■ Vol. XXVII TILLAMOOK. OREGON, 1 his (Thursday) evening the Odd- Farin Loans, 5, 5’4 and 6 per cent. iellows lodge will celebrate the 98th —H. T. Botts. ♦ anniversary of that order with a Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Termj re­ banquet and appropriate exercises. duced to suit the times. * J'or 'hose who need a few cows to Frank Worthington, who has been >dl up their herd, at a reasonable fig­ ure call at Commercial Stable, Tilla­ spending the winter in California, re­ mook, and get what you want, we turned on Wednesday, having spent a plasant winter in the south. have them. J. M. DeLillies has bought the I For sale, a surrey with presto lights An Aid to Dairying ^I^HE First National Bank recently appropriated .and set of harness, also single buggy; Jones Apartment house. And will be a substantial amount for the purpose of a Silt. two cows, four and five years old, known in future as the DeLilHes » A Fund. This will be used as the need of the fresh this spring, Peter Schranz, Apartments. Mutual Phone. ♦ f * - A. ••• That takes the jolts and jars farmer and conditions warrant. Thus, you see, K. Case vuiuv came ill in uu on •jaiutuaj') Saturday, the Directors of this institution are as ever ready to Now ss the time to look after your [ having disposed of his garage at Mc- out of life later on and gives you co-operate in the requirements of their patrotis-—as Fire Insurance on all your property. ' Minnville and will start up in busi- to act as custodians of (business, household and per­ that worry-free, successful air It will surprise you how cheaply you ness again in this city. Mr. Case and sonal fund. can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie George Hanselmyer will form a par- DIRECTORS : which comes from the knowledge W. Watson. tnership and open up the old chop for A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. Frank Heyd returned from Mis­ auto repair work. of the little “ nest-egg” earning B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. souri on Saturday, where he had gone J M. W. Harrison awarded the con- W. J. Riechers. Cashier. you 4 per cent interest in some on account of the serious illness of I tract for a new r concrete building to his mother, who is not expected t~ good bank like ours. To be 'o ■ ' be erected east of the Tillamook recover. . Hot 1 to White and Son, of Port­ thrifty and prudent from 21 to The Kensington Club will meet land, and the old school house will be 50 means a successful and com- Wednesday, May 2, at the home of partly used. The building will be one Mrs. Morris Schnal. Mrs. Thad Rob­ story and will be occupied when fin­ fortable old age. ison and Mrs. Schnal are the hostess­ ished by Morrison & Partridge as a es. . motion picture theatre. Open a savings account today with Mr. Jones and arrange to take S. Watson, chief quartermaster of advantage of this offer in this import­ Douglas fir trees which will be plant­ L. L. Lee, vs. T. H. Pitts» Lewis ed left the government nursery at Pitts and Brighton Mills Co., is a the U. S. Navy, arrived in the city on ant matter. Wind River, Wash., a week ago, and suit filed in the circuit court to re­ Wednesday and will remain here un­ The dairy cattle exhibit promises is expected to have reached the scene cover $303.10 on a labor lien for til Friday morning. He is here for to be the largest and best ever made bucking logs. the purpose of obtaining recruits for in the county. There are nearly of planting by this time. A crew of. about 35 men will be employed at the Before you buy an Ensilage-machine the navy. Applicants for the navy $1200.00 in cash prizes offered, in­ work, and it is estimated that it will" should make application at Rollie it will pay you to see Shrode, for he cluding special prizes. Make prepara­ take them six weeks to plan* can save you money on a high grade W. Watson’s office or call on Mr. S. tions early to make an exhibit. 285,000 trees in this assortment, if machine. He can sell you the best Watson at the Tillamook Hotel. weather is favorable. The town of Tillamook claims, and Special Meeting of Pomona Grange. machine for the best money. * I he Mt. Hebo district has been probably justly so, that she has fur- Don’t forget those busted castings. scene of replanting for a number We have a Stuetbaker Almanac on The Tillamook County Pomona years. hand for any rancher who calls for it. Can be welded for half. Goods sent nished more men in response to the I president ’ s recent call to the colors, Grange will meet at Tillamook at the ■ I Ask Shrodc. by parcel post and express promptly City Hall at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, population considered, than any other Artillery ComPany Fund. returned. Hiner 4 Reed, Tillamook, A full line of standard spark plugs, county in the stal»x She has organiz­ May 12th, for the purpose of discus­ W. A. Wise, dentist. also other automobile accessories at Oregon. ed a coast artillery company of 137, sing resolutions regarding the pro­ Tillamook County Bank ......... $10.00 Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. W. A. Williams Harness Shop. * Ladies’ Day at The Rialto every furnished scores of recruits to other posed bond issue, and any other busi­ First National Bank ................ 10.00 B. D. Lamar ......... Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- For Sale—New modern residence, Tuesday afternoon, from 2:30 to 4:30, branches of the service, and raised a ness to come before the meeting. C. 1. Clough ......... located in best residence district. For and for ladies and gentlemen between | fund of several hundred dollars to be The meeting in the afternoon from Lamb-Schrader Co. Noglare Auto Lens at W. A. sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. ♦ 7 and 10 p.m. This is the popular expended for the company. Bravo, i :3o to 2:30 will be open to the public. E. T. Haltom ....... Williams. Loose and bailed hay for sale—Ap­ place of amusement. Everybody in­ Tillamook!—Teleprone Register. By order of the Master, W. H. King Crenshaw Co. Coast Power Co. .. * ply to Clarence Hancnkrat, Tilla­ vited. Shop to rent, next to my office.— Mrs. Stanley Coates was called to Christensen. F. C. Baker ......... ** 3» * mook. R. Y. Blalock, Secretary. O. R. Dale ............ Don’t try to raise calves on some Portland on Wednesday of last week T. H. Goyne. C, E. Trombley .. . Married man, good milker, wants a cheap untried calf food. Better get on account of the serious illness of Dr. and Mrs. Wise have returned P. W. Todd ......... that which has proven itself to be the her mother, Mrs. Bell, who died the job on a dairy. — Inquire at Headlight Official Registarers Appointed. from Portland. C. C. Jensen ......... best on the market. Blochford ’ s Calf < Office. next morning. Mrs. Bell resided in E. G. Anderson Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, County Clerk Erwin Harrison has Alex McNair.......... Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook Meal is the best.—See Shrode at Till- , I this city with her husband, Engineer * Cloverdale, Ore. * ! ' Bell, who was engaged in the con- appointed official registarers, as fol­ W. A. Williams .. office Monday, Wednesday and amook Feed Co. Frank A. Rowe .. . * A. Watt of Tillamook, who has been | I struction of the P. R. & N. railroad lows: Garbage gathered free. See M. R. Thursday of next week. F. R. Beals ........... H. D. Effenberger, Nehalem pre ­ in Portland attending Presbytery, , into this city. The deceased lady was Hanankrat, or call Main 6Fp. W. J. Peterson .. . Mrs. Jonas Olson left on Saturday cinct. Henry Dunstan . . . For Furnished Rooms at reasonable to visit a son at the Cascade Locks stopped off in this city Thursday I much respected while residing here, Ellis C. Madden, Wheeler precinct. Rosenberg Bros ... evening for a few days’ visit at the land those who had the privilege of price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 and a daughter at Independence. J. S. Lamar ......... Alva Finley, Mohler precinct. home of his daughter, Mrs. R. U. j her acquaintance found her to be a Mrs. J. H. Dunstan Wanted a milker. Apply to H. F. W. A. Williams carries a full line of Moore.—Telephone Register. G. A. Jones, Rockaway precinct. dear friend. Carl Habcrlach . . . Goodspeed, Tillamook, Oregon. * Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay Geo. W. Phelps, Garibaldi precinct. A. A. Pennington Catharine A. Long, administratrix Rev. Francis van Clarenback, pas­ C. S. Atkinson, Sandlake precinct. Fairview Grange .. . Dr. Wise will be at Wheeler Friday, you to look over his stock when in of the estate of Frank Long, Sr., tor of the Catholic Church has been 70.00 W. J Gilbert, Beaver precinct need. * Saturday and Sunday up to noon. R. Kennedy ............ 10.00 deceased, vs. A. K.| Case, is a suit transferred to Verboort, and next P. D. Ott, Hebo precinct. For Sale— Set of demountable rim filed in the circuit court to recover Sunday will be his last Sunday to of- H. T. Botts ............ 5.00 Blacksmith Coal—Right Coal— wheels for Ford or Chevrolet. Will E. L. McCabe, Cloverdale precinct. Sacret Heart Parish 25.00 $190.89 due the plaintiff for lumber fjciate at that church. The rev, father Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * F. L. Brode, Bay and Kilchis pre- South Prfairie Farmers Vniou take your old wheels as part payment. furnished the defendant. 17.40 has made many friends while residing cincts. Will pay you to see Everson for a Ira C. Smith, Bell Phone. in Tillamook and they regret his de­ 1 have a number of store buildings, S. H. Rock, Little Nestucca prc- »ate investment in city property or Money to loan on farm lands, from parture. He was an active member of Governor Names Defense Council. farm lands. * $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate houses and office rooms to rent. Also the Association of Charities, and cinct. can give desirable ground lease in W. H. Christensen, Neskowin pre- One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas- of interest. We want your business. various parts of the city desirable to helped to make that organization a Salem, Or., April 23.—Governor cinct. lenger Ford Nearly new, for sale, See Everson. Withycombe today appointed the almost any needs. See me also for success. We are sorry that the rev. I. H. Moore, Carnahan precinct. See Rosenberg. 2* Oregon Council of Defense at the re­ Tuesdays is Ladies' day at The city property on payments to suit gentleman is leaving, for he had con­ John S. W ilmot, Blaine precinct. quest of Newton D. Baker, Secretary templated celebrating his 25th anni­ Young women needing employment Rialto between 2:30 and 4.30 ¡n *he your income.—Rollie W. Watson. Those who were correctly register­ can obtain work by applying to the afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen be­ Rosenberg Bros, have opened a versary in the priesthood here next ed last year need not re-register this of war and chairman of the National Council of Defense. The council will Crystal Laundry. * tween 7 and 10 p.m. large line of all kinds of hay, feed, August. year unless there has been a change work in co-operation with the Nation­ Powder, the powder with- near the saw mill and will carry a j A peculiar mixup in names occurred of location of residence to another Cyrus Randall, who was drawn on j Trojan __ al Council. the Federal grand jury, left for. Port- VUL out a a I» headache, is the best • powdbr for large feed store on 2nd Avenue East in Tillamook recently. Two men, one precinct, change of politics, etc. vuuu --- ------ The personnel of the Oregon Coun­ 1 blowing stumps or any other work — flour, grass seeds at the very lowest by the name of Arvard Johnson and fand, Tuesday. cil is as follows: the other A. Johnson, worked at the prices. Special prices on hay and Henry Ladd Corbett, president of H. Mason & Co., has taken over the Tillamook Feed Company. May Day at Public School. I ■ logging camp, and A. Johnson who feed in car lots. W. A. Williams has just received a the Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Standard patterns formerly sold by ‘ ‘ ' been 1 working for about one After several weeks of wet and cold had General Charles F. Beebe, Portland Lamar’s Variety Store. * complete line of oil clothing. You The public schools plan to make leather turned warm on Monday, month, quit his job and came to the should inspect his stock when in need the w.------ --------- R. N. Stanfield, Stanfield. John Feldschau, Concrete contrac­ of anything in the oil clothing line. * with bright sunshine, which was' city and claimed he was Arvard next Tuesday a gala day in our city. O. C. Leiter, editor the Observer, May Day is to be celebrated in a the'Johnson who was entitled to three tor, concrete silos built. All work start to The Franklin Fish Market is now greately needed fitting manner. Three May polls La Grande. tnarantecd.Both phones. * — for th6 Past two month’s pay, and a check was given will be placed on the school grounds First open for business, drop in and look grass growing, C. S. Hudson, president considerable feed, at high him for that amount. A week after For Sale—Five room strictly mod­ around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— months c------------ and this alone would draw a crowd, National Bank, Bend. Arvard Johnson quit his job and went prices have been shipped in. em Bungalow, east part of town, F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. W. E. Schimpff, Astoria. ! to the mill for his wages, only to find as the winding of the May poll never *'.75000. Easy terms.—Headlight. * Charles Hall, Marshfield, For Sale—A paying sawmill in the A telegram from Washington states that the other Johnson had got away ceases to be attractive. There will be Henry Uithof, Contractor and South end of the County. It will make that Frank A. Rowe, secretary of the with his check. Arvard Johnson left a May Queen also, with her attend­ “The appoint of the State C ouncil uilder, Estimates furnished, Barns 1 money for you. Taylor Real Estate Port of Nehalem, Or., had a hearing for Portland and it seems that anoth- ants. of Defense has been made at the di- Inside the building every room will rect request of Secretary of War ’nd Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. Aio Agency, Cloverdale, Ore. 2t before the shipping board on Tues­ er mixup occurred, for he was arrest- for Sale, six lots in Tillamook City Mrs. Elmer Webb and son Carl will day, and urged that the Nehalem ed for getting away with the check be prepared for visitors. In each Baker, who is also chairman of the ---- - for - or $1,100.00 cash. Call or address leave on Saturday for Eugene to visit yards be given some contracts that belonged to himself. Sheriff room will be shown some of the reg­ National Council of Defense,' said C. N. Drew. ♦ Mrs. Webb’s sister, Mrs. Walter Hol­ building submarine chasers. Campbell left for Portland to bring ular school work of each boy and Governor Withycombe today in an­ The entertainment given by t'ic ' the man back, but found, to his i sur- girl. Some of this work will be at­ nouncing the appointments. Why not be insured in the best fire land. ladies of the Catholic Church last prise, that the wrong Johnson had tractively mounted and all of it will ■nsurance company, it costs no more. A marriage license was issued at week was a decided success, for not been arrested, The man, previous to be interesting. Far Sale. bee Everson. ♦ Seattle last week to Harry Kelley, of The exhibits by the boys in the 1 am in the market at all times for Seattle and Mary Richardson, of Til­ only was sufficient money raised to his arrest, had told how another man Manual Training departmeent and by All my household furniture nt once, clear off a debt on the parish house, by the name of A. Johnson had Tour baby calves—Smith “The Ct.f the girls in the sewing department at private sale, at my residence on lamook. but $25.00 was donated to the Com­ drawn his check. ■an,"—Both Phones. will be quite extensive and may be a Fifth Street. You can get bargains from Dr. pany Fund of the Coast Artillery. For cheap fertilizer for your garden revelation of the accomplishments in Mrs. W A. Williams. Tillamook County Fair Notes. ­ Last Friday the remains of D. W. ’nd meadow, see Frank Elliott at Wise, in the Bar View, hotel furni this line. Both ture and camping outfits, Gilbert, whose death was announced ”»«klin Fish Market. Of course everyone knows there is The Tillamook County Bank have in our last issue, were shipped to 9*mg to the scarcity of hay, Jim phones. a possibility in Tillamook that the ' renewed their generous offer of $50 Rollie Watson will leave on Friday Zanesville, Ohio, to be buried there >n George Williams, Tom Lyster I in cash to be distributed as prizes in pcrcipitation of dampness may inter­ for Portland as a delegate to the an- by the side of the body of his wife. ln John Ebingcr left the first of the the milk test in addition to the prizes fere with some of the plans but the nual convention of the Insurance The remains were accompanied by teachers plan to postpone the exer­ •eck to see whether they could three sons, Edward, William and offered by the fair. Federation of Oregon. tore some. | The Portland Seed Co., of Portland, cises if the day is too bad. Fred. Oregon, are offering their usual At a special meeting of the ! city' special prize of $10.00 in merchandise Mt. Hebo District to be Reforested. council on Monday evening, Rollie I as a prize to the party awarded first W Watson and County Agriculturist ■ place * for . ........ ....... .. of pro- Eugene, April 21.—The forest ser­ the ~ best _ collection Jones argued in favor of repealing jucts from geeeds purchased from vice will replant 420 acres of burn<^ LAfllAR’S VARIETY STORE the ordinance which prohibited the them area in the Mount Hebo district m keeping of hogs in the incorporate Agriculturist Jones offers to in- Tillamook county in the Siuslaw na­ limits. When put to a sote t e city Jtruct c|asses of young people from tional forest this year, according to dads unanimously voted to retain t e schools in stock judging a* op­ Hugh B. Rankin, supervisor of the ordinance and not allow hogs to be portunjty offets. Let live teachers forest, with beadquarters in Eugene. take notice and communicate at once kept in the city. The first shipment of the small THRIFT IS THE “SHOCK ABSORBER” 1 The First NationalBank Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. • i I » ) I.OO.F. BLD., Drop in and Uook Around