TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 3, MONDAY ' et al. Writ of review. ------ o------ ' Mortgage Company for America, a FOR one hör ONLY Docket is Light With no Important corporalion vs. Frank W. Crane et al. FOR ONE HOUR ONLY Ca,e*--------------------------- Foreclosure of mortgage. SA TURÌA Y FRIDA Y The May term of the Circuit Court ; C. R. Halladay vs. Evelyn Halladay, 10 to 11 AM. will convene on Monday with Judge . Divorce. 9 to 10 A M. G. R. Bagley on the bench, (^Actual li. Tillamook County Bank and Wes-< r_/lctual 17\c. • docket is comparatively small, ley G. Day, vs. E. D. Severance et al. no important cases. Foreclosure of mortgage. J. Tone vs. Tillamook Hotel Com- Verna L. Mast, vs. Reuben H. Mast pany. Action for money. Jr. Divorce. An Annual Event offering wonderful economies Yamhill County, a Quasi Municipal I.. L. I.ee vs. T. H. Pitts, et al. and remarkable selections in all kinds of fabrics corporation ami Tillamook County, a Foreclosure of Lien. Per Yard. anti sewing necessities. Buy now for your bum­ Quasi Municipal Corporation, lor the Per Yard. mer Sewing anti save on every purchase. use and benefit of Frank Relondo. FAIR NOTES. vs. Tillamook Bay Conctruction Co., a corporation, and the United States Get Ready for the Big County Fair to Be Held August 28, 29, 30, 31. Fidelity and Guaranty Company a With Every Cash Purchase of Dress Goods corporation. Action for money . It is not too early to think about Santa Cruz-Portland Cement Com­ or Wash Goods amounting to $2.00 or Over. pany, a corporation, vs. Bay City, making an exhibit at our next County Oregon, a municipal corporation, W. Fair. Begin to select your grasses H. Gilmore and J. C. McClure. Ac­ now and have all varieties included in your exhibit. Select the best from the tion for money. Mrs. H. E. Best vs. Alfred Johnson. different crops; have the necessary ! varieties representd; have everything Action for money. Actual $2.48 Actual to $2.33 State Industrial Accident Commis­ neat and in good order, so that it sion vs. M. H. Dennis. Action fcor may be attractively arranged for ex- ' hibition. Be careful to have all sam­ ¿¿¡s.# money. E. E. Colestock vs. H. Crenshaw ples correctly labeled. In preparing for fair exhibits, the Transcript from 3rd Justice Dist. r American Can Company, a corpor­ 1 first thing for consideration should ation, vs. Oregon Fisheries Company, be, the selecting of the best material I possible; second to have it neatly put a corporation, Action for money. Wheeler Lumber Co., vs. Oregon ' up, and exhibited. The object of Fisheries Company. Action for money I County and State Fairs are to furnish In the matter of the petition of I object lessons for better work, per yard. per yard. Frank Suter, an Alien, to become a larger yields, designating the crops Citizen of the United States of best adapted to the local climates and Handsome all wool 56 in. Lovely all wool 48 ifich conditions. But in no way can this be America. wide fabrics inl’lain Green,' wide fabrics in light and Webster Holmes, as Trustee of done so effectively as by placing the Rose and Kings Blue Bed­ Lyster Bros, and Jennings, Bankrupt, best products of farm, garden, and medium color. Plaids,Nov­ ford Cords, and Black and vs. Oregon Box and Mfg. Co., a cor­ factory on exhibition for public in- elty Checks, Overchecks, White, Novelty and Over- | spcction. poration. Action for money. Black andWhiteChecks and checks in' desirable weaves F. D. Small, et al vs. H. B. Spencer I 1 urge every person in Tillamook wide and narrow Stripes. and E. E. Parker. Action for money. County to set forth their best efforts, for Spring and Summer Most desirable fabrics for State of Oregon, vs. Janies Arrance, and begin now, as no time in the his­ wear. suits or separate skirts. tory ofc our country has it been so es­ Transcript of Appeal. sential as it is now, to strain every Fred L. Stevens vs. J. B. Honey. MaySewiug Event 4Q May Sewing E vent no effort to make the soil produce the Action for money. SpeciaJ per yard ipútAfs Special per yard ^S1»7O Nell Rasmussen vs. Tillamook maximum. Everyone should make an County, a municipal corporation, A. exhibit this year, and take a special M. Hare, Frank Owens and Geo. R. interest in the fair, as by so doing you For Your New See the Lovely New perform a patriotic duty to your McKimcns. Action for money. Catherine A. Lung, administratrix country, as well as partake of the of the estate of Frank Long, deceased high premiums set out for such ex­ vs. Joe Blaser and Margaret Blaser. hibits. All departments are represent­ For Separate Skirts, ed. “Win a Prize.” Any assistance or Action for money. These New Silk Poplins and Dresses and Collars. Coats Driving and Boom Company, information regarding preparations Taffetas are absolutely Correct. a corporation, vs. Carl Haberlach et or exhibiting will be gladly given by —They arrived just in time to be the manager. Write me to-day, in al. Condemnation. —Charming and decidedly up-to-the- eluded in the Great May Sewing Event a what exhibits you will be interested Sandborn-Cutting Company, minute in style and colorings are these so I can put your name on the mail ­ al. corporation, vs. J. W. Butler et and are now on display- at very special ing list, as subjects of interest will Action fcor money. new Silks bought specially for this an­ prices. TOP will undoubtedly be very State Industrial Accident Commis­ I be taken up from time to time be­ nual Sewing Event. I much interested to learn that 34 to 36 Novelty Pongees. sion, vs. Barney Knoblock. Action tween now and fair time. This infor­ mation will be available to you, at the we have been fortunate in for money. 36 inch Novelty Silks. Large figured, conventional and stripe securing, for a few days only, the State Industrial Accident Commis­ present as well as in the future. Don ’ t fail to get your name on the designs on grounds of Pongee and Old services of the head trimmer from sion, vs. Charles W. Gilmore. Action —New Silks in the very latest Stripes, exhibitor’s list, do it now. Mail all the Portland Branch of the Whole­ Rose. Priced per yard for money. Checks, Plaidsand Novelty designs com­ sale Millinery firm of Muller & Catherine A. Long, administratrix communications to Ben Kuppcnbcnd- 69c., 89c., 98c., $2, $2.50. bining all the newest colorings, Prices Ross, of Los Angeles, San Fran­ of the estate of Frank Long Sr., de­ er, Mgr., Tillamook County Fair, Til­ cisco and Seattle, and she will ceased, vs. A. K. Case. Action for lamook Oregon. Plain and Fancy Tussahs. $1.98, $2.19, $2.39, $2.48, $2.75. take up her duties in this store on money. Saturday, May 5th. 98th Anniversary I. O. O, F. Tillamook County Bank, vs. T. B. -These beautiful silks are shown in the 40 inch Figured Poplins. Plan to do your Season’s Mil­ Handley and Iola 1. Handley. Action new self colors, Old Gold, Apple Green, linery buying during the next — Beautiful Shades of Old Gold and Old The 98th anniversary of Odd Fel­ for money. Old Rose and v\ bite,and in large figured few days and thus secure the Tillamook County Bank vs. T. B. lowship in America was fittingly ob­ Rose with Oriental designs in exquisite services and advice of an expert designs on grounds of Pongee and Moss served by the lodges of the order Handley. Action for money. in her line. colorings. Priced per yard at Green. Prices per yard J. Baumgartner, vs. Martha Psetak, throughout the county last Thursday ¿Millinery Dept----- Balcony. 11.98 and $2.50. evening. TiPamook lodge had a very et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. $2.48. John Earl, vs. Thos. Coates, admin­ fine program, after which a bounteous istrator of the estate of Anna F. feast was served in the banquet hall. Paquet, deceased et Jl. Foreclosure I hc entertainment proved much fine amusement as well as serious food for of mortgage. E. J. Claussen, vs. F. H. Wilkins, et thought along the lines of Odd Fcl- 1 lowship. Rev. I. E. Youel delivered an 1 al. Foreclosure of mortgage. The Adjustment Bureau of the excellent address on “What Our Or-| Portland Association of Credit Men. der Stands For.” R. L. Shreve’s topic 1 vs. E. E. Yarnell and Frances J. covered “The History of Odd Fellow- | Yarnell. For confirmation. ship.” Sister Stranahan spoke for the ■ A. D. Lundagin, vs. A. de W ilde et sisters of the Rebekah Degree. Bro. I t'I\the St‘,re il'i» week mid see what wonderful selections of Beautiful al. Foreclosure of Mortgage. l innerstet gave a recitation. Bro. New Dress Fabrics, Wash Goods and Silks we have prepared for your Nehalem Valley Bank, a corpora­ Watson spoke of the Encampment choosing in this important Annual Sewing Event. You can save money tion, and Wheeler Lumber Company, and financial condition of the order. too, by choosing your new season’s wearables now. See Windows and Depart* a corporation, vs. J. A. Jensen et al. Sister Myers rendered an instrumen- 1 meni Showings to-day. Foreclosure of mortgage deed. tai selection. Miss Bulah Sumerlin Under each special price we mention only a few of the fabrics you will find. T 1 his only as a guide—there are hundreds more James A. Biggs, vs. Joseph Whit­ and sister Page both rendered ex­ too many ney ct al. Foreclosure of mortgage. cellent vocal solos and Bro. Hender­ to enumerate in this limited space. George W. Phelps, vs Walter Rom- son gave a fine recitation. After the bo. Foreclosure of contract. banquet the younger folks enjoyed I G. K. Westinghouse, vs. E. E. dancing until the early hours of the — 36 it). Campus Suitings. 36 in. Novelty Voiles. 36 in. Dashonette Voiles. Yarnell ct al. Foreclosure of mort­ morn. Taking everything into con- —36 in. Emb’d Lace Cloth. 34 in. Sport Skirtings. 36 in. Poplin Suitings. sideration the 08th anniversary was 3b in. Organdie Jonquilles. gage 36 in. Stripe Beach Suitings — White Skirtings, Suitings. —40 in. Organdie Triolets. W. G. Dwight, vs. M. H. Dennis, most fittingly observed in Tillamook. —White Skirtings, Suitings. —38 in. Novelty Beach ,, et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. R. H. Coshvn. vs Iola 1. Handley. A Symbol of Health. Foreclosure of tax lien. 40 in. Novelty Voiles. 36 in Basket Weave Skirtings —40 in. Novelty Voiles. The Pythagorians of Ancient —-40 in. Emb’d Voiles. S. B. Vincent, as receiver ct ak, vs. ~36 in. Novelty Pongees. 36 in. Flowered Silk Mireilles Greece ate simple food, practiced —36 in. Novelty Pongees. — -36 in. Novelty Skirtings, Tearl Alkirc, et al. To quiet title. •—36 to 44 in. White Suitings 36 in. Gabardine Suitings. temperance and purity. As a badge --36 in. Gabardine Suitings. ---42 in. Suitings Merchants National Bank, a cor- they used the five pointed star which », poration, vs. Walter A. Goss, et al. they regarded as a symbol of health. A red five pointed star appears on ç_ylll 10c. Notions Foreclosure of mortgage. each package of Chamberlain’s Tab­ < l /111 5 c . Notions Peters, vs. Albert Darby Robert R. lets, and still fulfills its ancient mis­ and Bertha Darby. Foreclosure of sion as a symbol of health. If you are troubled with indigestion, bilious­ mortgage. Wilson's Dress Hooks, Snap Fasten­ W. Roenick. vs. John A. Ward. ness or constipation, get a package of —Hooks and eyes, Tape Measures, these tablets from your druggist. You ers, Brass Pins, Tatting Shuttles, binding Tape, Needles, Safety Pins, Foreclosure of lien. will be surprised at the quick relict Hairpins, etc. Buttons, etc. Anna Rutgers, vs. Derk Rutgers. which they afford. For sale by La­ mar's Drug Store. Divorce. M. Sue Henderson, vs H. F. Carr, "Chamberlain’s Tablets Have Done ct al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Wondera for Me." William Tohl, vs. IL F Effenbcrg- Til'amook Delegates in Portland. the good road» meeting and not be to Good Roads headquarters in the would say, that if this trip were mad* er, et al. To construe will anti declare “ I have been a sufferer from an out-and-out booster for the State Selling Bldg., the Insurance Federa­ before June 4th, everybody in Orcgoa trust. stomach trouble for a number of Several delegates from Tillamook bond question to be voted on June tion headquarters in the Chamber of that was so fortunate as to make thi* Tillamook County Bank, vs. An- years, and although I have used a I county attended the Good Roads 4th is short on business.sensc. Satur­ Commerce Bldg., meeting and elec­ trip would surely vote for the bond». drew Peterson and Anna Peterson. great number of remedies reconi- Boosters meeting at Portland on day was certainly a busy day in Port­ tion of officers at Multnomah Hotel : mended for this complaint, Chamber­ To set aside deed. lain's Tablets is the first medicine Saturday, as well as the annual meet­ land for delegates; this is what hap­ from 10:30 to 12:30; trip over the Wm Tohl. vs. H. F. F.ffenhergcr, | that has given me positive and lasting ing of the Insurance Federation. For Sale. pened to your correspondent: Up at Columbia Highway in the afternoon executor. In the matter of the estate relief,” writes Mrs. Anna Kadin, Among those from this county were A few head ofc yearling Jer’<7 of Henry Tohl, deceased. Transcript j Spencerport, N. Y. "Chamberlain’s C. J. Edwards, County Commissioner 5:30; breakfast and down town at 7; I and banquet at night. Anyone that I Tablets have done wonders for me got a line up on the day's work and has not taken the trip over the high­ heifers. Also a high grade 3 year on appeal. Reed, Rollie W. Watson and A. C. I and I value them very highly." For program which continued from 9:00 way should avail themselves of the Jersey bull for rent.—Apply to Frt* A. A. Arstill et al. vs. A. M Hare, sale by Lamar's Drug Store. | F.verson. How anyone could attend | a m to midnight. This included a visit opportunity as soon as possible. I Bester, Both prones. CIRCUIT COURT ON Our Annual May Sewing Event PERCALES, Begins Friday, May 4th and Ends Saturday, May 12th. ginghams , 9c 10c Your Choice of any Buttenck Pattern Fret During the May Sewing Event. New Spring Skirtings <££ Suitings, $1.98 Coatings $2.19 SPORT SILKS SPORT GARMENTS Cliiiicitiicciiicnl oxh aoidinati 1. The May Sewing Event's Offerings have been augmented by Additional Consignments of NEW, CRISP, DAINTY & STRIKING FABRICS and all are priced very specially. At 29c. At 39c. At 49c. At 59c. At 69c. At 79c. At 89c At 98c. 3 for 25c. 6 for 25c.