TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 3, I 1917. ADVERTISING RATES. I who have started a campaign of lies HUÍA HO m E-F i KST” the Borka homestead at Battle Lake. Legal Advertisements. J and false insinuations to defeat the CAMPAIGN. We wish them a peaceful voyage over First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 state bond measure, and we hope the the matrimonial ocean, and hope Each subsequent insertion, line. .0$ people will resent that kind of thing . Movement Should tie Started in Til­ their lives will only have enough Business and Professional cards lamook tor "wrung Sour Own I in June. We believe they will. clouds to make a glorious sunset. one month...................................... 1.00 Home." o------ Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schmelzer Locals per line each insertion... 05 District Attorney E. B. Tongue, of | visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chopard Display advertisements, an inch novel; , The "Buy a Home-First’* Conimit- last Sunday. I ¡Washington Washington County, made a novel and Lodge Notices, per line . •®S suggestion to the County Court of tec. t'ordand, sends out the tollow- R. Y. Blalock canvassed the south All Resolutions of Condolence T of the county several ' that county, which he Xlated at a ' mg circular letter wmeh . should inter- j ! end days recent­ one month..................................... •50 good roads meeting last week. This vst me people of this city, it is as ly. is what he said: j follows; R. B. McClay, Jim Barker and H. A. T he "Buy a Home-First" movement Chopard went to Blaine one day last “It was the muddy roads with which THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. F. C. BAKER, Publisher. the county had struggled for years. was started by the Executive Com­ week to appraise some land in the in­ The bonds promise relief and for one mittee 01 the National Association of terest pf the Farm Loan Association. he was willing to take a chance. As to Kcal instate Boards at a meeting held placing a mortgage on the state, he "in savannah recently. 1 1HE TRAIL BLASERS said that every farmer mortgaged his i he Association Had tor some time OF OREGON farm if he found it advantageous and bean investigating a tailing off in We believe it. “1 don’t know any­ most city enterprises were built in the home buying and building and finally Prize Winning Essay °n Good Roads. thing that 1 can do that will increase same way. He owned a farm of 200 decided that this was largely due to W«n By. Geo. R. Schrieber, the value of my farm more than a acres and had been trying to make a the fact that the men are buying Shedd, Oregon. hard surfaced highway through the ----- o------ county,'* said a dairyman the other trip to it for several weeks, but auto­ autos, diamonds and fine clothes— The very life of the nation pulsates mobiles could not get through the nrst and homes last. day. mud. He had made a proposition to Not only nad the building of homes over 2,000,000 miles of road. In many The Clatsop County Court is onto the county court that he would assess ceased, but the purchases of mater­ sections the throb of travel is normal, its job. It knows that the Ncah-Kah- . himself $10 an acre if> the county ials entering into the construction business a success, schools are plenti­ --------- .............. --------- -------------------- Nic Mountain route - will not only „v be , courl Ul J « hard surface and equipment of homes had slacken- ful and of the best, and community — up ------ . _ to .... life ideal. Why? Because the roadbed a great boosting, scenic road for Till- ! road ’he ,--------------- P>a«c. and — be --------- would ,. place amook county, but Clatsop county a mortgage on the place to get the J President Haas at once appointed a is hard and lasting. Egypt flourished as long as it was sees that it will help boost that coun­ money. The road, would be a great committee to work out the details of benefit to him individually to justify a National "Buy a Home—First” on the world’s thoroughfares; Persia ty as well. doing this and the same would be true canlpaign> the principal purposes of with • its post roads, held its own I ' Are you going to vote for or again­ with the state as a whole.” which is to popularize the good old- against rivals; Rome conquered the I st Tillamook County obtaining about fashioned idea of "owning your own world because of her military roads; I GERMANS ROUSE IRE. Venice sank into oblivion when the Oo miles of hard surfaced road to be home." I paid for by the state bands and auto The general plans adopted by the routes to Asia were cut off. But with licenses, the county simply to prepare Teutons in America Scorned By I National 113OUVI» Association llvil w were V. * taken up Napoleon’s roadbuilding came a new Kaiser Bef°re War. the road bed, which will amount to J by various progressive Realty Boards era for France. ------ o— Shina's roads spell China's darkness. little in comparison to what the hard Washington, April 30.—Count von 1 throughout the country and the prop­ Open the roads and the cloud is dis­ surfacing will cost. aganda spread and the enthusiasm Bernstoff, ex-Gcrman Ambassador to created was contagious, for other in­ pelled. Will we as an intelligent peo­ Our Democratic friend, Bro. Trom­ the United Slates, before the war dustries sized up the idea and the cam­ ple stand back and allow the gloom bley, was a great booster for Harry I spoke disparagingly of German citi­ paign which is nation wide is being of busine** depression, illiteracy, in­ Lane for U. S. Senator, the man who zens in this country, saying they had worked out by good fellows every­ sanity and pauperism to engulf us? would not support the president in a run away from the fatherland to where who want their fellow men to Shall we continue to pay 5 cents in­ national crisis, and we suppose at the avoid military service and were "out­ stead of only 1 cent to haul a bushel a home laws”, according to a statement made realize the glory of being next state election will be boosting of wheat ten miles; or 23 cents per owner. for West to jump into Lane’s shoes. public today by Senator Phelan, of ' The lumbermen were quick to see ton a mile, while the European farm­ But Oregon has had enough of . * California, in connection with com­ the desirability oi a ’’Buy a Home— er hauls for 7 «ents, and whenever he Chamber lain-Lane-West combination. ment on the passage of the war Army First” campaign and a great move­ pleases. The federal government! says bill. —-o —• one horse on mucadam pulls as much The remarks attributed to Von ment which is being planned ui 60 Wc arc told that the farmers are as 10 on a sand or mud road. Florida towns will be handled by opposed to bonding the state for hard Bernstorff, Senator Phelan explained, People of Oregon be “Trail Bla- lumbermen alone. The world’s great­ surfaced roads, which will benefit were made during an interview which zers!” est lumoer journal. The American them more than any other class. If he had with the Ambassador in Mun­ we may be permitted to make a re­ ich in 1913 in an effort to get Ger­ Lumberman, is giving whole pages to Resolution ni Condolence. mark, a large number of farmers are many to participate in the Panama- the development of the idea and last falling all over themselves to obtain Pacific Exposition. Mr. Phelan urged week they devoted the entire front Whereas God in> his infinite wisdom farm loans from money raised by a German exhibit on the ground that page to an article on “Build a Home.” Every day the committee receives has seen fit to remove from our midht bonds. And when one looks over Germans in the Uaited States would word regarding some new town that Mrs. W. H. Bell, mother of Sister county records he finds in this county be proud of it. Pearl Coates. that many farmers have mortgages, “He immediately resented that”, is opening a campaign and when it is Therefore be it resolved by Silver remembered that at the present writ ­ which is the same as a bond, on their said Senator Phelan in his statement, Wave Chapter, No. 18, that we ex­ ing 100 towns are already m the whirl dairy farms. "Much to my surprise he substantial­ aend our sympathy to Sister Pearl! --------- o------ ly said, 'do not talk about those peo­ of a “Buy a Home—First” movement, Coates in her bereavement, and that" For the information of our citizens ple. We do not care what they think the scope of the work can be realized. the millage tax will be about $5,000 a or want. They have deserted the | 1 he announcement that the govern­ these resolutions be placed on the l ooks and a copy sent- to sister Pearl' year for Tillamook County and the fatherland. They have run away to ment will build one hundred-and fifty automobile license will pay for the avoid military duty. They have been 3600 ton boats in Portland, during the Coates and to the local papers. Mrs. Reedy, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. $6,000,000 bond issue, w hich gives Til­ false to the old traditions. They are next twelve months brings to our lamook County between 50 and no outlaws,' and that was the sentiment minds some idea of the money that is Wilev, committee. miles of hardsurfaced pavement. of official Germany then, as 1 be-. going to be put into circulation there. Resolution of Condolence. Whether the state bond measure car­ I lievc it is today. They regard those ' \\ c must get ready for good times. ries or not, the county will have to good people, who are expected to Never will the spendthrift be so busy Whereas God in his infinite wisdom pay the $5,000, which goes into the render service to the autocracy now. and it is up to us to convert him. Our ha* seen fit to remove from our state highway fund, and if this county as outlaws, as men who have fled campaign is going to have great in­ midst, W. D. Gilbert, 1 father of fluence upon the lives of our citizens, Brothers Edgar K. Gilbert and Wil- is not in a position to prepare the from their duty. road bed, the money will be used in "1 think our German-American it will keep money home for the pur- lian» Gilbert. other counties. citizens should know and understand chase of necessities and prevent to a There fore, be it resohred by Silver that that is the Prussian estimate of great extent the flow of niomey out Wave Chapter, No. 18; that we ex- The cement trust of Portland them, and they would be confirmed of Oregon into the hands of the pur- tend onr sympathy to ottr brothers in pleaded guilty in the Federal Court ' in what I believe to be their sincere veyors of luxuries. The basic princi- their bereavement arrrf that these ami paid a fine of $10,000 for alleged conviction that their duty lies w itli pies of thrift will be drilled into the resofrrtions be places on the books combination to apportion territory | America in this struggle.” minds of old and young and Portland and a copy sent to Rrwthers Ed. and and control prices. Wc don’t >ec why is going to be a better city as a re­ WilT Gilbert and to the focal papers. these rascals should not be given a Mrs. Reedy, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. > 4 "Cement Trust" Penalties $10,000. sult of our work. jail sentence. A person sells a bottle The local campaign will start with a Wiley, Committee. of beer or a bottle of whisky and gets Officers of tour cement companies big write-up in the Sunday papers of a fine and jail sentence but the Port­ that had been included in a Federal May 6th and throughout the month ALL WRONG. land cement trust gets oft with a fine, indictment against members of the the slogan “Buy a Home—First” will four of the companies paying a tine of so-called "cement-trust” charging an be burned into the minds of Portland The Mistake is made by Many Tilla­ mook Citizens. $.>,500 each There is no doubt but | , illegal combination to apportion ter- people until it will be mighty embar- Look for the cause of backache. what they had a good laugh when 11 I ritory and control prices, in behalf of rasing not to own a home. To lie cured you must know the they found they were not sent to jail 1 their companies entered pleas of cause. If it's weak kidneys Notice to Alien Enemies. gully before Federal Judge Wolvcr- When the Nehalem limes, the You must set the kidneys working ' ton on Monday. right. Headlight and certain Tillamook wire All alien enemies of the United A resident of McMinnville shows pullers get through locating the I t liar) s L. Kearnes, United States States of America arc hereby notified y mi how. Wheeler-Nehalem road and bridge, I Attorney, had first made the statc- to surrender at once to the sheriff of Frank Grant, 4 32 laifayqjte Ave, the Wheeler Reporter may have a 1 ment in court that it would be satis- Tillamook County, or to one of his McMinnville, Ore, says: “Doan's to have 1 factory to the Government word to -ay on the Subject,- Wheeler Kidney Pills are the only medicine one dclendanl from each of the four regular deputies, any and all of the that does nic any good whenever my Reporter. following mentioned articles which lack feels lame and stiff. Heavy lift­ \\ by' jump onto the Headlight companies cuter a pica oi guilty lor the corporation and dismiss the in­ they may have in their possession, ing and exposure gets my kidneys out when there are so many prominent , nf fix once in a while. I can hardly dictment as against the other defend­ to-wit: citizens in the Nehalem \ alley w ho lift anything, and when I get down it ' \ny firearm, weapon, or implement ants from these companies. is difficult for me to straighten up. are opposed to a bridge being built Judge Wolverton, upon recommen­ of war, or component pert thereof, After I have taken ---- Doan’s Kidney from Dean's Point to Wheelei? Well, ammunition, maxim or other silencer, | Pills for a tew days, my r back feels the snap shot man has seen a good dation of United States A ttorncy or _______ material _____ used i strp"R a«nVcr' . ... 1 Realties, lined each of the four de­ bomb, < or explosive, many newspapers started to boost Price 50c., at all dealers. Don't I feiidants $2500, a total ol ÿ 10,000, in the manufacture of explosives; any simply ; ask for a kidney remedy— real estate, and as the Reporter is in | t aircraft or wireless apparatus, or any get Doan’s Kidney *•’’ * Pills—the same that class, what it has to say will which was paid by certified checks. form of signaling device, or any form I as Mr. Grant uses. ___ Foster-Milburn The four who entered pleas of the ! have little or no weight with of cipher code, or any paper, docu­ I Co., Props. Buffalo, N. V. guilty on behalf of their companies people of the county. and were lined were W. H. George, ment, or book written or printed in F°r Sal*. ------ o------ Some amazing remarks are made by secretary of the Cowell Portland cipher or in which there may be in­ One half acre with house and barn. those who oppose the $<>.000,000 state Cement Company; F. G. Drum, presi­ visible writing. I Dated at Tillamook. Oregon, this bottom land. 1 j mile from city. bond measure. Mr. Spence, Master of dent of the Pacific Portland Cement | 30 acres 6 miles South of City, with the State Grange, makes the glaring Company; William G. Henshaw, pres­ ,V»th day of April, lQty. I good house $1700. T. H. Goyne, District Attorney of For rent 8 acres with house and assertion that the hard surlier policy ident of the Riverside Portland Ce­ barn just east of Fair Grounds. cost Multnomah County $2,000,000 in ment Company, and George T. Cam­ Tillamook County, Oregon. J. S. Stephens. W. 1 . Campbell. Sheriff of Tilla- royalties. That county expended eron, president of the Santa Cruz Office in Commercial Building, room | mook County, Oregon . $1,250,000 on hard surfaced roads. •Portland lenient Company, all Cali­ a. The Master of the State Grange is fornia corporations. Boulder Creek. Before pronouncing sentence, the certainly making himself look foolish. Ornamental Fire Places Built ----- o— Here is another absured assertion: court asked the United Slates Attor- of Brick and Stone. All Fire Chas Hlunt and family, of Clover­ Places absolutely guaranteed Some of those who arc opposing the ny if whatever combination there not to smoke or money re­ measure say it will cost $10.000 a mile may have been in restraint of trade dale, visited the R. C. M.irg.irell home funded. to prepare the road bed. State Engi­ had been dissolved. Mr. Rcaincs re­ one day last week. Brick work of all kinds done L. N. Sondoz made the trip to Bea neer Nunn went over some of the plied that it had been. on short notice. ver and back, last Tuesday roads in Yamhill county last week We make a specialty of re­ Rheumatism. Herman and Robert Nicklaus and and stated that it would cost less than pairing smoking Fire Places. , If you arc troubled with chronic or Virgil Spece spent last Sunday a it h $isoon per mile to make ready certain muscular rheumatism give Chamber- istretche« of roads in that county for lain’» Liniment a trial. The relief Norman Chopard. John Borba, Jr. and Miss Helen ■ h< hard surfacing It seems to 11« from pain which it affords is alone Bhat there are a number of agitators worth many times the cost. For sale Nehl were married last Thursday, I (by Lamar's Drug Store. 'TILLAMOOK onr and have gone to housekeeping on Editorial Snap Shots. RALPH e ' WARREN, SEE MABEL TALIAFERRO IN The Story of a Girl's Sacrifice « « A WIFE BY PROXY.” A Metro Wonderplay. Gem Theatre, Saturday and Sunday. Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. THE SCARLET LETTER The story everyone has read and admittedly tlie greatest American novel, lives before you in the WILLIAM FOX F’eerless Production of Hawthorne's Classic with STUART HOLMES as Pastor Dimmesdale AT Gem Theatre, Thursday, May lOth. Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. The Potatoe King of Wash­ ington will not permit plant­ ing his Potatoes before they have been properly treated with Bichloride of Mercury. Directions for use at C. I. CLOUGH CO TILLAMOOK, ORE. HARRIS-AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY announce the arrival of their new SPRING STOCK! OF Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses Make your selections early while our stock is complete. FREE ! FREE ! I FREE! ! ! With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display. RAY & CO. 6th and Hoyt Sts , Near DEPOTS. PORTLAND - ORE. Fireproof. Xewlv Decorated. RATES- 75c. to $2.00. L. W. HIMES, Manager. DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Orego