Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 05, 1917, Image 6

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What the Editors Say.
could be such fools as even to dream
of conquering the United States and
winning back their “lost territory?
Yet the Germans have been praised
as the great “realists’’ in world poli­
And now the statement is made
that, ground between enemies within Two Blockades and Their Difference. tics! Here they are, however, hugging
phantoms. Their vision of the civiliz­
and without, and oppressed by the
— o —
ed world seems to be a compound of
conviction of responsibility for the
Machiavelli and the Arabian Nights.
predicament of this country,
We are bound to admit that this
kaiser would gladly follow' the ex-
fantastic scheme to embroil Mexico
ample of the czar and lay down the
j and Japan with the United States is
weight of government.— '
I they
, resolve
___ '..s themselves into one ■ about as sane as some other notions
I which the Germans cherished in the
Notwithstanding the fact that the
"If a ship is given two weeks warn­ 1 early months of the war. They had
Oregon road problem is a rather siz­
1 built the highest hopes upon their
able proposition and everybody ad­
mits that something must be done to ade and if it still persists in making system of espionage and the talent of
■ their agents for intruge. India was at
solve it, the fellows who are out and
out opponents of the bond proposi­ mon sense, is it entitled to any addi­ | once to burst into revolt against the
British empire. Egypt was to start a
tion have not yet presented a better
To ask this question is to ask why revolution. In Ireland a civil was was
plan than suggested by the legislature
to stab England in the back. We »aw
es between paper blockades and real I Sir Roger Casement’s
blockades. Any
proceeding from Germany—at once absurd and
The dyed-in-the-wool Oregonian is
against a merely declared blockade is pathetic—but perhaps did not fully
not in the least disturbed by an equi- and has been entitled to “additional
realize how its utter failure set in a
noctrial rain storm. To him the gentle
warning,” if for no other reason than
Oregon mist brings joy and health. to determine the reality of the block­ strong light the preprosterous expec­
tations of it entertained in Berlin 1 he
He dearly loves to have the gentle ade.
truth is that the elaborate German of­
drops touch him on the nose. He
Neutral ships have headed and may ficial mehod of gathering intelligen­
doesn't care so long as his gutta per-
now head for German ports against ce from all over the world poured
cha overshoes keep his feet dry.—
the British blockade. They are sub­ more stuff into the German brain
News Reporter.
ject only to seizure as prize if caught than it could grasp. As the American
by a superior force, and they further humorist said, it is better not to
Take this prediction for what you
have the benefit of prize-court pro­ know' so many better things than to
believe it worth: A traveling man
ceeding to determine if confiscated know so many things that aren't so.
who is in close touch with sentiment
should extend to ship or cargo or to
throughout the United States makes both. Human life on board is always
the unqualified statement that if the
: respected.
was the United
Not In The Fight.
United States go to real was, within
States blockade of Southern ports in
six months from its opening there
he civil war. There was the procla­
will be national prohibition.—Inde­
The Oregonian calls attention to
mation of blockade at the outset.
There was then the "additional warn­ the fact that while Great Britain and
ing” to every ship caught and sus­ Germany are desperatly fighting each
Ninety per cent of the business men
pected of an intent or trying to run other their ruling families are hope­
of Oregon City and Clackamas Coun­
lessly mixed. While this is true, there
the blockade.
ty are in favor of permanently im­
The German “blockade” of England is no danger of their meeting on the
proved roads and are supporting the
is another thing. There is no mere battlefields, for they are not in the
good roads’ bonding act, according to
■ eizure of ships as prize for confisca­ fight. The situation is very much like
former County Judge Grant B. Dim-
tion, and we concede to the subma­ it was during the war when an officer
ick, ot Oregon City, as expressed in
rine that innovation. But there is no engaged in raising a negro regiment
informal discussion of the good roads
}"additional warning.” There is no op- in the south and asked an old negro
issue, following the Commercial Club
. portunity left to correct mistakes if if he did not think he ought to get in
meeting last Monday' night.—Oregon
mistakes are made. There is no re­ and do some fighting.
Voter .
• ’V
“Boss, did you eber see two dawgs
spect shown for human life, and this
is the great point we put at issue with fittin’ ober a bone?” asked the negro.
Oregon and Washington were prob­
Germany. It is a "blockade” of mur­ “Of course I have," was the reply,
ably never in a better position to ad­
der and terrorism, and nothing else.
“Why do you ask?”
vance industrially
than right now.
Nuffin, boss, nuffin; only I was ,
The writer of a letter referred to is
There has been an honest effort made
a lawyer, and he virtually asks us gwine to ask if ye eber saw de bone
in both states to hold down taxes and
what is the difference between arrest­ tak' a han’ in
de fite?”—Capital
eliminate further freak legislation.
ing an alleged offender and taking Journal.
The labor agitator and the political
him to court, and shooting him dead
agitator have had hard sleiling in
on the spot. For most people that
these states the past two years and
question may be trusted to answer it­
------ o
the general public is awakening to
self.—New \ ork World.
1 Backward Students Cost State $300,-
the fact that conservative politics are
again the order of the day. This will
000 Each Year.
be of great advantage to these states
-------Q— ---
Canada's Record Will Shine Bright­
in this time for millions of dollars
More that 10,000 school children in
are ready to go into all kinds of un­
Oregon are one or more grades
------ o------
dertakings once the investor is con­
I hind the standard for their age,
vinced his money will be protected.
during cording to figures given out in a
Thousands of people in the east have these two years or more of the war cent extension lecture by Dr. B.
made small fortunes the past year has repeatedly remarked upon the DeBusk, professor of education in
and the natural place for them to I 1 superb showing made by Canadians. university, and this backward army,
look for investments and homes is in 1 It has realized that here is a people he estimates, is costing the state,
the west. Let the public know that ' great of soul, if few in numbers, who $300,000 a year in added expense of
the tide of radicalism has turned here are making a record which will shine maintaining schools.
and that we are looking for capital to brightly on the pages CA history, it
Oregon is about average in this re­
develop our great resources. Let the has noted their progress and perfor­ spect, Dr. DeBusk believes. About 35
world know that both capital and la­ mance in every field of national life children in every hundred in the Unit­
bor will be given a fair deal, and our which can be effected by war, and it ed States, statistics show, are one or
future is assured.— Banks Herald.
has taken sympathetic pride in their , more grades behind, while half of the
------- o —
growth and achievement.
' twenty millions of school children in
“The editor does forty million
But it may fairly be questioned the country are handicapped in some
chores, and meets each day forty mil­ whether Americans in general, those way by physical defect.
lion bores; he carries coal and he residing in states which do not bord­
Of the 35 backward ones, twenty
lights the fires, and puts the lid on er the Canadian commonwealth, ap­ are merely cases of slow develop­
the village tyres; he writes up wed­ preciate the facts. Even in Spokane,
ment, but fifteen fail in their studies
dings and jamborees; and takes his which has close relations with British
because of some preventable physical
payment in bumblebees; he knows Columbia and Alberta, there are per­
more things than he dares to tell, and sons who are not awake to the sur­
Defective teeth ranks first as causes
ends his life in a padded cell. He's prising development of Canada.
of backwardness in children, accord­
always kind to the hard luck chap;
To such persons the address of the ing to the figures of Dr. De Busk, who
he helps the statesman who wants a Reverend W. J. Hindley, of Winnipeg
estimates that 50 to 90 per cent of all
snap; he booms the dreary town sky | formerly of Spokane, where he first
school children have dental defects.
high, he tells the truth when he ought was pastor of a church and afterward
An additional ten per cent are afflict-
to lie; he tells of weddings and births one of the city commissioners, at the
ed with adenoids or diseased tonsils;
and deaths, of the village bums with chamber of commerce on ...
Pcr cent Bave defective vision, and
the painted breaths, of song and ser­ i must have come as a revelation. The
mon and prayer and knell, and ends speaker's address was informative five per cent suffer from bad hearing.
Trouble with teeth is attributed large­
his days in a padded cell
He gives
and also inspirational to a degree sel­ ly, so tar as Oregon is concerned, to
advice that no man would heed; he dom attained in both respects by a
lack of time—a deficiency which also
springs deep
wisdom that none single speech. It was well worth
would read; he wears his pants till hearing, and deserved the exception­ affects plant organisms seriously in
you cannot say whether they're blue rally large audience which heard it. some sections of the state. Decayed
or brown or gray; he moulds the for­ i Addresses of similar caliber and scope teeth, producing poisonious pus, often
tunes of ether men, and shakes up are all too rare at the chamber of result in physical disaster.
First grade students in the state
governments with his pen; he does commerce.
show about 12! 2 per cent of failures.
his duty and does it well, and goes at
Mr. Hindley spoke of the recon­
The percentage decreases up to the
last to a padded cell.”—Walt Mason.
struction that the war is bringing to
sixth grade, then the failure curve as­
Canadia. The people are becoming
When any "bully-ragging” individ­ conscious of their oneness and nat- cends through the seventh, after
ual appears at a public meeting— ionality as they never were before. which the'survivors show an increas­
called for the purpose of installing They were welded together by the ing ratio of mental capacity.
I .
national honor and patriotism into white fire of patriotism and
Ill righteous
1 Ik; lilt
the nunds of our people—knowing war for the welfare of < civilization. '
Notice for Publication.
full well that it would be an utter im­ They are carrying great burdens and
possibility to gather together a suffi­ making heavy sacrifices, yet doing
Department of Interior,
U. S.
cient number of listeners—of his own both cheerfully and easily. Business
accord—to fill a soap box lie should is supporting its workers who have Land Office at
be promptly relegated to the rear— volunteered for the armies, the Cana­ January 12, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that David
w:.h particular emphasis on the word dian Pacific and the banks and big
rear. If fellows ol this calibre insist department stores at \\ mnipeg being Barrie Jr., whose postoffice address is '
that they must be heard and are un­ notable instances of patriotism. The 255 E. 71st St. North, Portland Ore., !
able to assemble an audience of their dependents of the poor whose bread­ did, on the 2nd day of December,
own accord, they should at least be winners arc fighting the battle of 1916, file in this office Sworn State­
considerate for those who have the democracy are sustained by the state ment and Application, No., 04831, to
country's interests at heart and not and the people in a freedom from dis­ purchase the N.E. % of S. W. J4,
attempt to thrust their alleged "ora­ tress which is new to them. The sol­ Section 20, Township 1 South, Range
tory"—especially at this critical mo­ dier returning maimed and crippled 10 W est, Willamette Meridian, and |
ment—at the public gathering of the is put in the way of self support and the timber thereon, under the provis­
kind held at the local armory last enabled to retain self respect and ions of the Act of June 3, 1878, and
known as
evening. This is no time for berating I courage Most significant of all, so­ acts amendatory,
the nation and its war policies and cially, the people are asking: If the "Timber and Stone Law," as such
true and patriotic American citizen state can do so much as a military value as might be fixed by appraisc-
will resent any insult in mighty measure to make its defenders com­ ment, and that, pursuant to such ap­
strong terms
I mpqua S alley News. fortable why can it not do the same plication, the land and timber thereon
or more when peace returns.—Spok­ have been appraised, under Serial '
04436, the timber estimated 200,000
Reports come from the leading esman- Review.
I board feet at 20c per M, and 80,000
newspapers of Germany that that
board feet at 40c. per M, and the
»■I government depends to a great ex­
Collossal Stupidity of the German
land $40.00; that said applicant will
tent of the support of the German
offer final proof in support of his ap-
' population of this country in case of
plica.ion and sworn statement on the
war. This is a disgraceful, shameful
------- o-------
charge against the German popula­
If the German government is this 10th day of April, 1917, before the I
tion of the United States. It is a tact war had not destroyed all previous Register and Receiver of the United
•Iso that the German press of this standards of credibility, we should Spates Land Office, at Portland, Ore­
Country continually and incessantly I have said that the revelations con­ gon.
works on the sympathy of the tier­ cerning its plottings with Mexico and
Any person is at liberty to protest
man people and advocates everything Japan were unbelievable.
But the this purchase before entry, or initiate
that is un-American. They are against German authorities have themselves a contest at any time before patent
everything that is true [due Aineri-
taught us that they will stop at noth­ issues, by filing a corroborated affi­
canism. They
— do not uphold our ing. They have given modern torce to davit in this office, alleging facta
President snd do not say a good the old saying of Turtullian, "I be­ which would defeat the entry.
word for the United States and their lieve it because it is
N. Campbell,
deep concern and interest seems to be What must impress every attentive
Register 1
wholly across the ocean with the
.... reader of Herr Zimmermann's note is
kaiser. Why they worship that mon­ less its moral offense—its indication
Why Constipation Injuries.
arch, and how much they owe him we of duplicity m dealing with the Unit­
do not know These German papers ed States- than its inconceivable fol­
The bowels are the natural sewer­
do not even use common decent re­ ly If we were to get a bodv of in­
spect for our government. The prem­ ternational alients to pass qpon the age system of the body. When they
ium watches they give to subscribers disease by which the German govern­ become obstructed by Constipation a
have two German flags crossed on ment if afflicted, they might easily part of the poisonious matter which
they should carry off is absorbed in­
the dial, not respecting the American
agree^to call it the folie des grandeurs
flag, our flag, and our enuntrv \\r Such is the maina prevailing in Berlin to the system, making you feci dull
brand thia as un-American The fel-
and stupid, and interfering with the
that impossible things are taught as
digestion and assimilation of food
-Aows m charge 01 il ■
yap .
ease as turning over the hand. Could the condition is quickly relieved by
len foreigner* ami pride th.nx'v.
the German foreign secretary be such
Chamberlain*» Tablets. For sale bv
on being subjects ot the monarch
fool as to think that the Mexicans Lamar's Drug Store.
They feel no interest in anything
that is American. The foreign spies
get their information from these un-
American sources.—Banks Herald.
We are now located in our new
stand at the ER YE WAREHOUSE
at the S.P. Railroad, near the S.P.
Depot, where we welcome all our
customers to call and see us. We
carry a full line of Feed. Silosand
Farm Implements. Our prices
are the lowest for the value re­
ceived. Let us know your wants.
Down town office at A. C. Ever­
son's Real Estate Office. Both
phones at warehouse and office.
Tillamook, Oregon.
Safe Medicine for Children.
“Is it safe?” is the first question tp
be considered when
buying cou^h
medicine for children. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has long been a fa­
vorite with mothers of small children
as it contains no opium or other nar­
cotic, and may be given to a child as
confidently as to an adult, it is pleas­
ant to take, too, which is of great im­
portance when a medicine must be
given to young children. This remedy
is most effectual in relieving coughs,
colds and croup. For sale by Lamar's
Drug Store.
Administratrix's Notice to Creditor».
----- o--------
Notice is hereby jfiven, that the
County Court of the btate of Oregon,
tor the County of Tillamook, has ap­
pointed the undersigned administra­
trix of the estate of Thomas Brooten,
deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notnied to present them to said ad-
1 ministratrix, at her residence at Clov­
erdale, Oregon, together with the
proper vouchers, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated March 29th, 1917.
Ruby Brooten. Admin­
istratrix of the Estate
of Thomas Brooten,
Notice of Final Account.
------- o-------
Notice is hereby given, That the
undersigned has filed in the County
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
her final account as Administratrix of
the estate of Hubert E. Ross, de­
ceased, and that said Court has ap­
pointed Monday, April 16th, 1917, at
the hour of to o’clock a.m. at the
County Court room in Tillamook City
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing objections to said account
and final settlement thereof.
Dated March 15th, 1917.
Theresa M. Ross,
Notice of Final Account.
Competitive Awards
at both the San Francisco and
San Diego Expositions, were
given to Zerolene —an oil made
from asphalt-base crude.
the Standard Oil dor MotorCars
Sold by dealers everywhere and
at all Service Stations of the
Standard Oil Company
The undersigned has filed in the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, his final account as admin­
istrator of the estate of Absalom B.
Allison Deceased, and Monday, the
9th day of April, 1917, at 10 o’clock
a.ui., at the court room at the Court
House in Tillamook City, Oregon,
has been appointed as the time and
place for the hearing of objections to
said final account and the settlement
Dated this March 8th, 1917.
Erwin Harrison,
A merchant relates the following:
“For years I could not sleep without
turning every hour. Whatever I ate
caused gas and sourness. Also had
stomach catarrali. ONE SPOON­
FUL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.,
as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieved me
flushes the
tract it relieves ANY CASE constipa­
tion, sour stomach or gas and pre­
vents appendicitis. It has QUICK­
EST action of anything we ever sold.
J. S. Lamar, druggist.
General Contractors
and Builders.
Estimates & Plans Furnished
Call at our plant and set prices.
save you money.
It will
Both Phones.
Kitchen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Speak out
In Forest Grove we find that peo­
ple are praising Doan’s Kidney Pills
highly. Being so near by, the state­
ment of a Forest Grove resident is of
particular interest. Tillamook People
will do well to profit by Mr. Haynie’s
John F. Haynie, county road com­
missioner, Forest Grove, Ore., says:
"Several years ago, 1 was given up to
die with complication of kidney and
bladder troubles. XV ords couldn’t be­
gin to explain what I went through
for nearly a year. After taking about
1 twenty boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills
in succession, I was restored to my
former, good health and today I can
’ hold my own with any man. I give
Doan’s Kidney Pills full credit for my
present good condition. This medi­
cine has no equal and I always re­
commend it to others I hear com­
plaining of kidney trouble.”
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don’t sim­
ply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
Mr. Haynie had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props, Buffalo, N. Y.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals to
Remodel the County Court House.”
in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file in the office of
the < ounty Llsrk of Tillamok County,
• 'regon, will be received by the
County Court, at its office in the
Court House, Tillamook City, Ore­
gon. until the hour of to o’clock a.m.
on Friday- April 6th, 1917, and at that
time be publicly opened and read.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check equal to 5 per cent of
the total amount of the bid, which
shall he forfeited to the county in
case the bid be accepted and the bid-
I der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a
1 period of five days, after the award
made, to enter into a contract and
file a bond satisfactory to the County
Court as required by law.
The County
Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 16th day of March, 1917.
By order of the County Court.
Erwin Harrison, Clerk.
A Healing Salve for Bums, Chapped
Hands and Sore NiPples.
As a healing salve for burns, sores,
sore nipples and chapped hands
I hamberlain's Salve is most excellent
It allays the pain of a burn almost in­
stantly, and unless the injury is very
severe, heals the part without leaving
a scar. Price 25 cents. For sale by
Lamar s Drug Store.