f PRESIDENT ASKS WAR ON GERMANY T illamook headlight . A pril 5, 1917. “The Sheriff.” “A lady with a lamp shall stand AGRICULTURAL notes . Here is the play ;..,t lonK In the great history of the land ----- o— ■ ■ have long 1 Congress Urged to Call at Least waited for. This is the you A noble type of good best. A careful By. R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. j 500,000 Men. jselcc’ed cast has been “ -* A -_„.„1 Heroic womanhood.” n chosen “Nations are gathered out of nur­ , play and a good show may for this A Self-Supparting County. ' forward to. This play v may will be looked series, and the leading strings of Following is printed in full, a a com- . Washington, April a.—President t sented by the L pre- children become in the hands of good ' municafion from Secretary Huston, Wilson tonight urged Congress, as­ ■ nights, Tuesday Dramatic two mothers, the reins of moral govern­ _ , ■ - — • <.u..y and sembled in joint session, to declare a i April | , of the There V S. is Department «rllll\ o to and 11, at the Star Theatre', ment.” ture. mush food of for A thought state of war existing between the i r«.» -• as thCy wjH ap- Cast of characters a in this How many * people are _ w w •- — United States and Germany. I th. re ;« article. COST OF MILK. pear in the play: there in ♦»>;- this ----------------- community that depend In a dispassionate but unmeasured Joe Vernan ....... almost altogether on “ shippeed in ” denunciation of the course of the im­ Col. Bollinger ... ....... N. W. McRae Feed Accounts of One-Half or More commodities to furnish their food perial German government, which he Sam Fowler .... ... B. J. McCowell. of C°st of Production, According supply? There is unused land enough Resolutions contained in the Presi­ characterized as a challenge to all Mr. Travers ... . ......... James Hiner I right here in town to supply the town to Department Specialists. dent's message acted upon by the U. dried or ovendried, as in earlier years mankind anil .a warfare _ against all Jim Radburn .... ....... Carl Dawson. \ detailed study of the cost of pro ­ with all the needed vegetables if peo- S. Senate declaring war on Germany before systmatic canning of corn was nations, the President declared that Dave .................. ....... John Aschim. ducing milk on four farms, recently .......... —» -••• to-day. The U nited States Congress neutrality was no longer feasible or Bob Kelly .......... . Henry McKinley. conducted by the United Statees De- pie would utilize it. and, inthis way, be pre­ Put Down Some Eggs. to sit in uninterrupted session until developed, desirable where the peace of the Mrs. Vernan .... ....... Dave Homes. ! partirent of Agriculture, leads to the __ served for food use. Now while eggs are cheap is world was involved; that arpted neu­ Elizabeth Vernon .......... Verna Bast. ' conclusions that on these farms feed time to prepare for a scarcity­ the all matters pertaining to war prepar­ i Certain crops grown annually to a next ations are made. trality had become ineffectual enough Kate Mernon .... .... Ruth Warren. accounts for one-half or more of the winter. Drop your surplus eggs every considerable extent of soil improve­ .. Flora McKinley. al best and was likely to produce ment or forage posses large food Act 1.- .—Joe ’ Vernon’s home in Bol- total cost, the remaining charges be­ day, into a crock containing a solu­ what it was meant to prevent, and ling Green, ing divided about equally between la­ tion of water glass, one pint to nine , quantities usually are grown than the value if utilized properly. Among —1, Mo. Mu. urged that Congress accept the gage profitably. such crops are soy beans, cow peas, bor and other items, such as shelter, pints of water. Use only clean, fresh , producers can market Act 11.- -The shop. of battle with all the resources of the Act 111 —Convention day. use of equipment, use of bull, interest, eggs and preferably infertilores. They Frequently these losses are du_e indi­ peanuts, kafir and other grain sor­ Nation. I Act IV. —Jim Radburn’s home. On depriciation, and overhead. The con­ will keep so they can hardly be de­ rectly to disease and insect injury ghums, the food and oil producing War Long Waged by Germany. clusions are based upon an exhaust­ tected from fresh eggs next winter. ' which lowers their market value value of which has not been recog­ the lawn. “1 advise that the Congress declare Here is a play you will enjoy. It is ive analysis of the business of the Stop Food Cr°p Wastes by Improv­ | I without reducing their food value ma­ nized adequately until recently. ln- terially if they can be utilized prompt- crased utilization of these for human the recent course of the imperial Ger­ just one of those simple country pic­ four farms, each of which is represen­ ing Methods. ly by drying, canning, or other pre­ food and oil production doubtless will man government to be in fact nothing tures where you find the noble nature tative of a type of dairying. While the Both for economic and patriotic ! servation Under existing be available.