Vol. XXVII- TILLAMOOK, OREGON, THRIFT IS THE “SHOCK ABSORBER” J yrs you mat worry-tree, suecessiiii air which comes from the knowledge of the little “ nest-egx ’ viirniiijr you 4 per cent interest in some good bank like ours. To be thrifty ami prudent from 21 to 50 means a successful and com- fortable old Now is the time to look after your Fire Insurance on all your property, L will surprise you how cheaply you can get a 3 or 0 year policy.—Rollie . W atson. J. C. Holdgn, former County Clerk of Tillamook County, has accepted a position with the . First .. National Bank and will take an a active part in the management. I uesday night, April 3rd, you will have a chance to see Little Marie -si urne in another one of her clever photo plays. She is some actress and no one should fail to see her. Are you a woman? Would you ars for $15,000. Don’t answer fter \ou set Miss Emiiy Stcn 'i he Wager” at the Gem The xt Saturday and Sunday. A lance will be given on Saturday the loth Company Oregon Coast liiliury, at the Armory, the pro- cos of which will go toward the company fund. MARCH 29, 1917 »• So PER YEAR. the hole she could not pull him The hostesses served a dainty lunch. J. M. DeLillies has bought th Jones Apartment house. And will be known in future as the DeLillies ♦ Apartments. I : Don't torgei those busted castings, Can be welded tor hall. Goods sent by parcel post and txpress promptly returned. Hiner A- Reed, Tillamook, Oregon. The Christian Woman’s Board of Missions will meet at tin home of Mrs. C. C. Curtiss on Tuesday after­ noon, April 3rd, at three o’clock, for the regular April meeting. The topic of Mexico will be discussed, which is one of the most interesting studies of the year Just at this time. Mis. Elliot will tcil us something of Mexico "As a Mission li.ld” The subject of Mrs. H. T. Botts' paper will be "No Com- prendo.A message from Mexico.” I bis is the m.ei ting je.st before Easter so I the Mite Boxes will be opened and ov.r Easter offering taken. All friends are cordially invited to be pre-¿nt and enjoy these meetings. I ♦■•ÍM Our Many Banking Departments HE followitijr Facilities and Services afforded by I he rir*»t National Bank fulfill every bank n F. Lacy* as the funds will permit. Sixty per­ : Everett T. W ells, Everett M. Condit, Luther A. King; week. tor in the place of G. B. Lamb, re­ Quite a number reports have been cent amounting to $247.200. Premium, Cornorals, Egbert J. Claussen, Irvie Christian Church. ' " John E. Youel, Ross L. Only another week to pay taxes, signed. circulated that persons have made if any, for the sale of said sixty per E. Keldson, for they become delinquent after the Geo. W. Badyfelt was in the city the threatening remarks about the United cent of said bonds to be added there­ Shreve, William C. Foster, Clarence I Bible School, 10 a.m. B. Stanley, Norman E. Myers, Nor­ 5th of April. first of the week, and although he is States and what they would do should to. Preaching and communion 11 am.. We further wish that $68,000 of the man W. McRae; Mechanics, John Alfred Gubser vs. S. M. Battcrson feeling somewhat better, he has not war be declared, but in most cases proceeds be used in hardsurfacing the Zumstein, Fred M. Gould; Buglars, Morning Theme: "Paul’s Remedy for yet recovered from his recent illness. these reports have been axaggcrated et al is a suit filed in thè circuit court road Nqrtlr from Tillamook City to Cedric Jennings, Donald M. Sim- Sin In the Fold.” For Sale— Set of demountable rim on investigation by the sheriff’s of­ Bay City, beginning at the Wilson imons; Cooks, Frank Maxwell, Glen Christian Endeavor, 6:15. Intermed­ to quiet title to certain land. wheels for Ford or Chevrolet. Mi l fice. River bridge. ¡Oliver; Privates, William E. Andcr- iate C. E. same hour, lower room. Will pay you to see Everson for a Evangelistis service 7:30 p.m. We further wish, and this provision 1 son, Peter Bosnia, Calvin Blair, You will miss it, if you miss Miss safe investment in city property or take your old wheels as part payment. Emily Stevens, in "The Wager" a is made, that irrespective of the suc­ Lowell Bristow, George D. Chaffee, Theme: “A Business Woman Given farm lands. * Ira C. Smith, Bell I’honc. First Place.” Money to loan on farm lands, from marvelous Metro Master Play of cess of the State bond measure or ac­ I Frank Clark, William S. Coates, Don­ One ton Ford Truck; also 5 Pas_ Each of these services is for the tion by the State Highway Commis ­ business life and the underworld, tn ald G. Cooper, Albert G. Crimmins, $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, five stupendous acts, at the Gem sion, that forthwith $36,000. be used Arthur T. Dolan, Lee E. Doty, Tracy public and a welcome will be given to of interest. We want your busings. 2* all. Sec Rosenberg. Theatre Saturday March 3'st a"'' in building a road and bridge be­ •Elliott Jr., James Fitzpatrick, John See Everson. Sundav April 1st. Admission, adults tween Wheeler and Nehalem, and Gibson, Reuben Glad, Howard C. 1 H. Mason & Co., has taken over the W A Williams has just received a 15c., children 5c. preparing the road bed Jietw-een said i Goldsmith Bruce Hare, Howard Har­ Presbyterian Church Notes. W. Standard patterns formerly sold by points for hard surfacing and hard- ris, Asa G. Haugen, John T. Higgins, ou * complete line of oil clothing, Lamar’s Variety Store. W'c e are sorry to announce the death Sd inspect his stock when m need aic sv..j - . surfacing the same in case of failure ijohn W. Jennings, Jr., Thomas F. I "Lessons from Our Lord's Last of Mr® A S. Burton, which took to get state aid therefor, and that ! Keyes, Vern L. Larson, Peter I.uthi week” will be the subject of the pas­ John Feldschau, Concrete ; contrac- of anything in the oil clothing line. place at the Portland Sanitarium on $60,800 together with the premium on Jr., LeRoy All work I The Franklin Fish Market is now I.eRoy Maine, Halleck Mapes, tor's sermon next Sunday morning at tor, concrete silos built, 2. I Wednesday morning. The cause and onen for business, drop m and look death was rheumatism of the heart. forty per cent of the bond issue, be Clement W. Martin, s.William M arx, 11 o'clock. "Palm Branches guaranteed.Both phones. used forthwith in hardsurfacing the Esther Mills, Leo Morrison, Lowell Hozannas” will be the Palm Sunday around at the Old Spanish Kitchen. The body was brought in today and road from Mohler to the lower North Moulton, George R. McKcen, Elmer theme for the evening discourse at Fred I.. Stevens vs. J. B. Honey is the funeral will take place on Satur­ Fork bridge on Nehalem river aud L. Plog, James E. Reedy, Percy 7.30. The choir will sing “Hosanna Elliott, Proprietor. a suit filed in the circuit to recover F. N. Elliott. day. The deceased is the mother of Fnr Sale—A paving sawmill in the the remainder of the fund if any, ap­ Sheldon, Daniel $198.00 and several sums of money. Simmons, Hoyt in the Highest,” and Mrs. Harley J. j C F. Burton and for a number ot plied to hardsurfacing the road on the Snider, Herbert Stam, Oscar Swen- Curl will sing "The Holy City.” This ! years drove stage between this city East side of the North Fork of the son, Frances W. Talbot, Otto W. will be the first day of the new *917 Spring Millinery Opening, Niturday March 31, at Miss Patter­ 2t. and Bay City. Nehalem River from its connection Tappmeyer, Orrel Thayer, James church year, ami all are very urgently son’s. the Mr« Leislcr, of Portland, gave a with the Mohler road to the county Thomas, Manual Thomas, William invited to attend these services, be­ Alvin ginning with the Church School at IO , . . Thomas, George Wallace, start lecture at the City Hall on Tuesday 111«. • G. Dwight returned to the city It is the intention of this request I Wicklund, Lloyd D. Williams, Charl­ in the morning. The minister loves to past, on "High Lights of the W orld ’ Art, Sunday from Portland where Mrs. that sixty percent of the county bond at 7«3O instead of / ■ °*ight underwenran operation. Please remember th.s and tell pour there being a fairly good audience issue be applied south of Tillamook ey Wooley, Emil Wooley, Louie have the children in the morning ser­ Wooley, Floyd C. Wolfe, John Zur- vices. His talk to them will be about present. The lecture was given under ,Pr- Wise will be at his Tillamook friends. -. The auspices of the Woman’s Civ.c City on the projects mentioned and fluch Jr., Robert O. Thomas, Claude "Palms or Garments?” uffice next Monday, Wednesday and I ..V , Ret" there will be something forty per cent North of I illamook "you Bet june Improvement league and its Prc,u,'"‘ City on the projects and in the pro­ Frisbc, Clair S. Finley. thursday, April 2nd, 4th and 5th. Mrs Stanley Coates, introduced the ume.rm 'oinr%;‘"m Death of Mrs. Rosetta Crane. I am in the market at all time« for lecturer in a few well chosen remarks. portions mentioned. Ornamental Fire Places Built Further, the following representa­ ■The Calf 4“P gem Theatre next Thursday, A large number of steropticon view» of Brick and Stone. All Fire tive citizens have consented to act as were shown of pictures of national Rosetta Crane, wife of Bryant Places absolutely guaranteed an advisory board to advise and a»- 'Crane died at her home at Pleasant fame and of different countries. not to smoke or money re- sist the above project and we have ¡Valley, March 24, after a long and funded. \ five hundred party was given on been assured that it is agreeable to painful illness, which she bore 1 with Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. your Honorable Body that these patience. Mrs. Crane was born l in Brick work of all kinds done O A Schultz and Mr and Mrs. Joe • citizens act in that capacity and we on short notice. March 3>. Hartsville, New York, that in • all i- r inklin at the home of the former, ask K 111«»» •• matters r pertaining to 11855. Deceased leaves besides her We make a specialty of re­ id r project Mh.ch proved an enjoyable evening.to said .-,--- they, act with gir-_- you at tar husband, one brother, Wm. Ash- pairing smoking Fire Placet. those «ho particmated Dr. a"‘' as they can legally do so: baugh, of Hornellc, New York, and lack Olson won first honors and the From the South District, W. H. Jane Almy, of • rize and Mr. and Mrs S..W. Con­ Christensen, Chas, Ray and Herman one sister, M rs. over captured the'can of ginger. The FapXn the Middle District. Chas Canisteo, N. Y. Bryant ! ■ Deceased was married to I highest honors *o»M have rone to 'Crane, December, 25, 1904 and resid-’1 u. .«d Mrs W. J- Rsech-.-s, as Mrs. Kftnxe Kunze and A. < G. > B< B_cal als. ‘. j -n Qre