TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 29 J^KLAND E ERWIN, -• What the Editors Say. proposal. A campaign of education is said to be planned, and as its most effective future. The Independent suggests a full and frank statement by the highway commision together with its nomination of engineer.—In­ dependent. The Telephone GirL ----- o----- The telephone girl sits in her chair and listens to voices from everywhere Hears all the gossip, she hears all the news, she knows who is happy and who has the blues; she knows all our sorrows, she knows all our joys, □ he knows every girl who is chasiim the boys; she knows all our troubles, she knows of our strife; she knows every man who is mean to his wife; she knows every time we are out with the boys, she hears the excuses each one employs; she knows every wom­ an who has a dark past; she knows every man who’s inclined to be “fast” in fact there’s a secret 'neath each saucy curl of that quiet, demur look­ ing telephone girl. If the telephone girl would tell all that she knows she would turn half our friends into bitter foes; she would sow a small wind that would soon be a gale, engulf us in trouble and land us in jail; sbe could let go a story (which gaining in force) would cause half our wives to sue for divorce; she could get all the churches mixed up in a fight and turn all our days into sorrowing nights: in fact, she could 1 keep the whole town in a stew if 1 she’d tell a tenth part of the thing! s that she knew. Now doesn’t make your head whirl when you think what you owe to the telephone girl. ------O------ Sixty millions of dollars a year ad­ ded to the payroll of the railroad companies must be paid by some one, The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide. and that someone is the public. Every one who ships over a railroad and Oregon people arc too suspicious. every one who purchases commidities Creo-Septic is coniplvl« I.' ’u.!>li' in vvr.ler. I'wu We elected Governor Withycombe shipped over a railroad will help pay tablespoon fuis to each ..illoti <»l wain i- the average by a handsome majority. This meant this $60,000,000.—Sheridan Sun that a majority of the people felt that strength to be used. Being • >( •’• sm’py na nre it (»roves very effective for washing t lu- imimak- ;n,d si.ble uten­ When we hear of Grand Master of they could trust him. Now that he is the State Grange, Spence of Oregon doing his best, and lias appointed sils, and if used in general improves • table iimdiiimu-. City, or Tax Liberator Smith, of probably as good a highway commis­ $2.00 a G l!on. Roseburg, working against the pro­ sion as could be found in the state, fault is being found with the commis ­ posed road bonding law, ail that is necessary in our mind to excuse them sion because they do not appoint a for the act is to look at the motive. highway engineer, and begin their Both of these men are alleged to be plans for road work. Why not trust drawing a good big salary from the our officers more? Confidence is most timber interests of the state to fight important. The Telephone Register each and every movement that pro­ wishes to reiterate what it said in the poses the expenditure of state money, beginning: Take plenty of time to and from what is seen and heard of consider with unprejudiced mind the road bonding act. Don’t get hot head­ them there is little doubt of their ef­ ed and think you can dictate a better fort to earn those salaries.—Lebanon course than the governor and his Criterion. board. Trust the officers you elect, ----- o----- The railroads in granting the de­ and co-operate with them as honest mand of the Adamson law, state men seeking the best good of the that it means an additional outlay of state. Oregon is big and rich enough sixty millions of dollars each year, to build good roads, and until she gets and they will ask permission from the them she will be greatly retarded in interstate commerce commission to her advancement. This is the best op­ increase their freight rates in order portunity Oregon has ever had to to meet this alleged deficit, which secure highways over which business The Possible Naval Fight. leads the "freight consumer" to re- can be done at all seasons.—Tele­ mark that he will soon get his “prem- phone Register. These arc the days when the main ium” in the way of advanced charges Why not get a good In the clamor and confusion over British fleet that is keeping watch on the bill of lading. W hen the rail­ no overheat oil atove so that dur­ road magnates concede to an increase the prices we pause to pay honor over the entrance to the harbor where 2:1 wiLhunup-to ing the hot weather o:l cock stove. It’ in wages—or any thing else—you can where honor is due. We refer to the the main German fleet is laying in your wife or mother —-<• co with ,c;V put it down in black and white that little women, with a family of four or wait should be on the alert night and orsisteror daughter, The ourners con­ can prepare the somebody’s going to pay the bill— five who keeps her family together day. The prediction that Geremany centrate the heat at the meals in a cool, com­ and it won’t be the rialroads, cither. ind the wolf away from the door on will soon move all her forces in one $15 a week, says the De* Moines grand attempt to close the war, and dihereni CQQhiag points. fortable kitchen? —Umpqua Valley News. Capital. Efficiency engineers and high that |ier fleet will emerge and give the One of the very first questions ask­ salaried financial experts should take British battle, is most probable. off their hats to the business manager If this happen* it will he the battle ed by a man before he buys a farm of the $15 a week home. She buy's of the age, On Germany's part it will is ‘‘how far is it from town?” The the groceries and prepares the meals, be the test of whether Great Britian better the town the more money will W V A j clothes the children and sends them is to be longer safe behind the walls the farm bring and the easier it is to \ to school, keeps herself and her hus­ of steel. Since the great Armada was effect a sale. It is therefore evident No wood or coal or band looking respectable, pays the shattered and dispersed, Englund has ashes to luj. Do that the farmer is almost as much doctor bills and guards the family depended for safety upon her navy. waiting for fires to interested in his home town's up­ against debt. No elaborate budget Whether that is a safe dependence catchup. The long building and advancement as are the shows where each penny should go lies, at least in part, on a trial with blue chimneys do B/st citizens of the town. No prosperous nor what to buy and what not to buy. the German navy; and if that test is away* with all Rt suits and progressive farmer wants to in­ Mother has it all ill her head and she sprung, the result will be the concern­ Ù" smoke and smell. vest his money in a farm, no matter can tell, barring accidents, just where I.i 1,3, nr. I 4-'e-.-rner' P,arS bl Mi Mi how near it is to town, if that town is the family will be financially g year ment of the whole world. tje.tj with or? wit.V.om The men in pomnjand, eyen the ovens. Alsci viabt;»^ sleepy, dead and nonprogressive one. from date. The country is not over­ ri/jdtelrt v»iih Fipe’-Sus It behooves all to unite in a common supplied with this type of women, men who man the guns ill those great oven. cause, trade at home and work for The homes which claim one are get- fleets, fully comprehend what yvill be STANDAPDOIL the upbuilding and development of ting scarcer. Pity should be given to at stake if that battle is joined. So COMPANY our town and community.—Harris- the family that lacks a manager, important is the outcome that Ger­ (Qtr.lhgnla) many will never make the trial save as burg Bulletin. where a dollar has no staple value, a last resort, If it come*, It may be but only passes as a certain means to | expected that the blue jackets pf According to the bill as amended, an indefinite end. The mother tny li­ • Breat Britain will fight as never be­ creameries have to pasteurize milk, ager is the heroine of the ni <>der n fore; and when the battle |s over, but farmers offering butter for sale home.—News Times. [Trafalgar will look like a skirmish by do not if they pursue a certain course. I comparison. They are permitted to sell butter pro­ "Suckers. If it comes, Nelson’s signal: "Eng­ vided they first make application to ---- o—- land expects every man to do his , state veterinarian to have their cows Where it not for government super- duty," will not be necessary; for every tested to see if they are found free from tuberculosis germs. This test vision of the mails, exercised to pre .man of the English fleet will realize will cost them nothing. After making vent the public from being fleeced by | that it is to he a fight, not only for application and until the arrival of downright fraudiileiiteschenics, "fish but possible for the life and certainty the state veterinarian they are per­ ing for human suckers” would be I for the prestige of the British em- mitted to sell butter. If lie finds cows about the most profitable business «pire.—Seaside Signal, ______ affected there must be a plant put in, person could engage in. Months ago, J or he will give the farmer a certificate for instance, a gang of shrewd swin- I High Cost of Being Governed. showing a clean bill of health and dlers located at Minneapolis and ad- 1 ----- o------ vertised they would send a sample farmers can sell their butter product High taxes may have as much to do silk petticoat to any woman remitting without installing pasteurization ten cents. The government of course I with the high cost of living as the plants.— Independence M onitor. took charge, the swindlers fled, and j soaring prices of pork chops and ——o—— Sonic people in Oregon seem to probably every paper in the country 'unions. It is folly to imagine that a think that six millions is a big amount has explained this fraud, yet replies poll tax and a property tax are ! the oi money for good roads.Down in Cal and dimes still accumulate at the I extent of their contribution to the ifornia, where they have good roads Mmeapolis postoffice, the number of1 cost of being governed. Mr. F. G. R. and are willing to spend good money responses now being only a little [ Gordon, addressing the Haverhill, (Mass.) Rotary Club, brought out the for them, such a sum would be con­ short of the million mark. As an illustration of eagerness oi j tremendous toad the high cost of bc- sidered paltry. If all proposed conntv bond issues are carried, California some people to be swindled, one case >”B governed lays upon every house- will have appropriated $101,000.000 is cited hy tbe inspector at Minne­ DR. ELMER ALLEN, A two billion dollar Congress means for improved highways by iqitt. Of apolis. A Wisconsin woman sent her DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. this enormous sum $15,000,000 now is dime for one of these "gift” petti­ a tax of $100 per family. If to this we add state, county and municipal ex ­ coats, and her letter was returned to being expended in completing two I Dentists. trunk State roads and laterals running her stamped "Fraudulent.” Appar- penses we have a grand total of $175 National Building. north and south, If the California c ••fly interpreting this as a suggestion a year for every family, almost $3.50 farmers were not profiting by their she had used the wrong address in ' l>er week. Tillamook, Oregon. Nearly 15 per cent of the cost of having good roads, they certainly her first effort, she again sent the let- would not be willing to support I such t er with the enclosed dime, this time government goes to pay interest on iddresscd “Fraudulent,’’ with the j indebtedness, and in the last twelve a tremendous road program If Ore- addressed to "Fraudulent,' gon is to get out of the mire, , she same street address. Which caused years the public debt has increased must build good roads At least Ore- the disgusted inspector go eitfaim. more than 100 per cent. “That gov­ gonians have an opportunity to make "What’s the use?” a comment that . eminent is best which governs least.’’ is a Jeffersonian maxim. a good start. There is no reason I why appears rather tnild, under the cir­ cumstances. Australia and New Zealand, where the voters should not approve the It certainly does seem strange that the government has taken over many I road bond measure referred to them so many people are willing to “bite” lines of private business, has a family by the Legislature.—Telephone Reg­ at the bait of swindlers, and it well debt of $1,555 as against only $65 in ister. exemplifies the old saying that "a the United States. Yet there are some who still think The stale highway commission sucker is born every minute.” The could have greatly cleared the sitúa wise person, on the other hand, ap­ that Uncle Sam ought to run the lion by announcing it, appointment preciates the fact that whenever some­ railroads, the telegraph ami telephone. thing is promised for nothing, or for Already we are carrying on our as engineer instead of waling until next to nothing, the transaction bears backs a million and a half officehold­ after the election. There is no use of the stamp of a swindle on its very ers, working short hours and drawing digging up old sores, but is useless to face and should be studiously shun- big pay. Can the taxpayers afford to disguise the fact that the engineer ned.—Polk County Observer. add to that self-expanding army?— will be a vital factor in the vote on The Manufacturer. the bonds and even a suspicion that a Rank Foolishness. certain gentleman who is one of the —-o-- nee it stated that applicant, may receive the appoint- A > ou occasionally see For Díte**« ol the Skin. ■tent will cause many adverse votes. Colds do not result from cold weather Nearly all diseases of the skin such Engineering of highway, a few years That is rank foolishness Were it true colds would be as prevalent in mid­ For Sal«. J. M. DeLillies has bought ago did much to kill the good roads summer as in midwinter. The microbe as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers itch, are characteristic ot an One half acre with house and barn, Jones Apartment house. And will be sentiment for subsequent years, for that causes colds flourishes in damp intense itching and smarting, which bottom land, mile from city. the counties that suffered flatly re cold weather To get rid of a cold often makes life a burden and dis- JO acres 6 miles South of City, w ith known in future as the DcLillies Apartments. * rd to countenance methods follow take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. turbes sleep and rest. Quick relief good house $1700. •■’d highly recommend­ For rent 8 acres with house and Don t forget those busted castings. and a suspicion that similar meth- ed by people who have used it for may be had by applying Chamber­ bin , Salve It allays the itching ani barnjust cast of Fair Grounds. Can be welded for half. Goods sent spiglu prevail in expending the many years as occasion required, aud smarting almost instantly. J. S. Stephens. 4 \sue will effectually kill the know its rewi value For sale by La- cases have been cured hr its Commercial Building, room by parcel post and express promptly tnaraw()rug Store. 'air I - 1 ..niar - l>n,K sIllrr returned. Hiner A Reed, Tillamook, Oregon. • CREO-SH.PT1C CHAS. I. CLOUGH, PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful raining as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolo, ID ROBINSON. M.D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OR KOON. Reliable Druggist, Tillamook Ore Put yourself in HER place Mr. Man NEW„ OIL COttM1 nvr ATTORNEY-AT LAW. omplete Set of Abstract; Boe ks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Resident». T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. U. O. O. F. Bldg. I .... Oregon Tillamook EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW COM M K RC IA L BU ILDING,_ FIRST STREET. TILLAMOOK, •p H. OREGON GOYNH, ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW. onice; H ouss , O pposite C ourt Tillamook .... Oregoa f JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon 1 IT, KING & SMITH CO ALEX McNAIR CO FREE ! FREE!! FREE With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee. one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE, See our window display. RAY & CO. L 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, J OHN LELAND Oregon. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COU N SELLOR- A T.L A W T illamook B lovk , Tillamook - - - Oiegon ROOM NO. an. r^ARL HABERLACH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. T illamook B mock Tillamook Oregon w. C. HAWK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City J Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M„ VETERINARY. Both Phone». Tillamook • errege». H. T. Bott», Pres , Attorney at-I.aw. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- I. aw and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Abstracts. Real Estate. Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OKEOON. Have Your House Wiring Done by Coagt power Go. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES