T1LLAM0ÖK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 19. 1917. I to the allies and shut down on all ex­ Represent Nobody but Themselves. ports and imports, or, in other words The President, either because of ex­ First Insertion per line ............... $ -to tied up the commerce of the country. treme partisanship or because he is Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 That, practically, was what Germany- in a wanted the United States to do, but deficient in tact, by the character of Business and Professional cards his appointments makes it difficult one month...................................... 1.00 Uncle Sam did not believe that he Locals per line each insertion... 05 should be dictated to by the Kaiser, for Republican members of Congress The same condition would have con­ to forget politics, anxious as they are Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 fronted a Republican President, had to have the country present a united Facts and Figures Continue. one been elected last November, as front to foreign eyes. In making ap­ It Has Always Been So. All Resolutions of Condolence pointments to the new federal tariff What Do You Think of This ? one month............................................. 50 confronted President Wilson. The re­ Listen to This. peated violation of international law board he has again shown contempt to the Gullible Stranger the Unwary? is How Trusting too much and killing of so many Americans by­ for the plain intent of the law, and a THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. “Taken In.” Germany, eventually forced the Unit­ narrow- and stubborn determination F. C. BAKER, Publisher. ed States into war. During these out­ not to appoint a representative Re­ Headlight, we published In last week’s issue of the ---- Tillamook --------- rages the American people were un­ publican to office while he is the oc­ correspondence whic|i had taken place between this . lutual com- cupant of the W hite House. usually patient, and the sentiment of panv and Mr. I. C. Rowe and there are many others...... The act creating the new Federal the people was to keep out of the over 3(H in this Mutual. We Tariff Board also provided lor bi- war if possible. Notwithstanding the published the Court Order for a Receivership to wind up the Get the rood roads spirit and help repeated warnings of President Wil­ 1 partisan membership. The President business and lossess of this company with pull Tillamook out of the mud. son, Germany's barbarous methods of has again evaded the plain purpose of Congress by appointing three Dcmo- ASSETS OF $121.71 and LIABILITIES OF ------ o------ warfare, and upon the lives of our Don’t be a slacker. Start a garden citizens, brought about the rupture | crats and three political nondescripts, $11,238.00. and grow garden truck. It’s the way between the two countries. i In other words, the President has ■ How accepting a policy in this company obligates the Insured to to reduce the high cost of living. ' never appointed a representative Re- ' Double Assessments of “Old Line Protection.' ’ publican on any of the commissions j I The County Court had just as well How Mr. Rowe’s policy was in force from August 8th, 1914. Say, Bro. Trombley, what about created since he went into office. The j ' I take the bull by the horns and locate How Mr. Rowe cancelled it on October 11th, 1915. that pledge to reduce the high cost of only party except the Democratic I the highway through the county and How the cost of this Insurance for 1 y’aar, 2 months and 3 days. living you tooted your horn so much , party which has received recognition I settle that point once for all. There I from him is the now discredited Pro- about a few years ago? Amounted to $33..8), which was paid and Policy cancelled. There I are but three matters to be adjusted, I gressivc party. This is true, in the is an Assessment Now of $13.18, which makes a total on this I 1st, Whether the highway should be I he $6,000,000 road bonding meas­ I case of the latest group of appoint- 11400.00 policy of $46.68 for a trifle over 1 year’s insurance. I by way of Neah-Kah-Nie mountain or ure should have the support of every I ments, in the face of the fact that a Now to cap the climax listen to this : — person in Tillamook county. It makes I the back road; 2nd, the location of a majority of “the little group of men “Unless I can have your check by return mail, I shall consider it it possible to obtain a hard surfaced I bridge at Nehalem or Wheeler; and representing nobody but themselves,” I vour consent for me to tile the necessary legal papers.” highway through the county at less 3rd, the Little Nestucca or Three whose course in connection with the I LESTER E. THOMPSON, I Rivers route. We arc willing to abide than one half cost to the taxpayers. issue of arming merchant ships caus­ Receiver Mutual Fire Co. I by the decision of the County Court ed the president so much displeasure, I after a thorough investigation has Funny, isn’t it, to say the tarrif is If you are now carrying Mutual Fire Insurance, in any Mutual were leading lights in the Progress- I out of politics because President Wil­ I been made and everybody given an Assessment Concern, to pay Fire Losses it is time to get out from ivc organization. son has appointed a tariff hoard no I opportunity to be heard, and we hope under. Read your Policies, see your personal liability to pay all The president will be obliged to de­ member of which is a protectionist, I this will be the prevailing sentiment losses. Get your insurance in a Safe Old Line Company which pend largely on the Republicans for How did Mr. Wilson keep the tariff I with the citizens where there are dif- has ample Assets and Reserves in Cash to pay your Claim, with­ cooperation and support in the new board out of politics by placing the I fcrcnces of opinion. The citizens at out depending on the uncertainties of collecting Assessments after session of Congress, unless all signs rankest partisanship in making his I Nehalem and Wheeler are showing a you are burned out. fail. Pro-Germans and pacifists have I magnanimous spirit, and whatever the appointments? I decision of the County Court may be a considerable following on the Dem­ ocratic side. Even from the stand­ I That little, insignificant British in the matter of a bridge they arc point of expendiency it is a mistake I army, which the Kaiser looked upon I willing to abide by. ’1 he same spirit for the President to antagonize the I I should prevail in the South part of in disdain, is rolling back the German mass of Republicans on every possi- I army. The Pommies arc not so insig­ I the county. Simmered down we be- hie occasion. As a matter of states- I I lieve it is to the best interest of the nificant after all. It must lie that they manship, he ought to realize that it is I arc causing the Kaiser and his. war I county to have the highway come in lords a whole lot of worry at this I by way of Neah-Kah-Nie mountain, just as much his business to conserve I critical period of the war, as well as for a road in that vicinity will be one political harmony in time of stress as I it is for the Republican leaders in the I humiliation. of the scenic wonders of Oregon and Senate and House.—Democrat and I will attract thousands of visitors to I It is reported that food stuffs took Tillamook every year; and, in our Chronicle. a io percent jump last week, It is judgment it would be a mistake to Canada Profits by our Tariff. about time that the government step- build a bridge from Dean’s Point to ------ o------ ped in and regulated the price of a Wheeler. As to the Little Nestucca Exports of Canadian products for great many articles, for they keep or Three Rivers route, which of the 1916 reached a total of $1,091,706,000 taking leaps and bounds upward, so two will benefit most people and be an increase of $712,410,000 over 1914. much so that it is becatning a serious the most scenic route? That is all The Canadian trade journal. Hard­ question with those who have small there is to decide in the south part of ware and Metal, says: incomes and large families to keep to the county. Get at it gentlemen, and “The value of manufactured pro- know how to make both ends meet. settle it right away. ducts exported in 1916 exceeded the which great establishments like that of V ------ 0------ value of agricultural products, Ex- the Draper Corporation have been C. E. Spence, Master of the State Did it ever occur to you what a ports of manufacturers were valued at made possible. If the fiscal policy of great boost it would be to Tillamook Grange, is running contrary to the $440,477,173. Exports of agricultural the Democratic party, as demonstrat­ to have a hard surfaced highway wishes of a great number of Grangers products were valued at $346,605,703. ed by existing tariff legislation, had through the county? Everybody who who severely criticise him for oppos­ Animal produce came next, valued at been in vogue in this country during is interested in the development of ing the good roads movement in Ore­ $117,909,753. Other products exported the last fifty years, there would be no the county should get busy. There gon. Grangers, for the most part, were valued as follows: The forest, establishments like the Draper Cor­ are those who oppose this splendid know that a system of hard surfaced $55,244.919; the fisheries, $24,349,835; poration’s to aid the government in improvement, lmt in doing so they do roads through the state will be great­ the mine, $81,281,244; miscellaneous, case of need. not realize what hem-fit a hard sur­ ly to their benefit in getting their $7,857,806." faced road through the county will do produce to the railroad depots and to The total imports of Canada for INSTANT ACTION SURPRISES nearby city markets, not only in sum­ to the dairymen of the county. TILLAMOOK WOMEN. 1916 came to $766,727,000. which pro­ mer but in the winter as well,. Far­ “1 had stomach trouble so bad I duced a custom revenue of $139,002,- mers have had to butt up against bad We are going to jolly our respected I 178, or an average rate of duty on all could eat nothing but toast, fruit, and roads so long, it is not surprising that hot water. Everything else soured friend, Bro. Trombley, again for the I imports for the year of 18.1 per cent, and formed gas. Dieting did no good. they are becoming quite enthusiastic big whopper he published about I just about what our own rate was 1 was miserable until I tried buck­ over bonding the slate. Mr. Spence a Christian gentleman, falsely accus- I under the Republican tariff law. Of thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed may endeavor to pull wool over the ing him of this: "He and his kind I these Canadian imports 45 percent in Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL eyes of the Grangers but it won’t may always be counted on to stand I came in under the free list, compared benefitted me INSTANTLY.” Be- Cl ause Adlcr-i-ka empties BO TH large work, for you can’t fool them about with those who favor saloons and I with 70 per cent in the United States and small intestine, it relieves ANY road improvements when they know brothels on Sunday." Now, dear Bro., I for the calendar year. CASE constipation, sour stomach or that it is the automobile license, not Continous Post Iron how are you going to square yourself We imported from Canada during gas and prevents appendicitis. It the farmer, who will pay for the hard QUICKEST action of anything in the last days, when the great white I 1916 $237,208,000 worth of goods, Beds. surfaced roads. It used to be two or ever sold. J. S. Lamar, druggist. book is opened and the recording compared with $177,594,000 in 1915, three days trip to this city with team White and Bronze angel reads that big whopper you and $142,128,000 during 1913,, nine from the south part of the couny, but Safe Medicine for Children. published about Bro. Cady? Bro. months of which was under the pres­ from with a hard surfaced road, a farmer Trombley won’t be able to crawfish, ent policy. Last year about 90 per "Is it safe?” is the first question to be able to have home in the will or place the blame on others. cent of Canadian imports entered our be considered when buying cough morning with a load of < produce on market free of duty, in addition to medicine for children. Chamberlain’s his auto truck, dispose of it in this Cough Remedy has long been a fa­ which our northern competitor had vorite with mothers of small children It is surprising what a family can city or take it to the depot, and get save by growing garden truck, and the advantage of a tariff law now as it contains no opium or other nar­ back home for dinner. That is what now that everybody will have to the farmers arc doing in other parts averaging a rate of duty of about 8 cotic, and may be given to a child as economize, this is a good time of the per cent. But Canada made us plunge confidently as to an adult. It is pleas­ of the state where they have good ant to take, too, which is of great im­ year to raise vegetables to carry fam­ the 18.1 per cent rate to get into her portance when a medicine must be roads, especially in the state of ilies over next winter. I bis is one given to young children. This remedy Washington, which is a long way- market. phase of preparedness, and raising The prosperity which Canada has is most effectual in relieving coughs, ahead of Oregon with hard surfaced garden truck will help wonderfull) in enjoyed during the last two years has colds and croup. For sale by Lamar's roads. Hard surfaced highways in Drug Store. solving the food supply, which is go­ enabled her to enlarge her manufac- Washington have done wonders in ing to become acute as long as the developing the agricultural resources luring plants so that she can n|w SPring. war continues, l herc are plenty of va­ of that state, and now that a compre­ take care of a great deal of the nuini- cant lots in this city and every dairy­ Spring is looked upon by many by hensive system of road improvements tion requirements of. England, Con- man should have a vegetable garden. the most delightful season of the year is under discussion in Oregon, the sequcntly England is increasing thc but this cannot be said of the rheu­ Now is Ihe time to get busy ami grow Grange Master of the Slate Grange is number of her contracts with her de­ matic. 1 he cold and damp weather Vegetables and small friuts, for it will pendency, while those with us are de ­ geing over the State at the expense of brings on rheumatic pains which are greatly reduce the cost of living of of the Grangers opposing it. W ouldn’t creasing. There are no friends in busi­ anything but pleasant. They can be every family to have plenty of vege- I that jar you, when an organization ness, but the Democracy still stands relieved, however, by applying Cham­ berlain’s Liniment. For sale by La­ tables stored away. for a wide-open American market like the State Grange is out knocking mar’s Drug Store. I against the American labor. and won't get 111 and help pull Ore- We believe that if a bridge is built gon out of the mud? across the Nehalem from Dean’s There w°uld hav* Been No Drapers. A Healing Salve for Burns. Chapped Hands and Sore NiPples. Point to Wheeler it will be a great As a healing salve for burns, sores, Grange Master Scored. detriment to Nehalem harbor and it Senator Weeks, of Massachusetts, sore nipples and chapped hands will not be long before it is admitted has directed attention to a phase of Chamberlain’s Salve is most excellent C. E. Spence, master of the State ‘the tariff question which is of vital It allays the pain of a burn almost in­ that a mistake was made. It is not our purpose to butt in and take sides with Grange was unmercifully scored by­ moment. He had inserted in the Con- stantly, and unless the injury is very severe, heals the part without leaving cither party, where the bridge should Mr. W orslcy in his address at Albany. j grcssional record a telegram sent by a scar. Price 25 cents. For sale by Mr. Spence, so Mr. W ors|cv told his be built, blit we do know this, that if ! ihe Draper Corporation of Hopedale, Lamar's Drug Store. Nehalem ever comes to be a large audience, was touring the state again­ Mass , placing its works and facilities »hipping port, which we hope it will, st the proposed bond issue. at the disposal of the government in Ornamental Fire Places Built "What gives me a pain." said Mr. case of need. The company, as Sen- a bridge at Wheeler will be danger to of Brick and Stone. All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed vessels I he river is none too wills’ at Worslcy, "is that 1, a farmer and a |ator Weeks explained to his colleag­ not to smoke or money re­ present. We understand, too, that the member of the State Grange, ant con­ ues. has built up the largest cotton­ funded. Wheeler interests arc opposed to a tributing to his traveling expenses machinery business in this country, Brick work of all kinds done bridge al W heeler, and these facts and per diem to stump the state and its shops would be of incalculable on short notice. against a bill that means so much to should not be overlooked in the loca­ value to the government in the pro­ We make a specialty of re­ the farmer. I locked horns with Mr. duction of war material. This industry tion of a bridge. pairing smoking Fire Place». Spence in Roseburg recently and took has been built up. as the Senator fur­ Fireproof. Newly Decorated. The only way that the United States one of hi» off. 1 had hopes of meeting ther pointed out, by the operations of could have avoided war with Ger­ him in Albany last night and would the Republican fiscal policy, which many, was to have prohibited the ex­ have taken the other off, but lie rc-j has fostered the industrial independ­ portation of munitions and food stuffs I fused to meet me, He is afraid." TILLAMOOK ORE ence of the United States and under ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisement». The Grand Climax of Carrying Your Insurance MUTUAL FIRE COMPANY. Editorial Snap Shots. Every Mutual Insurance Policy has “ a Joker” in it. Bring your Insurance to this office and we will show you. Your Insurance is Safe with this Agency. All Losses and Claims are satisfactorily adjusted and settled promptly in cash. No Assessments. One Payment. Low Rates. Phone Us. Call on Us. Write Us. When your next Mutual Assessment is made, Cancel and get an Old Line Policy. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man Tillamook City, Oregon. Court House Square Harris-Ammer Furniture Co SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Matting, Regular 35 to 5Octs. Special, SATURDAY, 3Octs. LACE CURTAINS, All Lace Curtains 1-3 off Regular Price. IRONBEDS $3.50 to $13.00 Harris-Ammer Furniture Co. free : free :: free ::: With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display. RAY & CO STOP AT )TEL HOYÏ 6th and Hoyt Sts , Near DEPOTS. PORTLAND - ORE. RALPH E. WARREN, RATES—75c. to $2.00 |