TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 12 ELAND E ERWIN, BILLS ALLOWED BY COURT. E. W. Stanley.............. 3.10 velopment is now about nine years < ——o------ J. S. Stephens .............. 5-00 old. One Congress after another has Road District No. 1, Geo. I. Smith.............. • • • • '90 passed out of existence without pro­ Rudolph Zweifel .......... $ MU Swabb & Roland........ 434 viding a remedy. We have listened to U. S. Steal Products Co, 20.80 O. G. Swensen ............ the piupu^amia propoganda ui of oviirotjivui self-styled and Tohl 8r Anderson ..... 11.72 R. L. Shreve .............. 20.29 self appointed conservators of the « Anderson Bros. ....... 6542 S. F. Stone .......... 14.13 I public interest who assume infallibil- s D. S. Boyakin .............. Lai Tillamook Herald .... 18.00'ity and whose watchford is "holier B. Batzner........ ............. 5.00 Tillamook Drug Store 1.60, than thou,” but whose only clear and Tom Berry ........ ........... 10.00 P. W. Todd .............. 164.10 unmistakable desire is to keep their Frank Crane .................. 15 .00 P. W. Todd .................. 13.00 names and their activities constantly Malvis Johnson ............ 17SO County Fair Board .. 1300 before the public. In this urgent need 1.25 Geo. Wood .................... Tillamook Feed Co. .. 5-20 for wise and manful action we have 5.00 John Paquet .................. Frank Taylor.............. 18.00 been unable to rise above the trivali- C. W. Ross .................... 9-37 Frank Taylor.............. 380 ties of those who would tear down 1.25 P. W. Todd ................ R. E. Myers ................... 7-'8 that which they have not the ability 5.00 J. G. Josmann ................ Tillamook Headlight . 12.50 to construct. F. L. Sappington .......... 1.25 -Mutual Telephone Co. 6.101 Somehow the two houses of this 84.00 Widow’s Pensions ... W. F. Cain .................. . managed to advance as far 230.00 Congress " Chas Haybarkcr ct al 45-75 Elmer L. Webb ........ 110.28 as the appointment of a conference 35-00 Mary L. White .......... Leslie Barber ................ 50.00 committee on the navigable stream Chas. Robitsch .............. 1.35 A. Vetsch ..................... 25.00 bill. I will not attempt to determine 53.50 R. F. Zach man............ F. J. Darcy ...................... 5.00 where the blame lies for failure of Jack Leslie ...................... 67-50 Ackley & Murphy .... 9.20 that conference. The appalling and Sam Thompson ............ 5.60 J Assessor’s office 350.00 the shameful fact is that we have Emil Ross ........................ 14 3b J Anderson Bros . « 65-43 failed—failed in a matter which as Emil Larson .................... 39.35 I Bushong & Long 12.50 efficient public servants and consid­ H. Tubbensing .............. 14-37 A. W. Bunn .... 300 erate, sensible and full grown men we Felix Kebbc ................ 13 75 F. L. Braden 12.50 ought to have been successful. The 36.35 P. W. ... .......................... Geo. Kight .................... Barrett 1450 water power of the country will con­ John Hicks............ . 10.62 o. s. Boyakin ........ 11.70 tinue to waste down into the sea. 6.87 I B. L. Beals.............. J. Karnin ........................ 83-33 Our industrial capital and our creative 57-35 I J. C. Bewley ............ C. E. Allen .................... 4.00 men will continue to go, as they have Herman Klugg ............ 12.50 VV. W. Conder ....... 50.00 in the past few years, to other coun­ Dick Myers .................. 33501 Coast Power Co. ... 36.16 tries, where ability and enterprise are Frank Barnes ................ 4- 37 I Crystal Laundry Co. __ appreciated and where the creation of 2.20 • 8.75 I I . J. Claussen ........ Tomlinson ................ 21.96. something big, broad, purposeful, and Tomlinson ................ 'ooo w. L. Campbell .... *33-33 useful is not considered a reprehensi-' K. Vermelyea .......... *5-63 ¡Clerk’s Office .......... 373-34 ble act. M. Vermelyea .......... '3-'o A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. 49.56 | I trust that the Sixty-fifth Congress 37-00 I Transfer Co. .. Frost .......................... 5.52 will give its serious attention to this 137 37 I J. T. Davis ' T. Dolan .................. ............................ 12.50 water-power question and that it will 11.00 If f- B. Gresham.............. o. & C. M. Dawson .... 8.90 have the ability and courage to settle '36 '3 C. A.’ Dunn ............................ The Hoyt Mfg. Co. ... •55 it properly. 2.62 I -f Erwin Harrison .......... E Epplett ........................ 9.00 22.50 T E. Epplett ........................ F. P. Hobson ................ 55-00 TO BUILD NEW RAIL 3372.50 w. E . Finzer ........................ The Hoyt Mfg. Co. .. LINE TO TILLAMOOK 9-75 I ‘Y98 Glass & Prudhomtne Co ... Jas. flicks ...................... 15.19 | Johnson & Illingsworth 5- 35 J Glass & Prudhomtne Co. .. 8-38 Roa(j Will Shorten Distance and Tap »33.50 C L _____ ........................ A. D. Moody ................ Hawley Très............... 750.00 , Wonderfully Rich Timber Resources Nehalem Times............ 100 Mrs. F. P. Hobson ......... 30.001 ----- - Gales - • With the organization of - the R. L. Shreve .................. | Harris Ammer Furn. Co. 2.50 Creek & Wilson River Railroad com­ 43-74 I Erwin Harrison .............. C. A. Dunn .................... 1.65 pany by Portland capitalists, plans 18.01 I Prang Heyd Co................. E. 1. Parish .................... 11.60 were disclosed today for immediate W. E. Anderson .......... '9 '« A. M. Hare ....................... . 102.65 construction of a standard railway A. H. Gulstrom............ 3-75 Dr. W. C. Hawk .............. 27.00 from Wilkesboro the westerly ter­ . _ I L. S. Hushbeck ................ 2500 minus of the United Railways, 27 Total ............................ .. $5,007.29 I Irwin-Hodson C o. 4- 4» miles from Portland and also front District No. a. Irwin Hodson Co. 4-50 Forest Grove, the same distance from Kay Hammond .................. 3-75 Ijas Itnlah ... 12.50 Portland, to navigable tidewater on 5.00 I yy e . Erwin Lando Darby ...................... 47.05 Tillamook bay, a distance of 50 miles, A. L. Darby ........................ G' A- j°nes Realty Co. . 7-01 giving the shortest rail connection • 9.5O I j p. Jones ....................... Guy Vaughn ........................ 7.22 between this city and Tillamook. Ac­ A. J. Nails .......................... I Jurors Circuit Court .... 18.00 cording to a statement made by John N. J. Dye ............................ "•S® Thos: B. Kay .................... 162.12 Pearson manager of the Western Wiu. Hare .......................... '—I King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. 4 40 Timber company who is president Q. I’angborn ........................ '.JL Mrs. Marie Kamm ........ 28.00 and treasurer of the new railroad H. Wilkes ............................ I Mrs. Marie Kamm ........ 27.50 ' company, location surveys with esti­ Frank Oliver .............. .. & Smith Co............... 2.70 mates of construction cost have been T, Haugen .......................... „lj°rley Kellow .................... 3.30 completed, bids for the work have J. S. Graham ........................ 6.20 been submitted by railway contract­ L. C. Wilkes ...................... 36.35 ors and contracts will be awarded in K. L. Shreve ............. ^| g . B. Lamb .................... 28.50 a few days.Financing of the undertak­ Chas Thurman .................... 6-o° IG. . ... B. Lamb ..................... 8333 ing has also been concluded, although Star Garage ........................ 9’S^ j H. Mason & Co................. 560 the capitalization is put at the nom­ 14.00 I W. D. Wood.......... 5- 90 inal sum of $100,000. 6.0° L Mason & Co................. Tillamook Water Co.......... C. A. McDonald .............. 12.50 Associated in the organization of Tillamook Watet Co......... f7 I *’• Owens 52.55 the new company are 0. M. Clark, Tillamook Iron Works ... I Geo. W. Phelps....................... 6.50 president of the Portland Chamber of 44 00 IT. C. Percy ............................. Frank Dye ................... Commerce; Ralph E. Williams, E. Z. 9.60 J. D. Pearson ........................... Peder Erickson ........ .. 12.50 Ferguson and Jesse Sterns, all prom- 12.10 Pac. Tel.& Tel. Co................... Hiner & Kced ................ 2505 ient in timber investments. Williams 1.65 H. L. Provoost ..................... King-Crenshaw Hdw, Co. .. 10.00 is vice president and Stearns secre­ 22.14 Royal Sweeping Comp. Co. .. Alex McNair & Co................. 1.35 tary of the company. U.15 S. G. Recd ............................... Plaskcr Bros ......................... • 86.00 It is said to be impossible to trans­ 10.00 Chas Moore ........................... 10.00 R. L. Shreve ............................ 56.35 port timbers 150 feet in length on any C. l’roctor ................................ C. A. Dunn ............................... 5.62 railways other than main lines and 6.00 E. I. Parish ............................. Alvin Blum .............................. 6.37 the new road will be built with a view 500 Frank Blaser .......................... W. E. Anderson ..................... 9-75 to overcome this objection to ordi- 24.38 C. A. Dunn .............................. A. H. Gulstrom ..................... 1.87 ' nary logging or branch line railways. E. 1. Parish .............................. 11.35 L. J. Harrison ......................... 7.50 I here is a large and growing demand W. E. Anderson .................... 4-12 Fred Gould .............................. 6.25 for long sticks for shipbuilding at A, J. Zimmerman ................... 2.50 Portland and on tidewater and to sup­ Total .................................... $1.030.51 ply it the road has been located by Road District No, 3, 6.801 F*ilur* *0 Enact Water-Power .Chief 11. D. Haley -j to ac­ , "* Engineer “.. R. E. Wilson Co. ................ 48.00 | Legialation. m ------------ J • commodate such traffic. J. M. Baker .......................... ... - I “There is 15,000,000,000 feet of the J. E. Cochran ...................... 30.75 j/.^v I Representative C. N, McArthur, best vergin timber on the Pacific 3746 Joe Jenck ............................... 43.461 W l°. uses good horse scuse when dis- Coast tributary to the projected rail- Robt. Lockwood .................. 2x50 22.50 1 «u»»i»g **lnK matter» matters of interest, had this riad," said President Pearson this E. J. Hunter ........................ jo.oo | *° 'n congress about the failure to morning. “That alone will furnish I Jim Beggs .............................. '•25|c"“ct wa*cr power legislation; traffic for many years, When the P. Jenck .................................. 43.50 | 'he closing hours of this con- timber is cut thousands of acres of : Fred Broidy 30.00 | grc»s I think it fitting to observe that high quality agriculture land will be John lnilah 3.501 however well satisfied any of us may ready for tilling." l’ony Jenck '---- *- .. >3-75 oyer this or that legislative ac-' It is understood that negotiations E. A. Cochran ¡0.00 I coniplishment, wc arc obliged to con- arc under way for the new company Cliff Mattoon ., 2.50 pc,i our performance with re- to cither acquire by ownership or J. R. Lowrance 25.64 I spect to water power is something lease the United Railways line from J. E. Cochran .. 12.5o|'or which we can afford no adequate Linnton to Wilkesboro a unit of the Ulysiss Edwards 3-75 picuse cither to the country or to our- Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway R. A. Searcy ... 2.50 I’"■Ncs. While we have spent days up- system, or trackage rights over it. Harold Brant ,,, 18.50 |o,i days of time wrangling over trival Failing in either of these plans and U. S. Edwards . *3-75 I matters, wc have made an absolute in an alternative to obtain trackage Albert Clark .... 6.35pa*lure in one matter that is clearly rights over the Southern Pacific be­ Jas lnilah .......... .31 I fundamental to the mobolization of tween Portland and Forest Grove an John Sailing .... 10.00 I“ur industries, to the functioning of independent line into Portland will be Roy Braden .... 12.50 |°ur overburdened transportation sys- built. Ralph Welsh ... 1.801'cm, to the production of our food The Gales Creek & Wilson River C. M. Gilmore .. 5.64 ¡supply and to the defense of our Railroad company's project has no Fred llollctt ... ,50 I country. connection with the plans of the Ore­ G. W. Bulina ... 13.75 I ",e 11“*« failed to make it possible gon Lumber company controlled by Harry Beckworth Oliver Bcckwurth 8.75 por capable and honorable men to de- the Eccles interests, of Utah, to de­ 10.6J Ivelop our wasting water powers, not- velop the timber resources of the Ne­ Louis 1 Myers ... . Bordon 5.00 I withstanding the fact that hundreds halem district which a few months Clarence Dunn ................ 7.50 ¡of millions of dollars are available ago passed into the hands of the Chas Larson ................. 7.50 [for such development, but wilt not, by Utah corporation at a consideration W. H. Kandle ............... 44^0 [reason of world-wide reconstruction of approximately $4,000.000. At the Harry Beckwith ............ 4.50 demands, be available in the near fu- Portland office of the Oregon Lum­ G. G. Irish ..................... 16.25 turc. It has been of no consequence ber company it was stated that the Henry Gould ................. 6 .88 to the majority of us that millions of check cruising of the tracts bought Beaver Lbr. Co............... 7.00 water horse power are now actively from the Dubois interests had just Cloverdale Merc. Co. .. 6.45 demanded in the promotion of our commenced and that plans for tap­ Edward F. Carter .......... Ji.33 national prosperity. We have been in ping the timber lands with transpor­ A. C. Deuel .. .................. 45.00 different to the fact that great rail- tation lines would be announced in W, D. Gilbert A Sons ... .■4.75 road lines arc awaiting the passage of due course. Unfavorable weather had J. L. Holgate ................... lt.6o legislation that would make it pos- delayed the beginning of the cruising, Jas lnilah ........................ 57.50 sible to use electricity as a motive it was said by Raymond H. Early, A. A. Itnlah ..................... (»3.50 power and thereby increase the effi- the assistant manager.—Telegram. D ,L Jones ....................... 47.50 ciency and comfort of the service Jenck Bros ...................... A SAFE TEST. 430 while decreasing its cost and inciden- ----- Q.---- King-Grrnshaw Hdw. Co, 54.39 tally preventing the present enormous Chas. Lundquist ... For those who are in need of a 7.35 consumption of exhaustible fuel, it C. B. Mcasor .......... 45.50 has made no difference to us that remedy for kidney troubles and back­ Richards........ joo great industries which we need and 1 ache, it is a good plan to try Doan's Shreve .......... 8.IJ demand in this world wide crisis Kidney Pills. They are strongly rc- Dunn......... . . 70.63 must seek other countries, because we commended by McMinnville people. Parish ........... ji 99 would not enact honest and practical! Arthur Branson, 339 B Street., No. W. F. Anderson ... 26.13 water-power legislation. Wc »cram- McMinnville, Ore., says: "About six A. H. Gulstroin .... 33 38 ble and tumble over each other in our [or eight years ago, I had rheumatic H. Goldsmith .......... 8.47 seal to enact legislation in the farm- ! P»ins in my back and legs so bad that Bob McClay ............ a.50 ers’ interest yet in our wisdom we 11 wasn't able to do my work. At Ralph Welsh ........ .. 5 00 have thought it better to have our | times, it was all I could do to get Forrest Ayer .......... -■8.65 farmers either produce half a crop or around. Sharp, shooting pains caught Herman Farmer ... 39 35 else pay tribute to the great nitrogen ! me in the small of my back and for a J. M. Baker ........ .. 7.75 combine of Uhde than to allow our ■ minute I could hardly move. When I E. R. Measor .......... '4-37 water powers to be developed and got down to do anything it was all I Ed. Kostic ....... 12.50 thereby create home production of «ould do to straighten up as my back W. H. Doering .... 7 so nitrogen for fertilizer purposes. Tru-.Ielt so weak and stiff. After I had D. L. Jones ............. •■35 ly. it will be surprising if some of the I taken six or eight boxes of Doan's R. A. Jones .............. water-power 1 water-power obstructionists obstructionists c.. on .... the Kidney Pills 1 was cured. Since then floor of the House do not have their _ Total ................................. $2,218.80 names engraved upon a monument I haven't had any rheumatic paios and my kidneys have been as strong Sour Grass Road. erected by the çrateiul people of the as ever.” Dodytclt ................ l.oo Republic of Chile in recognition of Price $0c. at all dealers. Don’t General Fund their zeal in levying tribute on the simply ask for a kidney remedy—get 2 00 American farmer for the benefit Schollmyer ................ • • of Doan s Kidney Pills—the same that A Saling .................. 25.00 the Chilean nitrate industry. Mr. Branson had. Foster-Milburn Co. B. Swarts ....................... . 100.00 The embargo on water power de- Props., Buffalo, N. Y. J. W. Harris-Ammer Furniture Co. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Matting, Regular 35 to 50c ts. Special, SATURDAY, 30cts. LACE CURTAINS, All Lace Curtains 1-3 off Regular Price. IR0NBEDS Conti nous Post Iron Beds. White and Bronze from $3.50 to $13.00 Harris-Ammer Furniture Co PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. J2)AVID ROBINSON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, j TILLAMOOK OREGON. T. BO1LB ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook . - . . Oregon Both Phones. T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook.............................. Oregon. w EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide. Creo-Septic is completely soluable in water. Two tablespoonfuls to each gallon of water is the average strength to be used. Being of a soapy nature it proves very effective for washing the animals and stable uten­ sils, and if used in general improves stable conditions. $2.00 a Gallon. FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillurnook - - Oregon. JACK OLSEN, CHAS. I. CLOUGH, DENTIST. Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display RAY & CO Tillamook, - - Oregon. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - Oregon, ROOM NO. 261. QARL HABERLACH, attorney - at - law . DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR, GEORGE J. PETERSON. 1 Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon. T illamook B kock i Tillamook Oregon c- HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bny City Costs Little More to go East VIA CALIFORNIA Before selecting the route for your next trip East consider these three important things : SERVICE Steel cars, though standard or tourist sleeping cars, unexcelled dining cars. SAFETY Rock ballast, autotnatic block signais, heavy Steel rails, consistant speed. J.K Oregon REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phones, Tillamook - . . Oregon. II. T. Botts, Pres , Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. ; Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, , Abstracts. Real Estate, Insurance. Both Phones. T ILLA MOOK — OREGON. SCENERY Known throughout the country as “The Road of a 1 hotisand Wonders.” LIBERAL STOP-OVERS Our Agents are well informed. Ask them regarding train schedules, or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland. SOUTHREN PACIFIC LINES Have Your House Wiring Done Coast power done rigf at RIGHT PRF a' t c