TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 5. 1917, ELAND E E R WIN, J lot and in the official phamplet fol­ lows: “A bill for an act authorizing any county in this state to issue bonds for the construction of permanent roads, providing a mode of procedure by which a special election may be called within the county to vote whether bonds shall be issued and providing for the sale of bonds and the expendi­ ture of the money realized therefrom Creo-Septic is completely soluable in water. 1 wo Some persons arc circulating a re­ in actual road construction.” tablespoonfuls to each Kallon of water is the average Mr. Spence, among others, sigi port that the snap shot man is oppos- | ed to the hard surfaced highway . an argument in support of the I strength to be used. Being of a soapy nature it proves through the county. They certainly and another bill creating a state very effective for washing the animals and stable uten­ have not read the Headlight religious­ way department. I he argum nt ly, or they would not have made such published in the state pamphlet sils. am. if used in general improves stable conditions. foedish statements. \\ e believe the sent to every voter in the state. $2.00 a Gallon. is asserted: state bonding measure should pass that argument it Is »and it will* be the means of Tilla-I “These bills are ;• carefully drawn b ADVERTISING RATES. niook obtaining a hard surfaced high­ the Grange committee after advi ing Legal Advertisements. way through the county at less than and consulting with the best aut'i ■r- First Insertion per line ............. half cost to the taxpayers. That docs ¡ties on road law and road construc- Each subsequent insertion, line. not look as I hough the snap shot man tion in the state and we !■• lievc it cu­ is opposed to hard surfaced roads, acted into laws will be of benefit to Business ami Professional cards docs it? And it will be necessary to all.” one month........................................ ft appears that an explanation is bond the county to meet state aid. If 1 Locals per line each insertion... . nee. Was th< Mr. Spe the county docs not bond it is safe to due from ___ Display advertisements, an inch say that I illamook will not get the “Grange Committee” of 1912 . actino and Lodge Notices, per line . hard surfaced highway through the without authority v from the Grange: V,. were -s.s they offering bunco hills county till doomsday and other coun­ Or All Resolutions of Condolence providing a bonding method with in­ ties will get the money that should one month....................................... be expended in this county. We arc tent to work against and defeat any their . irce to admit this in every particular. bond issue proposed under THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. I I The snap shot man happened to hold county method? The public was certainly justified in a little different'opinion as to wheth­ F. C. BAKER, Publisher. er the money raised by bonds should 1912 in the understanding that the be used for hard surfacing certain State Grange favored bonds for roads in the north part of the county, roads. which are not in the proposed high­ Going to the legislature as "lily- way, or taken from the general road All the heat is concen­ appropriation. We were inclined to white angels and returning like scar­ It looks to us as though the State the opinion that money raised by let women" is a flashy head given an trated where it is needed article in a recent number of the of­ (■range needs a live progressive mast­ bonding should be used exclusively ficial (»range organ of the state, and — Jceep» you cool and er—not a mossback opposing good for the main highway, for fear that if a large amount of money was divert­ placed over the signature of C. E. roads for the farmers to enjoy. makes for better cooking ed there might not be sufficient mon­ Spence, master of the State Grange, The News has never met Mr. Spence, I he Portland Journal had a sensa­ ey left to complete the highway. Isn’t tional story Saturday about the Unit­ that good horse sense? Other coun­ personally, but we are compelled to ed States capturing a submarine base ties have bonded and were disappoint­ remark that the “slogan" given in the and a number of submarines, submarines. There ed because some persons were foolish caption of his article does not add was no truth in the article, but it is enough to believe that one dollar any prestige to his character. It is a another instance to show how tmre- would do two dollars worth of work, saying that no man would say to a liable that newspaper is. and after expending the whole of the set of state representatives—or a ------- o------- bond money they discovered that single man who went to make up our No one can accuse President Wil- thay did not have sufficient money to recent legislature is entitled to such •son of acting hastily in wanting to carry out the road work that was disgraceful recognition from any per­ Why not cook with ’ plunge the United States into war planned. We do not want to see Till­ son—-much less a prominent represen­ • modern oil stove this sum­ with Germany, but as Germany was amook County commit the same er­ tative of the State Grange. Douglas Fir Beit mer and be comfortable? so persistent in carrying on a most ror, but we do want to see the money county citizens resent these insulting, Re lullt terms, inhuman and barbarous warfan. it raised by bonds in this county con- remarks in the strongest Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. knowing full well the gentlemen who Ute was only a question of time when the served to meet state aid. More efficient than your wood represented this section of the state I nited States would have to exercise or coal stove, and costs less to Pearl Oil to be as clean, aggressive and straight ■her rights and join the allies. GOOD FOR LUNGER. operate. forward in their business dealings as any set of men that ever represented Everybody is getting enthused over Better cooking because the a hard surfaced highway through the Hits Farmers' Union and Grange any county at the legislature. Slander­ long blue chimneys give stead­ Methods at Salem—Calls ous assertions of the foregoing type county. VVe don’t blame them, far we ier, more evenly distributed Spence a Liar. do not add any prestige to the author slo not know of anything that is of heat, under perfect control— Representative W. W. Lunger, of but on the contrary detract from any such importance as this is, and a di­ like gas. No smoke or smelL rect benefit to every part of the Yamhill County, at a farmers' meet­ just criticism that he may have for In 1, 2, 3 and 4-bumer sizes, county. Just think of it. W ith a hard ing, exposed the lobbying methods of the work done by the members of the l ' egislature.—Umpqua surfaced highway it will be possible the Farmers’ Union and (»range a ,s last Valley ovens separate. Also cabinet to beat the train to Portland in sum­ practiced at Salem. models with Fireless Cooking "Spence and Brown," he said "come mer and winter. Insomania. Ovens. to you and say they worked against Ask your dealer today. The Salem Capital Journal a ijemo- the road bonding bill, because it was Indigestion nearly always disturbes 'Cratic newspaper, says: "The Port­ simply a scheme of the Warren peo­ the sleep more or less, and is often STANDARD OIL land Journal is an insult to intelligent ple to rob the farmer for a paving the cause of insomnia. Eat a light journalism and is fast being repudiat­ grab. 1 am here to tell you that they supper with little if any meat, and no I COMPANY ed by law-abiding people.” The never approached me on the subject. milk; also take one of Chamberlain’s ■ Callloiaial Salem newspaper is about right. The They were there, or their legislative Tablets immediately after supper, ’Tillamook Portland Journal should be repudiat­ committee was present, and I can and sec if you do not rest much bet­ ed for it is unreliable ami does not vouch for the fact that the only mat­ ter. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. confine itself to the truth. The false ter they took up with me before a For Constipation. report about the decision of the vote was the anti-picketing bill. "The only vote 1 cast in the legis­ supreme court of Washington in the Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent • bone dry law was proof that the lature that I am thoroughly ashamed of is the vote against the anti-picket- druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: Portland Journal is unreliable. ing bill. I voted that way at the re­ "Chambe: Hain's Tablets are __ _______ certainly There is no doubt whatever when quest of Si>encc and Brown and the the best thing on the market for con­ Germany started the war the military farmers' legislative committee. They stipation/ Give these tablets a trial, party of that country had an idea told me of all the benefits that would You are certain to find them agrec- that they could lick the whole world, come to the farmer by standing in able and pleasant in effect. Price 25c. and 1914 was an opportune time for with the labor organizations, and For sale by Lamar's Drug Store. Germany to become the world power. urged me to vote ‘No,’ which I did, Spring. Developments the last few months and for which I am ashamed, for the ------- o have opened the eyes of the people of bill was a meritorious measure and Spring is looked upon by many by the United States, for it suddenly should have been passed. If thev were dawned on them Germany had plot­ on the job, as they tolil all the farm­ the most delightful season of the year this cannot be said of the rheu­ I ted against this country. Admiral ’./../.„I ers they were, w hy did they not come but Dewey predicted when lie had trouble to myself ami other farmer members matic. I lie cold and damp weather on rheumatic pains which are ' with the tierman Admiral in Manila, and tell us what they wanted us to brings but pleasant. They can be ■ that the next war that the United rapport and what to oppose’ They anything States participated in would lie with must have known as much about the relieved, however, by applying Cham­ Germany. Ilis words have come true. W arren people before the road bond berlain's Liniment. For sale by La­ bill was passed as thev know now. mar's Drug Store. That was the right spirit! When but not one word of warning <1id they Notice of Hearing of Final Account. the committee soliciting financial aid give me. "Meanwhile I heard from Yamhill ■went to the lumber company's office to get Oscar Schultz to join the com­ County Grange officers, by telegraph Notice is hereby given, that the un­ mittee, Mr. A. F. Coats was in the I and letter, telling me that this bond­ dersigned has filed her final account office. Ih’ asked to see the subscrip­ ing bill was a good bill and urging me as Executrix of the last will ami tion list. Mr. Coats said "I'll give to support it. W hat was 1 to judge as. testament of Johanna Marie Larsen, my personal chick for $50000 to­ to what the farmers wanted? Was I deceased, and that the County Court wards it. It's a good thing." The to pay attention to the grange offici­ of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ lumber company had previously sub­ als of my own county, or disregard ty of Tillamook, has set the 12th day scribed $500.00. Although the commit­ their demands when the state legisla­ of May, A. D, 1917 at ten o'clock a. tee met with flattering encourage­ tive committee of the farmers’ organ­ 111. at the court room of said court, in ment and support from lhc business izations gave me not one word of Tillamook City, Tillamook County, men, the action of Mr. Coats, who counsel, guidance or warning’ W'hat (»regon, as the time and place for does not reside here, is deserving of were they there for? Simply to draw the hearing of objections, if any there mention, for lie is a shrewd business their per diem from the farmers’ or­ are, to the said account and Uie set­ man and readv to help and encourage ganizations and do their onlv work tlement of said estate. local industries. 1 hanks, Mr. ( oats, for the labor unions’ Dated April _|th, 1917. "As soon as the road bonding bill thanks four your unsolicited support. A. M. Hare, Judge. passed, Spence came to me and said that the telegrams I read in the open We do not expect to see mu: h THAT KNIFE-LIKE PAIN. work done by the State Highway session of the house were fake tele­ grams, inspired bv the W arren paving Commission this year. Should the Is Only One of Nature's Warnings of State Bonding Measure carry and it people. I went and saw the men who Weak or Disordered Kidneys. ....... ’ ■' 1 sep- is a foregone conclusion th; t n will, sent the telegrams 1 saw them and every one indignantly a test case will be started to ascertain arately. Have you lame back, aching day and whether the law is constitutional, and used the same words. 'Spence is a night? Do you feel sharp pains after it will he fall brfore this is fought out liar.' stooping? Are the kidneys sore? Is “1 am a member of both the Farm- in the courts Next year the .l eliwav their action irregular? Use Doan's and the Grange, and 1 ___ ( ommission will have $,1.000,000, and ers' Union Kidney Pills—the medicine that is this summer the Highway Commis­ want vou farmers to know the lobby­ recommended by so many people in sion should be asked to make a sur­ ing methods followed by the commit­ this locality. Read this Hillsboro res­ vey of the road through the county, tees appointed bv vour state organi­ ident’s experience. and settle the question as to which zations. Thev were busy for tire labor Mrs. A. R. England, 728 W'. Oak route is best, so as to avoid any delay unions, and in spite of niv repeated St., Hillsboro, Orc., says: “Two years next year when work is started, with public requests for information, they ago 1 had such a bad attack of luni- money available to cover state aid were inactive and silent until after the b.'go that I wasn’t able to g.t up'or That should be the aim and object of bill was passed that thev now claim down stairs When I sat down on a everybody who is interested in a was a graft." chair, I could hardly straighten up. paved highway through the countv. Sharp pains, like a knife sticking me The Contradictory Mr Spence. in my back, nearly killed me at times. In his reply to Mr. Lunger's ques ­ The way farmers and grangers arc 1 could hardly drag myself around, as writing letters to their local news­ tion as to where he got his authority I felt so completely played out. 1 had to oppose the road bond issue. Master If you buy economically you buy on papers favoring the $0.000, N. Y. i Yet in 191.' * reputed committee of I foolish not to get into the good Tms is to certify that the under­ JO acres 0 miles South of City, with tads band wagon It is automobiles tin State Grange composed of Mr. signed is sole owner and publisher of good house $1700. O I. C. Swine. — auto truck, which have fore- Spence, Mr Leedy, Mr Shaw, and For rent 8 acres with house and the Tillamook Headlight, published surfaced load', and as the Mr Mason, presented to the voters at 1 illamook Oregon, and that there I have some choice fall boars for barn just cast of Fair Grounds. ,otn these will give Tilla of the state a bill to authorize issu­ are no mortgages or other indebted­ J. S. Stephens. sale. Also some nice i L spring pigs to nty between $100,000 and ance of county bonds for roadbuild- Office in Commercial Building, room ness against the said newspaper. select from, both sexes. wards the hardsurfaced ing. l hc title as published on the bal- Fred C. Baker. . Joe Donaldson R. F. D. Tillamook. Tillamook. Ore, April 5, 1917. highway through the county, we'll be a lot of muts if we don't get that amount of money. And the way Io get it is to vote for the state bonding bill, for that in our judgment, w'il bring about in a few years a reduc­ tion in taxation in this county But tion in taxation in this countv. But Tillamook County must bond itself to meet state aid. ClOLlgll’S CREO-SEPTIC The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide CHAS. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, Tillamook Ore Cook in a cool Kitchen Editorial Soap Shots. PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s' line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos ID ROBINSON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK I-I FREE ! FREE ! I FREEI ! ! With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display RAY & CO DR. ELMER ALLEN DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Tillamook THE PRICER THE COST of Gasoline is ceñís ÍI q per gallon perdali STANDARD OIL COMPANY T. BOXIS X X . ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks m Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , .... Oregon Both Phones. TillamooK T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon. EBSTER PERFECTION OIL COOK-5TOVE KING & SMITH CO. ALEX McNAIR CO. OREGON. HOLM ES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET. TILLAMOOK, H. OREGON GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. O pposite C ourt H ouse , Office: Tillamook Oregon. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, J OHN LELAND Oregon, HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . • O.egon. ROOM NO. 261. 0ARL HABERLACH, A TTORN E Y- AT- L A W. T illamook B eock Tillamook Oregon ■ c- HAWK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City J Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M„ VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook Oregon. H. T. Botts, Pres , Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- I.aw and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law. Abstracts. Real Estate. Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. Have Your House Wiring Done by Coast power Co. DONE RIGHT .at RIGHT PRICES.