ÂMOOK HEÄOL1GHT. J BEAUTIFY THE HOME AND probably the best to use would be the ' Catoneaster. CITY WITH FLOWERS ---- o- Dealer's Fee»: For tree plantings the Norway ... 8io.ou tirai number i Maple and American Elm stand su­ ... 2.50 Interesting Pap«r Read Before the preme. though the White Birch, Duplicate* Kill Kare Klub ... 2-00 Chestnut, or various evergreen are Chauffeur's Fee* 1 8100 it" registered after Aug. 1) good. Trees for purely ornamental ------ o------ The following interesting paper was -urposes are the Double Scarlet Haw­ Private Owners' Fee*. { L.OÜ Transfer of ownership read by Mrs. Geo. Sanders before the thorne and Prunu, Pissardi or Porp te 3.00 Motorcycles............... Kill Kair Kluh The subject was Leaved Plum. 0.00* c-Lciric pleasure cars It is to be remembered that diffcr- "Landscaping.” 10.00* nlecirK truck* .......... The growing of flowering plants ent cases alter conditio»* and recom- has long been a source of pleasure mendation* tor one location woukf L ksssmum pleasure car»: 8 0,oo* and profit to those who wished to en­ not fit all circumstances bit each in-, Up to » h.p............. to.oo* gage in their production. To some it , dividual problem must receive that ( 26 to yb h. p................ i loo * has come a vocation. Let us treat the ; treatment from which the most can ' 36 to 40 h.p. 20.00* Over 40 h.p. ........ subject from the standpoint of an ' be made. Motor Trucks. avocation. Jlj.OO* Landscaping architecture forms the iHto i ton . . .......... Country Road Code«. .. lÁoO* predominating part ot the growing of 2 to i S4 ton ——o tioo* flowers for pleasure. This is by no »'A to J ton Two new county road codes were 24-00* means a new development for we ___ J to J54 ton r__ ~ by ____ adopted the _____ legislature. one pro­ have records that our first ancesters viding 27-00* 3'/» to 4 ton tor the laying out ot vidmg for c: county _ JO.OO*< Adam and Eve disported in and en­ roads and the other for their con­ 4 to 5 ton joyed the pleasures of that greatest of struction and maintenance. The pro­ Five ton and over, $5 annua! reg-’ gardens, "The Garden of Eden.’ visions of the first arc. istration fee payable to state, and $3 Corning down to a later day we find County courts given fall jurisdiction per month permit fee payable to each our friend Cicero boasting that he over all county roads and bridges. county in which trucks operate. possesesd on the banks of the Tiber • Increase. Road location may be initiated by an artificial forest, which when one petition, resolution, grant or condenis For electric cars and gasoline pleas­ entered its vastness there was noth­ nation. ure cars, the fees were doubled, for ing which denoted that it was the trucks a new schedule was adopted Al! roads shall be 00 feet wide. work of man, and if this was true it Twelve freeholders, or a majority increasing the fees more than double was probably the best example of all must sign road petitions. Bond oi for the larger trucks. Al! new sched­ time of the naturalistic form of Land­ S2000 required Petitioners must pay ules go into effect Jan. I, 1918. scape gardening. At about this time all costs it road not allowed. there was flourishing in the civiliza­ Tax Must be Paid on Auto«. Board of Viewers must consist oi tions controlled by Greece and Rome two disinterested trechoiders and one that other from Landscape Architec­ representative 01 the county court, There are many voters in Seaside ture which has been carried down who may be county surveyor or road and Clatsop county who are of the even until today in iron dogs and master or deputy. Viewers must in­ opinion that perhaps it will not be other animals, and flower beds in well to pa«< the Road Bond bill at the plat witu report. geometrical designs whe we see now clude Remonstrance by more remonstra- June election as taxes are now high and then about various premises. This tors than petitioners shall terminate and an extra increase on automobiles typs of Landscaping is termed the will work a hardship on owners of proceedings. formal orgeometrical. Appeal allowed from county court machines.T or those who are of this Formal Landscaping was practically opinion the Signal wishes to state the only form of landscaping archi­ io circuit court. All the county road laws covering that so far as the bonds are concerned tecture which was used until the nine­ not a dollar in additional taxes is in­ teenth sentury. It reached its highest the scope oi this act are repealed. The second act provides the con­ volved or contemplated. The quarter­ perfection in France during the eigh­ teenth century. It reached its highest struction and maintenance cede. with mill tax ami the automobile license must be paid, regardless of whether of the last century the English in­ provisions as follows: Office of Supervisors and roa«j- the bond issue carries or not. fluence for simplicity gradually The state Foad tax is »ne-quarter or changed the form toward the natural­ oasters, as formerly fixed by law, arc istic and the French enthusiastically ibolished, to take ertect January 1st. a mill. The automobile license tax 1918. for the ordinary car. formerly rang­ lell in with the I . | Employment of roadmaster by each ing from 83 to 110— according to qan to discard their iron dogs, etc, county optional with county court. horse power—is now doubled. The and tried to copy nature, but it re­ mained for an American. Charles Deputies, patrolmen and a»si»tant* new taxes will therefore run from $0 Downing, to perfect the idea and Cen­ he same. No supervisors for districts; to 8-D per annum. The state road plan utilizes these tral Parle, New York stands as the >n!y such deputie-. patrolmen and as­ greatest example of the work of this sistants as are appointed by County fixed source» of revenue—quarter of a Court or Roadmaster. mill and automobile license—to earif man, and it is considered the finest Duties of roadmaster are outlined for the 86.000.000 bond issue and also piece of Landscaping Architecture in Authority ■« conrefred to drain the bonds authorized under the Bean- this country even today. Naturalistic Landscaping is not suit­ hrough private lands. County Court Barrett law. They will be adequate to nay allow damages, subject to appeal. pay the annual interest and mainten­ able for all locations and hence the Division of county mlo road dis­ ance and to create a sinking fund so formal or architectural must always tricts . ndatory . cities and town» •« remain, lor we could not hope to tit a as to pay off the principal of both is- large majestic building into a natural­ lie separate districts ■ues in twenty years, without * dollar Upon petition of three freeholders, istic environment for it simply would idditional burden upon the taxpayers. county court shah call road district not fit. it would be out of place and The sole question as to the bonds, meeting, all legal voters in district we spoil that which might have been I to be decided by the voter, is as to entitled to participate but only tax very imposing, but if we take this whether through the bonds he desires same building, fit it in a surrounding payers may vote. Rule» outlined for to provide immediate funds to build procedure in road district meetings of formality which suggests majesty certain highways now. or at the earli­ Meeting may vote tax up lo ten est practical time; or whether it and we have accentuated the very mills. lines which were meant to bring out shall be done by the slower process at Procedure of County Court in let- in the building. sectional and county construction, Court ting bids is outlined. County On the other hand one would not lasting through many years —Seaside feel coinfortagle looking upon a bung­ may reject any and al) bids, and <1« Signal. _______________ work by day labor. Bids must be ask- alow or country home surrounded by ed on all work over J- ’ .uoo. formality, for it would be a shock to HOw to Prevent Croup. County Court may levy general road our sense of the fitness of things to When the child is subject to attacks tax up to ten mills. gaze on such a scene, but again sur­ Counties authorized to co-operate of croup, see to it that he eats a light round this same building with a stud­ through state with federal govern­ vening meal, as an overloaded stom­ ied haphazard arrangement so as to ment in joint construction of forest ach may bring on an attack, also make the most out of views and sit­ watch for the first symptoms—hoarse- i and post roads. uations have large open spaces of ness. and give Chamberlain’t Cough All the old road code laws within lawn surrounded by numerous bays Remedy as soon as the child becomes and out juting points and nature has the scope ot this act are repealed, in­ hoarse For sale by Lamars Dru ’ cluding the provision requiring that I taken us into her confidence and we Store. are soothed by the scene and the fit­ 70 per cent of county road money shall be expended within the district ness of things. Sign of Good Digestion. in naturalistic landscaping straight whence it was raised. i When you see a cheerful and happy lines do not give the desired effect old lady you may know that she has i and should never be used unless they Rank foolishness. good digestion If your digestion is im­ are very short. Driveways and walks paired or if you do not relish your should be gracefully curved, but care You occasionally sec it stated that meals take a dose of Chamberlain's should be taken not to secure too colds do not result from cold weather Tablets. They strengthen the stomach great a curve and in so doing defeat That is rank foolishness. Were it true improve the digestion ;__ ; cau*e a the idea of directness. W here the colds would be as prevalent in mid­ i gentle movement of the and bowel» For walks or driveways are short, curves summer as in midwinter. The microbe i should be disregarded and they should that causes colds flourishes in damp sale by Lamar's Drug Store, ess------ 1— x. > be straight, as a graceful curve can­ cold weather. To get rid of a cold For Disease of the Skin. not be secured in so short a distance. 'ake Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. i The borders of all plantings should It is effectual and highly recommend­ Nearly all diseases of the skin »uch be irregular, avoiding, to set the ed by people who have used it for as eczema, tetter, »alt rheum and plants in straight rows. The materials .nany years as occasion required, and barbers’ itch, are characteristic of an or plants used should be such as to know its real value. For sale by La­ intense itching and smarting, which offer contrasty effects so as to bring mars Drug Store. often makes Lie a burden and dis- out the individual charm of each plant turbes sleep and rest Quick relief but still avoiding too great a contrast. may be had by applying Chamber­ Where the plants arc missed the lain’s Salve. It allay, the itching and smaller plants should be placed in »marling almost instantly. Many front of the larger and the top or sky cases have been cured by its use. For line should be irregular. The bloom­ Sale by Lamar's Drug Store. ing seasons of each plant should be considered and planting made so as to PROFIT BY THIS have the blooms coming on at differ­ ------ o------ ent seasons of the year Don’t Waste Another Day. Flower beds should not be placed in ------ ' the front yard, but should fit unob- When you are worried by backache; strusively into the general scheme. In By lameness and urinary disorders- this connection rose hedges never fit Don’t experiment with an untried in with a scheme of naturalistic laud- medicine. scaping as they serve to cut off the Do as thousands of people are do- view anil give the impression of shal­ lowness rather than depth to the l se Doan’s Kidney Pills. landscape. I he lining of beds with Read this McMinnville residents artificial ornaments Mich as shells, experience: bricks, etc. is nut considered good Mrs. Mary T. Full, R F. D No. 1. practice no matter how attractive McMinnville. Ore., says: these may be in their proper places "Doan’s Kidney Pills are __ _______ in planting bedding plants it is well all that __ is claimed to place so that the plants will follow for them and 1 am ready to speak a each other consecutively, tor example good word for them every chance I thc Daffodil could well be followed get as I know from personal exper­ by the Hyacinth and thi» 111 turn fol­ ience that they are very reliable. I lowed by Tulips and these in turn by have found Doan's Kidney Pills just later blooming plants such as Forget- the thing for a dull pain across my Th« chy m«*chant who carri«« me not or White Rock. These plants kidneys. A few doses soon relieve the no insonne« is conn if we desire a broad leaf evergreen thing we ever sold. J. S Lamar, drug- we can use either English or Porl^ T/IXA.WOOK CITY. ORKGO.VjC»'- gnese Laura I, Gold Dust Laura!, but PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College —Beginners receive the tame careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per month» Instruc­ ——o------ aSound Business tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.»’ line of high gradé pianos, player-piano», \ ictrolo* etc. _____________ J-^AVID ROBINSON. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , NATIONAL BUILDING. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Agent National Building. OREGON. TILLAMOOK I J T. BUI Its X X . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract^ Bus ks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Resident*. T illamook B lock , .... Oregon Both Phone«. Tillamoog T. BOA LS, M.D., At me "touch of a match All the convenien­ ce« of (aa—better cooking and a cleaner cooler kitchen PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Oregon Bakes, broils, roasts toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Your cooking is better, too, because you have heat-control like a gas stove. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON H. ‘GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW 7 O pposite C ourt H ouse . Office : - Tilhmiook The New Perfection gives a clean, odorless, sootless flam*because of the long blue chimneys. Cuts out the drudgery of wood or coat Keep» your kitchen tool. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fire­ less Cooking Ovens. A>k your dealer today. But Rimiti Un fad Qi4 HOLMES. EBSTER NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK-5TOVE Oregon. R. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg. J Tillamook Standard Oil Co. - Oregon 0R. L. L. HOY, (Cilifotaia) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, KING & SMITH CO. ALEX McNAIR CO. J I Now is the Time to Visit California Her beauty, her brilliant city life, her joy­ ous sunshine, her facinating haze of history— all draw you on. People never tire of re­ discovering California ami never will. She is an old, old land, yet ever voting. Go there, Refresh mind and body, See that your Oregon. OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - . Oiegon ROOM NO. .'til QARI, HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock Tillamook Oregon C. HAWK tickets read lolite Portland to San Francisco PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX Bay City Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., California Express-Shasta Limited - San Francisco Express VETERINARY. Both Phone». Tillamook . Oregon. rhia route offerì* a remarkable aervice of comfort ami enjoy­ ment. Steel cars, rock-bal­ lasted road-bed. I’nst Mt. Sbasta, Sbasta Springs ami other wonders. Ssk for Booklets. Helpful and Instructive. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland. SOUTHREN PACIFIC LINES HARTFORD Stock Mortality ELAND E ERWIN. Auto License Fee«. FREE! FREE With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display RAY & CO H. F. Botts, at-Law. Pres., Attorney! John Leland Henderson. Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney.at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstracts. Real Estate. Insurance. Both Phones. TILLA NOOK—OR EGON. Have Your Wiring Done by Goa^t powCo DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRIi