TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY What the Editors Say. ----- o------ Judge Stelk, of Chicago tells girls not to marry young men who marry to escape a possible conscription. "’Men who take this means to evade their dudy to their country are likely to forget their duty to their wives.” There is a whole lot of truth in the advice.—News Times. The action of the recent legislature in doubling the annual license on automobiles and making the funds de­ rived therefrom available for road construction is justified by the reasoning that it is the automobile that destroys the road and it should bear the burden of road construction. —Itemizer, -------- o------ During the debate on the bond bill, a few days ago, Senator Frank B. Kellogg, of Minnesota, gave an in­ teresting sidelight on the European war. He said that he was in Europe when the war broke out and had a more or less intimate acquaintance in Germany and in the other countries now at war. “I found among the peo­ ple of Germany and the people of France no hatred of each other,” said Senator Kellogg, "and they could not understand why they were plunged into the horrors of war.” He gave it as his owu opinion that this is “old, old struggle between autocrat and democrat.’’—Banks Herald. ----- o------ There are some who object of send­ ing Roosevelt to Europe under any circumstances. Barring all impulsive action, and with proper military train­ ing, there would unquestionably be a great moral force in the movement. You need only ask yourself the ques­ tion, "What have we done that is real­ ly tangible that goes far to impress the allies that we really mean busi­ ness?” When this question is weighed seriously, you are forced to the con­ clusion that some real action such as Roosevelt proposes would have a big influence of encouragement on one side and discouragement to the enemy on the other.—Telephone Register. couitnitted May 7, 1915, Germany forfeited the friendship of every neutral nation on earth. While a showing of neutrality was maintain­ ed, and while the people of the Unit­ ed States as a nation refrained from voicing their righteous indignation, their mind and heart were set against the Prussianized government of Ger­ many. By this one supremely atroc­ ious act of piracy Germany lost what­ ever of moral support remained in the neutral world. She declared her­ self an outlaw, and the world accept­ ed her at her own appraisement. May 7, 1915, marked the beginning of the end. May 7, 1915 will be remembered by at least one generation, and per­ haps through all time as the date of the most dastardly national crime in all history.—Telegram. Americans have read so much about the European war and looked on the awful tragedy as neutrals, that it is difficult for us to realize that we our­ selves have entered the conflict that we might defend the sacred cause of democracy against entrenched auto­ cracy and rampant militarism. We must be ready to meet the sacrifices that will be imposed by the war. Just how bitter they will be, no one as yet can tell or even anticipate. How long the war will continue but few. if any, have any definite knowledge .It is well that all should be ready for any emergency. Already the courageous sous of Yamhill county have answered the nation’s call to the colors; others will yet be called. And that has brought to our hearts something of the realization that we have entered the tremendous conflict that has been raging throughout Europe, yet we are still engaged in much frivolities. It is a serious hour that calls for calm­ ness and resoluteness and sacrifice.— News Reporter. Lay of The H°bo. ----- o------ Under the bridge where 1 used to lie, There’s a sentry stationed with eagle eye, There’s another standing with loud cd gun Where in the tunnel I used to run E’en in the car where 1 slept at night They are carrying powder and dynamite With every soldier seeking a spy The railroad’s no place for a tat­ tered guy. Willard, Ford, Coffin, Edison, Rosenwald, Baruch, Schwab and a score of other men of great wealth and great ability have placed their services at the disposal of the govern­ ment. They have offered to the nation the love of service that no money could buy. 10, 1917. Notice of Final Account. The undersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the es­ tate of Harry Wingate Cottle, deceas­ ed, in the county court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and the County Judge of said county has appointed I Monday. May 14th. 1917. at 10 o’clock a.m. in the county court room in the court house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and place for ARMY OF THE DEAD hearing objections to said account ------o----- - and the final settlement thereof. Present War’s Slain Would Form H. T. Botts, Column 650 Mil's Long. Administrator of the Es­ tate of Harry Wingate "According to conservative estimat­ Cottle, Deceased. es, over 4,000,000 soldiers have been killed since the present war began,” Summons. says the Vorwaerts. "How many peo­ ------0------ In the Circuit Court of the State of ple are able to form a clear idea of Oregon, for Tillamook County. what these terrible sacrifices mean? Coats Driving & Boom Com­ "If the 4,000,000 victims were pany, a corporation, Plaintiff. marching in close formation, without vs. cavalry and wagon trains, it would Haberlach and Amanda take them 200 hours or 8'4 days to Carl Haberlach, his wife and Frank pass a given point, provided they S. Sugimoto, Defendants marched day and night, without a To Frank S. Sugimoto, one of the moment's rest. The endless line of above named defendants in the name men in the bloom of youth and the of the State of Oregon; You are hereby required to appear prime of manhood would be over 650 and answer the complaint filed miles long and reach from Balse to against you and the other defendants the inouth of the Rhine. And all of in the above entitled Court and action on or before the last day of the time them are now dead!” prescribed in the order for publica­ tion of Summons herein to-wit: the Germany Cannot Dictate Peace 25th day of May, 1917, and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plain­ T'rms tiff will take judgment against you ----- •----- that your damages be assessed and 1 (Spokesman-Review.) awarded for the land sought to be has appropriated and described as follows If Von Bethmann-Hollweg nothing better to offer in way of to-wit: A strip of land 40 feet in width peace in the richstag than these con­ over, through and upon the lands of ditions recently forecasted by Emile 1 the ¿h<.- defendants, ¿efVndants,_ fof'the use of of the the for the use Vanderveld, the Belgian labor leader, | and being twenty (20) feet in width on either side of the follow- he might better hold his tongue; "If pourparlers for peace arc open- ing described center line thereof, to- cn immediately the imperial govern­ wit: Beginning at the government quar- ment will offer to restitute the I tcr stake on the North boundary French territories now occupied on I of Section 24, Township Two South these conditions: French-Loraine and M Kange Ten West, thence along the i 1 j I North boundary of Section 24, on a its vast iron-ore deposits to be ceded L cour¡¡e North g¡. degrecs 43% to Germany; cession of a port on the minutes, West 1262,76 feet to the 1-16 English channel, either Dunkirk or I corner on the North line of the C.1.Ú; of . ... $5.o°°,000,000. I the Northwest quarter (%) of the “As to Belgium, the German em-1 Northwest quarter of Section 24 on a pire is prepared to "restore her in her true course South 1 degree 07 min- territonal integrity and sovereignty” L.tes West 939-7 feet to the center , , “ J . I line of the right of way of the pro- under these reserves; It will be for-|posed extension of the Coats Driving bidden to Belgium to maintain a na-|and Boom Company’s Logging rail- tional army; the German empire to I way; thence along said center line on a straight course South 76 degrees hold in perpetuity the right to garri­ .58 minutes West 1298.6 feet; thence I son the fortress of Namur, Leigela|ong a ]jne curvjng regularly to the and Antwerp; a commission to take | left, radius being 1146.3 feet for a over control of all Belgian ports and I distance of 29.3 feet through a cen­ tral angle of 1 degree 28 minutes to a railroads; an economic convention point on the West boundary of Sec- ■ favorable to Germany to be conclud­ tion twenty-four Township 2 South of ed between Germany and Belgium.” Range 10 West, said point being on a A Paris dispatch says that these ex­ true course South 2 degrees 47 min­ utes West and 1334.7 feet from the orbitant demands are about what is government Section corner common expected from the German chancel­ to Sections 14, ¡3, 24 and 23; all in lor’s next peace pronouncement. But Township 2 South of Range 10 West that forecast was made about a of the Willamette Meridian; thence along said center line on a regularly month ago, and things have happened curving line to the left radius being since. The United States is girding 1146.3 ft. and central angle 17 degrees herself for battle. The long Franco-123 minutes fora distance 0(347.7 feet; British drive has pounded hard the I «hence on a straight course South 58 ~ j • . degrees 07 minutes West 1270.8 feet German line. Food stakes and riots Lo a point on the West bou'dary o{ have broken out. the Southeast quarter of the North- Maybe a little reason has been ham-least quarter of Section 23, said point mered into the helmeted heads of the I be’nK on a. true course North 2 de- ,, 1 -re East feet botlnd from . Prussian war 1 lords. That . r- German I «cees the ,. 22 l6 minutes corner Qn thft 601.4 South It remaind for a woman who was also a mother to give the most crushing answer to the women who have cried out against a draft which would take their sons from them. These women have urged continuance of the volunteer system, but Mary Roberts Rinehart inquires by what What Are The Facta? light do they expect some other woman’s son to volunteer to do their Commissioner E. J. Adams, in his son's share in saving the nation. And address before the good roads meet­ there you have it. If we draw our ing at Portland Saturday, after citing soldiers as we draw our juries a fair figures to show that the auto license selection is insured, and it will include fees will pay principal and interest on both sheep and goats, if the express­ the bonds, and leave a surplus besides ion is permissible, for there will be an refers as follows to the fear that in end of the best type of our young some mysterious manner the taxpay­ men, with a sense of the responsibili­ ers of the state might have to pay the ties of citizenship, freely offering bonds; themselves while another class is "As a final blast of triumph in content to remain at home and “let their effort to befuddle and mislead George do it.”—Independent. the voter, appealing to his prejudices newspaper, which says the world will ary of the Northeast quarter of Sec- ----- o~ — and hatred rather than to his reason, be surprised at the mildness of Ger-1 ««on 23 Township 2 South of Range Press dispatches yesterday expos­ they sum up their defense by saying many's peace terms, may be approx-1 10 "'«llaanette Meridian ing the lax morals among German the people of this state can better af­ , . . [in iillamook County, Oregon, con- imately ri gtit. Itaining in the aggregate 2.71 acres people throughout the empire as a ford to move slowly than embark up- „ „ , 7 , ~~7 „ . an d all being situated in Sections 23 result of war, were a distinctive shock ou a plan which may lead to wrecked One Rea«on for the High Cost of and 24 said Township and Range. to people of this country. Reports of homes and ruined fortunes and may Paper. I An addition any damages if any, a government official, published in take the bread from hungry mouths. ___ 0__ I«here be> and that the Court includes Fatal! Fourteen years ago, Canada in fin“.1 iud8’nent the terms agree- the Berlin Tageblatt, were basis of ’Great guns and little fishes! What «a u ca « i . I ments and conditions contained in the shocking story, and revealed the a horrible picture to face! Wrecked sent to the ir tuned States pulp and plaintiff’s offer to put in not more fact that the German government is homes! Ruined fortunes! Starving paper worth $24,000. Last year, its than three crossings on the grade and encouraging factory and shop girls Children! All this if anything should paper shipments were valued at over I track level at the most convenient to become mothers out of wedlock in happen that the automobile license $2i,soq,ooo and 88 per cent of this p,ace th.e number to be designated by . al it a i c. a ki Iyou your <*>-de fondants at the order to restore the birthrate to fees should to pay the bonds. came to the United States. Meanwhile trial of this action, at the expense of somewhere normal conditions. The the paper business on this side of the I the plaintiff, and thit the plaintiff "What are the facts? thing is too revolting for a pure mind “If every other source of income line has shown but little increase. All W*B take judgment appropriating and to conceive of, and shows the awful should he shut off and we were abso­ the new investments of the American bereinbefore , . . , . described for the right of -way to-wit; straits a nation will go to and the lutely forced to pay off these bouds manufacturers have been made in use, and that it will take judgment awful depths of degradation into and the interest by a direct property Canada. Why this remarkable change? against you and the other defendants which the war has plunged Germany. tax, it would amount of 42-100 of a The answer is easy. The protective the cozts and disbursements of The tins of Sodom and Gomarrah mill per year to pay the principal and tariff on paper selling at not more ' "'rmf'c!!’’_ _ . ,1 inis Summons is served upon you seem trifling in comparison when we interest; or, in other words 42 cents than 2 per cent a pound was taken by publication thereof by order of the Consider the enlightened age in which for each $1.000 assessed value. Is it oft and Canada, with cheaper labor, I Honorable A. M. Hare, County Judge we live.—Umpqua Valley News. x - vwiiij , vriv^utl' llll Tillamook County, Oregon, ill in the possible that such an added burden as wood and water power, immediately I this will lead Oregon to wrecked proceeded to take our market. Now absence of the Honorable George R. Bagley, Circuit Judge, of the above Unless Hindenburg can very soon homes and ruined fortunes and starv­ that Congress has put paper up to 5 entitled Circuit Court, which order is stop the forward march of the Eng- ing children?”—Umpqua Valley News cents per pound on the free list, it is dated the 10th day of April 1917, and lish ami French on the west front, easy to foresee the time when our the date of the first publication there­ of. being the lath day of April, 1917, says Goodwin's Weekly, the German paper manufacturers will shift their and the date of the last publication Service Money Can’t Buy. people will not believe that their pet business across the border. One of will expire on the 25th day of May, general is voluntarily falling back to It is true that money, the big tuen the reasons for the high cost of paper «917. a new position; they will be forced Webster HoJmes, who represent money, see in war op­ is because the protection to the paper Attorney for Plaintiff. to the conclusion that he is being portunity for gain? Let us take a look manufacturers of the United States driven back in spite of everything at the facts. Within the last few has been removed. This is a practical A Symbol of Health. that he is able to do to hold his lines, ------o------ months we have had various propo­ lesson in economics of particular in­ if that conviction ever comes to of Ancient sitions laid before our government by terest to publishers and the eniploy- I I Greece Pythagorians those people the defense is liable to ate simple food, practiced ers of our paper milts.—Leslie’s. these great men of money. temperance and purity. . As a badge Suddenly collapse. I he pressure must Henry Ford offered his plant, one they used the five pointed star which be terrible, even as it is. Every home It they ’ , regarded .. 2.J____ as a'symbof of health, of the most wonderful in the world to Biliousness and ConstiPati<>n. in Germany is as were the homees in A red five pointed star appears the nation without profit. He also of­ - ■■ o Egypt after the first-born were slain: For years 1 was troubled with bil­ each package of Chamberlain’s Tab- fered his entire fortune to the nation "In every house there is one dead.” without interest. _t mis- iousness and constipation, which lets, and still fulfills its ancient sion as a symbol of health. I.' lf you The children are hungry; the women made life miserable for me. My ap ­ Charles M Schwab offered the petite failed me. I lost my usual force are troubled with indigestion, bilious­ ar broken hearted; the mothers ate Bethlehem steel plant, which has and vitality. Pepsin preparations and ness or constipation, get a package of like those when "Rachel was weeping capacity greater than that of the cathartics only made matters worse. I these tablets from your druggist. You for her children because they were Krupp», to the nation's service at any do not know where I should have will be surprised at the quick relief not." We expect a truce to be called been today had 1 not tried Chamber- which they afford. For sale by La­ price set by the government. lain s Tablets. The tablets relieve the mar’s Drug Store. by July 1, because there are limita- 1 he copper producers of America ill feeling at once, strengthen the di­ lions beyond which the sternest na- Whooping Cough. offered copper to the government at gestive functions, purify the stomach, lures can not pass.—Umpqua Yalley ------ o------ liver and blood, helping the system to one-half the price it sells for today. News. One of the most successful prepar­ do its work naturally—Mrs. Rosa I he zinc, the aluminum and other ----- o----- Potts. Birmingham, Ala. These tab­ ations in use for this disease is Cham­ producers are expected to follow the lets are for saly by Lamar’s Drug berlain’s Cough Remedy. S. W. Mc­ Two years have elapsed since the example of the copper men. Store. | Clinton, Blandon Springs, Ala., writes civilised world was shocked by the I’hc shipbuilders of America offer­ For a burn or scald apply Cham­ Our baby had whooping cough as sinking of the steamship l.usitania ed to cast aside all their rich private berlain’s Salve. It will ally the pain bad as most any baby could have it. I and the matter of 144 innocent Amer­ almost instantly and quickly heal the I gave him Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ contracts and work for the govern­ injured parts. For sale by Lamar’s edy and it soo« got him well.” For icana. By this unprecedented atrocity, ment alone on a ten per cent basis. Drug Store. I sale by Lamar's Drug ¿Store. --- o—- FEED We are now located in our new stand at the FRYE WAREHOUSE at the S.P. Railroad, near the S.P. Depot, where we welcome all our customers to call and see us. We carry a full line of Feed, Silosand Farm Implements. Our prices are the lowest for the value re­ ceived. Let us know your wants. Down town office at A. C. Ever­ son’s Real Estate Office. Both phones at warehouse and office. W. KUPPENBENDER, Tillamook, Oregon. The Potatoe King of Wash ington will not permit plant ing his Potatoes before they have been properly treated with Bichloride of Mercury. Directions for use at C. I. CLOUGH CO TILLAMOOK, ORE. FRANK HE YD & CO. I General Contractors I and Builders. Estimates & Plans Furnished. SEE OUR Special Silo! Call at our plant and set prices. It will save you money. ONE BLOCK WEST OF P.O. Both Phones. ALEX. MeNAIR & CO. GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere