TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 26. 1917. » "CLEAN-UP” DATE IS SET. days before the^eetin^ lW*Bty’OBi I pACTS ABOUT ROAD BONDS. - o---- The Purchasing Pow«r of a Cent. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. Keep good food out of your gar­ Governor in Proclamation Names As soon as the meeting ha, been ' bage pail. First Week in May. CommisMoner Adam. Makes Some What is the most that may be pur­ By R. C. Jones County Agriculturist. tax 1 °"eA°PV 'he no:ice °> »P‘ci.11 Dennionstrate thrift in your home. ----- o ■ ■ - Interesting Remarks Bearing on chased for a cent? This is the ques­ Let’» "Do Our Bit.” X levy (Form 70-B) with an exact I The first week of May will be "Ore­ Make saving, rather than spending, the „ Bill. tion uppermost in the mind of the A meeting of the County Agricul­ your social standard. gon Clean-up week.’’ It was so desig­ copy of the budget notice of school average householder as he contem ­ tural Council was held last Thursday an’Ch*d 70), should Or«gon is honeycombed with sus- nated Saturday in the following proc- b^fil'ed be filed -..c l e COUnty --------- ' derk h sn 1» noneycombed > plates the monthly bill and notes that : to discuss what could be done by the ’ °Um a"“ ' l“cion -- . with the county clerk, and a»d distrust ‘ and « as a result the tarnation which was issued by Gover­ O^e wihTh matches, shoestrings, and numerous people of this county to increase LAND GRANT CASE copies must'l C°fU|nt’> asscMor- These atat' is far behind where it should small articles which used to sell for nor Withycombe. LOST BY RAILWAY ■ production of food stuffs and con- ° i' ' °n °r beforc De-, be’ 1 he sooner we can stop casting Whereas, There is a widespread and cember ---- o~—- the lowest bit of American coinage I serve what we already have. Company's Only Interest is la.50 U."’ess an «»tension of j reilfctic>n» on each other the sooner commendable desire among individ­ time is One of the most important meas­ *« will make progress. Whenever or are now placed in the niekle class. P*r Acre. uals and civic organizations through­ time ,s granted by the assessor. Household accessories formerly ex­ ures outlined is the building of silos 1 he minutes of the district clerk 1 however this bill out the state that a definite period be was proposed and hibited on the penny counter are now- as a means of prolonging the milk : Washington, April 23.—The United designated in which to improve the must show that the school office rs ' passed we will have had over three sold on the “Five and ten,” while flow and increasing the production of t States Supreme Court, without dis­ ........ U11 UI lne (c have complied with all of the legal months to consider it. Let us use our appearance of personal property and sent, today affirmed the decree of qutrements as outlined in the above brains and pass our judgments with- many goods formerly displayed in the cheese. of communities as a whole; and last named stores have been graduat- . j The plowing up of their meadows Judge Wolverton in the Oregon & Whereas, such an organized effort statement. For this reason, the min­ out dictation. We are 1 not interested ed to the department stores. and pastures and putting them into California land-grant case, and sus­ . u has in the past proved a beneficial in­ utes should be written immediately in legislation as legislation but t .... in I Put to certain uses a penny i: is in- some crop that will yield more cow tained the action of Congress in pas­ after the school meeting. roads as roads. If this bill will give us'deed a helpless bit of coinage. Yet centive in rousing civic interest in the feed is another measure that will be sing the Chamberlain-Ferris bill pre­ 3—A district clerk must make his I good roads let us vote for it. If. it problems of community betterment; when a Lincoln penny is applied to of help. ! won ’ t annual report within five days after let us vote against' it. You 1 the electric light bill it will purchase I The cultivation of vacant town lots scribing terms on which the unsold and portion of the grant shall be disposed 1 know the annual school meeting. The blank as well as I that it will give us Whereas, Such cleanliness and im­ i fully twice as much light, heat and in potatoes and vegetables and in­ of by the Government. should not be sent to him until about j the roads without paying ; _ a cent ____ un „ ­ provement add not only to the attrac­ power as a similar amount spent only creasing the amount of poultry kept The court briefly finds that Judge tions of our state, our communities the first of June. You will find that it less we are owners of automobijes. ten years ago. Fifteen and twenty in town is another measure that, Wolverton’s decree was in accord and our homes, but also materially in­ will save much trouble in correcting I And if we do own them—then we will cents per kilowatt hour were the while it looks small, will release con­ with the Supreme Court mandate, crease their healthfulness and effici- these , ,. reports, if - you would ------ — fill ■ out for ; save ten cents for every one we pay. usual rates but a decade ago, while siderable farm grown feed for use save on the one non-essential feature ency in the conduct of the duties of ,, f , .ISt?C* clerk before sending him No matter when we start to build nowadays the Mazada lamp, the im­ elsewhere. of costs; that Congress, in passing the everyday life; bU"k' *3.24 and any roads we must build the ____ main ones proved electric motor and the mod­ The matter of canning surplus act of-June 9, 1916, was entirely with­ Now, therefore, I, James Withy- I other er items i cn,s of 01 which which you have a first, build them where they will serve ern electric range make the same vegetables by our fish canneries is in its rights and stayed within the record in your office. ■ the most people, the most traffic, the combe, Governor of the State of Ore­ amount of electricity go much further 4.—1 am sending you a new form of most business. If these bonds are not than it used to, while the rate of eight also looked into, and, if feasible, will limitations fixed by the Supreme gon, do hereby proclaim the first probably result in very great increase Court; that "the interest under the week of May, 1917. as Oregon Clean­ annual report for the teacher. An voted then the only money Oregon cents per kilowatt for lighting service in the acerage of garden peas and granting acts conferred upon the rail­ | important change in this blank re­ will have available for roads will be up week and during its progress I is now fairly common. Taking eight beans planted this spring. road company was $2.50 per acre,” urge all citizens to devote special at­ quires a teacher to report to you the that required to match the govern­ cents per kilowatt hour for a standard Cabbage production should also be which the railroad will get under this tention to an organized campaign enrollment by grades. Please destroy ment allotment and no other roads one cent will purchase enough elec- increased 1 as this plant does finely law. will be built for the next five years. all old forms and use these for this tricity to: | here and will yield a large tonnage whose objects shall be cleanliness, Trust Company Rights Defined. beautification and civic improvement. year, excepting in those cases where If that is all that is done there will be | Light a 25-watt (23 candle-power) 1 per acre. The Union Trust Company was little excuse for maintaining ; * *_* a high- Mazada lamp for 5 hours. In testimony whereof, I have here­ a school has already been closed. A committee was appointed to take found to have no rights jn excess of in I I Make ten cups . cf coffee in an elec- 1 ----- . -J to set my hand and caused the seal of The new report simply calls for some way department. The auto licenses, up with the city council the matter of those of the railroad company, for the addition to paying every cent of the'trie percorlator, the State of Oregon to be Jiereunto additional information. If a school rescinding the "prohibitive hog ordi­ court holds that the railroad could has already sent in its report, do not principal and interest of these bonds Heat milk in a nursery warmer 3 nance,” and allowing the town people use the lands as a basis of credit affixed this 14th day of April, 1917. will leave a surplus of $8,981,836 in times, ask for an additional report, but James Withycombe, to keep pigs so long as they kept "only to the extent of its interest in Governor of Oregon. simply estimate this item in making t^he highway fund for other road pur- ( Make 300,000 stitches on an electric them in a clean and sanitary manner. them” namely $2.50 per acre. your annuaul report. poses. These auto licenses will almost sewing machine, This matter was taken up with the Once more the court points out if not quite, pay the principal and in-1 I Heat an electric chafing dish for a city council but as it did not meet that the applicants represented both Ab«ut District School Meetings. terest on not six but twelve millions CLATSOP FARMERS FAVORS i quarter of an hour, with their approval was dropped. by Lafferty and Puter have no stand­ of bonds. It is impossible to build STATE BONDS. Warm a heating pad for two hours, The people of the county are asked ing in the case. J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of these roads and pay cash. We must ----- 0----- Make ten slices of toast on an to do all they can to increase pro­ The decision seems to leave the way Public Instruction, has sent the fol­ Grangers and Women in Fav°r of the borrow. All of these proposed roads electric toaster, duction and decrease waste of food clear for the carrying out of the pro­ lowing letter to school superinten­ will be built in the country, not a Good R°ads Plan. Heat an electric flat iron for ten stuffs. "An army must march on it’s vision of the Chamberlain-Ferris act. dents. fraction of a mile within any city minutes. ----- o Justice McKenna, who wrote the stomachs” and it is up to us to fur- Ben Worsley, a farmer and Granger limits. If the cities proposed to build Some of the county superintendents first opinion, wrote the opinion hand­ nish the transporation. who are taking up their work for the of Clasop County, who said that he roads entirely in the country and pay- Song of the American Railroad Men. ed down to day. He firmly rejects Waste to Food. first time this year have asked me a was a berry farmer and that on his 80 per cent of the cost—what would ----- 0----- every contention set up by the rail­ Office of information, U. S. Dept. number of questions relating to tax place near Astoria he had 53 miles of you think of a farmer who would turn We are the wings of the Eagle, spread of Agriculture. road company. to the scarlet sky. notices and annual reports. I am an­ berry vines, said he realized that the down a dollar’s worth of road that he Grant Not Absolute. than (a) When we eat more food swering the questions in this letter, important thing for farmeers at this could get for twenty cents? The only Sturdy and stronger, we speed along our bodies need for growth and repair Dealing first with the railroad’s con­ heeding our Master ’ s cry. difference in this case is that the leg ­ and will send a copy to each county time was the matter of good roads. and to supply energy for our work. tention that it should be permitted to superintendent in the State. Should "Being a farmer, I know what the islature passed a law to compel the The Eagle's beak is the army—the Overeating tends to poor health and cut the timber before disposing of the navy its curving claws you wish copies to send to your dis­ farmer is up against and I know what cities—where 80 per cent of the autos fat instead of brawn, makes us slug­ land, on the ground that the railroad trict officers, I can furnish the num­ we all want. We want good roads. I were owned—to do it. These hard And both may fight through day and gish and indolent instead of energet­ had absolute ownership of the lands, night, and the wings will never am in this work because I believe in surfaced roads can be built at a cost ber you will need. ic and resourceful. Eat enough and no the court says: pause. J.—Under the new law( Chapter 150 it, I am in it for the farmers of Ore­ not to exceed $10,000 a mile, probably “The grant was not absolute, but more. Eat for physical and mental We are the wings of the Eagle and less. That will give us 550 to 600 miles General Laws 1917), if a school dis­ gon to preach the gospel of good was qualified by a condition in favor efficiency. our steel lined tips are spread I trict wishes to raise its levy more roads and to take from their brow of the finest kinds of roads. Our op­ From shore to shore where the 1 (b) When food is burned or spoil­ of the settlers, and that if the lands than six per cent over last year's, the the crown of thorns and replace it ponents say it will cost $10,000 merely granted carried by necessary implica­ oceans roar,—from north to the ed in cooking. Improperly prepared to grade and drain these roads. Your notices must be published twenty-one with a crown of gold.” said he. tion all that was above and below the or poorly seasoned food will be left Gulf streams bed. He then explained what Clatsop county court has just told you days so there can then be no question surface to the railroad company, they on the table and probably wasted. Let the soldier look to his rifle, and raised about the validity of the tax county had done for the good roads that it can be done for $500 to $600. Buy food wisely and then prepare it carried such implication to the actual the sailor look to the sea The highway commission has repeat­ Those districts receiving less than movement. He said in part: settlers.” carefully. “In my section, up to last year edly made open declaration that the And what they need with an eagle's $400 from the county fund should be The court reviewed briefly the his- (c) When too much food is pre­ speed be sure they will get from me. notified to levy a necessary tax, as when we voted bonds, we did not counties will not have to put rock on i tory of the litigation and in a foot pared for a meal. Unserved portions We are the wings of the Eagle, fleck­ they will lose their organization next have a mile of road that was fit to the dirt roads, but simply grade and are apt to be thrown into the garbage note says of the applicants and inter­ ed with our labors' foam, drain them. Mr. Sikes has said this is travel on. We spent $1,750,000 in veners that “this case has no further year if they do not have eight With freight and mail we blazed the pail or allowed to spoil. Many house­ concern with them." months of school. The new law be­ Clatsop county without getting three a scheme to catch votes. Doesn’t he keepers do not know how to use left ­ trail for a mighty nation's home. Taking up the provisions of the comes effective May 21. If notices miles of road worthy of the name. know how foolishly impossible that As in peace we have been your ser­ overs to make appetizing dishes. are posted May 21, they must be post­ That amount would have built, could is? A man who attempts to steal vant, so in war we will be your slave (d) When too much food is served granting act, the court repeats that have built about 200 miles of hard another's good name is a creature ed for thirty days. at a meal. Uneaten portions are left the provisos were enforcible coven­ that the English language fails to de­ And our wings will hum, and our pul­ ants which had been preached many 2'~Proccdure: Changes in the laws surface road. Instead we got nothing ses drum till the flags of freedom on the plate and later thrown into the scribe. When a man accuses me of times. It was not intended, says the have made it necessary to revise the for our money—because it was not garbage pail. Learn to know the needs wave. doing a thing for political purposes or ' court, that these branches should be budget, and the school meeting notice spent as it should have been. 1 don't no We are the wings of the Eagle, eager of your family and serve each pelf he has to answer to me for it.” overlooked and the railroad company for levying taxes. Please destroy all mean that there was any graft. There more than you think he will want. to prove our worth Here the speaker was interrupted old forms. A new supply will be sent was not. But it was wasted because (e) When anything edible is al- merely be enjoined . against future Fitted by skill to do your will with by round after round of applause and there was not a good plan behind the you. lowed to go to the garbage pail or breaches, although this was the rail­ the best trained men o»i earth. after some more remarks to the same dollars, a good plan such as the high ­ road’s contention. Before notices are prepared for a 1 Then load 11s up with the burden and allowed to spoil for lack of proper effect continued: Time of Sale .Up to Railroads. tax meeting, the directors at a legally way commission has r.ow. We voted handling. fire the opening gun. “The county which will be served $400,000 in bonds — and in one season Citing the language of its previous tailed board meeting must make out (f) When food is handled careless- first will be the county which first has And remember, Sam, the railroad man and deliver to the district clerk an my extra profits, due to good roads its grades ready. All people and all in- ( is ever your loyal sun. , ly. Buy clean food, keep it clean until decision, the court repeats that the railroad might under the granting act itemized statement of the amount of alone, enables me to pay my share of —Southern Pacific Bulletin. used, and be neat in all deails of' terests will be considered and con- j revenues necessary for the ensuing that bond issue for 50 years to come. served. We cannot pay as we go, and [ cooking. This lessens waste and is a choose the time of sale, or use the grant as a means of credit,' "subject year, which statement must be signed Do you wonder then I am in favor of should not, but pay as we grow. As ■ valuable health measure as well. POINTS THE WAY by the board of directors. The form is good roads? Do you wonder that I far as roads arc concerned Oregon is 1 Fo°d Waste of About 700 Million ultimately to the restriction imposed" and points out that the language re­ urge you to do the same? Wc must number 70-A. of this Hillsboro Dollars. ____ ten to twenty years behind the times. The Statement If, in the opinion of the board of have good roads in Oregon if we are When will we wake up? When did Resident Will Interest Our Readers I "For partial and immediate relief, jects the railroad’s contention that it Our neighboring town Hillsboro every individual and directors, it is necessary to levy a tax to have prosperity, if we arc to take decent, servicable roads become a community had the power to mortgage the lands points the way in the words of one of our rightful place in the Union. Mr. should consider earnestly the matter and sell on foreclosure, divested of greater by six per cent than the tax luxury. What, except food, and hous­ its most respected residents: evied in the year immeditely perced- C. E. Spence says that the grange is es is a greater necessity? There are Mrs. W. H. Morton, 1439 Second of tood conservation and the limita­ the obligation of the proviso. The remedy of the Government, the *nK, then the board must include in against these bonds. He does not 3,500,000 tons of produce dragged St., HHlsboro Ore., says: "1 can tion of waste. As a nation we seem to its school district budget notice a cer­ speak for the grange or for the farm­ over Oregon roads in a year. This always speay a good word for Doan's have a disdain of economizing, In court shows, is found in another part tificate to this effect, togeher with the ers because he has not the authority- costs an average of 23 cents a ton Kidney Pills, since they pulled me many homes there is a strong feeling of the previous decision. through a terrible attack of rheumat­ How the railroad sold in large reasons therefor in not to exceed one and cannot have until the meeting of mile to transport. With hard roads ( ic pains. For over _ a year, . 1 wasn ----------- ------- ’t that it is only decent to provide more tracts, ranging from too to 45,000 the Grange. 1 have spoken before tundred words. In districts of the this can be cut to 8 cents a mile. The ' able to dress myself and every cord food than will be eaten and that it is second and third class, the chairman thirty granges on this subject an< re­ difference is the mud tax we are pay­ and muscle in my body pained so that i demeaning to reckon closely. The ex­ acres and for prices ranging from $5 fust read this certificate and the ceived unanimous support of 28 ot ing every year. How long shall we I I couldn't rest day or night. I was in perts of the department of Agricul- to $40 per acre, is related to show 1 constant misery every minute. During reason for increasing the tax levy, to- them. Ask the women if they want keep on paying it? To say that 'bonds this time trouble with my kidneys set , true report to me that the dietary how the railroad company disregard­ good roads. They know. God bless ed the law and to sustain the previous Sether with the call for the school mean bondage' is merely a play on in and they were irregular in action studies made by them point to an an­ Electing before the vote is taken. In I., the day that the women of Oregon words for the purpose Hf misleading ’ and congested. I felt sick and nervous nual food waste of about $700,000,000. ruling that an injunction against fu­ the covenants 'strict» of the first class, where the gained their right to vole. Nine wom­ —with apologies to my friend Mr. all over. I couldn't get anything to re­ Of course, the waste in families of ture violations of lieve the suffering, until I began tak­ very limited means is slight, but in would not afford the measure of re­ *01e is taken by printed ballot, the en out of ten have more knowledge of Brown.” _________ ing Doan’s Kidney Pills. In a few lief to which the Government is en­ a lot must show that the vote is up- what they are voting for and why weeks, my kidneys acted more freely the families of moderate and ample titled, nor was the railroad’s response than the men who go to the po s. . n means the waste is considerable. Even >he question of increasing the tax and the rheumatic pains began to ease Notice of Supplimentary Articles. they are going to vote for these up. I stuck to them until I had finish- if the estimate were reduced by half, that its remaining lands ape not suit­ by more thai. n — six per cent over ed for settlement, regarded as justifi­ Notice i-voiice is hereby ........ given, n----- cd that about the twelve boxes when I was bonds.” ____ * 'cv3r ot the preceding year. the waste would still be enormous. Tillamook Creamery Association has a|,|c py gft around as well as ever cation for its refusal to sell to those "The food waste in the household, "enty-one days before the school adopted and 'fifed Supplementary Ar­ an(j do my wor|{ Today I can get Notice to Milk Consumers. who honestly applied in face of the ®>eeting is held to vote taxes, the dis- ticles of Incorporation to engage in around without any pain or effort. I the experts, assert, results in large record of sales contrary to law. the business of buying and selling rict £lerk must publish in a news- a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills measure from bad preparation and On and after the first of May, the cheese and other property, and to act take now and then however and they keep bad cooking, from improper care and fsper in such district a copy of the undersigned milk men have found it as selling agent for the owners of my kidneys in good condition.” For Sale. handling, and in well-to-do- families, u get, form 70-A. If no newspaper ----- o----- necessary to raise the price of.c'ca™ said property. from serving an undue number of Is Published in the district, then the Dated this April ¡2th, 1917. A few head of yearling Jersey Carl Haberlach, Secretary. courses and an overabundant supply heifers. Also a high grade 3 year old F°r Sal*. ootice must be posted on the door of as follows: % pint to 15c.; ' Pin «c.; 1 quart to 50c.; skimmed milk to and failing to save and utilize the c schoolhouse at least twenty-one One half acre with house and barn, food not consumed. As an instance of Jersey bull for rent.—Apply to Frank What do you think of a man who before such meeting. The notice 15c per gallon; bottled milk Qc. per Bester, Both prunes. land, '/a mile from city. carries insurance upon his home, bottom 01 'he meeting (form 70) must also quart straight when taken m quart. 30 acres 6 miles South of City, with improper handling, it is discovered Jim Tone, Trask River Dairy, barn, hogs, sheep, cows, and cats, but good house $l~oo. that in the preparation of potatoes 20 £°ntain a copy of the budget. Copies Swabb & Foland, Tillamook Dairy I none on himself? You don’t think of Ornamental Fire Places Built For rent 8 acres with house and per cent of the edible portion in 01 this notice must be posted in three of Brick and Stone. All Fire T. Seberich, City Dairy. him—you just stutter to keep from barn just east of Fair Grounds. many cases is discarded.”—Secretary ’lie places in the district at least Places absolutely guaranteed J. S Stephena. saying what you think. — The Artisan. of Agriculture, .Starch 3, IQ17. not to smoke or money re­ '»enty-onc daye before the meeting, Office in Commercial Building, room Why Constipation Injuries. Feed Your Own Family First. funded. ----- o----- "e copy of (he budget must be inail- 2. Brick work of all kinds done Don’t feed high-priced human foot) * !0 the county superintendent. If the In fixing tuition for high school Insomania. on short notice. to hogs and chickens. The bowels are nat?[?h’ *7hey pupils from outside districts, school * meeting is to be held at the time — o----- We make a specialty of re­ Don’t send valuable food to the in­ 'he annual school meeting, on the K' X^cte'd’'bf-^ich’ boards cannot take into consideration pairing smoking Fire Places. Indigestion nearly always disturbed cinerator or the fertilizer heap. ,rd Monday in June, it will be ! the cost of construction of new school the sleep more or less, and is often Don’t pour into the sewer nourish­ ’"'cessary to post three annual school Kloild^ofMs absorbed^- I building according to an opinion of the the cause of insomnia. Eat a light Meeting notices, in addition to post- Oregon Supreme Court in the case of supper with little if any meat, and no ing food in the shape of milk, skim milk; also take one of Chamberlain’s ne three of the budget notices. The school district No. 24, of Marion Tablets immediately after supper, milk, sweet or sour, soup, gravy, or ‘tatute states twenty days, but the county, against county school super­ and see if you do not rest much bet­ melted fat, or water in which cereals TILLAMOOK ORE *?Ir” hold that twenty days must Jha'mberiain’s Tablets. For sale by intendent. ter. For sale by I-amar’s Drug Store. or vegeables have been cooked. * P’e; therefore, the notice should Lamar's Drug Store. RALPH E. WARREN,