Jtoîiliflljt ■I Vol. XXVII. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. For those who need a few cows to '•H up their herd, at a reasonable fig­ ure call at Commercial Stable, Tilla­ mook, and get what you want, we nave them. For sale, a surrey with presto lights i .Ind set of harness, also single buggv; I two cows, four and five years old, fresh this spring, Peter Schranz, Mutual Phone. « Now is the time to look after your Fire Insurance on all your property. i Ii will surprise you how cheaply you can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie W. Watson. Before you buy an Ensilage-machine it will pay you to see Shrode, for he can save you money on a high grade machine. He can sell you the best machine for the best money. * Don t forget those busted castings. Can be welded for half. Goods sent by parcel post and express promptly ! returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, I Oregon. • THRIFT IS THE “SHOCK ABSORBER” I f i That takes the jolts and jars out of life later on and gives yon that worry-free, successful air which comes from the knowledge of the little ” nest-egg” earning you 4 per cent interest in some good bank like ours. To be thrifty and prudent from 21 to 50 means a successful and com- fortable old age- Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. W. A. Wise, dentist. * ' Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough t Co. • Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- terns. Noglare Auto Lens at w. A. « Williams. Shop to rent, next to tny office.— « T. H. Goyne. For Sale—One Oak Dining Table, One Oak Writing Desk, One Oak China Closet. Steel Range and a $480 | piano at a bargain.—Mrs. W. A. Wil­ Why not be insured in the best fire liams, Fifth Street. insurance company, it costs no more. Don’t try to raise calves on some See Everson. * cheap untried calf food. Better get I am in the market at all times for that which has proven itself to be the | your baby calves—Smith "The Calf best on the market. Blochford’s Calf Man,”—Both Phones. Meal is the best.—See Shrode at Till­ Milk ranch to rent, one mile from amook Feed Co. * town, with 12 cows, on shares. All Frank Heyd & Company, who have bottom land.—L. L. Stillwell. ♦ the contract to remodel the Covit For cheap fertilizer for your garden and meadow, see Frank Elliott at Franklin Fish Market. We have a Stuetbaker Almanac on hand for any rancher who calls for it. Ask Shrode. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, A full line of standard spark plugs, ♦ Cloverdale, Ore. also other automobile accessories at * Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs W. A. Williams Harness Shop. For Sale — New modern residence, at C. I. Clough Co. located in best residence district. For Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re- I sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * * duced to suit the times. Loose and bailed hay for sale—Ap­ Garbage gathered free. See M. R. ply to Clarence Hancnkrat, Tilla- Hanankrat, or call Main 6FlI. tjtook. 3* For Furnished Rooms at reasonable W. A. Williams carries a full line of *2 j Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay price, See Mrs. E. Plank. Blacksmith Coal—Right Coal— you to look over his stock when in Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * need. the The Prescilla Club will meet with ’ “The Scarlet Letter” is one of Mrs. Albert Plank Friday afternoon. supreme screen achievemnts of the present day, see it at the Gem Theatre D. L. Shrode is liable to dispose of May io. his interest in the Tillamook Feed | For Sale— Set of demountable rim Co. to J. W. Riley. wheels for Ford or Chevrolet. Will Dr. Wise will be at Nehalem Hotel take your old wheels as part payment. Saturday and Sunday up to noon, of Ira C. Smith, Bell Phone. this week. Will pay you to see Everson for a •afe investment in city property or farm lands. ♦ One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, See Rosenberg. 2* Rollie W. Watson was elected one of the directors of the Insurance Fed­ eration in Portland on Saturday. Young women needing employment tan obtain work by applying to the ♦ Crystal Laundry. t!||||||||]]||||| Dr. Wise is having some of the Bar View, furniture, stoves, tents and camping outfits brought to Tilla- mook to be auctioned off, or sold at private sale. 2* I i I Ill ms; I1. N. Wilson and wife left on Mon­ day for Newton, Iowa, and will be gone about nine months. It is 16 years since they were back east visiting relatives. Open a savings account today I 1’ 50 PER YEAR. Money to loan on farm lands, from $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate of interest. We want your business. See Everson. • J. M. DeLillies has bought the Jones Apartment house. And will be known in future as the DeLillies Apartments. Trojan Powder, the powder with­ out a headache, is the best powder for blowing stumps or any other work.— Tillamook Feed Company. Nearly everybody uses some of Armor’s goods, see their stockyards and packing plant in pictures at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday night. H. Mason & Co., has .taken over the Standard patterns formerly sold by • Lamar’s Variety Store. John Feldschau, Concrete contrac- W. A. Williams has just received a ,or- concrete silos built. All work complete line of oil clothing. You S’tirintccd.Both phones. * should inspect his stock when in need f or Sale—Five room rtrictly mod- of anything in the oil clothing line. * The Franklin Fish Market is now *rn Bungalow, east part of town, ♦ ',750.00. Easy terms.—Headlight. * open for business, drop in and look Henry Uithof, Contractor and around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— u'lder, Estimates furnished, Barns F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. For Sale—A paying sawmill in the ••d Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 South end of the County. It will make For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City or 11,100.00 cash. Call or address money for you. Taylor Real Estate 2t- Mrs C. N. Drew. * Agency, Cloverdale, Ore. On Tuesday night at the Gem A W ofe By Proxy” is something have an educational r— of ' the ordinary, but this is what Theatre we w rill ............ photopla> ’film showing you through the big Mabel Taliaferro is in . a p- 0 the same name to be shown at a. the — I . Armor stock yards and packing plant, m Theatre Saturday and Sunday. I sec this at no additional cost to you. House started work on Monday. A flag pole was erected on top of the ! cupola, the top of which is 125 feet , from the ground. Clatsop County Court has decided , on the coast road for the highway through that county, and it is up to ; this county to make the connections. ' The Highway Commission has con- , curred in this. Mrs. A. F. Smith, of Battle Creek, i Mich., a daughter of Mrs. L. Larson, of this city, has became the head ’ supervisor of the Battle Creek Sana- tarium. Mrs. Smith was previously a nurse employed by Dr. Boales. The Women’s Civic Improvement ' League will hold their monthly meet- , ing Saturday at 2:30 at the City Hall. I All members are requested to be pres­ ent, as matters of importance will be W. J. Stephens vs. Frank Fitzpat­ taken up. rick is a suit filed in the circuit court I have a number of store buildings, to recover rent on a lease, the de­ houses and office rooms to rent. Also fendant having leased the basement can give desirable ground lease in floor of the Commercial Building for various parts of the city desirable to $50.00 per month. Plaintiff claims almost any needs. See me also for $450.00 and interest thereon at the city property on payments to suit rate of six per cent, your income.—Rollie W. Watson. The April meeting of the Swastika Kosenberg Bros, have opened a Club was held with Mrs. Botts, An large line of all kinds of hay, feed, enjoyable afternoon was spent with near the saw mill and will carry a large feed store on 2nd Avenue East fancy work and chatting. A dainty flour, grass seeds at the very lowest luncheon was served by the hostess prices. Special prices on hay and who was assisted by her sister Mrs. t feed in car lots. * (Whiles. Mrs. N. J. Myers was the Stuart Holmes plays the part of. guest of the afternoon. Arthur Dimmesdale in "The Scarlet I j “The Scarlet Letter" is the most Letter”,taken from Hawthorne’s novel ■ pathetic story of human love and pas- of the same name. Don t miss this un­ I sion ever told. For sixty years Haw- usual attraction at the Gera 1 heatre, I thorn’s famous work, in book form Thursday, May 10. Adults chil­ and on stage, has driven home into thousands of hearts, its terrible tale dren 5c. “A Wife by Proxy” is a story told of justice gone wrong. William Fox on the screen, of a poor Irish lassie picture at Gem Theatre, Thursday, who upon the death of her father in May 10th. the old country comes to America to find Norton Burbeck, a wealthy young club man. Gem Theatre Satur- day and Sunday. Hawthorn’s Pathetic Novel exalted to lofty plane of a Passion Play by beautiful picturization, realty throbs in every scene, cast and settings have never been equaled. Dont fail to see this William Fox Production at the Gem Theatre, Thursday, May to. , Attorney Webster Holme* was in Salem this week and appeared in the Supreme Court in the case of W. S. Cone vs. Bay City, which had been decided by that court, but an effort is being made to have the case re- opened by the bond buyers. Mrs. Grace Johnson, who resides in Sunnymead addition, was found dead in bed early Wednesday morning. She was 25 years of age and it was thought that heart trouble was the cause of her death. It is expected that the remain* will be buried on Saturday. blossoms, FOO was the feature of the afternoon and first honors fell to Mrs. W. . Campbell and second honors to Mrs. F. C. Baker. After the games were finished, the Hostesses assisted by Mrs. J. F. Stranahan served a dainty lunch, The invited guests were Mesdames, Anderson, Hall, Crenshaw, Byers, Koch, Haber- lach, Morrison, Partridge, Winslow, Campbell, Holmes, Clough, Lamb, Haltom, E. Plank, J. P. Allen, Christensen, A. Plank, Walls, Feeney, Stranahan, Butts, Holden, J. S. I.a- mar, D. Robinson, and M. Schultz. Mrs Anderson with her family have come to join her husband, and will reside here permanently. needs some 16,000 men to fill up the ships of the fleet and this branch 06 tile service offers exceptional oppor­ tunities for rapid advancement. Becomes Permanent Pastor. On Wednesday evening, May 2, Rev. Donald A. MacKcnzie, who has sup­ plied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church of this city for nearly two years, will be installed as permanent pastor. The occasion will be graced by the prominence of three prominent ministers who have been delegated by the Willamette Presbytery to per­ form this pleasant duty. Rev. Carl H. Elliott, I). D., moderator of the Wil­ lamette Presbytery will preside and propound the constitutional questions S. Watson, chief signal quarter­ to the pastor elect and the congrega­ master of the U. S. N., who was in tion. Rev. Bruce Giffen, of McMinn­ Tillamook on last Thursday, returned ville will preach the sermon. Rev. J. to Portland on Friday with Tom R. N. Hell, D. D., of Corvallis will ad­ Keys, Orel Thayer, Percy Thayer and dress the congregation, and Dr. E1- John Phillips, all who were to Joln j liott will charge the pastor.—Observ- the U. S. Navy for service. It was re­ | cr Dallas. The 10th Company, Coast Artillery, ported that all the above bo^ » passed I Whooping Cough. is under order to hold itself in read­ the physical tests with the exception iness to be called out, and it is ex­ of the Phillips lad, and that the other One of the most successful prepar­ pected in a few days the company will three boys were immediately routed ations in use for this disease is Cham­ to Mare Island navy yard to be there berlain’s Cough Remedy. S. W. Mc­ receive orders to entrain for Portland. The company is not fully equipped,, transferred to Goat Island in San Clinton, Blandon Springs, Ala., writes "Our baby had whooping cough as having only suits for 75 men, but this Francisco bay for training service, bad as most any baby could have it. I preparatory to joining a ship. Sam will be provided when the company gave him Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ Moulton’s boy who enlisted several edy and it soon got him well.” For arrives in Portland. weeks ago has been assigned to the sale by Lamar's Drug Store. May day was fittingly observed on Asiatic station. While the recruiting Tuesday with May pole dances at the I officer was here he made his quarters public school, a large number of per­ | with Rollie W. Watson, at his office, I)R. WISE sons attending, who visited the school who assisted in recruiting. On last and inspected the work done by the j Thursday afternoon Rollie W'atson Can be Found on pupils. The May Queen was Harriett I made an address to the high school DeFord and her attendants were, ‘ students in the auditorium of the Monday at TILLzXMOOK. Maxine Baker, Clara Leap, Camille high school, the U. S. Navy and its Haltom, Sarah Trombley, Catherine many opportunities being presenteed Tuesday at CIXIVERDALE. Kirk and Wanda Haltom; Pages as well also, a large framed picture Wednesday at TILLAMOOK were Donald Crenshaw and Norman of the Battle of Manila Bay being pre­ Thtiraday nt TILLAMOOK, Burdick. sented to the school, Mr. Watson Friday at TILLAMOOK. Mrs. O. A. Schultz and Mrs. Carl served for over seven years in the at NEHALEM Schultz entertained at a party Tues­ navy, having been with Admiral Saturday day afternoon in honor of their sister- Dewey in his fleet 19 years ago when Both Phoiien. in-law, Mrs. Alfred J. Johnson, The the Spanish fleet was destroyed in house was decorated with spring« those water«. The navy at this time