TILLAMOOK, OREGON. APRIL 12, Ii.so PER YEAR. John Hathaway and wife left .ai 1 l °? c ,who need a few co*s to "11 up heir herd, at a reasonable fig- Tuesday for Napa, Idaho. I urc call at Commercial Stable, Tilla­ Mrs. E. J. Bowers left Monday mook, and get what you want, we California, being called there by | have them. serious illness of a brother, who Little Kittens Reichert the juvenile cently lost both legs in an accident. 1 actress in Fox pictures is to be seen Prof. Kirk, superintendent of the in some splendid. scenes in “The 1 1 nmitive Call” at the Gem Theatre, city schools left on Wednesday for j Monmouth and Corvallis ;md will at- I 1 hursday, April 19. l tend a conference of state educators Before you buy an Ensilage.machine [ at Reed College, Portland, on Satur­ it will pay you to see Shrode, for he day. rOL will find the Directors and Officers of The can save you money on a high grade machine. He can sell you the best _ Rev. F. S. Ford, pastor of the M. E. First National Bank familiar with business as 11 machine machine for for the the best best money. monev * Church at Pleasant Home, in Mult­ well as banking methods. For that reason you nomah County, is visiting his daugh­ „ C,oats driving and Boom Co., VS. vs. ter Mrs. C. E. Trombfcy and shaking will find them as competent to co-operate in That takes the jolts and jars Carl Haberlach and wife and Frank hands with old friends. YOUR problem«—as to intelligence their institution. S. Sugimoto is a suit filed in the cir ­ out of life later on and gives you We shall be glad to have you open a Checking Rev. J. E. Youel left on Tuesday to cuit court to condemn a right of way attend the Presbytery meeting in through certain property. Account, or make use of our other departments. that worry-free, successful air Portland. Rev. McVeigh, of Clover­ Catherine A. Long, adminstratrix dale, went out on Monday for the DIRECTORS : which conies from the knowledge of the estate of Frank Long, Sr., vs. same purpose, also Alex Watt of this !?■ Heisei, C. J. Edwards. J. C. Holden. A. W. Bunn, Joe Blaser and wife is a suit filed in I city. John Morgan. B. C. Lamb, W J. Riechers. of the little “ nest-egg” earning the circuit court to recover $123.48 B. C. Lamb, Pres. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. I for lumber. Kasper Zwiefel, the Watkins Rem­ you 4 per cent interest in some edy man, had quite a good roads dem­ 1 G. B. McLeod, vice president of the onstration while at Wheeler yester­ Hammond Lumber Company, was in day. As he was leaving town he turn, good bank like ours. To be the city last week. Commissioner ed his machine off the plank road thrifty and prudent from 21 to Reed took him over the hard surfaced onto the ground where the water roads to inspect the same. main was recently laid, with the re­ 50 means a successful and corn- 1 Don’t forget those busted castings. sult that the car dropped to the hubs fortable old age. I Can be welded for half. Goods sent in the soft mud. It took several men, one machine, a pair of horses and by parcel post and express promptly wagon, a lot of rigging and more than returned. Hiner Reed, Tillamook, an hour’s time before the Watkins Open a savings account today Oregon. • store again had its wheels on solid ground. Kasper now has the slogan Any one wishing to buy some good “Pull Oregon out of the mud” pasted milk cows will do well to call at the in his hat.—Wheeler Reporter. Commercial Stable, some are fresh J i There was a close call of a bad now, others freshen soon. Come early 1 I auto accident at the railroad crossing and get first selection. Prices and f east of town on Sunday night, badly terms reasonable. j scaring the occupants of the auto. Thos. Coates and wife who went to | Mr. Billings did not see the engine I Vancouver, Wash., to see their son, until it was nearly on top of the car I who is a member of Company M, , as he passed over the track, but put- at the proper Third'Oregon, succeeding in seeing ting on extra speed . Mrs. [him before he was ordered away with time, avoided being run down I am in the market at all times for his company. I Billings was greatly unstrung over your baby calves—Smith “The Calf what UkLUiicu occurred ivi for avvviai several nuuia hours after. ~ . .til , Wiidl Gladys Coburn who plays the lead- | _ Evcrybody shou)d take _ proper I Man,”—Both Phones. ___ ____ _ ___ _ pre­ ing ............ - ----- is caution, and “Safety First g role in - 1 ... he * Primitive Call ” First” «hoi should be One little thing would end the war one of Kentucky’s noted beauties, « and bring about peace—the abdica­ don’t fail to see her at the Gem the slogan of engineers as well as I W. A. Wise, dentist. those who drive autos when they ♦ tion of the Kaiser and his war lords. Theatre Thursday, April 19th. Adults cross the railroad track at this point. I Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. Miss Blanch McNair who has’been 15c., children 5c. The Dramatic Club gave another I Go to Mason's for Standard Pat- visiting in Seattle and Eugene for When is a sunbeam a ladder of enjoyable* play this week at the Star * | terns. several months, returned on Monday. love? Wait until you have seen Mabie — ’ * I ama- ¡Theatre. The ‘ local theatrical The Sunbeam” at Gem |eurs have certainly put on some A. Noglare Auto Lens at W. he Sunbeam Frank A. Rowe, of Wheeler, left 1 aliafcrro in “ 1 * this week for a business trip to the Theatre Saturday and Sunday, April < crcditable entertainments the past Williams. fully East, and will be gone about three 14-15, then you can give an intelligent , wintcr of Gasoline Wilt LUI, and “The A 11K. Sheriff” was --------- j office. — Shop to rent, next to my answer. weeks. up to the average and appreciated by ♦ T. H. Goyne. Don’t try to raise calves on some the large audience. The three lady W. A. Williams carries a full line of _ 11 ^„ untried „...... .... ........ cheap calf ............ food. ....... Better _ get characters in the olay—Mrs. Verna Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, per ¿allo that which has proven itself to be the Bast, Mrs. Ruth Warren and Mrs. you to look over his stock when in ♦ Cloverdale, Ore. are deserving of best on the market. Blochford’s Calf ____ Flora 1 McKinley I" need. * special praise for the excellent manner Garbage gathered free. See M. R. The new William Fox Film gives Meal is the best.—See Shrode at Till­ in which they sustained their parts. amook Feed Co. * Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. novel treatment of Indian life in The other members were N. W. Mc­ I have a number of store buildings, Rae, B. J. McCowell, James Hiner, Hiner, For Furnished Rooms at reasonable their late picture "The Primitive Call” houses and office rooms to rent. Also Carl Dawson, John Aschim, Henry at Gem Theatre Thursday, April 19. price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 can give desirable ground lease in Mckinley and Dav Homes, all of Married, on the 7th of April by the If you buy economically you buy Carl Haberlach has raised the price Rev. R. G. Sumerlin, pastor of the U. various parts of the city desirable to whom did well in their parts. the “cost” basis and insist on RED almost any needs. See me also for of cheese to 24 cents. B. Church, Benjamin H. Coffman and city property on payments to suit ! A delegation from Nehalem appear- CROWN GASOLINE. 1 your income.—Rollie W. Watson. i ed --------------------- before the County -------- Court on w Wed '”’- ­ Lost, a bunch of keys. Finder leave Pearl Lawrence. STANDARD OIL COMPANY nesday afternoon for the purpose of them at the Headlight office. Oscar Swenson has accepted a po­ (California) Kosenberg Bros, have opened a having the matter of the location of a sition in the Tillamook County Bank large line of all kinds of hay, feed, • road and bridge from Dean’s point Coal— Blacksmith Coal—Right ♦ and Clarence Stanley will fill the po­ near the saw mill and will carry a Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. » sition of deputy sheriff. reconsidered. There seemed to be an p East rant icvuiiamvivu. . ------ large feed store on 2nd Avenue ry lowest impression that the ^vantag^s of the Will pay you to see Everson for a For Sale— Set of demountable rim flour, grass seeds at the very and east Sl,lc roa<' hal1 1 1 i, , ’ • 1 Y I. O. O. F safe investment in city property or wheels for Ford or Chevrolet. Will prices. Special prices on hiv 1 hay ana NOTES nte() to Mr Benson. Both sides America. Only two years off the cen­ * farm lands. * take your old wheels as part payment. feed in car lots. * were willing >... . to abide 111. 1.-. L rt .1 decision CiAtJ tury mark. This day above all others by 4 the or the One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ Ira C. Smith, Bell Phone. —- Large Number of Visiting Brothers in the events of our order should be T. L. Lawson, the Fruit Man, is of of either the County Court c. Present from C'overdale and celebrated with dignity and appropri­ senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, Money to loan on farm lands, from the opinion that a large number of State Highway Commission in locat­ Beaver Lodges. ate exercises. Our order, represents See Rosenberg. 2* $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate ' persons should plant gardens and ing the road, and expressed a wish to Tuesday evening the I. O. O. F. an inspiring theme for our speakers have it decided as soon as possible. H. Mason & Co., has taken over the of interest. We want your business, grow as much vegetables as possible, The Court decided to ask the High- lodge in this flty instructed a class nf to fully consider the existence and * I especially potatoes. He will furnish Standard patterns formerly sold by See Everson Don’t fail to see “The Sunbeam” I potatoes at cost to those who want wa Commission to act in the matter, six members in the mysteries of the progress of an order which has stood Lamar’s Variety Store. Lamar's * I ! prettiest giving cvervbody an opportunity to ¡st degree; there were a large num­ the test of time for nearly on? hun­ of love plays, at Gem Thea- to grow them. ber of brothers present from out of dred years of progress. Contemplate, be heard. This satisfied everybody. John Feldschau, Concrete contrac­ 1 * ~ , 1 C ..... Anril Td-TS. i 1. . • t 1 Z __ __ 6 room bungalow, ¡ town. The candidates were Joe Price if you can its unparalleled records of tor, concrete silos built. All work I tre Saturday and Sunday, April I4-Io> I Beautiful I thoroguhly modern in every respect Guy Mattoon, Ray Cooper, Pharis greatness and goodness; its influence Sues County for Damages. guaranteed.Both phones. * I featuring Mabel Taliaferro. Stiverson, Henry Weiss, and Fred among men and its adaptation to I Trojan Powder, the .powder with- (photo and detailed description) in For Rent or Lease—The City Nell Rasmussen vs Tillamook Weiss, all of Nestucca Lodge No. 114 meet the universal wants of humanity, 1 out a headache, is the best powder for ' Tacoma, the “City of Homes,” to ex- fraternity and beneficicnce. Truly this l change for improved farm, best soil, County is a suit filed in the Circuit of Cloverdale. Dairy, Stocked and equipped.—E. T. I blowing stumps or any other worlc Haltom. I valued $3000 to $5000. Send full dc- Court to recover $2,400.00 damages. The work of the 1st degree was ex­ is a wonderful achievement for the I Tillamook Feed Company. ' scription No. 3624 S. E St. 1 acoma, It is alleged in the complaint that emplified by the drill team in a very good of all time. Let us celebrate the The weather, after being stormy W A Williams has just received a while plaintiff was living at the Fred impressive manner with Past Grands 26th of April befitting the occasion. and wet tor a week, turned fine on complete line of oil clothing. T ou Wash. The encampment meets tonight. The remains of Harry Sappington, Burtcn residence, defendants while John Lamar and Allen Page present­ | Wednesday. shoukl inspect his st°ck?vb?"‘Ve » who was drowned at Parkersburg, supervising, controlling and directing ing the impressive ceremoniees inci­ Work in the Royal Purple Degree. Patriarchs Wm. Maxwell and John Henry L'ithof, Contractor and of anything m the oil clothing line. near Bandon, on Sunday, April 1st, county work, carelessly and negli­ dent to this degree. Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns After the degree work many good Embuni to exault. Refreshments to The Franklin Fish Market is now were recovered and brought to 1 illa- gently piled and dumped in an irregu­ and Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 open for business, drop in and look mook by Wert Sappington, a brother, lar manner a large number of road talks were made by the brothers and be served. The sisters of the Rebekah Degree For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City around at the Old Spanish Kitchen. * and Charles Jenson, a brother-in-law, plank along and upon the road in refreshments were served by the en­ are to join hands with the Brother, tertainment committee in the banquet The remains were buried on Saturday front of the Burton residence, which for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. anniversary ’ completely shut off travel, except by hall. Everybody enjoyed themselves in arranging the 98th Mrs. C. N. Drew. * at the Oddfellows’ cemetery. For Sale-A paying saYfn,il,..i" celebration. There will be no encamp­ going over the plank, and that on the and had a good time. South end of the County It wdl make Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight Miss Taliaferro will be remember­ 3rd of October 1916, while plaintiff The 26th of April will be the 98th ment meeting on this date which fall, on the Mutual phone, Prompt service money for you. Taylor Real Estate ed as the star in such pictures as, t 'was walking over the plank, one of anniversary of Odd Fellowship in on Thursday lodge night. and careful work. * Agency, Cloverdale, Ore. “The Snowbird,” “Her Great Price, the plank tipped and threw plaintiff J M. DeLillies has bought the “God’s Half Acre” and several other causing her to be bruised and severely , Why not be insured in the best fire high class Metro pictures which we injured, for this she claims $2,000.00 insurance company, it costs no more. Jones Apartment house. And^will be have shown here in the past. She sus­ damages and $400.00 to pay for medi­ See Everson. * as the DeLiliics tains her reputation in lhe Sunbeam cal attendance, nurse, medicine and known in future * For cheap fertilizer for your garden at the Gem Theatre Saturday and Apartments. hospital bills. and meadow, see Frank Elliott at Sunday, April 14- '5- “ The Primitive Call” shows how Franklin Fish Market. “Men and Yet More Men.” Fairview Grange is giving a com­ ------ o We have a Stuetbaker Almanac on plimentary dance to the Coast Artil­ We do not want to come to the hand for any rancher who calls for it. Gladys Coburn at Gem Treatre, lery, at the Grange Hall, on Saturday Ask Shrode. evening, the proceeds of which 2JJ1’ “white feather” days of England, when young women went about the April 19th. go toward the company fund, l he streets pinning that badge of coward­ A full line of standard spark plugs, For sale, a surrey with presto ¡ lights also other automobile accessories at and set of harness also smgk buggy,, artillerymen will be there and take ice on men’s lapels. Women have part in the grand march. The com­ ■ "•A. Williams Harness Shop. * shown that they feel something of two cow-s. four and five pany will form at armory at 7 30 For Sale—New modern residence, fresh this spring, * leave i at 8 o’clock, those owning this spirit or reproach toward the located in best residence district. For Mutual Phone. kindly consented to stronger sex already, in their many autos having 1 preparedness enterprises. They have at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * Now is the time to look after your drive the boys to Fairview. done well; they have been modest Loose and bailed hay for sale—Ap- Fire°7nsurancc on a’> Campbell collected $216,- about it, and they are needed. But our Sheriff P1)’ to Clarence Hancnkrat, Tilla­ first need is men. 016.50 on the 1916 tax roll, being mook. 3» Captain Bispham, representing the $10,000.00 more than was collected last year. The sheriff has commandant of the navy yard at the . Married man, good milker, wants a W. Watson. this time r, B McLeod. vice-President of applications and money deposited mayor’s defense meeting, had good {?“„on a dairy.—Inquire at Headlight the Hammond Lumber Co^ was^n for tax certificates on all acreage reasons for saying: Office. Our great need is men, men and yet property where the taxes are delin­ Mrs. L. E. Green came in from ove/'the pave^ r^d, with Commis­ quent. and it is expected that tax more men. We cannot organize out of Portland to attend the funeral of certificates will be taken up on Ba>- thin air, and the time the men are sioner Reed. Harry Sappington. ocean and other beach property needed is now. Men who are plain citizens today where taxes are delinquent. cannot hope to be trained gunners to­ The March meeting of ,h9. Swastika morrow. But they can take the places Haberlach. of enlisted men who will soon be Club was held with Mrs. Haberlach. The .afternoon was spent as usual in trained gunners if civilians take their 4r>in