T illamook headlight , april io , 1917. led where flies and other insects or TILLAMOOKER IN TRENCHES ratsand m.ee ean get at it Much Uucii of the *700.000.000 Annual cenal rood i. ruined because it is not Will Be Glad to G*t Back To The Waste n Homes Caused by Care­ protected against weevils or other in­ United States. sects. less Handling, Improper J.—Food »polled by careless cook- Cooking, etc. I ■ b aston who was connected with ing. Many Many housewives housewives who complain the Royal Chop House, in this city, ------ o - I that children »nd adult will not eat hut now a member of a Scotch regi­ Revenue Provided for Interest ßUod icd is Wasted— | breakfast ceri into the garbage pail. tail to realize that ment in France,* sent this interesting and Principal on Road If it the ceriais they icrve are undercook- letter to Tom Hamilton. If allow ¡«1 to spoil in the home, Bonds. l^’ ^ed, or improperly seasoned, I got your letter this afternoon, as I Ii ruiri'K by careless cooking. and thus made unpalatable. Most of was sitting in a very good dugout mak­ Bv care ess paring and trimming, Opponents of the road bond bill o much is served at a meal. the cheaper foods require careful ing tea and toast for the Colonel and contend that the proposed bond issue soning and preparation to be fully I his staff. appetizing. [n many W e are sending quite a bit of scrap will become an added burden to the heedlessly thrown into .... ' “Ousehoids, the Good iron over and of course Fritz is rc- general taxpayer, As a complete an- I garbage pails, rood allowed to spoil Mena ists believe, proper attention Co and refutation of this argument, plying in kind. I was out taking a swer the cooking of these cheap and de- the Legislative Good Roads Commit­ m rhe h ousehold, food spoiled by im- smoke a short time ago, strable »cods wifi increase gready and as I tee has incorporated the following proper cc •ooking, and food destroyed their consumption and thus reduce I looked across the valley, along our statement as a part of its argument by rars, i, mice, and insects constitute considerable the use of more expen. line, one of Fritz’s big ones 1 hit a in support of the bond bill which will the heavy terns in the $700,000,000 an- brick building a little way off, and be published in the official state pam­ nual waste of food in homes in this stve toods eaten instead of ceriais. V getables properly prepared tempt sent up an immense cloud of red phlet: country cited recently by the Secre­ “We have ascertained from the rec­ the appetite. When they are served brick dust. ords of the office of the Secretary of tary of Agriculture. Seven hundred Far from it being difficult for me State that the income from the pres­ I million 1 ollars is considered to be in soggy form or in watery or poorly to settle down to civil life again, I ent quarter-mill tax is *220,000 per flavored dishes, much of them will be a conservative figure. In household ■ett on the table. The nutritive value will be only too glad of the chance. annum; that the Income from auto li­ I waste, of course, are not included the and tlavor of meat or fish can be less­ It will be delightful to be able to go censes, based upon the present num­ vast losses of food allowed under im­ ber of automobiles at th« increased ened by overcooking or improper for a walk after breakfast and be as­ license rate effective August 1st. will proper handling or inefficient market- cooking. If tats are allowed to burn sured that a shell is not going to be not less than *310.000 per annum I ini' methods to spoil in transit or in even a little, they develop unpleasant knock your block off. to be used ia paying interest and prin­ the hands of producers or dealers. Although I am not sorry I came, cipal of bonds. The above funds will flavors and usually cause people to Much of this $700.000,000 household refuse gravies and sauces made with : still it will be a happy moment when be sufficient not only to pay the in­ waste of food, the dietary specialists terest and the principal of the *(,000,- them or roods fried in them; burned I start for U. S. again. I spent a very 000 bonds authorised by this act, but of the United States Department of pleasant month or two in Glasgow meat is also disagreeable, as are burn­ will also pay the interest and princi­ Agriculture declare is easily prevent­ ed vegetables. before I came here, but I will not pal of the *1.819,2*0.55 in bonds author­ able. This preventable waste consists 4-—Waste in preparation.—Much waste much time there when I get ised to meet th« government road ap­ in large part of the following items: useful food gets into the garbage pail through. I don’t think I ever told you propriation. After paying these bonds i.—Edible food thrown into the because the housewife in preparing about my first experience in the first there will be a surplus of at least *2,- 792.402 «« Since 1*11 th« increase in garbage pail or into the kitchen sink. line. potatoes or other vegetables and fruit the number of autosn«Mles in the That vast amounts of nourishing ma­ It was in mid-summer, and we re ­ such as apples, cuts off with the skin State of Oregon has b«en 33% per terial arc thrown out from American a considerable percentage of edible lieved the English regiment about cent per year. With the completion kitchens and so made useless for eleven at night, on a Sunday at that. of good roads this increase will natur­ material. Careless paring of potatoes human consumption, is well establish­ may consign as much as m per cent The road leading to the communica­ ally be larger. However, we have not taken any Increase into account but ed by the returns from garbage and of the edible portion, including outer tion trench had been shelled unmerci­ have based our figures on the present fertilizer plants showing the amount fully, and the holes were full of layers containing valuable mineral of fats and nitrogenous material re­ substances, to the garbage pail. Many water, as it had rained for a day or number of automobiles.” two, and was still raining. We stumbl­ covered from city garbage. persons are unaware that the green Much of the food is throw n out, the and tender tops of many vegetables ed along, came to a marsh, crossed specialists say, because so many peo­ which contain valuable mineral and that on boards and finally got to the ple do not know how to utilize "left other food substances, are excellent beginning of the trench. It was nar­ Good roads will make Oregon the overs” or will not take the trouble to cooked as greens, or even as addition row and led up to nearly the top of the ridge, which overlooked the sur­ greatest dairying center in the world. keep and prepare them. The special­ to salads. rounding country. Fritz held the top Remember this when you vote on the ists point out that left-over ceriais 5-—Overgenerous serving of food.— in June. at the point we were stationed at. I road bond bill WWW can be reheated or combined with Many families take pride in serving fruits, meats, or vegetables into appe­ lavish and overbountiful meals. Such was put on as sentry on a listening The proposed bond issue will pro­ tizing side dishes; that even a spoon­ meals lead inevitably to waste of food post forty yards from the enemy vide good roads at no greater cost ful of ccrial is worth saving as a on the table and overeating, which lines, as soon as we got there. The than the state ia now paying for poor thickener of soups, gravies and sauces often impairs health and efficiency. moon came up about twelve and I ones. * * * Stale bread can be utilized in a var­ The same standard, “Eat enough could stand on the firing step and The action of the recent Legislature see Fritz ’ s shovels throwing dirt out iety of ways in combination with food and no more." rightly followed, in doubling the annual license on au­ vegetables and meats and in prepar­ would reduce greatly food bills in of his front trench but no head ap­ tomobiles and making the funds de­ rived therefrom available for road ing hot breads and puddings. Skim many homes and, at the same time, peared above the parapit. It was a bit serious standing there construction is justified by the rea- imlk. too widely looked down upon as tend to improve the physical condi­ sonlng that it is the automobil« that a food, although it contains practical­ tion of all members of the household. watching that he did not start to. destroys the road and it should bear come over. However, you soon get I ly all the nourishing elements of the burden of road construction. used to it. Next day was beautiful and WWW whole milk with the exception of the “ THE ROUND-UP." sunny and I felt a great sense of the "When public money is honestly cream or fat, can be used as a bever­ unreality of the whole business, (this spent on a road every dollar becomes ----- o----- age, in cooking ceriais, or as a basis feeling often comes over me yet,) I three dollars." says the Portland Jour­ for milk soups and sauces. Even sour Closing the Hunting Season. nal. “First, there Is the dollar in the milk, so largely thrown away, can be It was early in the hunting season, could look down and see several vil­ road itself. Second, there remains in lages all in ruins, and what had been used in making hot bread or in the and the clerk had been busy all day the community the dollar which has home manufacture of cottage cheese. filling out licenses for would-be hunt­ a fine country side. In the evening of been paid ont for labor and material. that day, Fritz gave me my first touch Third, there Is the dollar of economlo Every scrap of fish or meat can be ers. Just before the office closed a of war. For two hours his trench value added to the land adjacent to combined with ceriais or other foods young man stepped up to the desk. mortars bombarded our first and the road. This is a real value, not a lacking in pronounced flavor, both to “Do you wish a hunting license?” second lines. A trench mortar is a speculative one. It is an increase in give flavor and to add nourishment to asked the clerk. short range gun that throws an productive capacity.” Better reasons for supporting the “No, ma’am," replied the youth; made-over dishes. Every bit of fat or enormous shell. You can see the shells road bond bill June 4th could not be suet trimmed from meat before cook­ “rm through hunting I wish a mar­ coming, and the rush through the offered. It may be depended upon ing or fried out in boiling, roasting, riage license now, please.” air follow'ed by an explosion, is most that Highway Commissioners Benson, or broiling can be made useful in o----- Thompson and Adams will see to it terrifying. cooking. Many butchers, alter they A New Type of Book. We were mostly new men, and that every dollar of the road fund is have weighed meat and named the It was after prohibition had reached after I had recovered my nerve I honestly expended and full value re­ turned in roads honestly constructed. price for the cut, trim off valuable a certain town in the Middle West found it very interesting to watch ★ ★ ★ suet and fat. This fat, which the that an express agent telephoned a how they all took it. I will tell you The personnel of the Highway Com­ housewife pays for, if taken home and man prominent in the town. 1 his was* more about this again. Enough iron mission. appointed by Governor Withy- used, would reduce expenditures for the conversation that followed: came over to blot out an army corps, combe, is in itself a guarantee that prepared cooking fats. Water used in "Is this Mr. X?” but when they stopped, and we took the money derived from the proposed *6,000,000 good roads bond issue will cooking rice and many of the vegeta­ “Yes.” stock, no great damage was done. be wisely and economically expended. bles contains nutrients and desirable "Wc have a package of books for After that 1 had a sort of contempt flavoring materials valuable in soups you, Mr. X. and we wish you would for shells, which lasted until I was It is a further guarantee that every cent of the money will be spent in or sauces. Too often such fats and arrange to get them at once, as they under a forty-eight There bombardment practical road construction. "ater are poured into the sink. arc leaking badly.” by the long range heavies. Now, will be neither waste nor extrava­ •Many persons regard the saving of of the fund. every time 1 go up the communica­ gance in the expenditure ★ ★ ★ small amounts of left-over food as > In Training. tion trench, the short hairs at the In voting the good roads bonds June unimportant. If they kept accurate ac­ The clergyman who officiated at back of my neck bristle, and if a 4th, the voters of the state are taking count, however, for any period, the ' the college girl’s wedding recently whizz-bang comes over down I get. absolutely no chances. The bill au­ specialists say, many families would ■ christened her first baby. A big advance is the rottencst thorizing the bonds specifically de­ be astounded by the amount of good “She is a girl of the most original thing you can imagine, rifles, equip­ scribes the roads to be Improved and food they are throwing out and by and practical ideas,” smiled the min­ ment, men lie about and you stumble defines the general character of their the sums that they are paying to the ister. “As a rule babies fairly howl over them, to the accompaniment of construction. Bids will be invited and, grocer, the butcher, and milkman while they are being christened, but the rattle of machine guns, and the if the proposals are excessive, th« Highway Commissioners have an* merely to replace good food being this one was as quiet as a lamb. Re- bursting shells, and you think, will I nounced that they will do their own absolutely wasted. marking on it later, I said to the ever get away from this, but as soon paving. What more could be asked? ♦ * A a. Spoilage of food due to careless mother. as you get behind the lines and meet None of the money to be expended handling and storing in the home.— “Mrs. Douglas, I must congratulate the bag-pipes you forget it.. The kilt Important amounts of perishable you on the little one’s behavior. I and bag-pipes have amply justified for good roads under the bonding act foods arc made dangerous or inedible have christened several hundred ba- themselves in this war. If you saw a will be expended in Multnomah Coun­ ty although that county pays 40 per chris- bunch of Kilties, covered with mud, cent of the automobile licenses of the ln households because they are ex­ bies, but I have never before 1 posed unnecessarily to heat, germs, tned one that behaved so well as and splashed with blood, you would state and a proportionate share of the du»t, dirt, or to flics and other in­ yours.” wonder which part of hell they had regular quarter mill road tax. „ „ , sects. "No ondcr he behaved well, the sprung from. RRRRRRRRRStRRStR R R , Much milk spoils quickly because young mother replied complacently. They arc a sight to strike terror to R R 1! is kept uncovered in warm kitchens, ‘His farther and I with a pail of water the boldest hearts. I think we have *» GOOD ROADS RALLY R TO BE HELD APRIL 28 I R ylose observance of the doctrine have been practicing christening him Fritz just about where we want him at at Reep perishable food, especially for the past two weeks.” We make raids whenever we like, * Reduced excursion rates W ^•Ik, cool, clean, and covered con­ and always bag something, while if R from all sections of the state tinuously” may make a striking dif­ A traveling man one night found he tries to come over on us, he R have been granted by the rail­ ference in food bills of many families. himself obliged to remain in a small dosen’t get past the wire. R roads for the Statewide Good In other cases, one or two vegeta­ town on account of a washout on the It is a great mistake to think that R Roads Rally to be held in Port­ bles, beets or carrots, for instance, railroad caused by the heavy ram, the Germans are more efficient that’us R land. Saturday. April 21. Don’t R R forget the date and arrange to R r°i needed immediately arc thrown which was still coming down in tor­ I Wc have them beat both for brains R attend. Every friend of the R nut or allowed to spoil instead of bc- rents. The traveling man turned to and stamina. The British soldier will R road bond bill and good roads R ,n? used in soups or combination the waitress with: stand up under a bombardment that enthusiast is invited to be R es. Fruits which could be stewed » "This certainly looks like the would drive a German daft. The R present. Governor Wfthycombe and w British army is a wonder, imagine R »nd kept are allowed to spoil. \ ege- flood.” ,ables and fruits in quantities often battalion after battalion walking over R Highway Commissioners Ben­ “The what?” R about the to the German trenches, over ground R son. Thompson and Adams will at Sre stored in hot, damp, and poorly “The flood. You've read deliver the principal addresses R »«dilated bins and under conditions 1 flood, and the Ark landing on Mount strewn with wire, pitted with shell R and short five minute talks are R *hich hasten wilting, fermentation, holes, and swept by machine gun bul­ R proposed by the Mayors of R Ararat, surely.” , R »nd decay. Fruits, surplus beans, to- "Gee mister." she returned. I am t lets. Fritz can’t do it. He had no R various Oregon cities From present Indications, the R trenches to pass when he made his R n^toes, and other vegetables produc- seen a paper for three days. advance, and this summer we’ll give R rally will prove the most nota­ R ' ‘ home gardens arc allowed to in him something that will cure his R ble gathering of good roads R $P°il on the vines or rot on the R boosters ever held In the Pa­ R Notice. ^nound. A morning's work would can hunger. R cific Northwest. R ------ o------ »nd preserve such surplusage for use R R The stallion Liberal, black Perch- Wood Sawed — Call E. W. Knight R RhRRRggggggggggg *hen fruits and vegetables are scarce '.V,?h....be on the Mutual phone. Prompt »ervice »nd high in price. a week for two day». £rt«toy «»<» I and careful work. • , ^fnch food is ruined by being stor- urday, commencing April 2I»t. STOP FOOD WASTE. faxes will not BE INCREASED I “ TWO TOp BOTCHERS" at Gem Theatre, Ir. these two Photoplays we are offering something entirely ont of the ordinary. I font fail to see both of them, on date mentioned below. The Problem of the Ages confronts the Poor Mother in\ “ONE TOUCH OF SIN” The Tense Photoplay in which WILLIAM FOX GLADYS BROCKWELL I Presents The Woman of a thousand expressions Left alone with her child, she turns to the only man who has treated her kindly; but she is confronted by her former lover. Written by L. Genez. Which One Shall She Choose ? See this picture, and judge for yourselfl whether she did rightly. I Directed by Richard Stanton. Thursday Night, April 26th. Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. LOVE ON A BATTLEFIELD And the Sublime Blood Sacrifice of a Woman with a Crushed Soul are Marvelously Shown in “The Black Butterfly » » with the Magnificent Mme. PETROVA "s,"',’' A Metro Wonderplay of irresistible power. In Five Tremendous Acts. Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22. Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. GOOD ROAD POINTERS J THE PRICE of Gasoline is cents •ems Ver ¿«lu i (uj laf®^ THE COST ci _____ dasoli ine miles i is ------- 2 per gallon If you buy economically you buy on th, "cost” basis and insist on RED CROWN GASOLINE. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) HU It’s the uniform unva rying heat of a good oil stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in—that pre­ serves the savory goodness of the meat —and gives that even brownness all over. astierfoasts a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and lesa fuel expense NEW PERFECTION / OIL COOK-5TOVE All theconvenienceof gas. Cooks everything any wood or coal ra nge will cook, but keeps yoor kitchen cool. The long blue chim­ neys do away with all smoke and smell. In 1, 2, land 4-burnsr sizes, ovens separata. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ov­ ens. Ask your dealer today, For Bett Jieiultt Ute Pearl STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICslIloroia) Tillamook --- ° — For Sale by KING & SMITH ALEX McNAIR CO DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon