair Grounds Sunday between ^strict 21. — Clara Galloway. Mary'mg fund 29.05 , bavc thetr chance Alex Anderson ....................... future happiness of the happy couple, Fairview and 1 the Tillamook Hose issue. Should there be no increase at '9-55 h"■' >b"” 9-45 Batterson, Roy Daniel. Gladys Lorn- would still be unnecessary to raise in this city. C. O. and C. M. Dawson........ Rheumatism. 6.00 men. Wendell Lommen. Pauline Bat­ taxes for the extra money would R- T. Boats .............................. If you arc troubled with chronic or quarter-mill road tax 20.00 ters^ Alice Daniel, Loi» Daniel, come from the L S. Hushbeck ...................... The Franklin Fish Market is now muscular rheumatism give Chamber­ bonding Liniment a trial. The relief 7-40 Mildred Willford. Lucy Daniel. Mur­ Supporters of the road Geo- W. Phelps ..................... open for business, drop in and look lain's from pain which it affords is alone the measure will do well to correct 3O°o, iel Willford, Elphina Batterson 1(rs. F. P. Hobson .............. - around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— worth many times the cost. For sale 34°° fact that ’9'8 •» not District 25.—Frank Landolt, Edith misunderstanding.—News. Nestucca Hospital ........... .. F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. * by I «mar's Drag Store. •7 5» away-—Exchange. ^r’- Marie Ijpmm . IS"« H;- ”£|