TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 26. 1917, another anti - bond issue EXPLODED A DOLLAR'S WORTH Governor and Highway Com missioners Included in List of Speakers. Governor Withycombe and Highway Gomiuissioners Henson, Thompson, and Adams are included in the list of speakers for the State-wide Good Roads Rally to be held in Portland, Saturday, April 28th. The committee in charge of the gathering also plans to have five-minute talks by a num­ ber of Mayors from various Oregon citlas Representation at the meeting will be unlimited Every club and organiza­ tion throughout the state that is in­ terested in good roads and is favor­ able to the road bond bill has been Invited to send as many representa­ tives as find it possible to attend the rally The railroads have granted a special rate of one and one third fare for the round trip, based on the certificate plan, for those attending the meeting. Reports from throughout the state in­ dicate that the attendance will be large. 1 Opponents ’Maliciously Allege That Only a Few Counties Wiil Benefit •n attempt to array different counties against the 36.000.000 road bond bill, opponents of the measure are maliciously alleging that few counties will be able to avail theta selves of the bond measure for the reason that the cost of preparing roads for hard-surfacing under the terms of the bond bill will exceed the actual eost of hard surfacing and, therefore, be greater than those coun­ ties can afford. Meeting thia misrepresentation, the State Highway Commission at its re­ cent meeting in Salem reiterated its previously announced policy on this subject. All that will be required of the counties under this policy will be the preparation of grade of the roads to be hard-surfaced. This means that a county will merely need to bring • road to grade and drain it before the state applies the hard-surfacing. The rock base is considered a part of the hard-surfacing and will be built by the state, assures the Highway Com­ mission. GOOD ROAD POINTERS) POLK COUNTY IS Notice of Final Account The undersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the es­ tate of Harry Wingate Cottle, deceas­ ed, in the county court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and the County Judge of said county has appointed Monday, May 14th, 1917, at to Assurance Is Given That All o'clock a.m. in the county court room in the court house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and place for Funds Will Be Economi­ hearing objections to said account cally Expended. and the final settlement thereof. H. T. Botts. Administrator of the Es­ In the selection of a Highway tate of Harry Wingate Engineer at an annual salary of »3690. Cottle, Deceased. the State Highway Commission throw another bombshell into the camp of Administratrix's N°tice to Creditors. ----- o— those opposing the road bond bill. Notice is hereby given, that the Opponents of this measure had besn predicting that a 35000 or 38099 man County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, has ap­ would be given this Job. The action pointed the undersigned administra­ of the Commissioners in this import­ trix of the estate of Thomas Brooten, ant matter only corroborates the as­ deceased, and all persons having surance previously given that they will claims against said estate are hereby safely and economically expend all notified to present them to said ad­ ministratrix, at her residence at Clov­ funds entrusted to them, It Is entire- erdale, Oregon, together with the ly in keeping with the announced proper vouchers, within six months policy of the Commission that it will from the date of this notice. Dated March 29th, 1917. give a dollar's worth of value for Ruby Brooten, Admin­ every dollar expended in all matters istratrix of the Estate connected with road construction. Mr. of Thomas Brooten, Nunn, the Highway Engineer, was se deceased. lected because of his efficiency. He has had years of experience in road Summons. —o—— building and the records of his wor» In the Circuit Court of the State of show the most satisfactory results at Oregon, for Tillamook _________ ______ County. a low cost to those footing the bills. Coats Driving & Boom Com­ pany, a corporation, Plaintiff. IS MR. SPENCE Í' FOR A DOLLAR SPENT CONSISTENT? • We are now located in our new stand at the FRYE WAREHOUSE at the S.P. Railroad, near the S.P. Depot, where we welcome all our customers to call and see us. We carry a lull line of Feed. Silosand Farm Implements. Our prices are the lowest for the value re­ ceived. Let us know your wants. Down town office at A. C. Ever­ son’s Real Estate Office. Both phones at warehouse and office W. KUPPENBENDER Tillamook, Oregon. VS. Carl Haberlach and Amanda Haberlach, his wife and Frank Defendants FOR GOOD ROADS Four years ago C. E. Spence, Master . S. Sugimoto, County money now spent on trunk To Frank S. Sugimoto, one of the of the Grange, advocated the Grange , Hues will be used on laterals and other “The people of my county are J ub I bill which proposed the issuance of 8 I above named defendants in the name less traveled roads if the good roads »bout ready to adopt the good roads per cent bonds by counties for con­ of the State of Oregon; bond issue is voted by the people at You are hereby required to appear slogan of the Clatsop County enthusi­ struction of permanent roads, the the June election. ' and answer the complaint filed asts — ‘ Make It Unanimous ’ — so far as bonds to be paid by direct tax levy. ♦ ★ ★ against you and the other defendants the 36.000.000 road bond bill is con­ Mr. Spence is now vigorously op ­ Clackamas County, the home of C. cerned," reports C. L. Hawley, a farm­ in the above entitled Court and action E. Spence, Grange Leader, who is op­ er and stoekgrower of McCoy, Polk posing the road bond bill which pro­ ■ on or before the last day of the time posing the road bond bill, is reported I County, "Of course, the voters of my poses lsuing 16.000,900 twenty-five- • prescribed in the order for publica­ to have spent 33,000,00u on roads in home county are not a unit for the year 4 per cent bonds for hard surfaced tion of Summons herein to-wit: the the last ten years and has three or measure, but I find very little opposi- roads. A direct tax is not imposed for 1 25th day of May, 1917, and if you fail the retirement of these bonds. Ample to answer for want thereof the plain­ tour miles of Improved roads to show tion to it. revenue to pay the Interest and retire tiff will take judgment against you for it. “I think 1 am safe in saying that un­ the bonds at maturity is already pro­ that your damages be assessed and w * der the present system of road con­ vided by law from the increased auto­ awarded for the land sought to be Vote for the roads bonds June 4th. struction in this state and considering mobile licenses and the existing one- appropriated and described as follows It Is good business. the amount of money we have expend­ fourth mill state road tax which has to-wit: * * A strip of land 40 feet in width ed on them, the roads of Polk County been a fixed tax against all property In 1910 the people of California vot- compare favorably with those of any in the state for the last four years. over, through and upon the lands of use of the •4 bonds to the amouut of 318,000,- other county in the state. But we are In other words, the bill to be passed the defendants, for the 400 for good roads by a small majority. not satisfied. We want more and bet­ upon by the voters at the June elec­ plaintiff and being twenty (20) feet in width on either side of the follow­ Last Fall by a 4 to 1 vote they approv­ ter roads and believe the proposed tion will not increase the general ing described center line thereof, to- ed a further bond issue of 315.000,- bond measure offers a practical plan taxes of the Individual. wit: MO for the same purpose. Californiaus for inaugurating an era of permanent If Mr. Spence was right in 1912 he Beginning at the government quar­ know a (bod investment when they road conatructiou from which every is wrong now. ter (54) stake on the North boundary section of the state will benefit with­ tee it. of Section 24, Township Two South out increasing direct taxes. * w ★ of Range Ten West, thence along the MILITARY PREPAREDNESS “When it comes to a choice between "Stop rentlug your roads—buy North boundary of Section 24, on a being In mud up to our knees or be- true course North 85 degrees 43% them.'' Moving of heavy gun carriages, and minutes. West 1262.7» feet to the 1-16 Ing in debt up to our kneeB my people ★ * heavy loads of ammunitions and army “Paying as we grow is better than are willing to assume something of supplies, necessitates better roads than corner on the North line of the Northwest quarter of Section 24; a financial obligation if it will lnaure paylnx as we go” was one of the point­ at present are available in Oregon. thence along the East boundary of ed remarks of Highway Commission- getting ua out of the mire.” It our state is exposed to attack, ths the Northwest quarter ($4) of the er Adems when he recently addressed railroad facilities are not as well Northwest quarter of Section 24 on a Harvey G. Starkweather, of Milwau­ adapted to carrying heavy guns as true course South 1 degree 07 min­ a meeting of Portland Realty men. kie, Clackamas County, for 23 years a are improved highways, and it is up utes West 939.7 feet to the center ★ * * People won’t go back to the farm member of the Grange and who as­ to Oregon to get its through trunk line of the right of way of the pro­ xatll they have roads to get there. sisted in drafting the rural credits leg­ roads in shape to facilitate the move­ posed extension of the Coats Driving Assist the "Back to the Farm" move­ islation ia this state, has the follow­ ment of supplies. and Boom Company’s Logging rail­ ment by voting for the road bond ing to say in approval of the pending Should the railroad centers become way; thence along said center line on 86,000,00(1 road bond bill: bill at the June election. too congested, owing to war burdens, a straight course South 76 degrees “I am not prepared to say whether or should they fall into the bands of 58 minutes West 1298.6 feet; thence * * * Place the burden of building the this bill is as good as the one pro­ an enemy, the through roads would along a line curving regularly to the toads on those who wear them out— posed by the State Grange committee be the only means of communication left, radius being 1146.3 feet for a distance of 29.3 feet through a cen­ the automobiles. The state license on or not, but the question now up to the left to get supplies from place to tral angle of I degree 28 minutes to a automobiles has been doubled and the Oregon voter is upon the bond issue, place in the interior. Farmers would point on the West boundary of Sec­ owners of these machines are willing and speaking from the standpoint of of necessity depend upon the through tion twenty-four Township 2 South of •o pay the increased fee All they ask a farmer and Granger since 1894 1 roads for marketing their crops. Every Range 10 West, said point being on a I* that the money so raised shall be feel that the state's Interest will be resident of Oregon will see the nsces true course South 2 degrees 47 min­ sxpended in construction of good best served by an affirmative vote on sitles of the situation once this is utes West and 1334^ feet from the tohds. Vote for the road bond bill the measure next June, and I sincere­ called to his attention and will see government Section corner common ly hope when the whole question has the bearing this has on the road ques to Sections 14, 13, 24 and 23, all in had assist to bring that about. been carefully studied that the Grang tlon to be voted upon June 4th.— Township 2 South of Range 10 West * ★ * of the Willamette Meridian; thence Auto license fees alone will pay al) ers of the State, Including tbe State The Dalles Chronicle. along said center line on a regularly the costa—principal and intereat—of Master, will be found on the side of curving line to the left radius being •he 18,000,000 road bond bill and leave progress, assisting to pull Oregon out Good roads are indispensable to the 1146.3 ft. and central atiple 17 degrees of the mud. * substantial balance for other roads. progress and prosperity of any state 23 minutes for a distance of 347.7 feet; And sll this without an additional cent or community. Such improvements thence on a straight course South 58 •f taxation for the farmer. ‘‘A good road is a thing that will attract the tourist, encourage local degrees 07 minute» West 1270.8 feet * * * last forever, when properly kept in development, promote social life, im­ to a point on the West boundary of ■very automobile owner in the state repair,” remarks an exchange "The prove market conditions and stimu­ the Southeast quarter of the North­ •bould rote for the 36.009,000 road next generation has no right to be late thrift. Rural life Is made more east quarter of Section 23, said point *“nd Mil, Hie license tax was doubled enjoying an improvement that their attractive and agricultural develop­ being on a true course North 2 de­ •7 the last legislature and he will fathers sweat to pay cash for. The ment is advanced in proportion as ac­ grees 22 minutes East 601.4 feet from •h’e to pay the increased fee anyway. children of today can use tbe improv cessible roads are established and the 1-16 corner on the South bound­ “ the road bonds are voted at the ed roads in going to school so why maintained. The further settlement ary of the Northeast quarter of Sec­ special election In June, the money shouldn't they help pay for them. Un and development of the state's unten- tion 23 Township 2 South of Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian •*1ved therefrom is to be expended der a bonding system the cost is dis­ anted lands add to their value. The in Tillamook County, Oregon, con­ ■ the construction of a system of tributed over a long period of years consequent increase in assessable val- taining in the aggregate 2.71 acres ,4*^*w'de hard-surfaced roads. and is more juat than a pay-as-you go ues gives assurance of reduced taxes. and all being situated in Sections 23 * * ★ system which means a heavy tax up Support the good roads bond bill June and 24 said Township and Range. Will the people from the lnterioi on the farmer» of today if roads are 4th and thereby assist to effect these An addition any damages if any, " benefltted, inquires J. F. Hutcha really made good, or it means a con­ conditions. there be, and that the Court includes ’**• of Douglas County, in a oommuni- tinual tinkering with the roads and in its final judgment tike terms agree­ Oregon has talked good roads for ments and conditions contained in “tlon to the Roseburg News. There eventually getting no real improve 30 years. Millions of dollars have been plaintiff's offer to put in not more *0 question about that, he replies went.” expended in that time filling mud­ than three crossings on the grade and . ,*B»wering his own question. The *d* >“**n better roads for every j In an editorial indorsing the good holes. Tbe state la In third place in track level at the most convenient yu°n of the county and better roads ' roads bond bill, the Portland Journal commerce and population among the place the number to be designated by Coast states. The road bonding prop­ you and your co-defendants at the ***“ many things. The farm or 1 said in part: of this action, at the expense of oh can be sold for more money if I Shall we go on wasting tax money tn osition. on which the people will vote trial the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff I wishes to sell. Marketing is ' the filling of mud holes or shall we June 4th. is tbe first comprehensive will take judgment appropriating and I dilated and the cost is lessened. 1 concentrate our expenditures on the road programme ever submitted to the condemning the lands, hereinbefore I • sooner we get permanent rojtds most Important roads and when they people. described for the right of way to-wit; I With tbe main trunk lines, provided use, •sooner will taxes grow less. Good are made efficient pass on to the next and that it will take judgment I for in the road bond bill, taken care cost less to maintain. If we in Importance an4 so on? against you and the other defendants of. road district money will bo ex ­ “«P our money each year into a for the costs and disbursements of I Shall we continue to spend forty or Bud holes and keep it up from fifty million dollars during the next pended on local laterals connecting this action. This Summons is served upon you I Il »A t0 7e,r we have benefitted no ten years without ayatem. as at pres with state-improved highways, bring Ing the farmer, no matter where situ­ “ot •’«•• the men who fill the , ent, or shall we spend that amount in ated. in direct contact with the olty by publication thereof by order of the I Honorable A. M. Hare, County Judge I •>. *Ole* for ’hey have to pay part I a business-like way on some definite markets. of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the I " taxes, too. plan ? absence of the Honorable George R. I * * * We can not get away from the Bagley, Circuit Judge, of the aboye I All are agreed that Oregon needs wJ? our *»y Of thinking," says the fact that we must spend for good good roads The only material dif­ entitled Circuit Court, which order is eki.t f0 lndependent, "perhaps the roads wether we have them or not. ference of opinion is as to the method dated the loth day of April, 1917, and Argument in favor of the road of financing the movement—direct tax the date of the first publication there­ »»¡1 * '* **** cities and towns as The state bonding act (good roads) or bonds baaed on a revenue of, being the izth day of April, 1917, I tat.i*" Bddl,1onal proportion of the does not mean that an Indeptedness ation already provided by law. The fact and the date of the last publication I will expire on the 25th day of May, | ’••»•tion will pay the largest ' will be Incurred. It means that the that taxes are already burdensome is . ■ end the burden will be shifted • 9'7. slate will use Its credit to build a the very best argument for Issuing | - Webster Holmes, ’ the Ve farmer's 28 per cent to the '»•alniB, 74 Not only that, but the hard surface road in different parte of bonds. The combined revenue from Attorney for Plaintiff. an Increased auto license and the the »Ute which the revenue from elaiet that the city automobilist automobile licenses will pay for in existing state road tax will pay ths A Healing Salve for Burns, Chapped l,r 70rn out the roads he did not pay years to come, it does not mesn in Interest and retire at maturity tbs Hands and Sore NiPples. . ,w *nd in the future he will creased taxation. It ought to mean a bonds proposed tn the good roads bill As a healing salve for burns, sores, , the road that cost him more reduction of taxes for has not the old The people will vote on this bond bill sore nipples and chapped hands ••• paid by the farm he passes system of filling up mud holes been at the special election June 4th. Chamberlain’s Salve is most excellent >ddltlon the fat total of bis an extravagant and useless ejpendl It allays the pain of a burn almost in­ lies 'lcen**n. a proportion of ture ôf th. taxpayer, money -Silver stantly, and unless the injury is very ’u returned to hie own county, severe, heats the part without leaving a scar. Price 2$ cents. For sale by the lntereet on the loan ton Tribune. Lamar’s Drug Store. , . to build the roads." FEED I * * * itef it*