Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 10, 1917, Image 1

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Vol. XXVH-
That takes the jolts and jars
out of life later on and gives you
that worry-free, successful air
which comes from the knowledge
of the little “ nest-egg” earning
you 4 per cent interest in some
good bank like ours. To be
thrifty and prudent from 21 to
50 means a successful and coin-
fortable old age.
Open a savings account today
Tillamook County Bank,
Report of the Condition of the
At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of
business, May 1st, 1917.
Loans and discounts .........................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ■
Bondsand warrants.............................
Stocks and other securities...............
Furniture and fixtures.......................
Other real estate owned...................
Due from banks (not reserve banks)
Due from approved reserve banks..
Checks and other cash items...........
Cash on iiancD.......................................
Other resources.....................................
99,666 02
Capital stock paid in ..........................................
Surplus fund............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes
Due to banks and hankers.................................
Postal savings banks deposits.........................
Individual deposits subject to check............... 284,034.46
Demand certificates of deposit.........................
Certified checks .....................................................
Time and Savings Deposits............................... 119,017.69
State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS.
I, Thad Robison, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.—Thad Robison, Cashier.
• Subscribed and sworn to before métliis 10th day of Maj,
C. A. McGhee, Notary Public.
My Commission expires Sept. 18th, 1920
Correct Attest : Carl Haberlacb, H. T. Botts, M. \V. Harri­
son, Directors.
Tillamook Jottings.
Born, to the wife of J. M. Baker,
at Beaver, on Monday, a son.
Blacksmith Coal-Right Coal-
Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co.
W. A. Wise, dentist.
Will pay you to see Everson for a
Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * safe investment in city property or
Koofror Remedy at C. I. Clough farm lands.
• |
One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­
Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ senger Ford Nearly new, for sale.
• See Rosenberg.
i H. Mason & Co, has taken over the
» Shop to rent, next to my office.—
T. H. Goyne.
* Standard patterns formerly sold by
Lamar’s Variety Store.
Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon,
John Feldschau, Concrete contrac­
Cloverdale, Ore.
tor, concrete silos built. All work
Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs guaranteed.Both phones.
•• C. I. Clough Co.
Harold Lockwood and May Allison
Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of W. in “Podgin Island” Gem theatre,
F. Baker, 3 daughter.
May 12-13.
Dr Wise will be at the Roscor An­
Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Termj re-
* nex Wheeler Saturday and up to
duced to suit the times.
Sunday noon of this week.
Garbage gathered free. See M. R.
For Sale—Five room strictly mod­
Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11.
ern Bungalow, east part of town,
For Furnished Rooms at reasonable
$1,750.00. Easy terms.—Headlight.
Price, See Mrs. E. Plank.
UAMAR’S variety store
I.O O.F. BLD»»
“Drop in and book Around
I am in the market at all times for
your baby calves—Smith “The Calf ’
Man, —Both Phones.
Henry Lithof,
Contractor and
Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns
| and Silos a specialty. Bell Phone. Aio
For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City
| for H,100.00 cash. Call or address
| Mrs. C. N. Drew.
Why not be insured in the best fire
insurance company, it costs no more,
i See Everson.
The rivers and harbors bill, now
pending, calls for a survey of Tilja-
mook Bay and Hoquarton slough.
Passenger service between Tilla- ■ ■
mook and Mohler will be put on Sat- [
urdays only. The train leaves Tilla­
mook at 7:20 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. and
leaves Mohler at 9 a.m. and 5:55 p.m.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Reformed Parsonage, Saturday, May
5th, when Rev. H. Heusser united in
marriage, Mr. Geo. C. Jennings and
Miss Selma Anderson,
Wheeler, Oregon.
Bids for the Bayocean road will be
opened on Friday, and from the num­
ber of those who have asked to be
furnished with specifications, it is ex­
Mrs. C. W. Miller, after spending pected that there will be at least half
several weeks visiting relatives in the a dozen bidders.
east, returned on Saturday.
In the naval parade at San Fran­
Milk ranch to rent, one mile from cisco, Saturday, Errol Embum, a well
town, with 12 cows, on shares. All known Tillamook boy, was with
* Uncle Sam’s men who marched up
bottom land.—L. L. Stillwell.
For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In Market street before departing for
good condition. Price $350.00. Apply 1 the Asiatic coast, for duty with his
to Attorney Webster Holmes.
* I flag and country.
Report of the Condition of the
F irst
N ational B ank
May 1, 1917.
______________________________ RESOURCES.
Loans and Discounts.....................
United States Bonds.....................
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank.
Bonds and Warrants....................
Furniture and Fixtures................
Cash on band and in Banks and due from
Federal Reserve Bank ........................ ........ 89,970.11
liabilities .
Capital Stock ...............................
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Deposits............................... ........
310,532 25
I have a number of store buildings,
MAY 1, 1916, $105,775.99.
houses and office rooms to rent. Also
4 per cent Compound Interest on
can give desirable ground lease in I
Savings Accounts.
various parts of the city desirable to
We appreciate your business, anti you will appreciate
almost any needs. See me also for
our service.
city property on payments to suit
your income.—Rollie W. Watson.
L. P. Ray who left Tillamook
about six years ago, and went to Jef­
Mrs. A. J. Anderson was guest of for money. Verdict for plaintiff for
ferson, was in on a visit last week. honor at a delightful party given by $32.79 and costs amounting to $14.00.
When Mr. Ray left the county, the Mrs. O. A. and C. H. Schultz at the
G. E. Westenhouse vs. E. E. Yar-
Spaulding Manufacturing Co. vs. railroad was not finished and he was
home of the former. 500 was the ness et al. Foreclosure of Mortgage.
Frank Buckles is a case filed in the surprised to see what improvements diversion of the afternoon.
Mrs. Sale confirmed.
circuit court to recover $58.67 and had been made in this city.
Anderson received 1st prize for most
Robert R. Peters vs. Albert Darby
Rosenberg Bros, have opened a points won and Mrs. S. W. Conover, and Bertha Darby. Foreclosure of
Don’t overlook display Adv. of large line of all kinds of hay, feed, I | consolation. After the games were Mortgage. Sale confirmed.
Gem Theatre for May 17th.
The near the saw mill and will carry a finished the hostesses assisted by
M. Sue Henderson, vs. H. E. Carr,
famous George Walsh in “Melting large feed store on 2nd Avenue East Mrs. J. F. Stranahan served a dainty ct al., Foreclosure of Mortgage,
Millions” (Fox Picture.)
flour, grass seeds at the very lowest lunch. The invited guests were Mcs- fault as to Liedie S. Morgan.
Tillamook County Bank, vs.
Mrs. Allen, mother of Mrs. A. G. prices. Special prices on hay and dames Poorman, Aiderman, Rasmus­
sen, Robison, Ammer, Olson, Burge, drew Peterson and Anna Peterson.
Beals who has been seriously sick for feed in car lots.
Henderson received a Duvall, Lovejoy, Hill, Hadley, Con­ To set aside deed. Dismissed.
the past two weeks, is reported much
L. L. Lee, vs. T. H. Pitts, et al.
message from his son,
Edwin A. over, Franklin, Knoles, Mason,, Hal-
Henderson, stating that he had pass- 1 tom, Shreve, Bales, Hansclmier, Groat Foreclosure of Lien. Dismissed
The Yellow Fir Lumber Company
F R. Beals vs. Andrew Peterson.
ed all examinations for lieutenant Riecher, Miller, Sanders, Leonard,
will commence operations in a few
Peterson, Dismissed.
and was ordered to report at Presido, Lewis, Farley,
days and will make a specialty of
A. G. Beals and Tillamook County
Cat He had previously served in the Johnson, Vaughn, Jones, Stranahan,
silo lumber.
Bank vs. Standard Milk Sttgur Cd.,.
U. S .Army. Another son, Louis A. M. Schultz, and Miss Tinnerstet.
and E. D. Severance. Motion to set
Alex McNair returned on Wednes­ Henderson, an attorney of Hood
Dr. Turner, the well known
day from Hot Springs where he had River, expects to.be called. He is a eye specialist, of Portland, will be in aside decree denied and overruled
Sale confirmed.
been for several weeks for the benefit first-lieutenant.
Tillamook again Friday and Saturday,
Irene E. Stiverson vs. George W.
of his halth.
On Monday, April 30, Miss Eliza­ May 25-26, at Jenkins’ Jewelry store. Stiverson. Divorce case. It was order­
J. M. DeLillies has bought the beth Van Patten of this city, was In Cloverdale, Thursday, May 24th.
ed that defendant pay plaintiff $2400«
Jones Apartment house. And will be united in marriage to Andrey Olson, Dr. Turner is a specialist of exper­
in a lump sum as alimony and regular
known in future as the DeLillics of San Francisco. Mr. Olson is con­ ience and standing and you will make
monthly payments of $20.00 for a.
* nected with the Northforg Steamship no mistake in consulting him about
term of ten years.
It is expected that the 10th Com­ Company, and has been transferred to your eyes and glasses. Headaches re­
William Tohl vs. H. F. F.ffcnberger
pany, Coast Artillery, will be called Portland where they will make their lieved, cross eyes straightened, satis­ et al. To construe will and declare
out in a few days and ordered to future honre. A host of friends both faction guaranteed. Don’t forget the trust. Decree in favor of heirs, Wii-
here and in Portland join in wishing date. Be sure and call and let Dr. liatn Tohl, Herman Tohl, Mrs. Effcn-
them a long and happy married life. Turner show you the new double vis­ bergcr and Mrs. Klein. Hugh Effcn-
For Sale—A paying sawmill in the
Lieut. Walls an^ Sergeant Leslie ion glass without lines or seams to berger claimed one third of estate.
South end of the County. It will make
of the 10th Company Coast catch dirt, strain the eyes, or come
Wm. Tohl vs. H. F. F.ffcnberi
money for you. Taylor Real Estate
apart. One light solid piece of glass executor. Transcript on appear. Re­
Agency, Cloverdale, Ore.
2t. Artillery, were in Portland this week,
that looks like a single pair, yet ans­
Now is the time to look after your and Mr. Harrison was fortunate in wers the purpose of two enabling you versed.
A. A. Arstel, et al., vs. A. M. Hare,
Fire Insurance on all your property. , his effort to be transferred to the of­
to read or do close work and see dis­ county judge, ct al. Writ of review.
It will surprise you how cheaply you ' ficers’ training quarters at Presido,
can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie ! and he expects to be ordered there in tant objects perfectly. Free demon­ The judge held that the proceedings
the near future. This will leave a stration. Call and see them. Dr. Tur­ were regular and gave judgment for
W. Watson.
in the non-commissioned of­ ner makes no charge for consultation* the county, with cost. This was a case
Don’t fail to see _________ ___ (
or examination.
where the county constructed a road
Allison in their supreme production, • ficers’ ranks of the local company.
through Arstill’s place.
"Pidgin Island,” at Gem '---------- ,
Circuit Court.
May 12-13. A story and picture by the , interest in the 10th Company.
Ranch Traded for $105,000.
------ o
A wedding that caused some little
Don’t forget those busted castings. , surprise on Saturday was that of
A. Henriksen, of Oakland, Orc., has
Can be welded for half. Goods sent 1 Frank Worthington and Mrs. J. H. May term of the circuit court on
his Oakland stock and gi :i:i
by parcel post and express promptly Dunstan. Mr. Worthington had re­
ranch of 1750 acres to W. B. Ewi 1/,
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
to allow the jurymen to return to their of Cecil, Oregon, Mr. Henriksen
* he had spent the winter. The cere­
gets an alfalfa ranch at Cecil, Ore.,
mony was performed by Rev. A. F. work as soon as possible.
Last Friday afternoon the pupils at­ Lacy, pastor of the M. E. Church, at
A grand jury was drawn composed containing 600 acres, 300 acres of fine
tending the public school at Brighton, the home of Henry Dunstan. The
of Charles Ray (forman), M. L. Bar­ alfalfa land, and 2400 acres about 14
had a flag raising with an interesting happy couple left on Sunday for Port­
ber, H. A. Kinnaman, George Tinner­ miles east of Heppner, which is graz­
program, which was of a patriotic land and other points to visit with
stet, A. L. Mapes, Henry A. Brandt ing land. The alfalfa ranch has 200
some of Mr. Worthington’s relatives. and W. C. Trombley. There was only acres in alfalfa and 100 more about
ready for alfalfa. This is first class
For Sale—One Oak Dining Table,
Clyde English, who was arrested one matter that the grand jury in­
One Oak Writing Desk, One Oak in Portland on a charge of beating quired into, which did not justify an Willow Creek bottom land, and the
China Closet. Steel Range and a $480 his hotel bill, was brought back and indictment, so the jury was excused most fertile land to be found any­
where in Oregon. The balance of this
piano at a bargain.,—Mrs. W. A. Wil­ was tried before Justice Stanley and for the present.
liams, Fifth Street.
Judge Bagley excused the following tract lies on the bmeh and is psed for
a jury on Wednesday. The complaint
pasture. The other place which Mr.
"Pidgin Island” has some of the was sworn to by C. F. DeFord. The jurymen: D. L. Pcrcgoy (not a citi­
Henriksen gets is at the edge of the
most remarkable scenery in it
evidence conclusively showed that
East of Heppner, and is
has ever been seen in any photoplay. English who «as out of work, had Kutcher (not served) E. F. I.ystcr,
very good bunch grass range.
See it at Gem Theatre, Saturday and gone away to obtain employment,
Mr. Hcnricksen expects to keep
and had promised to pay the bill. Be­ Welsh. A. G. Beals and W. A. Renter
Sunday, May 12-13.
about 3000 sheep besides selling s< ven
D. E. Richards, of the Stallion fore leaving he gave DeFord a bill of
sion which will be held on June 9th. or eight tons of baled alfalfa hay on
Registration Board, have posters in sale on a boat. The jury dismissed
the ranches each year. It is consider­
The other jurymen were excused on
the county drawing attention to the the case. Before District Attorney
ed the best ranch in Morrow com.ty.
Tuesday until that date.
demand for draft horses of from 1500
The deal was made through th
Nell Rasmussen vs Tillamook Coun­
to 1750 pounds, which are now selling made De Ford put up a bond for the
Ralph Ackley Land Co., of Portland.
cost, which he will have to pay.
ty a municipal corporation, A. M.
for $240 to $285.
Mrs. Grace M. Jennings, who sued Harb, Frank Owens and Geo. R.
Next Tuesday evening, May 15, be­
the Albina Engine & Machine Works McKimens. Action for money. Dist­
ginning at 6 o’clock, the ladies of the
(the William Cornfoot shipbuilding rict Attorney Goyne moved for a non
Presbyterian Guild will serve a cream
plant) for $25,000 damages as result suit as to Tillamook County which
chicken supper at the Guild Hall, and
of the death of her husband in a cave­ was allowed, and plaintiff was allow­
extend a cordial invitation to all.
in, has been awarded $4500 by the de­ ed to amend complaint to include
Monday at TILLAMOOK,
Price 35c-
fendant. Attorney S. Senn, for the de­ Frank S. Knowles.
Catherine A. Long, Administratrix
Dr. T. B. Ford, district superintend­ fendant, obtained a dismissel of the
Tuesday at CLOVERDALE.
ent of the M. E. Church, was in the action from presiding Judge C. U. of the Estate of Frank Long, vs. Joe
Wednesday at TILLAMO« >K
city last week and held conference Gantenbinc. Jennings was at work Blaser and Margaret Blaser. Action j
here He was accompanied by Rev. digging a trench on the company’s
State Industrial Accident Commis­
Pearynogogan. Dr. Ford, who attends premises in Albina, when the earth
the State Editorial association meet­ caved in on him, causing injuries from sion vs. Barney Knoblock. Action for I Saturday.... at WHEltLLK
ings, was anxious to know whether which he died. It was alleged that the money. Dismissed.
the editor would be at Pendleton in company had negligently failed to
Both Phone».
State Industrial Accident Commis­
provide safety appliances.
sion vs. Charles W. Gilmore. Action
For cheap fertilizer for your garden
and meadow, see Frank Elliott at
Franklin Fish Market.
For Sale—New modern residence,
located in best residence district. For
sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. ’
Money to loan on farm lands, from
$500 up. Good terms. Reasonable rate
of interest. We want your business.
See Everson.
Can be Found on