TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 29, 1917 Node®. ALL CHURCHES BUT re _ in effect ernmest a._ _____ partner» in the GERMAN FLY FLAG to pav promotions costs, the Commi»- ADVERTISING RATES. The Tillamook County Jersey Club improvement of these harbor», each sioners say. and they state further lit# one-bal; VIIV M«».! the cost, and it is will meet at the residence of Morri­ paying Legal Advertisements. Rev. Mr. Cramer Thinks AaKricar. that if paving bi biers do not w hittle *»ly unfair : to now- attempt to take son Mill* near Fairview Hall on Sat- grossly _____ First Insertion per line ............. S .10 their prices down to where these Emblem Would be Red Rag ’ .- Fort away the taxable assets of the urday, March ji*t, 1917, at to o'clock Before Bull. Each subsequent insertion, line. 05 fancy promotion charge* are eliminat­ _ the t!. al- districts to further enlarge a m. Lunch will be served. Let a|| ed, the state will buy its oi^n machin­ Business and Professional cards ready too large forest 1 re»«rve. In one I All Methodist Episcopal churches 'who are interested come, and let us __ »v ____ _____ 1 the railroad of the Portland district—all save one talk matter* over. Too much cannot- of these Port ___ districts one month......................................... 1.00 ery and build its own roads direct by day labor. is Cwn constitute one-third of the tax- will display the American flag. be said or done for the little Jersey lunds __ Locals per line each insertion... 05 A reduction of 25 cents a barrel on 1th ____________________ of the district. To exempt le weal... --------- The one exception, unless its mem­ cow, the Dairy Queen. Some matters Display advertisements, an inch further taxatiow would the market price of cement when used bership goes against the leadership of importance will be discussed that them from and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 for road work was tendered by the directly increase the taxes on the re- of its pastor, will be the First German will be of interest to all. Greron Portland Cement Co. to the •Ml Resolutions of Condolence maining propertv in this Port dis­ Church. State Commission at its meeting just s’ per cent. The other Ports At Monday's annua) meeting of the one month....................................... trict 1 •50 held, and the cement people were similarly affected; the count- Methodist Ministerial Association, will I lands are located held in the Centenary Church, commended for the spirit they show­ ies in whicll these I ; schools and road- therein will Joshua Stansfield moved that THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT ed. However, the commission insisted by exempting the sense of the meeting tha that to be thoroughly fair, the cement er gn.s* ir.justi F. C. BAKER. Publisher. ”;>any should include cement for itu n. Benton churchi » display the Amerigan fl: g .mis from r. work in the 25 cents a barrel ilcly $25 would Ins. a drn .g :e*e stressful time*, tion. $35.000: n. >110.1 . .1* received with a burst xx. an inually; C U. . company hat the Commission'» >. -5.00a; Cur- enthusiasm. But immediately tl >ia. $1 7.00c. i. -olumb ■id under consideration, with ,cO' Doug;.;*. S1 0.000; Jackson was a protest from Rev. A. F. Cramer e. prospect of favorable conces- ouo; Klamath, •i the First German The Course of Action. Methodist —0------ ■>75,coc ; Josephine. >!' Lincoln, $3,- O" — - .-I- ,oco; . '..arve, $85.000. W e must con icm that Church. . hre word has also -""\e out that no w he following course of act M • rion $12,000; w the flag in the churches ■JOO . Linn, $1 .000; little amused at the sp< To sli • nted pavement will be u* d by r (■ably be taken by the A,..c.ici. - .t . ,..di. $3,500; Pr< k. $15,000; Til- e. 1 object. It is like waving Mu last week, for ii plaini not w is l-i Commission uni« <« the promotion , . ernmeot next week. follow rag a asliington. $5.000; to .1 bull,” declared Dr. an; oox. $5.000; narrow and inc .insistent air; royalty charges art sqt»e< zed Ger- a total annual a red rag Who’* the bull’” asked Dr. ji >nal declaration of war wit., i nò . > amuill, $5.000. c < ’izens are. rig* down to a reasonable profit on ..„ay: > m the state 01 $500,000. These • Cramer. mi, a veteran preacher and nt .c ial work done. E. ..ligament with the Enten'e Ail»..». . .ur- s are ’ ased on a valuation of ( After violating the criminal libel I hv commission flatIv stat's that . he British and French fl ijpr xi.n.tcly one-half the actual P. lot. roa.-J to Germany is just as law last week we wonder whether !! standard types of pavin? must be i;i a estern waters would pre. .1. ■ j vaim ei t.'ie gran'., ii taxed at full “Th ic out here; if you Bro. Trombley is m favor of the or i'i red in open competition with ..■cased tor duty elsewhere. vsp.slai- value, tiieie lands would return near­ short back a* it w” i which you strict enforcement of the law* Or 1» »ach ocher, and that if none of he ,/ in the submarine zone. bj Us mg ly »..txxi.cvo in t. vi s to the state don’t like ¡1KC tfiw uw country ; in __ j don’t you go I make your Kving whv there a law for the saint ami another Lids arc low enough, “the Commis­ r.placed by the American xtuutic every year. back ’ ’’ ’ ’ was ~ Or. Cline's suggestion. for the syiner. sion will proceed to do the work itself fleets. I he Act 01 Congress attempting to back A standing vote was taken and by force account after the purchase* 1 nt country does not at present take back title is in effect a new One peculiar incident took place in and installation of its own paving plan sending an armed expedition to Fore»t Reserve Act. The land is not every man exjrcpt Rev. Mr. (.ranter the sheriff’s office. A person in Port­ plant.” The quotation is from the for- r.urope because the Allies have all to l.e soM until the timber is sold and voted for the resolution. Dr. Joshua Stanfield who was later land had written for a statement of |rnal expression of the Commission. the men they need- r- noved. as Forest Reserve timber is The city merchant who carries his taxes. This was sent which All who come in contact with the Our ports will be thrown open to now sold, “in a norma! market” fifty elected presi’I'emi of the association, no insurance is considered a said in commeirton the episode: amounted to $t.io. On .Monday the Commission are discovering that it Allied .nips tor all purposes. Exten­ year* hence, probably with no taxes mighty poor business man. “There was nothing partisan meant sheriff’s office received a money | mean business, that it rs composed of sion ot unlimited credit would, be in the meantime. Congress admits "J—:'" Yet the stock farmer who car­ by us in the action. We felt it a duty order for 55c. for half payment i men who cannot be stampeded, and given the allies so that they would be Oregon'» right of taxation and that ries no insurance on his live Wouldn't that jar you. ‘that promoters who try to put some- able to purchase all the necessary ■he unpaid taxes are a lien on the and a right to G'serw loyalty to the stock is taking just as big risks. ( thing over on the state receive -hort ammunition, food and supplies. of «he country in which we five. The schools onu, the me Attorney ..... j ,..».. General ---- , land; And needlessly, for ' ‘The snap shot man thought he was -hritt. The bearing of the Commission Begin at once the expenditure ot United State» admits it. No one but and the churches »horrid be the first •it an old time political convention is one of firm determination that a the emergency appropriation ot $115,- '7 it- The places to show their colors, to inspire *. j/ostfe« of ------_________ Pmehotism J deny when Attorney Winslow made that full dollar’s worth of actual construc­ 000.000 by the last Congress, to fi- on * these lands, patriotic feeling and set a good ex­ Port bn"cf. arc - - a ! Ken ’ — u* nominating .peech at the meeting of tion work must be done for every dol­ . n . ici winch a bond issue of $150.- them from further tax- ample." but to e-xemr>’ t__ - the school district on Saturday. We lar expended bv the state, and that 000.000 was provided. throw r the entire bnrden haven't any political bee buzzing in none of the state’s money may be Construct sixty submarine chaser, . 'ion v. »■’M CONSTRUCTIVE LAWS ENACT­ rh<- bonds on other tax- our bonnet, and if we had we would used to pay for anything except full at the Brooklyn navy yard. at. a COM of nay me ED. nxnaftv for the right to sure, get George to make the nom­ value received for actual work done. 01 »to.ooo each, deli.cries to begin in {«yen—a free country. ination. -/ t from 00 to .<0 day at the rate of three exist m a on*-’north of Oregon is Review of Legislature’s Work Shows gives complete protection at A Imo tiding road bonding act were des­ Districts, the future annual taxes on same rates as other states. down the receivers of thiir phones, Drawing People to the Farm the»« Railroad Company Lands, to shut off the switch of their electric ignated by the cominis-ion and for- Act charging irregation securities merely adopted as part of the sys- which we are not only bv law entitled laws so that such project» < can be un- lights, not go to the posioffice or To promote the back to the farm but which every principal of common un of state highways. In addition to news stand, in fact, first put the "lid" dertaken in this state. the Fann Sitnenient justice and right in a free country on themselves before they attempt to those roads, such other roads were movement, Law making it possible to manu- Board of New Brunsw ick is display - d signaled as were required to make demands __________ _________ in this facture _ denatured alcohol put the “lid" on other-. the system more complete and fair, : lg motion pictures depicting inter­ sawmill waste products, state from . , esting phases of farm life. In this His Mother ’ s Song. so a» to connect all the counties with Giving smelters rights of eminent Under the new law persons taking .rough lines of travel. country working people arc begged domain and encouraging cstablish- up estrays must exercise due dili­ sun Beneath the hot midsummer and implored to go back to the land Joint work by the government and nient of such industries here. gence to ascertain tu. owners, and the state will proceed, even if the »nd raise lood but they are slow to The men had marched all day. Defeat of the 48-hour a week law ii none is found within nine days an people fail to vote the bond». It is ex­ do »0. And now beside a rippling stream that would have crippled Oregon in­ aiiidivit must be filed with a justice pected that in the event of the failure 1 lie great majority of citified peo­ Upon the grass they lay. dustries in many respects. of the peace reciting the facts and of the state bonds, manv of the coun­ ple look upon tarin life with horror. 1 Law providing for licensing kelp the efforts made to find the owner. ties will vote their own bonds for I hey may be living in some dirty, Tiring of games and idle jests As swept the hours along, I fields and encouraging establishment Ii the justice is satisfied that due di­ the sake of getting the benefit of II n January, crowded tenement. Coun­ ligence has been used lie will order whatever government and state funds try lite might be cheaper, healthier, They called to one who moved'apart, I of potash industry in Oregon. Come, friend, give 11s a «ong. and Amending eight-hour ’ “~J minimum notice of sale by publication in two : may be available more comfortable. But existence un­ He answered: ‘‘Nay, I cannot please; allow operations of fruit issues of a weekly newspaper and at ¡wage law to The funds available, it is estimated, der th< stars ann are in their States which cannot be abruptly re­ ’0 tax these «n. v». acre- al»«>, ami diseases |>ut together, and for years is beliefs. It is not onlv a false linquished without financial loss, and why not, thev are part of Oregon's it was supposed to be incurable maging accusation, but shows since the ocean highway* arc closed taxable assets. Doctors prescribed local remedies The Oregon Coast Forts arc vitally and by constantly failing to cure Christian charity. It is also a against them and they are unable to return to their native land, they interested in the taxation ot these with local treatment, pronounced ¡would probably like to remain here. lands, but not more so than is the it incurable Catarrh is a local So long as they arc law-abiding state of Oregon and the several disease, greatly influenced by con nuts they should be treated with courtesy counties, because to exempt these dirions and therefore requires con­ anil consideration \Ve should adhere lands from all taxation for all time, stitutional treatment Hall'sCatarrh to the reasonable assumption that as is the purpose of the opponents of Medicine, manufactured by F J. even if Germany and the United the bill, will impose an unfair, unjust Cheney A Co . Toledo. Ohio, is a States should declare war. the great and unequal burden on all other tax constitutional remedy, is taken in­ Commission Is Firm bode of these German subjects will payers in the state. These I’ort dis- ternally and acts thru the Blood on ■ <>------ theniselves for the Mticcous Surfaces ot tlieSystem. Paving promoters who have come • respect our laws and not voilate their J tricts have bonded in contact with the State Highway privilege of asylum While some of over $-’.000.000 to raise funds with tine Utindred Dollars reward is Commission have received little com­ . them may plot acts of voilence they which to improve deep sea harbors. offered for any case that Hall's fort The Commission insists that ¡¡can be left to official vigilencc and the very improvement of which make 'Catarrh Medicine tails to cure Send high prices tor paving, boosted up to k,the orderly processes of justice xml the value oi these lands. About 4<*V for circulars and testimonials. reimburse paving companies for pro­ ..dealt with as other defendants in the 000 acres, of the value of $5.000.000 F J i HKNEY ACO. Toledo, Ohio, are within these Fort district*. These | Sold l>y Druggists. «5c. motion expenses, will not be tolerat­ . ■ criminal court*. Hkll's Family Pill* for constipa­ ed The state should not be required | 1 The mistake must not be made of Fort districts and the Federal Gov Ediioriai ó ap ¿¡lots. misjudging the innocent by the flbes- deeds of the guilty few. Because some Englishmen are anarchists we do not think that bll Englishmen are so. Be­ cause an American believe* in I. W W’. lawlessness it docs not follow that any great number of Americans are of that destructive bent. V hile some alarm has been expres­ sed. The Spokesman-Review does not considerable believe there is any danger from the presence here of a number of German subjects. Self-in- tercst, propriety ar.d the sensible counsel they will have from our loyal citizens of German birth or origin, erally be found oi sufficient t. If there should be 1 . id- exception* they should b .: u- .idually and with the ord . - - i of the law—Spokesman-/. ... w. aSound Business HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE ROLLIE W WATSON, Agent. National Building. DaiiyHerds HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE ROLLIE W. WATSON, Agent. National Building. tion