TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 29. 1917 The Beginning at 10 A.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 31. The (¡reatest Balcony Bargain Yet. Articles on this table up to 25c in value Your choice, 2 for lc. During this Great Money liaising Sale which I have been con­ ducting lor Mr. Haltom I have offered you many Bargains which were absolutely staggering in their price reduction, but on Saturday lam going to beat al! previous offerings to atoms. In (‘very Department of this store, and particularly on the BARGAIN BALCONY you will find merchandise pi iced so low you'll wish your purse was twice as big and ten times as full. The steady buying of the last week has reduced many lines to vanishing point; in sized goods there are broken lines innumerable ; and invard goods there are hundreds of remnants of desirable lengths. -J Now all these broken lots and short ends are priced lower than ever to effect a speedy and entire clearance. In addition, I have taken the entire stock ol Ladies' New Spring- Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Millinery and for One Day Only (Saturday, March 31st, beginning at 10 a.m.) will offer them at the most sensational price reductions you ever heard of being put on New Goods, most of which has not been in stock more than one or two weeks. BALCONY BARGAIN TABLE No. 2. Pre-Easter Sale of Ladies’ New Spring Wearables. Women’s, Misses’, Boys’ and Children's SHOES Actual $3.00 to $5.00 Values, $1.49 Per Pair. Contains Towels, Buttons. Rib­ bons, Laces, Stamp Goods, Spool Silksand many other arti- r« clew. Your choice for - , $7.5(1 and $S,00 values. Saturday Only....................................... No. 4. Children’s Dresses, I ntriinmed Millinery Shanes, Remnants, etc., etc. « f ^our Choice - - - JLOC. Actual Values to 50c. in Boy*' and Misses' UNION SUITS. Sizes 6 to 14 years. 25c. Per Suit. --------------- -— The Famous “Palmer” SUITS FOR SPRING. d»r in U 77ie Famous “Hindeman” COATS FOR SPRING. Actual $10.00, $10. 50 and $11.00 values. Saturday Only Jg gtj Actual $12.00, $12. 50 and $13.00 values. JJJ Saturday < Inly Actual $15.00, $16 00 and $16.50 values. (Ç |Op Saturday only Silk Taffeta Petticoats. Actual $4.50 anti $5.00 values. Saturday Only ..................................... BALCONY BARGAIN TABLE SUITS Actual Values to $20.00 $12.75 Saturday Only. c • BALCONY BARGAIN TABLE No. 1. 2 Articles for lc. Men’s and Youngmen’s Smart, Stylish Spring rf>n z » q 4>J.U0 Actual $22.50 ;in