Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 12, 1917, Image 6

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Reports from the upper McKenzl*
Recruiting for Coast Company.
The "War Resolution.”
In the matter of the petition of
river territory state that there is
------ o------
Everett Wells, it was ordered that
------ o——
Captain S. S. Johnson, of the 10th W. S. Coates, H. Rogers and D. Bil­
Adoption of which the Congress of from 10 to 15 feet of snow in the
Company, Coast Artillery, having re­ lings be appointed a board of county the United States last Friday morn­ mountains and that serious high water
reived instructions to recruit the com­
ing, definitely alligned this country in the Willamette and McKenzie
In the matter of the agreement be­ against the German empire.
pany to 150, a good deal of rustling
rivers is probable in the event of
have been going on the past week
| “Whereas, The infperial German I | long continued spring rains.
amongst the members of the com­ county, the same was approved.
government has committed acts of I
In the matter of the offer of James I war against the government and the 1
Convinced that gold, platinum and
pany to bring it up to its full strength
and it is gratifying to know that the 1 J. Dailey, to clean the court house 1 people of the U nited States of Amer- , other valuable minerals are to be
Tillamook Company will be fully re­
' ica; therefore, be it
found in the Deschutes basin deposits
cruited this week, and as soon as tile ede.
“Resolved, By the senate and the I near Terrebonne, Deschutes county,
young men are able to take the
house of representatives of the Unit-I central Oregon, a number of Portland
physical examination. Dr. Boats has j Tillamook Drug Store ...........
2.50 ed Stales 01 America in congress as- , men have inoerporated the Deschutes
been exceedingly busy this week W. H. Banche ............ ...........
27.00 seinbled, that the state of war be- ! Mining and Milling company.
making the necessary examination. 1 R. N. Henkle .............. ..........
King-Crenshaw Co, M. Melchior tween the United States and the im­
Quite a few failed to pass the ex­ I
perial German government which has
The financial statement of the in­
amination. On Monday a number of and others.
thus been thrust upon the United dustrial accident commission, issued
Claims for Cattle Slaughtered.
the members of the company went to I
$405.00 States is hereby formally declared; for the close of business on March
Cloverdale anil about 25 young men Jeff Wallace ...........................
25.00 and that the president be and he is 31, this year, shows a total balance
in that vicinity consented to join the Wirt Sappington ...................
12.50 hereby authorized and directed to em­ with the State Treasurer of $992.931.-
company. Tuesday they went to H. B. Lockwood ...................
125.00 ploy the entire naval and military
Mohler and Wednesday to Garibaldi, Geo. W. Bodyfelt .................
187.50 forces of the United States and the 99. Receipts from November 5, 1914,
where several young men consented W. W. Conder .......................
12.50 resources of the government to carry to March 31, 1917, totaled $2,002,395.-
to join the company. It is expected M. C. Kellow .........................
12.50 on war against the imperial German 76, and disbursements $262,477.58.
that as soon as the company is at its H. H. Hayward ...................
37-50 government; and to bring the conflict
full strength it will be ordered away. i N. S. Nehl
Determined to gain access to Marion
Braden, to a successful termination, all re-
Several who have taken the examina­ 1 Claims continued: F. L. u>aucu,
sources of the country are hereby county's free ferry, the road to which
tion will join other branches of the
I Davis, $12.50; James linlah, $12.50; pledged by the congress of the Unit­ has been blocked on the Polk county
ed States.”
side by a fence along the right-of-way
Up to this (Thursday) morning , C. A. McDonald, $2t.oo; J. P. Pear­
The resolution was signed in the going to the old private ferry landing,
there are 129 in the 10th Company, son, $12.50; W. A. Saling, $25.00; D.
United States Senate by Vice Presi­
Coast Artillery. . Following are the B. Swartz, $100.00; A. Vetsch, $12. to.
about 150 Polk county farmers, living
dent Marshall at 13 minutes after
names of those who took the physi­
noon Friday and by President Wilson in the vicinity of West Salem, sawed
cal examination and joined the com- Charged with Treasonable Language
at 1:18 p.m. The signing of the reso­ down the fence and did away with
pany this week:
lution by the president was the cause the barrier.
Geo. A. Blanchard
for the immediate flashing of the
Should a special session of the leg­
Walter Stark
word "mobilize” to every naval vessel islature be called by Governor Withy-
LeRoy Crimmins
jail for uttering treasonable language
combe to make provisions for depend­
Percy Thayer
before war was declared. Hummel is less tower at Arlington.
Ronald Sating
ent families of soldiers called into ser­
■- ■----------------
Derven Sating
vice, the 6 per cent limitation amend-
James F. Smith
Our Cause is Exaulted and Righteous.
will have no binding effect on
Albert Mills
city marshal and Hummel got into a
Donald Hare
The debate on the war resolution ( any bond issue that might be provided,
controversy over the war, when Hum­ carried much that was lofty and illu­ according to lawyers who have studied
John Rose
mel seems to have made the remark minating. Senator Lodge’s speech
Frank M. Dunn
the situation.
that if American vessels wanted to
Carl Erickson
was particularly inspiring and service­
Information coming from several
Wallace Jordan
able in drawing sharp attention to the directions leads to the belief the
Donald Scofield
and he hoped that Teddy Roosevelt folly of the suggestion that the Unit­ Southern Pacific Railway company
Elmer I.. McCabe
would be on one. The marshal told ed States should hold aloof from the contemplates railroad extensions in
Arthur F. Cole
Hummel that in the event of war be­ entente alliees and make war on Ger­
Clarence Provoost
declared he would arrest him the many single-handed and without in- the Marshfield vicinity, probably from
Harold Mason
Beaver Hill junction, 12 mileB from
next time he came to town, which he telligent cooperation.
James A. Wells
“It would be madness,” declared the Coos bay, to Bandop, by way of
did on Friday. The city marshal ar­
Elmer Bailey
rested the man on his own authority, Massachusetts senator, “for us to > at- Beaver slough and down the Coquille
T.loyd Woods
not having any instructions to do so tempt to make war alone and 1 find river to the coast.
<)scar Johnson
from the city, state or federal ali­ ourselves perhaps at the end, left
Antone Schweiger
W. P. Wilson and his son, J. L.
isolated at war with that power, when
Elmer Dougherty
of Olalla claimed the largest
taken before Justice
Marvin Hopkins
Stanley wJio set
the trial for ten cause we had not associated ourselves varmint-bounty ever paid in Douglas
Lee Slyter
with them.”
county for the capture of varmints
o’clock th'is( Thursday) morning.
Raymond DeVroy
Speaking to the same purpose Sena­ from one family, when they presented
The complaint alleges:
William Gougherty
Chester Mills
That Edward Hummel at divers tor Williams drove to the heart of the eight coyote puppies about two weeks
Frank Pike
times between the 1st of October, situation whin he said:
old to the county clerk at Roseburg
“Which would you rather do, fight
Paul Werner
1916, and the 5th of April, 1017, did
for bounty. The total amount paid
Herman Smith
wilfully and unlawfully conduct him­
was $160, being $20 each.
Arthur Case
self in such a manner as to disturb Britain and Russia, or fight her
Attorney-General Brown received
Alfred Gouldstrom
the peace and quiet of the neigh­ alone later? You’ve got to do one or
Eric A. Gouldstrom
borhood, by stating to divers persons the other. I tell you if Germany does notice that he had won another of the
Robt. W. Myers
in this county and using insulting, win that fight on the continent of F. A. Hyde land fraud cases. Deci­
Sam Ricfenbcrg
violent, unpatriotic and treasonable Europe she will begin building and sion in favor of the state has been
Andrew Peterson
language, some of the said state­ getting ready to whip 11s unless the rendered by Circuit Judge G. F. Skip­
Henry T.cach
ments being as follows: That he the English fleet prevents it.”
Glenn I.each
To support their plea for independ­ worth of Lane. This is the fifth out
said defendant hoped that the Ger­
Howard Erskine
man government would sink a num­ ent action opponents of concerted of seven Hyde land fraud cases,
Joseph L. Conover
ber of vessels belonging to the United warfare are garbling and ¿cstorting which have been won by the state.
Harrv Kerr
States, with Theodore Roosevelt, ex- the words of Washington, Washing­ The other two are undecided.
Cornelius Ward
many, and the United States should ton wisely counseled against entang- 1 Seventeen bricks of gold, weigh-
them, that if war should be declared lenient in “the ordinary vicissitudes 1
between the United States and Ger­ of European politics, the ordinary j ing 1221 ounces and valued at $23,-
many, and the United Statees should combination and collisions of her j 199, said by milling men to be the
largest clean up ever yielded by a
On Easter Sunday a wedding of attempt compel him to fight for the frineilships or enmities.”
United States, they would have two
____ ordinary
_ interest took
more than
"If we remain one people, under an southern Oregon gold mine, were
place at one o'clock at the residence fights on their hands; by stating that efficient government,” added the first brought to Grants Pass by James
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Rowe just he denounced his citizenship, that he president, “the period is not far off Logan, owner of the Simmonds-Logan
north of town, when their youngest did not believe in the laws of the when we may defy material injury
daughter Miss Sylvia Orelda Rowe United States, ami that he would not from external annoyance; when we 1 placer mine at Waldo, about 40 miles
became the bride of George \\ . Hos­ assist in the enforcement of such laws may take such* an attitude as will ' southwest of Grants Pass. The mass
kins. the officiating minister Rev J. E. and by many other statements of like cause the neutrality we may at any | of gold was the result of a 10-day
Youel, of the Presbyterian church nature.
time resolve upon to be scrupuously ! run.
using the beautifully adapted ring
The first witness was Mat Perry respected. W hen belligerent nations,
The legislative road bond commit­
Wedding who testified that about a year ago, under the impossibility of making ac­
has decided to hold a statewide
March was played by the bride’s sis­ Hummel said that if the United quisitions upon us, will not lightly
ter. Mrs. L. E. Hammer, as the bridal Statees got in a war w ith Germany hazard the giving us provocation; rally in Portland, April 28. This will
party entered the room, and
the States go into war with Germany when we may choose peace or war, not be in the nature of a convention,
bride's little niece Rowena Hanson he would fight for Germany and he as our interest guided by justice shall but will be a rally to which are in­
was the proud bearer of the wedding did not care a damn who knew it.
vited delegates from all organiza­
ring. Only members of the two fam­
J. T. Higgins, Mrs. \\ hcatlev, X. J.
That admonition was predicted on tions in Oregon interested in the road
ilies concerned were present namely; Myers, lack Rupp, E. E. Koch,, Sid previous counsel to prepare for war;
Withycombe J
Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Rowe, Mr. and Travis, P. W. Todd, C. E. Trombley, on Washington's faith that we would movement.
Mrs. W. II. Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mapes and I. Merrel Smith were not abandon universal military train­ will be invited and the three state j
H. I . Hanson, Mr. and Mrs . Emmett the other witnesses all of whom testi­ ing. If this nation had held to his highway commissioners will be in at- I
Hoskins, fied that Hummel had used treason­ counsel it would have had such tendance.
Bales, M'««
Rowena Hanson and Leonard Bales, able language and that he said he streng on land and sea when the
Insurance business in the state is j
of Tillamook, and Mr and Mrs. Lewis would fight for Germany.
storm broke over Europe that our increasing by leaps and bounds, ac­
E. Hammer, of McMinnville, Ore­
neutral rights would have been re-
The court room was crowded,
cording to figures compiled by In- I
the case was not decided when
When congratulations and
Unfortunately our military weak­ surance Commissioner Harvey Wells I
to pre
wishes had been expressed, all
ness led Germany on to increasing During the first three months of this
directed to the dining room, s
“acquisition upon i:-.” to the commit­ year the fees of his office amounted
Artillery ComPany Fund.
about the big family table and served
ting of repeated and flagrant ’provo­ to $121.910.98, as compared to $97,-
with a bountiful dinner under the able
$ 10.00 cations.”
524.43 for a similar period last year.
direction of the bride’s mother.
Tillamook County Bank
Wc have seen our women and
The bridal couple were the rccip- First National Bank ...
10.00 children slain at sea, our ships sunk, When the new insurance code goes
ients of many valuable and useful B. I). l.amar ....................
5.00 our commerce destroyed in violation into effect the amount of the fees of
presents. Both are well known in the C. I. Clough .....................
5.00 of the human laws of nations.
that office also will be greatly aug­
community and are among the most Lamb-Schrader Co..........
We have seen plots and conspira­ mented.
ambitious and popular of its young I-. r. Halton .............
500 cies, directed from Berlin and hatch­
people. Their relative^ and friends are King Crbnshaw Co..........
The first two weeks the rural
5.00 ed in the German embassy and Ger­
pleased to know that they are to con­ t oast Power Co................
5.00 man consulates, to incite desperate credits amendment has been actually
tinue to reside about 'I illamook and F. C. Baker .....................
5.00 and lawless m n to the perpetration in operation show that 67 applica­
will be at home to them at the Bucl O. R. Dale .........................
5.00 of violent crimes. Paid employes of tions have been made for loans from
5.00 German government have wrecked
C. E. Trombley ..............
that fund, and out of this number
Their many friends heartily join in P. W. l o.l.l .....................
to 00 with torch and bomb
have scuttled
wishing for them unmeasured happi­ C. U. Jensen .....................
5.00 in our harbors the ships of friendly 44 have been approved. The loans
ness ami prosperity through all of E. G. Anderson ..............
5.00 nations. From the German embassy asked for average about $2000, al­
life's jour nev.
5.00 at Washington a widespreat conspir- though some run as high as $5000
5.00 I acy was directed to incite sedition and others as low as $300. Approxi­
County Court Jottings.
and cn courage revolt against the gov- mately $90,000 worth of loans have
c 00
been approved out of the $140,000
In the matter of payment of
And crc
half of judgment in circuit court case,
worth applied for.
a warrant was drawn in favor of J.
5.00 i
Central Oregon communities are re­
II. Holgate.
too embassy t
sponding with liberality to the request |
In the matter of the D. L. Jones
too to invade
I of Robert E. Strahorn for aid in the j
county road, the report of the board
financing of the Oregon, California &
of road viewer, was heard and case
I Eastern railroad which, when built,
continued until April it.
In the matter of the application to
Take Advantage °f an Astoria Citi­ is to serve Crook, Klamath. Harney
o —
be appointed county veterinarian, J.
zen's Experience,
1 and Lake counties. Klamath Falls
Indigestion nrarlv alm
E. Reedy. C. A. M inshall and James
the back begins to ache,
has voted $300,000 in municipal bonds;
N, Shaw having made application, the the sleep more or les*,
wait until backache becomes Burns. $125,000; Lakeview, $20.000.
a light
same was continued until the May the cause of insomnia,
supper with little if any
and no
Bend has contributed $35,000, and is
Till kidney troubles develop;
< rIain’s
In the matter of appointment of milk; also take one of C
preparing to vote $100.000 in bonds
deputy sheriffs, the sheriff was in­ Tablet , immediately aftet supper. rr
in aid of construction. Surprise valley
structed to appoint the members of and se e if you do not rest n
Profit by an Astroia residents ex- citizens are taking steps to vote $100.-
the Tillamook Rifle Club as deputy ter. For sale by Lamar's Dn Store
000 in bonds.
I Mr*. Mary E Morrison, 595 Grand
In the matter of transfering monev
Treasurer Kay has directed letters I
Ave, Astoria, Oregon.,
___ „___ , _ says:
... "At
from the general fund to the road
<■* my back was *0 weak and sore to the Oregon delegation in congress. I
Ornamental Fire Place* Built
fund the same was ordered done.
th .t I could hardly get around. When asking that steps be taken to regulate |
of Brick and Stone. All Fir*
In the matter of bids for remodeling
1 bent over to do anything or sat in food prices. He asserted in his com I
Place* absolutely guaranteed
the county court house, the bid of
' position very long, it was all I muntcation that speculators have
not to smoke or money re-
Frank Heyd A Co, for $4.353.00 was
Could do to straight n up. My kid­
ney, were also more or less out of taken advantage of the war to run up '
In the matter of the appointment of
Riick work of all kinds done
order during this trouble with my prices, even on American made goods. I
a justice of the peace for the fourth
on short notice.
'»ack. After I had taken two boxes of the manufacture of which are not af
justice district, G. W. Gray was ap­
We make a specialty of re­
Doan’, Kidney Pills, mv back felt fected in any manner by the war. and
pairing smoking Fire Place«.
strong in every way and I was able to that as a result the wage-working '
In the matter of a constable for the
get about as well as ever."
classes throughout the United States j
fourth justice district, G. W. Jone,
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t
wn appointed.
•»imply ask for a kidney remedy—get would soon be reduced to the condi
In the matter of the petition of S.
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that tion of the people in European coun '
H. Rock for a county road, same was I
Mrs. Morrison had. Foster-Milburn tries if some remedial legislation is
Co, Trops, Buffalo, N. V.
not enacted.
We are now located in our new
stand at the FRYE WAREHOUSE
at the S.P. Railroad, near the S.P.
Depot, where we welcome all our
customers to call and see us. We
carry a full line of Feed. Silosand
Farm Implements. Our prices
are the lowest for the value re­
ceived. Let us know your wants.
Down town office at A. C. Ever­
son's Real Estate Office. Both
phones at warehouse and office.
Tillamook, Oregon
Competitive Awards
at both the San Francisco and
San Diego Expositions, were
given to Zerolene — an oil made
from asphalt-base crude.
the Standard Oil lor Motor Cars
Sold by dealers everywhere and
at all Service Stations of the
Standard Oil Company
General Contractors
and Builders.
Estimates & Plans Furnished,
(.all at our plant and get prices. It will
save you money.
Both Phones.
fiüEX. MefiAIR & CO.
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.