1 ' ! r s ■ í TI-T4ÄlBOrHEADLIGHT. MAY 3. 1917 food preparedness . the fate of the nation,. May proprute subject of comment and horn, 1 do believe. the nation not count upon them Notice of Hearing of Final Account. to homily from their pulpits. ’resident Appeal* *o You and to Men The perfume swells the breeze while I 0,1,11 no step that will ¡„crease the 1 he supreme test of the nation has good folks choke and wheeze, , as we W°men, and Children on Farm*. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ PIANO INSTRUCTION. production of their land or that will come. We must all speak, act, I ------ o------ and pass by. I paid for thee a price, dersigned has filed her final account Diploma from Chicago Musical bring about the most effectual I i.«i co- as Executrix of the last will and My Fellow Countrymen: serve together! 'twould buy a mansion twice, now all testament of Johanna Marie Larsen, College.—Beginners receive (he same beloved T.h‘t,On ‘"J*16 and di^^tion The entrance of our own U nbli H TdUCtl? The ‘in- is *'>ort. Woodrow Wilson. are peddling “ice"—1 wonder why? deceased, and that the County Court careful training as the most advanced. ountry into the grim and terrible | It „ of the lnost imperative i.npor- Terms:-—$4.00 per months instruc­ Thy motor has the grip, thy spark 1 of the State of Oregon, for the Coun- ! ty of Tillamook, has set the 19th day tion. ,ar for democracy and human rights I tance that A Good Farmer. plug has the pip, and woe is thine. I, 1 -—t everything possible be of May, A. D., 1917 at ten o’clock a. rhich has shaken the world creates done and doneimmediately’ All lessons given at Studio. ----- o------ too, have suffered chiMs, ague and m. at the court room of said court, in . movsv nrnhlpmc natirtnul liio unrl I ........ 1 I once asked a farm hand how his kindred ills, endeavoring to pay my 1 illamook City, Tillamook County, i 10 many problems of national life and I sure of large harvests *1 I ^a'n County Representative for the sure of large harvests, Oregon, as the time and place for . Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of htg ction which calls for immediate con- young men and old alike and UP °" employer succeeded in doing so well bills, since thou wert mine. Gone is young men and old alike and the hearing of objections, if any there grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrola ¡deration and settlement that 1 hope the abled bodied boys of the lamUo when he only worked ¡0 hours a day. nty bank roll now, nor more ’twould are, to the said account and Uie set­ etc. will permit me to address to you accept and act upon this duty-to Its all in the management,” said he. choke a cow, as once before. Yet if 1 tlement of said estate. Dated April nth, 1917. Q)AVID ROBINSON, M. D ., , few words of earnest counsel and turn in hosts to the farms and make If 1 had had sense enough to titan- had the mon, so help me John—amen. Marina A. Larsen Execu­ ppeal with regard to them. certain that no pains and no labor is age as well as he does I would be I'd buy a car again, and spend sonic trix of the last will and owner of a farm now instead of work­ more. We are rapidly putting our navy lacking in this great matter PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON testament of Johanna Marie Larsen Deceased. ipon an effective war footing and arc I particularly appeal to the f trmers ing by the month. I think he is the Good Though*«. bout to create and equip a great of the South to plant abundant food best manager I ever saw. The work NATIONAL BUILDING, Summons. rmy, but these are the simplest parts I stuffs ; as well as cotton. They can goes on as steady as a clock on his Turn failure into victory — place. There seems to be no rush at TILLAMOOK OREGON. >f the great task to which we have show their patriotism h. in no better or •my time, but I know I am doing bet­ Don’t let your courage fade; In the Circuit Court of the State of iddressed ourselves. There is not a more convincing way than” by 1 Oregon for Tillamook County. resist- ter work and more of it on his farm And if you get a lemon, ingle selfish element, so far as 1 can ing the great temptation of the T. Bona Verna L. Mast, Plaintiff. . —J pres- than I ever did in my life. He has Why, just let the lemon-aid. vs. ee, in the cause we arc fighting for. • l 1 ent price of cotton and helping,, help- Josephine W. Page. Reuben H. Mast, Jr. Defendant. ATTORFfKY-AT LAW. ,Ve are fighting for what we believe “ I ing upon a great scale, to feed the na- every implement fixed to do the best Io Ruben H. Mast, Jr., above nam­ Complete Set of Abstract Bocka ifi nd wish to be the rights of mankind 11 lion and the peoples everywhere who work it will do, and I can tell you it Reveal to us the slow and sure ed Defendant. is a great satisfaction to work with Office. nd for the future peace and security ■ are fighting for their liberty and for In the name of the State of Oregon workings of Thy will; restore our you are hereby required to appear and jf the world. To do this great thing J our own. The variety of their crops them. Then he is the best stock feed­ Taxes Paid for Non Residenta. er 1 know. He feeds the horses just faith in human kind; lift us out of our answer the complaint filed against T illamook B lock , worthily and successfully we must de­ ■Iwill be the visible measure of their you in the above entitled suit and prejudices; teach us to love those enough to keep them even. They are vote oursJves to the service without I comprehension of their national duty. court on or before the last day of the Tillamook .... Oregon not fat as butter in summer and poor from who we differ; sanctify this time prescribed in the order lor the Both Phones. regard to profit or material advantage 1 I The Government of the United great test that has been brought to as crows in summer. When at work publication of this summons, and ii and with an energy and intelligence I States and the governments of the they have full feed, and when they thy people in this land of promise. you fail to so answer for want there­ that will rise to the level of the enter­ I several states stand ready to cooper- T. BO ALS, M.D., stop the feed is cut down at once. He Abate our hatreds, reduce our antag­ of plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for tn the complaint, prise itself. We must realize to the late. They will do everything possible seems to have more sense about these onisms, strip us of our dogmatism, to-wit: For a decree forever dissolv­ full how great the task is and how I to assist the farmers in securing an things than anybody I ever met. The that we may realize that Thy strug­ ing« the bonds of matrimony now ex­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. many things, how many kinds of ele- 1 adequate supply of seed, an adequate fact is, he is a real, cracking good gling children of every name and age isting between plaintiff and defendant Surgeon S.P. Co. Jments of capacity and servicc and | force of laborers when they are most farmer.” and party are Thy children and our and that plaintiff have the custody (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) and care of the minor child, Reuben ■ selfsacrifice, it involves. I needed, at harvest time, and the brothers and sisters, dwellers in the Harrison Mast; and that plaintiff be Tillamook .... Oregon ;■! These, then, are the things we must I means of expediting shipments of fer- PrO-German Against Conscription one home land, members of the one decreed to be the owner of a one- Ido, and do well, besides fighting,— | tilizers and farm machinery, as well third interest in and to the real prop­ family circle.—J. L. C. Jones erty described in the complaint; and w EHSTER HOLMES, I the things without which mere fight- las of the crops themselves when The volunteering principle rests for ------o------ that defendant be adjudged to pay ling would be fruitless: Loving words will cost but little I harvested. The course of trade shall its effectiveness upon an unreasoning the sum of thirty dollars per month ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Jounreying up the hills of life, ! We must supply abundant food for I be as unhampered as it is possible to form of coercion that sheets the best, for support of said minor child, and COMMERCIAL BUILDING, But they make the weak and weary lor such other relief as the court may I ourselves and for our armies and our I make it and there shall be no unwar- the most responsible, the more social­ deem meet with equity, and for the Stronger, braver for the strife. I seamen not only, but also for a large I ranted manipulation of the nation’s ly minded, for risk of extinction. This FIRST STREET, costs and disbursements of said suit. is not all the mischief it would do in Do you count them only trifles? part of the nations with whom we I food supply by those who handle it This summons is served upon .you . OREGON What to earth are sun and rain? by publication by order,of lion. A. TILLAMOOK, have now made common cause, in Ion its way to the consumer. This is the present crisis. It is idle to assert M. Flare, County Judge, of Tillamook Never was a kind word wasted, that we are united in support of this whose support and by whose sides we lour opportunity to demonstrate the County, Oregon, in the absence of H. GOYNE, Never was one said in vain. shall be fighting. I efficiency of a great Democracy and war. There are thousands who believe the judge of the above named Circuit that we should not have made war, Court, which said order was made and I we shall not fall short of it! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. dated the 19th day of April, 1917, and and who would prefer ineffective to Notice. This let me say to the middlemen of We must supply ships by the hun- the date of first publication thereof is Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , effective action on our part. They will April 19, 1917, and date of last pub­ I dreds out of our shipyards to carry to I every sort, whether they are handling Notice is hereby given that the do their utmost to discourage recruit ­ un- lication hereof, and the last date on 1 i 11 it 11100k - • - Oregon, I the other side of the sea, submarine lour food stuffs or our raw materials ing. We may be able to suppress dersigned, administrator of the estate winch you áre required to appear and I or no submarine, what will every day I of manufacture or the products of our overt anti-recruiting campaigns, but of Lars Jensen, deceased, has filed answer is May 31, 1917. I be needed there, and abundant mater­ mills and factories: The eyes of the Johnson & Handley, a vast desil of activity of the kind can his final account in the County Court D R. JACK OLSEN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ials out of our fields and our mines country will be especially upon you. be carried on under cover. Perhaps for Tillamook County, Oregon, and This is your opportunity for signal and our factories with which not only DENTIST. the movement against recruiting will that Saturday, the second day of Astounding R'port for Tillamook. to clothe and equip our own forces on service, efficient and disinterested. prove utterly negligible. But the June, 1917, at the hour of ten a.m., of (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) land and sea but also to clothe and The country expects you, as it ex­ enemy believes that he has millions said date is fixed as the time, and the The wife of a merchant had stomach | support our people for whom the gal- pects all others, to forego unusual of friends in this country who will office of the County Judge, of Tilla­ trouble so bad she could eat nothing Tillamook - Oregon lelff fellows under aims can no long­ I profits, to organize and expedite succeed in thwarting our national mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook but toast, fruit and hot water. Every­ shipments of supplies of every kind, we are cooperat- er work, to help clothe and equip the plans and restraining us from vigor- City, Tillamook County, Oregon, is thing else would sour or ferment. I armies with which to keep the looms but especially of food, with an eye to our employment of our resources. If fixed as the place for the hearing of One spoonful buckthorn bark, glycer­ 0R. L. L. HOY, the service you are rendering and in ing in Europe, and there in raw ma- ine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka 'ben­ our potential power is to have weight the said account. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and manufactories the fires going in the spirit of those who enlist in the in the calculations of Germany we Notice is further given that all per­ efited her instantly. Because Adler-i- terial; coal to keep the furnaces of ranks, for their people, not for them­ must make it clear at once that the sons having any objections to the ac­ ka flushes the entire elementary tract T illamook B lock , selves. I shall confidently expect you ships at sea and in pro-German party in this country, ceptance and approval by said County it relieves any case constipation, sour - Oregon. hundreds of factories across the sea; to deserve and win the confidence of whether large or insignificant, can Court of said final account will ap­ stomach or gas and prevents appen­ Tillamook, steel out of which to make arms and people of every sort and station. dicitis. It has quickest action of any ­ find no point at which to bring ob­ pear at said time and place and show To the men who run the railways of ammunition both here and there; rails structive influences to bear. There cause, if any there be, why the admin­ thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug- JOHN LELAND HENDERSON fot worn-out railways back of the the country, whether they be manag­ must remain no possibility that pro- istrator should hot be discharged and ers or operative employees, let me say fighting fronts; locomotives and roll­ Gelrmanism may nullify our efforts to his bondsmen exonerated. ATTORNEY that the railways are the arteries of ing styck to take the place of those C. C. Jensen, Administrat­ raise men. i AND the nation’s life and that upon them or of the Estate of Lars every day going to pieces; mules, COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW rest the immense responsibility of The Evil of Volunteering. Jensen, Deceased. horses, cattle for labor and for mili­ T illamook B uick , seeing to it that those arteries suffer tary service; everything with which Tillamook - . . • Oregon. no obstruction of any kind, no inef- Does volunteering imply the ab­ the people of England and France ROOM NO. Notice of Completed Contract. ficcncy or slackened power. To the sence of coercion? In every war we and Italy and Russia have usually ---- -o----- merchant let me suggest the motto, have ever fought the ranks have been Here is a message to Notice is hereby given that the supplied themselves but cannot now QARI, HABERLACH, “Small profit and quick service;” and filled in large part by men who have County Surveyor of Tillamook Coun­ suffering women, from afford the men, the materials, or the Mrs. Kathryn Edwards, to the shipbuilder the thought that been subjected to some kind of coer­ ty, Oregon, has filed in this office his machinery to make. of R. F. D. 4, Washington ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the life of the war depends upon him. cion. There is coercion in the reserve certificate of completion of the con­ Court House, Ohio. “1 It is evideent to every thinking man am glad to tell, and have The food and the war supplies must power that our government has al­ tract of Mallory & Blum on the T illamook H kock that our industries on the farm, in the told many women, what be carried adross the seas no matter ways had to draft men if necessary. Compton Trestle in accordiance with I suffered before 1 knew shipyards, in the mines, in the factor­ Tillamook Oregon how many ships are sent to the bot­ Volunteer or be drafted; how much the plans and specifications, and any of Cardui and the great ies must be made more prolific and benefit to be derived from tom. The places of those that go freedom does the formula contain ? person firm or corporation having more efficient than ever and that they down must be supplied and supplied this remedy. A few There is coercion in the contemptuous objections to file to tin* acceptance of yjy C. HAWK, . years ago 1 became prac­ must be more economically managed at once. To the miner let me say that glances with which men, and perhaps said work may do so within two tically helpless .. and better adapted to the particular he stands where the farmer does: the more potently women, measure the weeks from the date of the first pub­ TAKE requirements of our task than they work of the world waits on him. If he PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON' lusty figure of the youth who hangs lication. have been; and what I want to say is slackens or fails, armies and states­ back from the recruiting station. The Dated this 24th day of April, 1917. Bay City that the men and the women who de­ men are helpless. He also is enlisted r < *regon brand of cowardice is widely and in­ First publication April 26, 1917. vote their thought and their energy in the great Service Army. The man­ discriminately imposed in every re­ Last publication May 10, 1917. to these things will be serving the ufacturer does not need to be told, I Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. J E. REEDY, D.V M.» cruiting campaign, and it is not soon country and conducting the fight for hope, that the nation looks to him effected. peace and freedom just as truly and to speed and perfect every process; VETERINARY. Notice to Contractors. To obtain a million men by volun- just as effectively as the men on the and 1 want only to remind his em­ teernng we should need to raise in “I was very weak,” Both Phones. battlefield or in the trenches. The in­ ployees that their service is absolute­ s of Mrs. Edwards goes on Notice is-hereby given that the 5,000,000 or 10,000.000 men’s minds dustrial forces of the country, men ly indispensible and is counted on by to say, “ and could not Oregon ser- Tillamook the question whether they could sur­ County Court of Tillamook County, stoop without suffering and women alike, will be a great in­ every man who loves the country and _ .rrgboat vive the disgrace appropriate to the will receive sealed proposals for con­ great pain . . . Nothing ternational Service Army—a notable ferry be- structing a portion of the Hayocean seemed to help me until slacker. And there is now ’ the least its liberties. 1 heard of Cardui and be­ jantl honored host engaged in the scr- ■1 C ounty County Road, extending from Sta. Let me suggest also, that everyone guaranty that the men who succumb IL T. Bott«, Pre« , Aflqi'tiey gan the use of it... I ice of the nation and the world, the who creates or cultivates a garden to the impulsion to enlist will be the 70 plus 00 to Sta. 211 plus 00 accord­ at-Law. gradually gained my efficient friends and saviors of free helps, and helps greatly, to solve the more bellicose, the more dispensible ing to the plans and specifications on strength ... 1 am now John Leland Henderaon, Sec­ able to do all my work. ” men everywhere. Thousands, nay, problem of the feeding of the nations; to the community. Quite the contrary. file in the office of the County Clerk retary Treaa., Attoruey-at If you need a tonic take hundreds of thousands, of men other- and that every housewife who prac­ Skilled men much needed by an in­ of Tillamook County, until 10 o’clock Cardui. It is for women. Law and Notrary Public. ,wise liable to military service will of tices strict economy puts herself in dustry under stress of war will join a m. of the nth day of May, 1917, and It acts gently and reliably and will probably help tight and of necessity be excused in the ranks of those who serve the the army while loafers and bunglers at that time publicly opened and Tillamook Title and you as it helped this lady. From that service and assigned to the nation. This is the time for America will refuse service. Men who are the read Abstract Co. All Druggist* fundamental, sustaining work of the to correct her unpardonable fault of mainstay of dependent families will All proposals must be on blank EB 12 field.s and factories and mines, and wastefulness and extravagance. Let offer their live«, while other men form to be obtained from the County Abstract«. Real Enlate, Clerk or County Surveyor, and must tlfey wvill be as much part of the great Inaurante. and every woman assume whose sole responsibility is to them ­ every man -•- < Both Phones. patriotic forces of the nation as the the duty of careful, provident use and selves will cynically repudiate all ob­ be accompanied by cash, certified check, or bidder’s bond of approved men under fire. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. expenditure as a public duty, as a dic­ ligation to the country. It is in the na­ I take the liberty, therefore, of ad­ tate of patriotism which no one tan ture of the unorganized coercion of form, equal to a4 least five per cent of dressing this word to the farmers of now expect ever to be excused or the community to drive to the ranks the total amount of said bid, and no •the coiantry and to all who work on experience has proposal shall be considered unless those whose life forgiven for ignoring. check or bond is enclosed the farms: The supreme need of our In the hope that this statement of made them most responsible to the such cash, The County Court re­ therewith, own nation and of the nations with the needs of the nation and of the needs of others. serves the right to reject any or all which we are cooperating is an abun- world in this hour of supreme crisis proposals or accept the proposal ance of supplies, and especially of may stimulate those to whom t My Auto, TH of Thee. deemed best for Tillamook County. food stuffs. The importance of an comes and remind all who need re­ ------o Dated this 24th day of April, 1917. adequate food supply, especially for minder of the solemn dut.es of a time My auto, ’tis of thee, short cut to around half Erwin Harrison, County Clitk. e the present year, is superlative. With­ such as the world has never seen be­ poverty—of thee 1 chant. I blew a pile drenched when First publication April 26, 1917. out abundant food,, alike for the fore. I beg that all editors and publish of dough on you two years ago, and Last publication May IO, 1917. UvFISH BRAND armies and the peoples now at war, er, everywhere will give as prommen now you refuse to go, won’t or can’t. Through town and countryside you the whole great enterprise upon publication and as wide c.rculat.on as Call For City Warrant». which we have embarked will break possible to this appeal. I venture to were my joy and pride; a happy day. ■ o ■ — down and fail. The world’s food re­ suggest. also, to all adverting I love the gaudy hugh, thy nice white All outstanding City General Fund will keep you dry and serves are low. Not only during the agencies, that they would perhaps tires so new, but now you’er down and through in every way. To thee, warrants and all Road Fund warrants present emergency but for some time render a very substantial and urn comfortable DONE RIGHT old rattle box, came many bumps and endorsed on or before Oct. 31, 1916, after peace shall have come both our service to the country if they DEALERS EVERYWHERE payment. Interest at / — i. And I knocks; for thee I grieve. Badly thy arc called for own people and a large proportion of give it widespread repet.t.oa OUR 80 U YEAR ceases this ryth day of April, 1917. are thy seats and torn, frayed 'A.J rowtaco BOSTON the people of Europe must rely upon hope that clergym-n will not «o' think ,h,nk top is RIGHT PRL si y v bit tv. M. W. Harrison City Treas. the harvest in America. Upon the for­ m worthy « | •ror" > a «hooping cough effects thy the theme of it ■■ mers of this country, therefore, in L as Tne Woman’s Tonic Have Your House Wiring Done by REFLEX SLICKER’S large measure, rests the fate of the Í « Goagt power Co. « I