* 1 TILLAMOOK the Editors Say. ------p- — People Won't go back to the farm ntil they have roads to get there.— mizer. At this time it is claimed, that there is three times as much flour being milled than ever before, in the United States. What a prolific field for the government to do a little regulation in the interests of the consumer.— Willamina Times. would never be made. Another point upon which he laid stress was that even if the objection* of the opposi­ tion to certain possible contiugeucies were well founded they need not necessarily affect the proposal as a whole, for should they arise quick remedies may be applied by the gov­ ernor or the legislature.— Independ­ ent. ----- O— A woman in West Virginia has been married three times. Her maden name was Partridge, her first husband was named Kobins, the second husband was named Sparrow, and the last man she married was named Quail. As an outcome, she has two young Robins, one Sparrow and 3 Quails Her grandfather on her mother's side was a Swan and the other was a Jay. He’s dead now, and a bird of Paradise —we hope, but what beats the blue duce is that they live on Hawke avenue in a town called Eagle, on Canary Islands, unless the whole tribe has flowu away since we rushed to press.-—Berman Dericks. HEADLIGHT MAY 3,191 are paying for them. "Our present system is like paying rent; paying for roads every month, every year, and at the end of the lease we move out with nothing to show for our payments, for Clacka­ mas County has nothing to show for the money expended up to 1916. “Six million dollars at 4 per cent; 500 to 600 miles of hard surface roads at no more expense per annum than if you wait 20 to 25 years to get the same roads. Isn’t it good business?” We condense the foregoing from the Canby News,—Oregon Voter. Notice of Final Account. The undersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the es­ tate of Harry Wingate Cottle, deceas­ ed, in the county court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and the County Judge of said county has appointed Monday, May 14th, ¡917, at to o'clock a.tu. in the county court room in the court house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and place for I hearing objections to said account I and the final settlement thereof. H. T. Botts. Administrator of the Es­ tate of Harry Wingate I Cottle, Deceased. We are now located in our new stand at the FRYE WAREHOUSE at the S.P. Railroad, near the S.P. Depot, where we welcome all our customers to call and see us. We carry a full line of Feed. Silosand Farm Implements. Our prices are the lowest for the value re­ ceived. Let us know your wants. Down town office at A. C. Ever­ son’s Real Estate Office. Both phones at warehouse and office The official report from Berlin Administratrix's Notice to Creditors. 1 says the Germans gave ground before Mail Orders a Menace. the French “because the position be­ Notice is hereby given, that the comes unsuited to them." In the same The fight between the retail selling County Court of the State of Oregon, i way, we take it, that a red hot poker of goods by local merchants and the for the County of Tillamook, has ap- | becomes unsuited to the man who centralization of selling in the hands pointed the undersigned administra­ picks it up.—-Oregon Register. trix of the estate of Thomas Brooten, , of a few huge city corporations in the deceased, and all persons having ----- o----- mail order business is growing more claims against said estate are hereby , An increase in inquiries for Oregon bitter every day. It affects not only notified to present them to said ad­ farms is now being receivedin various the merchant bul every citizen in the ministratrix, at her residence at Clov­ sections of the state, which indicates erdale, Oregon, together with the smaller communities. It is a fight be­ proper vouchers, within six months a movement to the west of eastern tween the country at large and a few from the date of this notice. people who desire to better their con­ Dated March 29th, 1917. big cities, between the bread and but­ ditions. Oregon offers opportunities Ruby Brooten, Admin- If there should ever be any uneasi ­ ter of our neighbors and townsmen to the workers in home building that istratrix of the Estate , are not found in the East, but to the ness as to our ability to transport an and swollen dividends for a few east­ of Thomas Brooten, 1 army to Europe, despite the menace ern millionaires. deceased. drone there is no hoping.—Sheridan of the Prussian submarines, it should Mail order houses have grown rich Sun. be set at rest by the record of the and are growing richer at the expense Summons. ----- O----- 'Twasn't so long ago when a few British in getting the Canadian troops of the local merchant and the smaller In the Circuit Court of the State of pains of horse shoes could furnish safely,across the Atlantic. More than cities. Every dollar that goes to them ________ ______ . County. amusement enough for a real holiday 300,000 of these men have been sent leaves town forever. It is a final Oregon, for Tillamook Coats Driving & Boom Com­ • •• /Illi VIUUI*I| community. VUIIIIIIUIIIl J. 1 imes from North America to England and farewell. And the smaller the town pany, a corporation, In (he ordinary Rave changed. Pitching horse shoes from there to France and not a single the greater proportionate part of this Plaintiff. vs. and the simple games no longer life has been lost on the way. This burden is called upon to bear. amuse us. It has got to be something lias been accomplished under convoy Retail stores are a prime necessity Carl Haberlach and Amanda Haberlach, his wife and Frank more exciting, more expensive and of the British Navy alone, in spite of to every town, hamlet and city. S. Sugimoto, Defendants the fact that the submarines would attracts the more modern before it Spending money at home is a neces­ To Frank S. Sugimoto, one of the have sunk any transport they could attention of the present generation.— sity to the prosperity of that home above named defendants in the name have reached, and without assistance town. Sending money away for some of the State of Oregon; News Times. from the American Navy. If the time thing that could be purchased from You are hereby required to appear should come for us to send an army the local merchant is a direct blow to and answer the complaint filed the war de- It is understood that you and the other defendants partment has several very good reas­ to Europe, we would have the benefit the merchant, to the local newspaper against in the above entitled Court and action ons for not wanting married men not only of the protection heretofore and banks, to every citizen of the en­ on or before the last day of the time given the Canadians by Great Britain, in the ranks. First, a married man tire town. If persisted in and cn- prescribed in the order for publica­ with the responsibilities of supporting but of our own naval forces as well, couraged it means stagnation or tion of Summons herein to-wit: the 35th day of May, 1917, and if you fail a family is apt to worry more or less which by the time we have a force worse for local business interests. to answer for want thereof the plain­ ready for transportation will be much about them; second, die government Every one who has studied the tiff will take judgment against you would feel morally obliged to support more extensive than they are now.— question—except the mailorder hous­ that your damages be assessed and these dependent persons, which Oregonian. es themselves and those directly de­ awarded for the land sought to be appropriated and described as follows would require heavy additional ex- pendent upon them for a livelihood— to-wit: Here ’ s a "bit ” of news that savors of penditures; third, the possibility A strip of land 40 feet in width of true common sense. It may have is opposd to them as an evil of the over, The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide through and upon the lands of future heavy pension claims are re- present economic system. taken the war to do it, but it is al ­ the defendants, for the use of the ' duced to a minimum in any army of The costs of doing business are the most worth the price: Corvallis high plaintiff and being twenty (20) feet single men.—News Reporter. Creo-Septic is completely soluable in water. Two school girl graduates this year will same but the mail order method of in width on either side of the follow­ ----- o— buying results in a loss of interest on ing described center line thereof, to-■ wear graduating gowns costing a sum tablespoon fu Is to each gallon of water is the average When the law provides that 70 per the money that is paid in advance, in wit: in strict conformity with the univers ­ Beginning at ths government quar ­ strength to be used. Being of a soapy nature it proves be expend- cent of the road tax must a delay in receiving and exchanging ter (%) stake on the North boundary very effective for washing the animals and stable uten­ ed in the district where it is paid and al disposition toward economy—not unsatisfactory goods and makes it of Section 24, Township Two South the remaining 30 per cent shall go in­ more than $5. Such is the edict issu­ impossible to examine merchandise of Range Ten West, thence along the | sils, and if used in general improves stable conditions. to the general county fund, how can ed by the board of education. This is previous to receipt and payment for North boundary of Section 24. on a 1 $2.00 a Gallon. a district expect the county to pay for in conformity with the action of the the goods. It has little to defend it ex­ true course North 85 degrees 43Ü 1 boards of enducation in many of the minutes, West 1262.76 feet to the 1-16 ' its permanently improved roads? For cept a supposed saving. Even when corner ou the North line of the this reason about all that a district larger communities of the state, and that saving is apparently real it re­ Northwest quarter of Section 24; will fit in with the idea that has been can do under the present law is to tax thence along the East boundary of sults in a loss to the purchaser. the Northwest quarter (%) of the1 itself and untie its general and special universal for many moons—except No man lives in the world alone. Northwest quarter of Section 24 on a j funds and then call on the county for upon the part of the graduates and a No one is absolutely independent of true course South 1 degree 07 min- j portion of the fond parents. Twenty- what assistance that can be given. his neighbors. Prosperity must be in­ utes West 939.7 feet to the center five and $50 graduating gowns on the Resolutions demanding that the coun­ terlocking, mutual. Whatever benefits line of the right of way of the pro­ ty do the work can accomplish noth­ part of some have caused the parents one member of the community must posed extension of the Coats Driving Boom Company's Logging rail­ ing, for the county has only 30 per of o*hers to stretch themselves un­ in measure beneEl every other mem­ and way; thence along said center line on reasonably in order that their own cent of the tax.—independent. a straight course South 76 de'grees children might not suffer from envy ber. One man's loss is lhe loss of j8 minutes West 1298.6 feet; thence ----- o----- everyone. on this happy occasion.—Umpqua along a line curving regularly to the Without entering into the merits of Valley News. It has been estimated that as high left, radius being 1146.3 feet for a the road bond law, there can be no as twenty per cent of the rural retail distance of 29.3 feet through a cen­ question of the urgent necessity for buying for the county today is done tral angle of 1 degree 28 minutes to a The G°od Roads Way. the adoption of sonic plan or systcui through mail order houses, If the point on the West boundary of Sec­ tion twenty-four Township 2 South of that will give to the state of Oregon There is no reasonable argument farmer will not buy from the mer- Range 10 West, said point being on a the roads necessary to the develop­ against good roads from the progres­ chant in his nearby town that mer- true course South 2 degrees 47 min­ ment of her agriculture prosperity. sive farmer’s standpoint, in the esti­ chant will not be able to buy from the utes West and 1334.7 feet from the Oregon has regions that are as rich mation of Grant B. Dimick, of Ore­ farmer, nor sell him the things he re­ government Section corner common to Sections 14, 13, 24 and 23, all in as* the richest, yet they are lying idle gon City, president of the Willamette quires. If the farmer says: “W'hat of Township 2 South of Range 10 West for the reason that the cost of the Valley Southern Railway and for it?” in time of good crops, the mer­ of the Willamette Meridian; thence transportation of the product of the many years County Judge of Clacka­ chant will be forced to say: "What of along said center line on a regularly at in U4 forbiddingly gr eat. People mas County. A R. Dimick, of Los- it?” when the farmer is in need of curving line to the left radius being 1146.3 ft. and central angle 17 degrees liould give this much thought before Angeles, brother to—Judge Dimick of accommodation or credit. It is not 23 minutes for a distance of ,447.7 feet; 'efusing to vote on the first big Clackamas, gets his garden truck only “a poor rule that doesn’t work thence ou a straight course South 58 hance they have had to begin a coiu- degrees 07 minutes West 1270.8 feet fresh from the garden before 7 both ways” but it is not a rule that ■ rehensive system of stale wide road o'clock every morning from a Farmer I works profitably either way it does to a point on the West boundary of the Southeast quarter of the North­ onstruction.—Seaside Signal. who lives 53 miles from Los Angeles. work. Mutual interests are the only east quarter of Section 23, said point He brings it iu by auto over a hard true interests. No deal is profitable being on a true course North 2 de­ grees 22 minutes East 601.4 feet from Experts say that fiom 45 to $0 per surfaced road. Judge Dimick says it where one man gets the best of it.— the 1-16 corner on the South bound­ it of the oil in the present oil fields Polk County Observer. takes the farmers from Beaver Creek ary of the Northeast quarter of Sec­ s been taken out, and all evidence tion 23 Township 2 South of Range neighborhood, t> miles from Oregon rates a gradual decline in output, 10 West of the Willamette Meridian City, one and one-half hours to drive "The Round-Up." in Tillamook County, Oregon, con­ pullire three and a quarter million into town when they make up their taining in the aggregate 2.71 acres Wheiles in use, and the annual ----- o ■ minds to come and can conic with a all being situated in Sections 23 Edith was light-hearted and tuerry and addition is about 25 per cent, so that and 24 said Township and Range. little "jag” of garden truck.—Oregon over everything. Nothing appealed to unquestionably this country is facing An addition any damages if any, Voter. her seriously. So one day her mother there be, and that the Court includes a shortage of gasoline. It is well knowrt that there has been great decided to invite a very serious young in its final judgment the terms agree­ Twaive Diaciplaa. and conditions contained in person to dinner and he was placed ments waste in the industry, and many min­ ----- o------ plaintiff's offer Jo put in not more next to the light hearted girl. Every­ than three crossings on the grade and ing eugineers say that the drilling of lu Oregon City there are “1 Call at our plant and get prices, thing went well until she asked him: track level at the most convenient wells should be under federal super­ Disciples of Road Efficiency.” save you money. place the number to be designated by "You speak of every one having a vision and there should be careful are sell styled disciples and se you and your co-defendants at the mission. What is yours??" "My mis- trial conservation of oil. Henry Ford is so be preaching some firstclass of this action, at the expense of ONE BLOCK WEST OF P.O sion" said the person, "is to save the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff convinced that some substitute for gospel. gasoline will have to be found that he They relate that during ten years young men.” “Good!” replied the will take judgment appropriating and Both Phones. bas a force of experts experimenting Clackamas County has spent about girl; “I'm glad lu meet you. I wish condemning the lands hereinbefore described for the right of way to-wit; with kersene and alcohol.—Telephone $3,000.000 on roads, and only in 1916 you'ld save one for me.' •» use, ard that it will take judgment Register. did they get anything permanent for ■■■■ •---------- against you and the other defendants their money—about three miles of In a certain military tribunal in for the costs and disbursements of this action. Level-headed people who really de­ permanent road. England recently a caretaker was 1 his Summons is served upon you sire highway improvement and who They show that Clackamas County's claiming temporary exemption on the by publication thereof by order of the 1« their arguments against the pro­ contribution to the State millage tax ground that he had not yet succeeded Honorable A. M. Hare, County Judge posed road bonds are not merely is only $7,500 per year, while the re­ tn finding a suitable substitute for his of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the seeking to excuse an opposition to all turn to Clackamas County, if the work, which included the manage­ absence of the Honorable George R. Bagley, Circuit Judge, of the above improvements will indorse the view Road Bond Bill is enacted, will be 20 ment of an electric installation, patent entitled Circuit Court, which order is expressed by Mr. E. B. Tongue at miles of pavement worth at least ventilating apparatus, and so on Rut dated the toth day of April, 1917, and Iasi Friday's road meeting. In effect $400,000, and ask whether it is not to the chairman of the tribunal a skil­ the date of the first publication there­ it was that the bonds offer the first good business for Clackamas County led caretaker seemed an unnatural of, being the 12th day of April. 19:7, and the date of the last publication practicable method yet presented tor to support the Bond Issue. combination not to be encouraged, will expire on the 25th day of Mav, pulling Oregon out of the mud, and hen you bought your farm,” ask and he expressed the opinion that 1917. V « Webster Holmes, that the mud itself is a complete the Twelve Disciples, "didn't you "any old thing with a mop and dust­ Attorney for Plaintiff. -