T illamook the special ELECTION PUNCTURES MINISTF riai headlight , march 20, 19i 7. ’---------------------------------- I ASSOCIATION’S ACCUSATIONS ' *MapP°,nte* «as some of our nedy. Divorce. Decree granted and who has a "hankering" for patroniz­ in saving and investment. and Stores. Butcher Shops, Cigar It amook ministers who started the plaintiff given custody of minor child. ing Portland printing concerns: "Just war department militia bureau. D. H. Miller was instantly killed at as long as the Courier office has to _____ where cigars and ball rolling by urging the citizens to ¡ Stores and places The army engineers have made an lay down good big taxes once a year, Gold Hill when he was struck by a — sold, Grocery and Clotlt- tobacco are^s*1--. places’ oTbusme^be" clo'ni'o^Suj" . Administratrixj_NOti« “> Creditors, and gets a receipt printed in P/rtland locomotive of a Southern Pacific train. adverse report on ihe proposed furth­ in« stores, i, Drug ’' .. stores, except for just so long will the Courier set up I The land office at The Dalles is still er improvement of Nehalem bay on • t i ° iiliin« prescriptions. Bowling Alleys, day. And in a circular distributed bv ’ ‘“ .,s her*-:b j >' given, that . the an annual roar. One year ago we snowed under with applications for the ground that the commerce to be Blacksmith them from house to house just before !c Billiard and Pool Halls Shops Machine shops, Garages, Sup- the election, we find the ^following E°“n.‘y Sourt 01 !ll5...i’ute °.f 9rt'K°n> made this same protest and it pretty land under th* 640‘aert* homestead act. benefited would not justify the ex- ilv houses of any kind, W arehouses, comment on the stringent Sunday for the County of Tillamook, has ap­ nearly started something in Benton I The 11th annual convention of the penditure that would be required to Gasoline supply stattons operated in closing ordinance, “The second one pointed the undersigned administra­ county, yet we note that Bushong,. & provide a 12-foot channel from Ne­ the street or elsewhere. Parades m the notice, published in the news­ trix of the estate of Thomas Brooten, Co., who for some reason not defi­ Oregon Retail Grocers' association halem to the bar. nitely known, but often guessed at, will be held in Portland February 19- Hand Concerts nr any other kind of papers as it will appear on the ballot, deceased, and all persons having County Superintendent J. Alton amusements in the streets, on Sun­ meets our approval in most narticu- claims against said estate are hereby are more pleasing in the eye of some I notified to present them to said ad­ county officials than its resident tax­ , lars.” Thompson and County Agriculturist The prune growers of Douglas coun­ result: -2 Yex; 350 No. Lost. ministratrix, at her residence at Clov­ payers, are yearly giving this Benton | So, according to their own state­ erdale, Oregon, together with the county business. The Courier would ty are contemplating tha erection ef R. A. Blanchard have been busy or­ The third ordinance was: ment, these men were in favor of a have no wail if Bushong & Co. their own processing and packing ganizing Industrial clubs in Deschutes -To make it lawful for Billiard and Sunday law. And their house to house proper vouchers, within six months county. Four clubs were formed with printed these tax receipts for less plants. from the date of this notice. CIUllla ___ p00| Rooms and ______ Card Rooms > and ar— canvass shows that they were enthu- than the Courier or any other Benton Dated March 29th, 1917. a total membership of 34 boys and C. 3. Prather, who escaped a year Games io to be operated and carried earned on iastic over it. This being true, if they Ruby Brooten, Admin­ county printers could do the job. St Sunday, from and after the ftrgt girls who will raise potatoes this year ago from the Oregon penitentiary, baa represent the church as leaders, was f What we kick on its that the county istratrix of the Estate for competition in the state prise. wrong in saying, "Who wants this day of April, 1907. of Thomas Brooten, officials will not permit us to do the been captured and is held by the polios Result: 184 Yes; 234 Nc Lost. Sunday law?” and then answering, Contracts to purchase broccoli to bo work at the same price as the Port ­ at Kansas City. deceased. There were 474 votes cast in the “The church, of course?” I leave it grown on 300 acres of l4tne county land concern, and you bet we have a An endowment fund of 11000 was for you to judge. kick coming on such conditions. The election. farm lands have been signed by H. A. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. 1 confess that I never heard of this tax receipts of Benton county are left to the Eugene Bible University by Raser and W. T. Langlois, of the West­ the will of the late Mrs. Rebecca Coak- Sunday law ordinance until March some job. Many thousands are used To The People of Tillamook City ern Broccoli association, recently form­ 13th, upon my return to Tillamook By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. annually, yet it is a job any newspap­ burn, of Milton. Through the kindness of the Editor from a neighboring town. Being er can do—any ordinary printer can Jackson county's semi-annual bal­ ed in Eugene. Fifty farmers have ac­ of the Headlight, we are afforded the acquainted with the operations of 'I he Tillamook County Jersey Club eat it up.—Umpqua Valley News. ance sheet for January 1 shows the cepted the terms offered by the com­ opportunity with great pleasure and Sunday laws in this country, as well will meet at the residence of Mor­ county Indeptedness to be 1*07.131.38 pany. The crop is expected to total gratitude, to sincerely thank the peo­ as others, where honest men have rison Mills near Fairview Hall on natnerine m . Ltoan, supervisor ana 50.000 crates. ple of this city, for their decisive been held behind prison bars and in Saturday, March 31st, 1917, at 10 parole officer at the state Industrial above cash on band. In response to a letter from District stand and help at the last Special the chain gang, I thought it my duty o'clock a.m. Lunch will be served. Although the time is still six months election, in passing at the polls the to warn others of the danger resulting Let all who are interested come, and school for girls, has submitted her res­ away, plana are being formulated for Attorney Evans, of Multnomah coun­ ordinance, which makes it possible from such laws. A case is reported in let us talk matters over. Too much ignation to the state board of control. the third annual cbautauqua to be ty. and also to numerous requests To decide upon the purchase of a for us to keep open on Sundays, our our own country where the mother cannot be said or done for the little from southern counties of the state well equipped and orderly place for and child died while the husband and Jersey cow, the Dairy Queen. Some new 345,000 site for the central school held at Bend In July. Governor Wlthyeombe i, trjdn, t<; Eastern Oregon's big snow blockade both ladies and gentlemen, where father was imprisoned. He arrived matters of importance will be discuss­ of Klamath Falls, the school board Is ended on the main Uno. but several send some special agents to the Cal. they can enjoy the relaxing exercise home just in time to follow the funer­ ed that will be of interest to all. has called for a special election March ------ o----- ornta line to endeaver to curb illicit of pool and billiards, as well as the al train of his wife to the centetary. of the principal branches are still T. Greening of Potato Seed. What had he don^? The only accusa- reading room in connection. blocked with snowdrifts. i 9 liquor shipment, from being mad» Money from the rural credits fund We ask you to heip us make our tion brought against him was that he j , Potatoes that have been in proper | The 51st anniversary of the organ­ across the border. place your place, and you heartily re­ w orked on Sunday. storage come out very firm and with­ will be available for lending purposes isation of Battery A, Oregon field ar­ » bvutnher. ’rr1“1*"' °f •Uw sponded, for which we extend to one I have lived where the laws of the | out sprouts. It is a good plan to to the farmers of the state by the and all our heartfelt thanks and government even forbid bathing on ' bring this seed out and expose it to middle of March or the first part of tillery, was celebrated by the veterans by the legislature it will b. eompul- at a banquet In Portland. 1 »ory on all who desire to engage in gratitude to the full measure. Sunday between the hours of 9:00 a. | j light and warmth for two or three April. the manufacture of butter and ch.e.e We wish to thank especially the m. and 3 p.m., or during church scr- : | weeks before planting time. Spread After six years without a theater Portland has another shipbuilding ladies who aided us by their influence vices. In one district, a law was pass- j potatoes on floor in thru layers not to se<-ure a license from tbe dairy and suitable for traveling shows, I^a Grande and votes, and feel that we must have ‘ ed, imposing a fine equal to a day’s j ! over six inches deep, This process, plant, the Coast Shipbuilding com­ will have a modern building In the food oommissfoner. This license must been right or they would not have work on everyone, young or old, I called “greening” will start good pany, a 3400.000 concern, which will be secured on or before July 1 1917 heart of the business district. I done so. who did not attend church at least i j sturdy sprouts, and give color and engage In the building of wooden Chief No-Sblrt, past 70 years of age. md on ths first of July Of We now want you to come, both once on Sunday, unless hindered by , ¡toughness to the skin and outside ships. ladies and gentlemen, and make our j sickness. This law was strictly en- flesh. Circulation of petitions asking for a the venerable head of the Walla Walla thereafter. A fee of 31 is prescribed. place, one of rest and recreation forced. By whom?—The churclt, of 1 The sprouts should not get too long recall election against County Judge tribe of Indians, died at Pendleton i The old military highway, the pion­ before planting, or they will be brok- whenever you feci like it. course. after an Illness of several days. eer road running through the Ca» We have every Tuesday set apart As for exploiting the Seventh-day ' en off. Less liability of less from seed J. B. Messick and County Commission­ Philomath won the lead In the Cen­ cades, which has virtually been aban­ especially for the ladies to take ad- doctrine, I cannot see in looking rotting is experienced where seed is er J. P. Ritter, has been started in tral Willamette Valley Debating league doned for many years, will be opened vantage of our alleys and tables if over my article that anything was “greened.” The seed should be treat­ Baker county. they see fit, and make themselves at said to that effect, excepting that I ed for scab and rhizoctonia before by defeating Albany 3 to 0 at Albany, to motor traffic for the first time thia With 430 bills enacted Into law the through the green­ home. We only make one charge of sought to impress upon the readers being put and Eugene 2 to 1 at Philomath i fall, offering a scenic highway unex­ twenty-five cents to them for each the importance of doing by others as ing process: treat with 4 ounces of session laws of 1917 will be the larg- Farmers of Waplnttia. Tygh valley celled for grandeur In the northwest, Tuesday. A goodly number of ladies he would have them do by him; and Corrosive Sublimate (poison) to 30 est volume of session laws ever pub­ have been availing themselves of this also that it is "whosoever will” that gallons of water. Soak tubers lj4 llshed by the state. The volume will and lower Tygh are making prepara­ according to an announcement made tions for the construction of a large by Clyde R. Seitz, supervisor of the opportunity, and we now invite those may be saved, not those who are 1 to 2 hours. be ready for sale early in May. Spraying. ladies ill addition who have noi as yet forced to obey. We would heartily warehouse at Shearer next Spring Cascade national forest. R. R. Raymond, administrator of the Now is the time to spray to control been in our place. We have experienc­ commend these principles to the About 25 members of tbe Western I What Is considered by the state tax Raymond estate, sold a half section ed and polite attendants at the alleys, Ministerial Association, as well as to scale: Red Spider, Blister, Mite, Moss of wheat land near Weylund station, Walnut association gathered at Port­ commission to be a measure of prims and Lichens. and wc know you will go away, vot­ all others. Use lime and sulphur (32 Beauine northwest of Helix, to S. 3. Parris, land to discuss various phases of the Importance coming before the people ing that you have had a good time, Our friends say further,—"He and at the special election to be held in and feel the benefits of healthful ex­ his kind may always be counted on to test) one part of lime and sulphur to well-known Weston farmer, for $35,- Industry, Including winter pruning. John Ant Illa, a st udent of mechanic June, is the proposed constitutional ercise such as bowling produces. stand with those who favor open 8 parts of water. Use large chamber 000. I We will at all times do our best Jo saloons and open brothels on Sun­ type muzzle such as Friend or Bean Making preparation for the coming arts at the Oregon Agricultural college. amendment doing away with the pre­ live up to our expectations, and if we day" The facts are that just before mist. Spray thoroughly and use high flax season, the state board of control haa received notice of his appointment sent provisions that all taxation shall are remiss at any time, please be the election that made the state ot !pressure. be "equal,” leaving the "uniform" pro­ Time — Just when the buds are has arranged for letting contracts to as mechanic in a Siberian cannery. kind enough to let us know of it, and Washington dry, the writer spent I Contracts will be signed at once for vision in and allowing taxation upon we will be pleased to remedy at any about three months lecturing on breaking or swelling. Include a minimum of five acres and shortcoming. temperance in that state, and distrib­ Treatment for Verminous Bronchitis a maximum of 750 acres to any one the building of over 9000 feet of new various classes of property. (Lung Worms.) Those who did not see the light as uted hundreds of dollars worth of road up the north fork of the Sluslaw i The president has nominated ths man. The University of California has our friends did and as we did, we al- temperance literature. But our aim river, from its mouth near Florence. following Oregon postmasters, being When a new law goes into effect in ask to come and acquaint them­ was to get prohibition on every day published a circular, Number 148, on T 11. Hill, trapper and miner, on the the first presidential postmasters ap­ this disease and, after much experi­ May. it will be a misdemeanor in Ore- selves with the actual conditions, and of the week, not on Sunday only. sec if they do not find us half so had And we would always use our influ­ menting, recommends the following gon for a person with insufficient north Umpqua river, shot and killed pointed in Oregon since last Septem­ as wc are painted, and see if our place ence against open brothels,—not on treatment. funds in the bank to casli a check, three gray wolves recently while on ber: Volney E. Lee, North Powder; Pure chloroform administered in providing he does It with intent to de- one of the mall trails of that district. J. W. Vandervelden, Banks; Shelby F. (s not one in which any respectable Sunday only, but on every day of the person need feel ashamed of visiting I < W Scvcnth-day Adventists believe that each nostril by means of a'pipette or Announcement was made tn Eugene Deaderlck, Halfway; Clark B. Foster, medicine dropper gave the best re- fraud. 31 any time. A marker for the old Oregon trail, 1 of the formation of the Western Broc Dayton; Roy E. Pritchett, GaBton, Wc have the best interests of our ' if it is wrong to kill, steal, get drunk, I suits. The exact amount to use can­ rity at heart, and we “boost” for it at I and visit brothels on Sunday, it is not be stated as it varies with differ­ south of Eugene, hi as been prepared coll association, which will have its Edgar L. Davidson, Oswego; Roy J. individuals. The maximum and will be set up at Coryell Pass, on principal place of business In that city. Rhoades, Pow.-r; Daisy Buckner, Scio; pride, we | wrong on every day of the week, and ent all times; and we take ___ The highest price ever paid for po W. W. Wilson, Yoncalla. y think justly, in our churches and like should not be licensed for six-seven­ amount used in calves was 11 cubic the Pacific highway, between Eugene our ministers. We think they arc all ths of the time. Are our Sunday-Iaw I centimeters divided equally in both and Goshen, when the weather geta I tatoes at Albany was received by Har­ Approximately 25 bills relating to ‘ nostrils. They recommend the admin ­ friends like the boy who wished to Xood and conscientious nten, doing a ry E. Mullen. He received 33 a hun school elections and the administra­ better. good work in our midst. And wc hope cut off his dog’s tail? Not wanting to istering of enough to make the It is reported that some of the dred-welght, a figure equal to si 80 f tion of school affairs were passed Mtat none of them on account of the | hurt the dog by cutting it all off at |animal slightly “groggy.” The animals to be treated should be officers of Crook county may resign a bushel. during the 1917 session of the legisl* result of tl)is election hold any ill once, he decided to cut off an inch feelings towards us or our place. \\ e ' each day for seven days until it was ! confined in a corral which is free their places as a result of the reduc­ After an elght-day session marked ture. Perhaps the most Important from grass and other vegitation. The ° hold no ill feeling toward anyone, and 1 short enough. Do our tion of their salaries by the legisla by an aggregate attendance of from measure was the bill which removed work out the saloons, hroth.-ls bU chloroform is best administered by believe in “Peace on earth, and good ( iliard and pool rooms in this way^ Jr tippin" back the animal's head and ture, and the elimination of two de­ 12,000 to 15,000, Portland's eighth an­ the property qualification of school "ill toward all men.” nual automobile show came to an end electors, making It possible for any \\e also wish to and do thank the •ire thev more anxious to get a la« to injecting the desired dose of chloro- puty officials citizen who has resided In a school ’the day than they are to get ,from which a small pipette (an ordi­ The Roseburg public schools were Saturday editor of the Headlight, for the fair­ ¡protect 'rid of pool and billiard rooms and the nary fountain pen filler will be found The placer miners of the Grants district for 30 days Immediately prior closed and the children were ordered ness he has shown us, as well as those opposed to us in the last elec­ i brothel’ Surely, it is a, much a. crime satisfactory). Half the dose is ad­ off the streets and away from public Pass district are having much dfffl- to the election to vote for directors. tion. \Ve think he has been dignified, ¡to patronize such places on Monday ministered in each nostril. The action gatherings last week because of an culty in the operation of their mines With the exception of those laws of the chloroform is enhanced by as on Sunday. g f Cady ’air 3nImt .. ----- •llamook has begun a movement for ¡opportunity ... Feed and watering troughs should land, near Pendleton, will I m » available not declaring an emergency, are to go ■lief ¡day doctrine. He and and his hls kind " jq may - j, be constructed in the corral that pol­ season. ■uning money for Belgian Relief!day doctrine, He °tk Many of the people will wa^t ! ‘ *■* Date fot taking effect of the new soon If congress passes the law pro into effect 90 days after the adjourn­ lution with feces will be impossible. WHU law .. 0 contribute to this fund. Some mon- Treatments should be continued at I rules promulgated by the Interstate vtdlng for allotting the tribal land on ment of the legislature. brothels on Sunday. Now has already been paid in. Each of intervals of three to five days until | commerce >-onimlssion in an effort to the Umatilla reservation. I Considerable legislation increasing c local banks will receive money for the animals improve, Three treat­ relievo the unprecedented car shortage More than 30 tons of fine chrome the power of the public service com­ H Purpose, and it will be forwarded ments is the maximum number tTtat iron ore is being hauled out of the mission was enacted by the recent fotigh authorized official channels we have needed to use in any of our which has gripped thia country, has been postponed from February 21 to Canyon City district dally to the legislature, and the commission is pre­ s early as possible. The benevolent experiments. N'trtt of the people of Tillamook will Sumpter Valley railroad for shipment paring to administer the new ar*-|. The chloroform does not kill the March 15. ''O'uhtedly be expressed in very fine and irri- parasites but stupities them I Adjutant General George A White to St Paul, it is reported. I Probably the most important law Circuit Court in Session. '0« Donaldson R. F. D. Tillamook. | tailed to ’ *» / OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST I I