Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 19, 1917, Image 1

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That takes the jolts and jars
out of life later on and gives you
that worry-free, successful air
which conies from the knowledge
of the little “ nest-egg” earning
you 4 per cent interest in i ,me
good bank like ours.
To be
thrifty and prudent from 21 to
50 means a successful and com-
fortable old age.
Open a savings account today
Tillamook County Bark.
Tillamook Jottings.
A number of neighbors gave the
Frank Ebbesen, who was a graduate
newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hos­ of the high school, has joined the
kins, a surprise party at their home Insular Education Service for two
on Monday evening.
years, and with a number of other
t Don’t overlook the
me display
uispiay Ad. of 1 teachers will go to the Phillipine
| the Gem Theatre, two of
-- the
...c very Islands, where he will become school
! best Photoplays that h ave been offer- superintendent to a certain portion of
ed in many a day.
C. R. Halladay vs. Evelyn Halladay
Attorney George Winslow is in
8aletn this week and appears before is a divorce suit filed in the circuit
the supreme court in the case of W. court. These people were married at
Bellingham, Wash., on the 15th of
, S. Cone and Bay City.
April 1906. No children were born to
Attorney R. McGrath, of Portland, the union. The plaintiff alleges that
was in the city this week looking over , the defendant abandoned her in Jan­
the situation with a view of locating uary 1913.
J. E. Hunter, who recently came
The Fairview Birthday Club will
from Tillamook to work for the Mac-
meet at Mrs. Joe Donaldson’s on the
Master institution in the hardware
26th, who will be assisted by Mrs.
department, has been joined by his
Claude Ackley.
family, and is now quartered in the
J. M. DeLillies has bought
_ .
the George Herr house on Third Street.
Jones Apartment house. And will be ■ Mr. ---------
Hunter -
is --------
an -----
known in future as the DeLillies booster for Camas.—Pilot, Camas.
The Tillamook Rifle Club met
Friday evening at the Court House
and 40 members were sworn in as
special deputy sheriffs. On motion it
was decided that the Rifle Club form
the home gnuard and drill one even­
Miss Harriett Walker who has been
ing each week. The basement of the
attending a business college in Port­
Ray Feed Co.’s store has been rented
land, came home for a two weeks va­
for a rifle practice and a place to drill.
cation, Miss Ruth Howell, of Hood
I The monthly meeting of the Shakes-
River accompanied her.
1 peare Club was held on Friday after­
Ray Grate, agent of the S. P. at this noon, Mrs. W. J. Reichers being the
city, won a silver medal for a perfect hostess ) on
. .......
.. occasion.
..... .... The decora-
station, being one out of 82 agents tions were of patriotic character, the
who won this honor, in which 686, Stars and Stripes with daffodils were
stations entered.
J artistically arranged with pretty ci-
1___ _ and
: .1 _ a r few i invited
The 10th Company Coast Artillery, I feet. 'T't.
The „ ____
wishes to thank the
Fairview f_ guests had a most pleasant afternoon,
Grange for the kindness in giving a and the hostess served a dainty lunch.
' dance Saturday night, the proceeds of
| Mme. Petrova sets a new pattern
which went to the company fund.
[in “The Black Butterfly ” She takes
D. M. Ackley and sister, Miss Nel­
lie Ackley were called to Medford on
Monday on account of the serious
illness of their father.
I am in the market at all times for
your baby calves—Smith “The Calf
Man,”—Both Phones.
For cheap fertilizer for your garden
W. A. Wise, dentist.
and meadow, see Frank Elliott at
Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor.
Franklin Fish Market.
For those who need a few cows to
Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat-
A marriage license was issued to fill up their herd, at a reasonable fig-
James I rent and Emma Bauer, both urc ca]j at Commercial Stable, Tilla-
Noglare Auto
Lens at w. A. of Neskowin.
mook, and get what you want, we
We have a Stuetbaker Almanac on have them.
Shop to rent, next to my office.— hand for any rancher who calls for it. j For sale, a surrey with presto lights
Ask Shrode.
and set of harness, also single buggy;
T. H. Goyne.
A full line of standard spark plugs, two cows, four and five years old,
Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon,
also other automobile accessories at fresh this spring, Peter Schranz,
Cloverdale, Ore.
W. A. Williams Harness Shop.
* i Mutual Phone.
For Sale—New modern residence, ! Now is the time to look after your
Born, on Saturday, to the wife of
Chas. Cooper, a girl.
located in best residence district. For Fir« Insurance on all your property,
. the part of a mother and her daugh­
ter. The dual role is common enough
>n motion pictures, but it is unusual |
, for one double role character to meet
| the other on the screen, as Petrova
1 does in this picture. See it at the Gem
Theatre Saturday and Sunday, Avril
The Personal Element
rpHAT, represents as large, if not greater part in
the substantial growth of The First National
1 Bank, that, tne unlimited facilities and services
afforded. These are the men who are taking
part in the operation of this institution :
A. W. Bunn. Farmer.
P. Heisel, Farmer.
C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. JL C. Holden, Vice Pres.
B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
W. J. Riechers. Cashier.
on a 4% per cent basis. These bonds the war. District Attorney Goyne had
will be attractive to investors, as they the evidence in the case sent to the
will be free from taxation.
federal authorities, and Hummel is
in the county jail until some
I have a number of store buildings,
houses and office rooms to rent. Also action is taken.
can give desirable ground lease in
various parts of the city desirable to
almost any needs. See me also for
city property on payments to suit
your income.—Rollie W. Watson.
Rosenberg Bros, have opened a
large line ot all kindg of hay, feed,
near the saw mill and will carry a
large feed store on 2nd Avenue East
flour, grass seeds at the very lowest
prices. Special prices on hay and
feed in car lots.
State Industrial Accident Commis­
sion vs. Barney A. Knoblock is a suit
filed in the circuit court to recover
$28.29 due the commission. Defend­
ant operated a saw mill and failed to
pay the insurance for the men em­
W. G. Shellenbarger, deputy grand
master of the Grand Masonic Lodge
of Oregon, will be in Tillamook
County Thursday, Friday and Satur­
day of this week. On Thursday even­
ing he will visit Cloverdale lodge, on
Friday evening he will be with Tilla­
mook lodge and Saturday evening
will be spent with Bay City lodge.
■ Members and officers of Tillamook
lodge are making special preparations
to receive Mr. Shellenbarger. Work
will be given in the third degree. A
special invitation is extended to all
members of the lodge and to visiting
brethern to attend the meeting on
Friday evening.
Tillamook Lodge, Loyal Order of
Moose, No. 1260, has received its open
State Industrial Accident Commis­ charter from the Supreme Lodge and
Rollie Watson, the insurance man,
vs. Charles W. Gilmore is a suit are now initiating members into the
would like to get in personal touch
order by large classes of applicants.
with all Mutual Fire policy holtders filed in the circuit court, the defend­
On last Friday night 12 new members
in Tillamook County. If you are in­
surance for men while operating a . were
----- ---------
added — to ....
the -------------------
order and on
Miss Ethel Gaylord left on Monday sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * H wiU surprise you how cheaply you
can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie safety in insurance matters, Watson
to visit friends in Portland.
Loose and bailed hay for sale—Ap­
members accepted. The charter will
W. Watson.
has some very good suggestions to to $32.79.
open for April and May and
Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of ply to Clarence Hancnkrat, Tilla­
Sandborn-Cutting Co. vs J. W. But- 'remain
offer all policy holders in Mutual in­
t ! "Stop at the New Huston Hotel,
will close on the 25th of May with a
Lewis Weber, a girl
6th and Everett St’s. Portland, Ore­
Married man, good milker, wants a gon. New Management, Phones and icies.
under the firm name of the Bay City big entertainment and banquet. There
Garbage gathered free. See M. R.
are now over 150 members of the
Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11.
I elevator. Rates 50c., 75c. $1.00 and I Of all the many successful produc- Storage and Fisheries Co., is a suit order. Abe officers are John Lamar,
'$1.50 per day.
tions in which Mme. Petrova, the filed in the circuit court to recover Past Dictator; Rollie Watson, Dicta­
For Furnished Rooms at reasonable
Mrs. Nancy Wilson, having suffer- |
$695.59 for merchandise furnished the
price, See Mrs. E. Plank.
, Winfield, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. celebrated Metro star, has appeared
tor; T. E. Epplett, Vice Dictator;
ed with a fellon on her finger, had i
Dolph Tinnerstet, who has been "The Black Butterfly” which will be
Geo. Hamlin , Prelate; Al. Higgs.
Wanted a milker. Apply to H. F. the finger amputated by Dr. Boals.
“One Touch of Sin” featuring Glad­ Seargant at arms; A. Von Allman,
' seroiusly ill for the past three months seen at the Gem Theatre, Saturday
Goodspeed, Tillamook, Oregon.
Owing to a freight train wreck at ‘ witb infantile paralysis, is now able and Sunday, April 21-22, is considered ys Brockwell, is the William Fox Inner Guard; W. Merrick, Outer
Blacksmith Coal—Right
Coal— Wheeler on Monday the passenger to wa]j< about the house,
her greatest. This new play is given Photoplay coming April 26th. A story I ¡Guard; and f^hester Holden, Treasur-
Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * train did not reach this city until ten
this honor not only because of it’s I of the mining regions, (done in usual
i er-
If you despised a war hero would
wonderful dramatic values but be­ I Fox style) at Gem Theatre Doors |
Bert Ray. oi Cloverdale, laft last at night.
■ you risk your life for him ? Don’t
Captain S. S. Johnson, of the loth
week for Portland, to join the navy. j W. A. Williams carries a full line of answer until after you have seen cause it deals with war conditions in open at 7:15. Show starts at 7:30 I .Company, Coast Artillery, was noti-
1 Come early.
I fied to muster out all men who have
A marriage license was issued to ! Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay Mme. Petrova in “The Black Butter­
The Tillamook Lodge, I. O. O. F.
The U. S. Civil Service Commission , persons depending upon them for a
George R. Butts and Ada A. Dutcher. you to look over his stock when in fly” at Gem Theatre, April 21-22.
assisted by the Rebekah Lodge will announces that a postoffice clerk ex- | j living. This will reduce the company
' Don't fail to see the “Black Butter­
Will pay you to see Everson for a
|r : For Sale— Set of demountable rim fly” featuring Mme. Petrova, a story celebrate the 98th anniversary of Odd amination will be held at Tillamook, 25 as there is ^juite a number of mar­
safe investment in city property or
for > Ford
Chevrolet. Will and play with the war in Europe as a Fellowship in America with enter­ Oregon, on May 12, 1917. to fill va­ ried men, 12 of whom were mustered
V.- or -
farm lands.
*■ * wheels IV.
1 take your old wheels as part payment. back ground. At the Gem Theatre, tainment and banquet on Thursday cancies as they may occur in the po­ out the first of the week, others will
evening, April 26th. Committies have
One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­
Ira C. Smith, Bell Phone.
April 21-22. Adults 15c. Children 5c. been appointed to perfect plans. As sition of clerk at the Tillamook post­ be mustered out later, but are kept in
senger Ford Nearly new, for sale,
office. Both men and women will be the company for the present to help
Money to loan on farm lands, from
See Rosenberg.
County Clerk Harrison is checking this date falls on Encampment night admitted. Age limits are 18 to 45 drill those who have recently joined
$500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate over the names on the petitions for
there will be no meeting of the En- years. Application blank and informa­ the company. Tlieyc is every indica-
H. Mason & Co., has taken over the of interest. We want your business.
bonding the county to see whether campment. All Odd Fellows and Re­ tion may be obtained from the local tion that the company will be muster-
Standard patterns formerly sold by See Everson.
those who had signed them had reg­ bekahs are cordially welcome and in- ■ secretary, Board of Civil Service cx- cd into the United States army in the
Lamar’s Variety Store.
“Pearl of The Army” is the Pathe istered.
vited to be present on this occasion. . aminers, at the Tillamook postofficc, near future as long as the war con­
Alex McNair has gone to Hot Serial Picture shown at Gem Theatre
Before you buy an Ensilage-machine
Sheriff Campbell picked up two or the Secretary, nth Civil Service tinues. Those who were mustered out
Springs, in Eastern Oregon, for the every Tuesday night, better get start­
Edward J. Schilling, William
’s by the names of Leonard District, 303 Post Office Building, were:
benefit of his health.
ed on it. It’s good.
J. Hill, Everett M. Condit, Ross L.
can save you money on a high grade Seifur and Coey Donaldson on Tues- Seattle, Wash,
Trojan Powder, the powder with­ machine. He can sell you the best day, who had run away from their |
John Feldschau, Concrete contrac­
Shreve, Clarence B. Stanley, John E.
Tillamook County Bank and Wes-
tor, concrete silos built. All work out a headache, is the best powder for machine for the best money.
Youcl, William C. Foster, George D.
* homes at St. Johns and had tramped
ley G. Day vs. E. D.
blowing stumps or any other work—
Percy Sheldon, William S.
iua:intecd.Both phones.
Don’t forget those busted castings.
Flora F. Severance, Walter M. Sev-
Can be welded for half. Goods sent es at first but after some questioning erance and Baker Loan and Trust Co. Coates, William Marx, LcRoy Main,
A marriage license was issued to Tillamook Feed Company.
W. A. Williams has just received a by parcel post and express promptly by the Sheriff they told their proper is a suit filed in the circuit court to I Glen Oliver, James E. Reedy, Daniel
John N. Borba, Ja., and Helen E.
complete line of oil clothing.
ou returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, addresses. They were tired and hun­ recover several sums of money. The ¡Simmons, Fred Talbot, A. 1. Dolan,
Nehl, both of Beaver.
should inspect his stock when in need Oregon.
* gry. The sheriff phoned their parents complaint alleges that in May, 1914, Emil Wooley, Bcnjamine l iter, Leo
for Said—Five room strictly mod- of anything in the oil clothing line.
and the county Judge of Multnomah at the special instance and request of Morrison, Howard Harris, Arthur
A large delegation was down from
trn Bungalow, east part of town,.
The Franklin Fish Market is now Nehalem again on Tuesday for the county, and the boys were sent out E. D. Severance and his father the Case, Elmer T. Plog, and Lowell
I,»750.oo. Easy terms.—Headlight. * open for business, drop in and look
on Wednesday.
’ plaintiff bany loaned and advanced to Bristow.
purpose of discussing with the county
Leland Bester, who was operated around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.- court the matter of the location of a
At a meeting of the Rifle Club, it them the sum of $15,414 00, executing
Notice to Milk Consumers.
upon by Dr. Boals for appendicitis is F. N. Elliott, Proprietor.
' bridge at Nehalem in preference to was the sense of the members that it promissory notes for same. The
Pulling through in good shape.,
For Sale—A paying sawmill in the Dean's point.
would be unwise to organize a home
On and after the first of May, the
guard, and in consequence a resolu­ the defendant for $7,704.00, $896.00, undersigned milk men have found it
Henry Uithof,
Contractor and South end of the County. It will make
"The Elkhorn” is the name of a new tion to that effect was passed. This $300.00, $427.93 and $61.20 with at­
Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns money for you. Taylor Real Estate
necessary to raise the price of cream
billiard and pool rooms opened on will mean that the Rifle Club will be torneys fees, and that certain proper­
as follows: J4 pint to 15c.; I pint to
*ud Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 Agency, Cloverdale, Ore.
First Street by C. T. McKinley and
ty be sold to pay off the indebtedness.
25c.; 1 quart to 50c.; skimmed milk to
Rev. A. Anderson, a Swedish Mis­ T. W. Armstrong. The new place of the home guard, and should an emer­
For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City
The case of Ed Hummel, who was 15c. per gallon; bottled milk qc. pet
for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address sionary, will speak at the Maple Leaf amusement is nicely fixed up and
that purpose. The members have tried last week for using treasonable quart straight when taken in quart.
Mrs. C. N. Drew.
* sionary will speak at the Maple Lea made attractive.
been sworn in as special policemen language, was taken under advise­
Jim Tone, Trask River Dairy,
school house Sunday, Apnl «nd. at
Why not be insured in the best fire eleven am. and eight p.m.. All Scan-
Don’t try to raise calves on some and deputy sheriffs. Those who want ment by Justice of the Peace Stanley.
Swabb & Poland, Tillamook Dairy
cheap untried calf food. Better get to join the home guard must become District Attorney Goyne put up a
insurance company, it costs no more.
T. Seberich, City Dairy.
S«e Everson.
* denavians invited.
that which has proven itself to be the a member of the rifle club.
■ strong case against the accused with
best on the market. Blochford’s Calf
' Farmers in Oregon soon will have an array of witnesses who all testified
Notice to Ship Carpenters.
Meal is the best.—See Shrode at Till­
a chance to borrow money from the that Hummel had said that he would
----- o— —
amook Feed Co.
just received from
newly-organized Federal Land Bank fight for Germany in the event of the
Thomas Keyes, who is a member of at Spokane. A. W. Cauthorn, of Port­ LTnited States going to war with that Washington, to register all experienc­
the 10th Company, Coast Artillery, land, who has been appointed one of country. Hummel testified himself, ed Ship Carpenters, who may b
had his tonsils cut out on Wednesday, the directors, advises that the bank and his own evidence helped to con­ wanted to assist, organize and train
Dr. Robison performing the opera­ will be ready to make loans within 30 vict him. One thing was noticeable, workers for shipping board. All such
tion. He has been having trouble with days. The interest rate for the North­ however, that he was incoherent at men arc request'd to file the address
his throat and it was thought hftft to west territory has SJinitely been fix­ times, and it is a question whether •vith the United States I migration
undergo the operation before the ed at five per cent, and it is expected the man’s mind is not a little unbal­ Service, Portland, Oregon.
company is called away.
that the first issuance of bonds will be anced when it comes to talking about
P. W. Todd, Postmaster.
“Drop in and hook flround ’’