ï Vol. XXVH- TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THRIFT IS THE “SHOCK ABSORBER” That takes the jolts anti jars out of life later on and gives you that worry-free, successful air which comes from the knowledge of the little “neat-egg” earning you 4 per cent interest in some good bank like ours. To be thrifty and prudent fi om 21 to 50 me?"’» a successful and cotn- fortable old age. * ai? 1" the, market »» all times for There will be religious services your baby calves—Smith “The Calf the Maple Leaf School House Man, —Both Phones. Sunday at it a.m. and 8 p.m., Rev, .'0I[ — Set of demountable rim Aug. Olson. Wheels for Ford or Chevrolet. Will A large number of young men who ake your old wheels as part payment. are in the fire company have enrolled Ira C. Smith, Bell Phone. in the Coast Artillery, and if the Married, at Cloverdale, on the 25 th company is called out it will be neces­ of March, W ‘ ilson a c , ^ 'son M. Taylor and am. sary to recruit the fire company from Steinhoff, Rev. i\. R. Y. Bia the exempt firemen. As no one knows j Anna 1 ..... Y**» the *vcv. 1. Dia- what might happen the fire company lock performing the ceremony. ) should be well organized for self pro- $ ^f°ncy J. _rni iancls, Irom from testion. ten,,' A 0 Io. . an on fa ‘“ “I lanus, , ■ .UP’ *f‘rms. Reasonable rate Young, unmarried men are wanted of interest. We want your business. See ^verson. « in the army, and it is up to them to offer their services forthwith. Young W. A. Williams has just received a men who hold back will be looked complete line of oil clothing. You I upon as lacking in patriotic spirit. should inspect his stock when in need T he country calls, and young men of anything in the oil clothing line. * should readily respond. The 10th 1 he Franklin Fish Market is now Company, Coast Artillery, recently open for business, drop in and look I brganized in this need 100 recruits. around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— Let’s raise th.:., number in Tillamook F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. ♦ at once. »'•SO PER YEAR, Back of Our Facilities EiOND the complete departments of banking- which The First National affords patrons—von will find both ABILITY v\ ILL1NGNESS to help with the development of the Business and the Farm Advice and sngges- lions are available at all times, while financial aid will be extended wherever and whenever feasible DIRECTORS : P. Heisel, C. J. Edwards, J. C. Holden, A.'W. Bunn. John Morgan. B. C. Lamb. W. J. Riechers B. C. Lamb. Pres. IK J. Riechers, Cashier. Another bad accident happened at the logging camp near Bay City' on Friday afternoon, when Oswald Marte, a Swiss, was seriously injured by a log rolling over him. It was thought that his back was broken and it was with considerable difficulty that he was taken from the woods and brought to Dr. Boals’ hospital, The doctor claims that he will re- E. E. Cross, of_____ Hebo, , was in the cover. city on Monday, and he is _ a good Open a savings account today Just now “ War” is the paramount MOVEMENT 1O START SHIP- in the employ of Sam Clinton. A booster for the state bonding bill and subject of discussion, and next Tues­ I BUILDING IN TILLAMOOK. brother-in-law, Charles Jensen, of in favor of bonding the county to day night will open the new serial j 1 illamook. Or., has been notified and meet state and federal aid. picture at the Gem Theatre, when Business Men Pledge Financial Aid is en route here. Don’t fail to see “The Traitor” the Pearl White will be seen in the lead- ! to the Amount of $10,000.00. first episod of the new' army serial to ing role of “Pearl of the Army” This ODD FELLOWS' GOOD SESSION be seen at the Gem Theatre next picture is taken iy the interest that it A hurried meeting was called on Tuesday, April 10th, and each Tues­ may create a new preparedness spirit, Delcgatcs Elected—98th Anniversary showing the incessant workings of Thursday evening of business men at day night following. Being Planned. other countries against the great U. the Commercial Club rooms for the For sale, a surrey with presto lights S. A. purpose of discussing a proposition to All Odd Fellows attention. Wheth­ and set of harness, also single buggy; lend financial assistance to the firm Captain S. S. Johnson of the 10th of Feeney & Bremer Co., which had er you are a member of Tillamook two cows, four and five years old, nut, yuu fresh this spring, Peter Schranz, Company, Coast Artillery, has receiv- 1 been figuring upon starting a ship­ No. 94, or not; you .tie age aiwa always wel- Mutual Phone. * ed instructions to recruit the com- building plant in Tillamook for sever­ come every Tuesday - „ evening —..... g to our pany up to 150 men, and young ; men I niagnificient hall. R. L. McClcnahan, father of Mrs. J. At a meeting of the city council on who are desirious of joining the com­ al months. The government had ad- E Shearer, of Cloverdale, is in on Delegates were elected to the Grand . Monday Councilmen W. J. Hill and pany should do so at once, for it is I vertised for bids for a large number | Lodge as follows: Past Grands, S. A. a visit and looking over the county. D. O’Donnell resigned and Gordon necessary to secure too men to reach j of submarine chasers, and Mr. Feeney Brodhead, John Aschim, Less Lucas. went to Portland to see whether he Berge and Chester McGhee were ap- Miss Gertrude Ebinger returned to that number. Those who do not want I could get in on the bids, and meeting A. 1. Dolan. I he Grand I.odge state * the city from Monrovia, Cal., where pointd to fill the vacancies. W. A. Wise, dentist. to join unless they can do actual ser­ T had Robison and F. R. Beals there, convention will be in session at she has been attending school. Now is the time to look after your vice, can take the physical examina­ they took the matter up and gave it Eugene, Ore., on May 23rd. The Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * Frank Heyd left on Monday for Fire Insurance on all your property. tion now, but this does not bind them. their endorsement. The meeting grand encampment will convene on Tax collecting closed, to-day, April Missouri, being called there by the It will surprise you how cheaply you Thos. Coates and wife left for Thursday was to ascertain whether the 22nd. Past Grand Lucas request- - can get a 3 or 5 year policy. — Rollie 5th. serious illness of his mother. Vancouver, Wash., on W ednesday, to the business men would give their fi­ ed the withdrawal of his election W. Watson. Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ visit their son who is a member of the nancial assistance to the enterprise. stating that he could not go and Allen Thad Robison of the Tillamook A. F. Coats, of Seattle, was in last Third Regement. Thos. Coates, Jr., Quite a number of business men at­ , Fage, Past Grand, was nominated, terns. * County Bank, was in Portland last week and made arrangements for ex­ was with the glee club of the Salem tended and the meeting was adjourn­ and he declined. So next lodge night week and returned on Saturday. A. Noglare Auto Lens at W. tensive improvements at the saw mill University in Eastern Oregon when ed to the council chamber. It was im- some Past Grand will be nominated- * For Sale—Five room strictly mod­ and logging camp. The wages of the the regiment was called out. He first 1 perative that quick action be taken end elected, a delegate is wanted who Williams, ern Bungalow, east part of town, joined the 10th Company, Coast Ar­ as the bids were to be in the next day. will go. Who will it be? All Past? Shop to rent, next to my QÎiïCQ.— $1,750.00. Easy terms.—Headlight. * ( men at the mill were raised. tillery, but when he went to Salem to Although no vote was taken on the Grands are eligible. ♦ Before you buy an Ensilage-machine T. H. Goyne. “Nestucca Lodge,” of Cloverdale, Did you ever stop and think, of it will pay you to see Shrode, for he attend the university he transferred matter it was informally agreed to to Company M, Oregon Militia, for give financial assistance and $5000.00 will have a number of candidates for what the word Fox on films means? grade Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, can save you money on a high was pledged that evening. Next day the 1st degree on next Tuesday even­ Here it is, “The best in Everything.” machine. He can sell you the best the purpose of obtaining the drill. Cloverdale, Ore. this was increased to $8,250.00, and ing, so states a letter from Noble ♦ Richard Butts met with a serious Henry Uithof, Contractor and machine for the best money. as $10,000.00 is required, it will be no Grand, Chas. Murphy of that lodge. accident at the Coats logging camp Astray, Three yearlings on Herman Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns An invitation has been extended to Don’t try to raise calves on some on Tuesday. He was riding on a car trouble to raise that amount. ♦ Hauswirth’s place. and Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 cheap untried calf food. Better get Mr. Feeney returned on Sunday Bay City, Beaver and Cloverdale to and was knocked off, having come in E. T. Haltom is in Portland this For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City that which has proven itself to be the contact with a wire of the Mutual and he informed us that he put in a visit. See the work put on, eat lunch week on a business trip. for $1,100.00 cash. ( Call or address best on the market. Bloch ford’s Calf Telephone Co., and fell off, the car bid to build nine submarine chasers, and get acquainted at Tillamook. The * Meal is the best.—See Shrode at Till­ passing over his right foot. Dr. Boals which would amount to over $300,000 various committees have been so in­ Born, on March 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. N. Drew. amook Feed Co. * was sent for and he brought the in- and he thinks he stands a good structed. Make it a point to be in Till­ Joe Donaldson, a son. Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight amook Tuesday evening. Mortgage Company for America, jured man to town, when it was chance of obtaining the contract. The R. A. Leonard, Geo. P. Winslow Born, on April 4th to Mr. and Mrs. on the Mutual phone, Prompt service a corporation, vs. Frank W. Crane, found necessary to amputate the foot bids were opened in Seattle early on and Ole Berg, arc now full fledged and careful work. Saturday morning and his bid was in Earl Smith, a daughter. Bertha Grace Crane etal, is a suit above the ankle. Butts met with an Why not be insured in the best fire filed in the circuit court to recover accident about a week ago and lost a good position, with a good large “Three Linkers”, they have received The Priscella Club will meet Friday the mysteries of the secret degree. costs no more. insurance company, it one of his fingers, and was recently surity bond at the back of it. The bids with Mrs. Geo. Sanders. * $3,750.68 and the plaintiff asks that married. It seems that the wire of the were wired to Washington and it is Visitors take notice. Brothers, See Everson. be appointed receiver, iT'hos. Coates L. Phelps, of Boise, Idaho, No. Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of Mutual Telephone Co. had blown expected the contracts will be For cheap fertilizer for your garden and Oliver Knowles, of Cowlitz, No. Prison and politics hold the center down and was temporarily repaired, ed in the next few days. Leo Morrison, a daughter. and meadow, see Frank Elliott at of interest in the 66, of Kelso, Wash, both Past Grands __ W illiam Fox drama the company not knowing that it had , Below is the subscription Born, on the 2nd, to the wife I Franklin Fish Market. of a woman's revenge “Bitter Truth” $250.00 were with us on Tuesday evening. I Lamb Schrader Co.............. blown dowm___________ ___ W. Robitsch, a daughter. 500.00 Bro. Knowles is here to make his ' A. F. Coats Lbr. Co............ We have a Stuetbaker Almanac on starring the beautiful Virginia Pear­ 250.00 1 home with us, being the log scaler for Garbage gathered free. See M. R. hand for any rancher who calls for it. son. Gent Theatre Thursday, April 12. Teachers Meet at Tillamook. M. F Leach ......................... I 250.00 the Coals Lumber Co. and Bay Citv [Usual “Fox” prices. Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. C. S. Barnes ........................’. Ask Shrode. saw mills. He is residing in Park ad- 250.00 The Royal Purple Degree will be Last week Frank Wells, assistant Jack Olson ........................... For Furnished Rooms at reasonable Wanted—Single horse, 1200 tot 1400, 500.00 . dition. F. R. Beals ..........’................ put on by the encampment on next State Superintendent of Public In ­ price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 young, blocky built, well broken. The 98th anniversary of Odd F"1- 250.00 Tuesday evening, April 12, There are struction, in company with County C. J. Edwards....................... C. E. Ward, Hemlock. 250.00 lowship in America will lie fittingly Fred C. Baker ..................... two candidates — Patriarch John Em- Supt. G. B. Lamb, visited all the Mrs. C. W. Clum, of Ashland, is 250.00 observed in Tillamook Lodge April A full line of standard spark plugs, bum and \\ m. Maxwell, to take the standard High Schools of this county. Henry Rogers ..................... visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Scott. 250.00 26th, which falls on Tuesday evening. W. J. Rcichcrs ..................... also other automobile accessories at work. All Patriarches welcome. The schools were found to be in very Encampment members take notice, Blacksmith Coal—Right Coal— I W. A. Williams Harness Shop. 250.00 Rollie Watson ..................... * I have a number of store buildings, satisfactorv condition. Brother John Aschim lias been ap- 250.00 H. T. Botts ........................... Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * The High School at Beaver, never For Sale—New modern residence, houses and office rooms to rent. Also 500.00 ' pointed a committee of one from the before inspected by the state office, | Rosenberg Bros..................... Will pay you to see Everson for a located in best residence district. For can give desirable ground lease in was found to be in good condition A. C. Everson ....................... 250.00 Subordinate Lodge to confer with the 250.00 Sister Rebekahs for their co-opera­ safe investment in city property or sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * various parts of the city desirable to and doing three years of high school W. G. Dwight ..................... farm lands. * 250.00 tion in prepcration for this great The Women’s Civic Improvement almost any needs. See me also for work. Next year the fourth year will Thad Robison ..................... city property on payments to suit 500.00 event. The latest styles in Easter Millin­ Club will meet Saturday April 7 at your income.—Rollie W. Watson. be taken up. This school is found to A. F. Coats ........................... 250.00 have now nearly all the required E. T. Haltom ....................... ery are now on display at Miss M. the City Hall at 2:30 p.m. 250.00 Rosenberg Bros, have opened a equipment. Soon as the remainder is M. W. Harrison ................. Patterson’s. Five Hundred Party. For sale or Rent, a ranch of 35 250.00 large line ot all kinds of hay, feed, purchased a certificate of standardi­ Chas. I. Clough ................... acres, 3 miles east of Tillamook. En ­ One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ . ” O