TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 26. 1917. SID HENDERSON WRITES FROM OKLAHOMA RURAL CREDITS HELD UP Bids for First Bond Issue N°t at Par ' Gives Account of Mining Town of Piok«e. The Break in the German Western Front. THE ELECTRIC SCRUB WOMAN A New Electric Device Which Mops Sweeps and Dries up Floors in the House. The military achievements of the No applications for loans from the I French and British against the Ger­ -o------ rural credits fund will be received There are tasks by the score in the mans during the last month are amaz­ until the outcome of the sale of the Sid Henderson, son of Attorney J. average home today which are com­ ing says The Spokesman Review. L. Henderson, who resided here a next bond issue can be determined. pleted in the course of a day’s» work The Anglo-French armies have al- few years ago, sends this interesting The recent attempt to secure satis­ and drudgery with the same old irk­ , ready achieved as much now as they factory bids on the issue of, $250,000 letter to his father: had expected to achieve by the end of some methods whisch our mothers These are very exciting and busy worth of 4 per cent bonds was a fail­ used before the war. The scrub wom­ | days for Lucia and me. We are just ure, as no par bids were received and May- en we encounter in homes and public Thy have won success which the well settled in our new home on the all for less were rejected byi the de­ buildings cleans the floors in much . Germans on the fighting front des ­ credits of the Prairie at I’iokee, Okla., That may partment of rural the same laborous and unsanitary cribe as the most considerable since sound very distant from all the mod­ State Land board at Salem. A few­ their defeat on the Marne in Sep­ way it was done twenty years ago. ern conveniences of life, but most so bids were received from outside of tember of 1914. 1 hey have not been The only improvement, if there is any with us, for we are in the heart of the the state but Oregon capitalists did delayed by the devastation of the tef- may be in the modern washing com­ Oklahoma lead and zinc belt. Money not offer to take one cent’s worth at 1 ritory from which the Germans with­ pound as contrasted with lye soap, is no object to most of the people any price. drew in March. Despite every im- the old standard cleanser of home | here and especially the man I work Walter L. Tooze, Jr., attorney for aginable obstacle they have brought manufacture. But the method of re­ the State Land Board for Polk county for, Lucia's half brother. forward their armies and equipment moving the dirt and cleaning the floor Our house is lighted with electricity has received notice that bids will be and swiftly. They have is in principle at least practically the , | steadily heated with gas, plastered and we opened on May 22nd on an issue of fought great battles which have left same. The water must first be applied have running water both hot and $500,000, advertisements of which the Germans scarcely able to protect and the floor scrubbed., lhen the ex­ cold, from a well 1500 feet deep. The have been made and until the result the new retreat with rear guard ac­ cess water is taken up with a cloth hot however is heated here in the of this is known he is instructed not tions. They have struck blow upon and wrung over the pail. An inventor bath room by gas. We also have a to transmit or receive applications for blow with such rapidity and force did the obvious thing and put the new Ford all our own and we ccr- loans. that the Germans cannot dig them­ floor cloth on the end of a stick. But tainly use it. Mr. Church advanced me Although these bonds have the ab- selves in firmly into strong new en­ the surprising thing about it is that $1000.00 for the house which cost solute security behind them of the trenchments. The later lines which many women, instead of recognizing $1200.00, I pay him back at the rate of farm mortgages and the credit of the they throw up are makeshifts which the improvement, continue to clean $25.00 per month with no interest. entire state as well, capitalists of cannot stand the storm of shot and floors in the same old way not be­ The car cost $460.60 which I can pay Oregon have not seen fit to buy them. cause they believe it to be any better shell. for it if 1 like of when I like or not The whole country is urging the Nor is this all. It looks as if the and less backbreaking but because at all if 1 am not able and no interest. speeding up of farm production but Germans had been outgeneraled as they refuse to be convinced. We are out in the prairie, but the working capital is an essential neces­ The tedious hand process of wash­ well as outgunned and outmanned. prairie has turned out to be a very sity of farming operations as much The evidence in the story of the ing clothes has been largely done busy place. About 600 or 800 feet east as of any other industry. There are week’s lighting is to the effect that away with and the motor driven of us is the west edge of the town of plenty of farmers who are able and the German line at the north has been washing machine has taken its place. Piokee of about 4000 people which a more than willing to double or treble outflanked by the British and that The exit of the scrub woman and her year or eighteen months ago was the amount of their crops if they can the French to the south are turning distasteful task is also not far in the grass land with a few drill rigs scat­ secure the money that first is requisite the same trick. The Germans betray future, for already electric machines tered over it. but they cannot increase unless they ' signs of demoralization, commanders which perform the same work more Most of the houses were hauled have the wherewithal to do so. It as well as soldiery, for blunders have efficiently have been adopted in some here on wheels or trucks. There are a was a recognition of this fact that made in handling their troops on the of the larger and finest office build­ few nice houses such at the Hnder- inspired the authorization of the field. At the north they have lost the ings in our large cities. The machines son's. rural credits fund. But if outsiders strongest position of their entire are quite simple in operation and may There is a strip of land about six will not bid par and if the moneyed front, and the wheels of their military be operated wherever electric lights miles cast and west, by ten or tweelve men of Oregon have not enough in­ machine are not revolving together. arc installed. The work is done by a north and south, that has some 90 or terest in the bonds to bid at all the They pour in re-enforcements by the small electric motor, usually of not too mills. These mills cost from $50,- hopes that have been based on this hundrds of thousands, but the new more than one-eighth horsepower, 000 up, according to their size, and relief will be doomed to disappoint- forces can not turn the tide of battle which rotates a series of brushes in when finished, net from $20,000 up. ment. or save the day. If the defenders of direct contact with the floor. After A good many of them have paid for The state treasurer has purchased the strongest positions can not hold one of these machines has passed themselves from the first month's $200,000 worth of the first issue, at them, though having every advan­ over a floor it is cleaned much more output. par, for the credit of the Industrial tage for defense, what is to happen thoroughly and quickly than is possi­ We are right in the heart of all this, ble to clean it by hand. But these Accident fund, and this amount will to the defenders of weak points? so we natura’ly live and breath the The German army in France un­ machines were intended chiefly for be apportioned among the applicants life and air of all this industry and who have already filed their requests. questionably is in bad shape and in a use in large buildings where acres of excitement. The longer 1 stay, and But this is far from being enough to dangerous position. Its lines have floor- space were to be cleaned each the more I learn, the stronger grows even begin to satisfy the demand.— been pierced or smashed at half a day. The housekeeper could not use niy confidence in the chance game, dozen places. It may be too soon to such a machine. Quite recently, how­ Jbscrver. these men are playing. predict that the tide of triumph is to ever a new electric floor mopping ma­ ■ My work consists of surveying both flow for the French and British with­ chine which does practically the Rev. Youel Stays With Company. on top and under ground, and the ex­ out a check. But their morals and same work is sold in household sizes perience I got from you on legal sub­ their striking force surpass those of has appeared on the market. divisions is standing me well in hand Rev. J. E. Youel is with the Tenth the Germans, to say nothing of the With the new machine, the three now. Company Coast Artillery, to stay, and Anglo-French superiority in equip­ sweeping, complete operations of Mr. Church has organized a large expects to go out with the company ment. mopping and drying the floor are all number of mining companies and is when it is called to the colors. The performed progressively as the ma- the largest stockholder. They lease officers of his congregation, the Evidence From One Who Knows. chine is moved over the surface, ef- ami buy this land from who ever may Presbyterian church, have granted ------ o------ fecting a saving in time and leaving a own or have leases on it. Then they him a leave of absence for six months The fatal defects of voluntary mili­ dry clean floor. The work is done drill (as they drill for oil) for orc. at least from the time the call conies. tary service are forcibly stated in the with th same sequence as it was for­ 1 am surveying all this land, setting It is his intention to return later and corners at each 40 corner. 1 also do continue his work in this community. New York Times by an Englishman merly «lone by hand. A strong suction who faught in the early days of the aided by a rotating brush picks up all the underground surveying for these war and later was in recruiting ser­ the dust, followed by a whirling mop. companies that have mills operating. Masons Have Banquet. vice. He says that hundreds "were The floor is dried by a blast of hot In surveying this prairie land I put willing and anxious to do their bit, air from an electrically-driven fan. tny Henry Ford to very good use. Last Friday evening Masons from but refused to give up their jobs when It is said that the new electric scrub This week beginning Monday morn­ different parts of the county met here, they knew hundreds of slackers were woman sells for a nominal sum, does ing, I located all the corners that the occasion being a visit by W. G. prying around ready to till them.” the work even better than a hired were to be found in Sec. 23, T. 29 N. Shcllenbargcr, deputy grand master He further says: women, and is always on the job R. 2J E., 7th M. Set the center of the of the Grand Masonic lodge of Ore­ "Men between JO and 40 felt it was when it is wanted. With proper care I section, ami subdivided the '/ h 1 1 gon. Work in the Master Mason de­ unjust that they, having made their such a device should operate satisfac­ setting pipes at every section and '< gree was also conducted. positions, should go before the young­ torily for years. section corner and two witness pipes After the degree work the deputy er and more active had been called. to each and pipes at each 40 corner Notice to Contractors. lor the N. E. %. I then located 17 grand master gave a talk, after which Married men were willing to make drill hole;: on the N. ’ i of the N. T. a banguet was served. There were the sacrifice, but not before the single Notice is hereby given that the (4 and was back in the office at J some short talks by R. I). Robinson, men had been mustered in. Many o'clock Tuesday afternoon went home of Portland; Dr. Hawk, of Bay City; holding important positions, or with County Court of Tillamook County, both days for lunch. 3 miles and al­ .1. H. Holgate, of Cloverdale lodge; heavy family responsibilities felt that will receive sealed proposals for con­ ways leave the field at 4:00 p.m. I J. 1’. Jerardy, of Portland; D. L. it was "up to” the government to de­ structing a portion of the jfayoccan County Road, extending from Sta. have a high school boy helping me. Shrode, of lillamook, and John Nel­ cide their duty for them.” The country is so flat, and there are son of Bay City. That disposes of the plea that com­ 70 plus 00 to Sta. 211 plus 00 accord­ rherc were sixty live Masons pres-i pulsion would give us and army of ing to the plans and specifications on roads on every section line and many of the >4 lines, that I set up, «end the ent at the meeting. slackers which would be worthless. It file in the office of the County Clerk kid in the Ford off a mile to give me Those from outside were: W. G. would fill the army with men the vast of Tillamook County, until io o’clock a sight .".nd he is back in ten minute«. Siu llenbarger, deputy grand master; majority of whom arc willing to serve a.in. of the I ith day of May, 1917, and Wednesday we had the center of a R. 1). Robinson, of Portland; Chas. but who under the voluntary system at that time publicly opened and section set by 9 J0 a.in.. Some differ­ W. Slianko, Wheeler; H. E. Rinehart, hold back because they realize tl»e in­ read All proposals must be on blank ence between this surveying and that Wheeler; C. F. Stone, J. M. Bodie, justice of letting others stay at home in Tillamook or Coos Countie«. N. C. Hansen, l)r. Hawk, T. R. El­ who may have no domestic duties and form to be obtained from the County Today I have been working tor the liott; and John Nelson of Bay City; whose duty to their country is as Clerk or County Surveyor, and must Welsh Mining CA under ground. J. P. Gcraidy, of Portland; E. G. binding. Under the draft system be accompanied by cash, certified They have two shafts sunk into them 1 Anderson, Hemlock; J. H. Holgate these slackers would be compelled to check, or bidder's bond of approved and about Joo ft apart. The state law and G. W. Wallace, of Beaver, serve, and the others would then re- ,orm’ Cllual to at lcast five Per ccnl of 1 the total amount of said bid, and no requires all mine« to sink two «halts spond readily to the call. and connect them by air drafts on In this regiment were members of proposal shall be considered unless "God has called us to civilize the account of the bad air. world. We are the missionaries of civil, mining and mechanical engi-I ’ such cash, check or bond is enclosed I pick some spot as far distant from human progress.” This statement is I neers, many of w horn were killed or j therewith. The County Court re­ the tracks and drills as possible, set attributed to Kaiser Wilhelm, emper­ I maimed as privates, though they serves the right to reject any or all up and read the needle course on the or of all the Germans, by a traveler I would have been a much greater asset proposals or accept the proposal rope in the shaft which lifts the orc and writer of note, who spent some as officers of artillery or of engineers. deemed best for Tillamook County» Dated this 24th day of April, 1917. bucket, then continue my line the time in Germany prior to the break I He cites three incidents. An electrical same as on top, I also tie in ‘>'C I between that country and the United iengineer was killed as a private in the F.rwin Harrison, County Clerk. shafts on top by reading on the rope. States. Coming from the source it infantry. An analytical chemist, who First publication April 26, 1917. Of course if more accurate work is docs, ____ . it is gis credence. If the . was needed in a laboratory in conncc- Last publication May to, 1917. desired, blumb holes must be dropped butchery r and misery perpetrated on | tion w ith explosives, was w*oundcd in the shaft, but I have not had occa- ' helpless - ■ - Notice of Completed Contract. Belgians, the want and star­ twice as a private before he was •ion to do this yet. By latitudes and vation thrust upon his own subjects transferred to the place where he departures I complete the course to can be classed as missionary work, would be most valuable. An expert in Notice is hereby given that the be followed to bring the drifts to­ then the world at large will concede artificial limbs, whose services were County Surveyor of Tillamook Coun- gether. In the larger mines I make the claim to be correct. The condi­ urgently needed, had enlisted as a 1 ty. Oregon, has filed in this office his maps, showing the walls, of the drifts tions prevailing in Europe, the ar­ private, but it took four months to ì certificate of completion of the con- at different levels. tract of Mallory & Blum on the bitrary ruling of the imperial govern­ secure his discharge. Of course all this underground ment in decreeing unrestricted sub­ The voluntary system not only- . Compton Trestle in accordiance with work is done by the use of the min­ marining, the dropping of bombs wasted thousands of such men but it i the plans and specifications, and any ers' lamps for light which one wears from Zepplins on unprotected women proved a deterrent instead, ‘and pleas­ i person firm or corporation having on his hat. It is hard to keep direc­ and children of country villages or ed none but the despicable wretches objections to file to the acceptance of tions straight and very easy to make city suburbs, may be the German idea who sought to save themselves under 1 said work may do so within two mistakes in the dark, 1 have had pret­ weeks from the date of the first pub- of means best suited to “civilizing the its cloak.” ty good luck and like the work very world but the process does not meet Yet the system which produces such ' lication. much. Dated this 24th day of April, 1917. with the ready approval from peoples results is defended in the name of lib­ Have you seen any U-Boats around upon whom the civilized effort is ex­ erty. It defends the liberty of none First publication April 26. 1917. illamook Bay vet’ Last publication May to, 1917. pended.—Umpqua Valley News. but the slackers.—Oregonian. Erwin Harrison, Countv Clerk.1 I •ylre You Taking Advantage of the SA TURD A Y SPECIALS Being Offered Each Week in Eved Dept, of the Store ? Your dollars will go further and your purchases will be greater for the money expended if you will take advantage of the Specials prepared for each Satur­ day’s Selling. THE NEW WIRTHMOR WAISTS ARE HERE. rpHE New Wirthnior Waists are here—and there’s value added to good value in every A one of them. They came in by fast express only this week. The styles are delightfully pretty — new — modish — distinctive —created just a few days ago bjT designers in constant touch with style evolution. ALWAYS ONE DOLLAR. AL WA YS WOR TH MORE. Sold in just one Good Store in every City and sold here exclusively. COME TO THE STORE AND VIE W THESE New Spring Models in Coats for Ladies F you have not already seen these new styles, there is surely a treat in store for you, for never were styles prettier or more feminine. I Youthful lines are neces­ sary if your Spring Coat is to meet the requirements of fashion. This does not mean girlish-looking Coats for women, but garments that give the figure that youthful, well poised appear­ ance that every woman de- sires. You'll find all the stylish beauty and grace of the new fashions in these New “Pal­ mer” Coats. You'll find more — dependable quality and exquisite tailoring. See our Special Window Displays and Dept, showings today and every day. Palmer Coats. $16.65 to $19.85 Palmer Suits, $16. 70 to $32.65 New Crepe de Chine Waists. White. Flesh, Copenhagen, Maize, Apricot and Ivory. *6.98, *7.48, *7.98.