TlùLAMOOk What the Editors Say. HEADLIGHT, MARCH 22 ’1917, our commerce at sea. If we should be AGRICULTURAL NOTES. defeated, they will levy heavy indem­ Notice of Final Account. nity upon us, and that indemnity will By R. C. Jones, County Agricultrist. ----- o--- - be collected as rapaciously from the Just how much good will be done bv Notice is hereby given. That the Prune and Spray Roses Now of their former subjects as the committee appointed by congress property undersigned has filed in the County from that of decendants of the Pil ­ Several inquiries have come to this to investigate the high cost of living I Court of 'Tillamook County, Oregon, grim fathers and mothers who came office regarding the control of diseas­ cannot be foreseen, but the $400,000 over her final account as Administratrix of in the Mayflower. - es that are attacking the rose bushes appropriated to defray expenses will the estate of Hubert E. Ross, de­ about the county. A letter to the It would be the same if it happened be spent—there is no uncertainty on (, ’À ceased, and that said Court has ap­ Plant Pathology Department of O. A. __ I we were to fight the other great that score.—Telephone Register. pointed Monday, April 16th, 1917, at I group of warring countries across the C. brought the following reply as to the hour of to o'clock a.m. at the ■ Atlantic. If war should come, it will diseases and their control: County Court room in Tillamook City They say that gasoline is going to’‘ *■" be _________ waYLgMn"« .t every citizen of the “The climate of Western Oregon is Oregon, as the time and place for be higher on account of the scarcity. United States ideal for the growing of roses, but hearing objections to said account of potatoes. That excuse is as good , We V must think, then, of America, there are certain diseases which mar and final settlement thereof. as any other, and incidentally is as and stand loyally for American rights the attractiveness and stunt the Dated March 15th, 1917. good as the excuses that are being and interests. As we look upon the growth of the bushes. The two most given for many of the products which folds of the flag, or upon our march­ important of these are the powdery Theresa M. Ross, have been advanced in price.—Mt. ing troops, or gaze with proud mildew and black spot,’ which may be Administratrix. Scott Herald. affection on the ships of the kept under control bv proper spray­ Notice of Final Account. navy, the sentiment that finds elo­ ing. A Portland commissioner is pro-1 quent and patriotic expression in Rose Mildew is widely distributed muting a municipal lighting plant. He these lines Tf Longfellow should and very common, attacking many The undersigned has filed in the ¡,””1 better go slow. Hillsboro had an quicken every pul».. County Court of Tillamook County, rieties but causing th sc: varieties th*- greatest in- expensive Piwrirnre experience with a mnnirinnl municipal • “Our hearts, or hopes, arc all witli !Il’rX Perhaps to the crimson rambler. Oregon, his final account as admin­ plant a few years ago, and the big J istrator of the estate of Absalom B. thee, tliee. 1 I his fungus forms a dusty white town is welcome v ■'------ •" to •* the ’- f-~ ‘~ it Allison Deceased, and Monday, the facts if it , Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, growth over the surface of the leaves ... — _ our tears; 9th day of April, 1917, at to o’clock wants them. Independent. ’ and young shoots. It causes the a m,, at the court room at the Court I Our faith triumphant o’er our fears. leaves to curl and remain small and 1 House in Tillamook City, Oregon, An eastern preacher recently made 1 Are all with thee are all with thee!” checks their normal function. The 1 has been appointed as the time and the prediction that before the grow­ vitality of the bushes is greatly rc- for the hearing of objections to ing war ceased it will involve every It has an all steel, Lowdown frame and steel truck, place ( duccd and the stems may be dcstort- said final account and the settlement country of consequence on earth, and > What Should We Do in Case of War? ed while the bloom may be prevented It lias a malleable cutter head, malleable cutter bar, thereof the people would go back to savag­ If Germany should force the United from normal development,. Dated this March 8th, 1917. six fan blower, Alfalfa meal making attachment, and ery. And an astFonomer tells us a States Black Spot of the rose in another into the war what course of ac­ Erwin Harrison, comet will hit us the coining fall and tion would very common trouble. Climbers do a positive safety most effective? Wil/ device, which marks an unusual Administrator. kill us all off. Cheer up and take your would be the be probable • not appear to be very susceptible, effect on our advance in i the building of ensilege and feed cutting choice.—Corvallis Courier. while certain bush varieties are some- . Notice of Appointment of Adminis­ industries and commerce? Asks the badly attacked. The fungus causing machines. Review. trator. How would you like to be a subject | Spokesman the disease produces black spots, Frederick Hale, senator-elect front It ranges in price from$60.00 and up. of the Mikado? Don’t you welcome i Maine, who returned- last week from more or less circular in outline with a Notice is heheby given, That the the proposition of Germany to permit an inspection of the British and margin appearing to be fringed. The The Tillamook Improved Silo, which means all County Court of the State of Oregon, Japan to take all that part of the French fighting lines, reports that spots are sometimes, separate, but that the word Silo stands tor, is offered to yon for, for Tillamok ( -unty, h-s appointed United States lying west of the Rocky Lloyd George told him the allies want they often unite so as to cover a large the undersigned administrator of the mountains and Mexico the states of the help of the United States. and part of the leaf surface. Severe at- from $98.00 and up. estate of Hanna. M. Nelson, deceased, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico? We Aristide Briand, the French 1 premier, tacks cause premature falling of (let your orders in early as time is going fast. ___ and all persons having claims against presume the program further intend­ echoed his sentiment. Premier George leaves. -..lid estate are hereby required to pre­ I See my complete gasoline drag saw for cutting ed that Germany would have all the said — that practical aid could be given Control. Before the time when new sent the same together with the prop­ rest.—Itemizer. [ by the United States in the following growth starts in the spring the wood and clearing kind. Complete rig consists of 3A er vouchers, to the undersigned at bushes should be pruned and ail the J 1.1* gas engine, 4i to 6i ft. ready for the'woods ami the office of T. II. Goy ne, attorney at | ways: 'I he storm of indignation aroused 1 Credit, the use of the American leaves which are left on the bushes, law, Tillamook City, Oregon, within by the action of the group pf sena­ navy to convoy merchant vessels, or have fallen to the ground, should w eigh about 250 lbs. Will saw 20 cords in 10 hours at six months from the date of this tors who defeated the armed neutral- 1 ' manufacturing _____ notice. facilities here and a be removed and destroyed, since these a cost ol 3J to 4 cents per cord. Price $150.00. ity bill, has compelled the fossilized, few’troopsTo Ca’rry'The'siars'and old leaves carry the disease over from Dated this 21 st day of February, Also Champion mowers, rakes and tedders. United States Senate to revise its Stripes on the western front again« one season to the next in the case of •QI7- All other kinds of farm implements, rules so that three-fourths of the the common enemy, the latter for the black spot. Just after growth starts in the and demonstration free. See me. members can force a vote at any time. ( tremendous moral effect their presen If the "wilful twelve” served no use- • ce would have on the French and spring and while the leaves are still , small spray with lime-sulphur solution ' ful purpose in preventing the passage British soldiers. of the bill President Wilson desired, ! Lloyd George added that he wishes covering all parts thoroughly. This ! Notice for Publication. they have unwittingly served the this country to take a prominent part solution should be used in a propor- ' country well in wringing this conces- when the time arrives for the discus­ tion of one part of the concentrated , Department of Interior, U. S. i sion from the hide-bound senate of sion of terms of peace. . material to about 25 parts of water. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, the United States.—News-Times. .. our industries ... and About a month after the first applj- 1 January 12, 1917. i ... And how would commerce be effected? The National cation, the bushes should be sprayed Notice is hereby given that David Barrie Jr., whose postoffice address is Thousands of dollars are going to > City bank of New York, largest bank again to cover all the new foliage that 255 E. 71st St. North, Portland Ore., mail order houses that should be in the United States, whose president has developed in the meantime, using did, on the 2nd day of December, spent with home merchants. There is - was formerly an assistant, secretary of a solution of lime-sulphur one to forty 1916, file in this office Sworn State­ only one effective method to employ ' the treasury, thinks it would be stim- Following this application, to in- I 1 ment and Application, No., 01831, to in fighting the mail order pests—that/ulating. sure the best results, lime-sulphur I to purchase the N.E. % of S. W. %■ is publicity. The local merchants “There is no reason to anticipate 40 should be applied about every two < Section 20, Township 1 South, Range should advertise their prices and im- that a declaration of war by this coun- weeks until blossoming time, after i 10 West, Willamette Meridian, and press on the readers of the newspap- ' try would have any immediate effect which verv little trouble will probably ■ the timber thereon, under the provis­ ers the fact that the same goods can upon the business situation, other make its appearance unless the sea- I ions of the Act of June 3, 1878, and be bought from local merchants just ’ than that resulting from additional son is very moist or the disease is 1 acts amendatory, known as the as cheaply as from the mail orde» stimulus. The government has already abundant on other bushes in the "Timber and Stone Law,” as such I houses; that the transactions will be entered the market for equipment and neighborhood. value as might be fixed by appraise- far more satisfactory, and that the ' supplies, and is committed fo great Caution. Where roses are growing incnt, and that, pursuant to such ap­ money will remain in the home town I expenditures upon the army and navy, against painted houses, lime-sulphur I plication, the land and timber thereon and continue in circulation there. but doubtless its orders would be in­ solution should not be used on ac­ have been appraised, under Serial Once it goes to a mail order house it creased and expedited. The experien- count of its tendency to discolor the I 04436, the timber estimated 200,000 I ce of other countries, and our own as paint, For black spo|( animpnjcal cop­ never returns.—Itemizer. board feet at 20c per M, and 80,000 I well, shows that war makes enormous per carbonate can be applied ut fie- I ----- o----- board feet at 4 0c. per M, and the The consensus of opinion appears ! demands upon the industries, hence quent intervals as a substitute, and for - land $40.00; that said applicant will to be that Oregon is even more to ¡there would be no reason to appre- the mildew sulpher dust can be used.” j offer final proof in support of his ap­ Dtaine tnan 1 he concentrated lime-sulphur solu­ blame than Lane, Lane. ne He seems 10 to nave havê ¡bend a sudden reaction from the pres- plication and sworn statement on the tion can be obtained from local drug knows'ent activity, acted just as every one who ____ 10th day of April, 1917, before the him expected him to act, but Oregoi» i “The danger would be from the stores or from the Tillamok Feed Co. Register and Receiver1 of the United is respSnsible for placing him in a I other side, i. e., from an oyerstimulus Public Employment Bureau Suites Land Office, at Portland, Ore­ position where he could misrepresent- in certain directions at the expense of A communication from the Public gon. the state. Talk of a recall is as foolish ¡normal development. The industries Employment Bureau, operated by the Any person is at liberty to protest as it is in other cases where the peo-» J of this country are already working to city of Portland and the U. S. Gov­ this purchase before entry, or initiate pie suddenly discover that they have ‘ capacity, and it is difficult to see how ernment, states that they will be glad ' contest at any time before patent made a mistake. We should take our J they could do more. Under such con- to hear from any farmers In this issues, by filing a corroborated affi­ medicine and perhaps there will be.iditions government orders would county who arc in need of help. Last davit in this office, alleging facts fewer mistakes in the future. But in ' crowd private business to the rear, year they supplied over 8000 workers I which would defeat the entry. to the farmers of Oregon and Wash ­ the meantime it has been made clear \ create new -demands for labor and I .uc uicmiiinie II nas oven mane c.ear 1 materials, '""j j and j probably raise costs to N. Campbell, probably raise costs to ington. The service is free. If you that Lane represents few besides him- ! a higher ’ level. ■ *■ - Enlistments ............... would ,J Register have not sufficient help, drop them a self. I necessarily aggrevate the scarcety of line and they will supply you, There is no policies in patriotism. ■ Summons. ;ainst Wilson Wilson 111 the amount of . • business Guernsey Men Ogranize, Oregon voted against in ¿xo- No­ . labor, . . ’ and ... . • . • !.. a .. Í_ in standing practically S1 K 111 would bc . llkel > ’ lo , Jt ' ,,,ula ‘ c fur- On Saturday, March 17th, about vember, but is ____ In the Circuit Court of the State of now, .... the most work for the en­ thirty Guernsey enthusiasts met at solidly behind him him now, ...— thcr construction Oregon for Tillamook County. of the industries. the court house and organized the glaring and almost the only exception largement H. A. Brandt, Plaintiff. Many sincere friends qf peace be­ Tillamook County Guernsey Club. being Senator Lane, a member of the lieve vs. that national interest should The constitution of the Waukesha president’s own party.—Independent. ¡prompt Nancy E. Brandt, alias Nancy us to throw our influence County Guernsey Breeders’ associa­ E. \\ ilson, Alias Nancy E. I without further delay on the side of tion, with a few minor changes were Lowing, alias Nancy E. Holm the entente allies. There is danger in adopted. American Sympathies Too Much j I procrastination, alias, Nancy T. Winter. they reason. With The object of this club is to pro­ Abroad. Defendant. | our timely help victory would be as- mote the breeding and improvement Nancy E. Brandt, alias Nancy E. sured for the entente allies, and with of high grade and pure bred Guernsey We are reminded by the Chicago that victory the triumph of the princi­ cattle in Tillamook County and to aid Wilson, alias Nancy E. Loveing, Tribune that "for two years and ---- - a ples of free government that are cher­ its members in buying, breeding and alias Nancy E. llolm, alias Nancy E. half Americans have been allied emo­ ished by the American people. Winter: The above named defendant: selling first class animals; also to tionally with nations at war.” Ameri­ In the name of the State of Oregon, On the other hand, they reason, if stabiish a good reputation for Tilla­ you are hereby required to appear can sympathies have been too much we supinely permit Germany to bar mook County as a Guernsey center. abroad, and now the. “first American our commerce from the seas, the 1 he Club pledges itself to exert every and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit need is for a divorce of American. Teutonic allies may win, and once possible influence for the furtherance on or before the 24th day of March, sentiment from Europe.” having subjected Europe, will be free of the livestock interests of the com­ 1917, said date being after the expira­ On the moralities and equities of. and eager to pluck the United States. munity. tion of six weeks from the first pub­ the European conflict the American German feeling, they say, could hard­ Joseph Durrer was elected president lication of this summons, and if you people have become a “hung jury. ly bc made more hostile than it now James Williams, vice-president; and fail to appear and answer said com­ Agreement is impossible. “We must is against Americans, and if the war Homer Mason, Sec-Treas. James plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff dismiss the moralities from considera­ ended in German victory, with the Williams, John Naegeli and W. L. will apply to the court for the relief tion. They will serve only to confuse United States still holding only a I Hudson were elected a board of di­ wrangling attitude, wc should be left rectors, the presidint and secretary prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: our decisions.” For a decree annulling the marriage Henceforth it should be the firm' without a supporting friend on earth. also being ex officio members. contract existing between you and the Germany, it is feared, . would be purpose of all Americans, regardless The members discussed the feasi­ plaintiff herein, and for dissolution of of previous sympathies in Europe s eager to pick a quarrel with us then, bility of going together in the pur­ the bonds of matrimony existing be­ gigantic quarrel, to hold America first., and seize the occasion to. demand our chase of a carload or two of register­ tween you and the plaintiff herein, and uppermost in their thoughts. payment of an enormous indemnity to ed cattle. Anyone interested in obtain­ the decree to take effect from the America's rights, America's welfare, relieve her of the burdens of the pres­ ing some good registered stock of late of your marriage with the plain­ America’s future—these are to be ent war. . . , . .. this breed should get in touch with Call at our plant and get prices, tiff, from to-wit the 21st day of De­ The prospect, it is feared, would the officers of the club at once. thought upon and put above all other save you money. cember 1914. make war on the United States im­ Dahlias a Specialty. considerations. This summons is published in the The ladies of the Civic League and .The thought is not new. The tradi-, mensely - popular in Germany, Austria ONE BLOCK WEST Tillamook Headlight,a paper publish­ the Commercial Club have named tional national purpose has only been• and 1 urkejr^ ed weakly in said county and state Tillamook the Dahlia City. They do clouded by intense dramatic interest,' Both Phones. Notice to Contractors. by order of the Hon. Geo. T. Bagley, finelv here and everyone should get in in the stupendous theatricals of the , I ____ Judge of the Circuit Court of the and make the name fit. Mr. A. L. European conflict. Sealed proposals, addressed to the Peck, professor of Landscape Gard­ State of Oregon, for the County of Washington visioned this danger County of Tillamook County, ening at O. A. C. will be in the coun­ Tillamook, which orde r was made and warned his countrymen against it. I I Oregon, Court endorsed "Proposals to ty the last of this week to talk on and entered on the Sth day of Febru­ J- Nothing,” he remarked in his fare­ Remodel and the County Court House.” ary, 1917. The date of the first pub­ well address, is more essential than in accordance with the plans and Dahlia culture lication of this summons is February Thursday evening at Cloverdale. *hat antipathies against particular na­ specifications on file in the office of 8th. 1917. and the date of the last Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock at tions and passionate attachments^for ~ -k of Tillamok Countv, publication thereof is the 22nd day of “•hers should be excluded. * * * -_ will be received by the Beaver school house. March. 1917, and the number of in- Friday evening, 8 o clock at City nation which indulges toward an.o,her' Countv Court, county at its office in the Hall, Tillamook. ertions is seven (7), and the time habitual hatred or habitual fondness, | , Court .. - House, Tillamook City, Ore- prescribed for the publication is six Saturday evening at Nehalem or ” in some degree a slave. It is a slave,. I gon, until the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. weeks. Wheeler. *o its animosity or to its effection, »stray fr >n '* a" —_____ on Friday April 6th, 1917, and at that John Leland Henderson, Mr Peck has numerous lantern e,ther of ’ which is Y sufficient to bad it ” I time be publicly opened and read, For i| " ,ts dut and 'ts interests. Attorney for Plaintiff. slides from some of the big gardens u. , nionths the United States • Each bid must bc accompanied by a of the east and will give a talk entire­ , ■ a- niontns tne L mien I certified check equal to 5 per cent of When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets ’ been trying to keep out of war, I the total amount of the bid, which ly worth while. —Q—■-- The farm and city houses of this ut tn spite of all our efforts for peace ' shall be forfeited to the county in county When you fcc 1 dull and stupid after should be made as attractive '™av Soon be at conflict with one ' case the bid bc accepted and the bid- eating. possible Proper planning of the ‘ . ,e great warring groups. If war ,'der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a as fail W lien constipated or bilious, yard will help wonderfully. Don t n°uld come, the enemv country or • period of five days, after the award to attend one of these meetings. When you have a sick headache, 'oontnei will strike the United States I is made, to enter into a contract and When you have a sore stomach, THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN in ’•* ,'ley can- Th'y w’" n?1 file a bond satisfactory to the County When you belch after eating, O. I. C. Swine. .. re their former subjects now citi— Court as required by law. When you have indigestion, THE COUNTY. ni7 °D*,C United States. Their hos- The County Court reserves the When nervous or despondent, I have some choice fall boars for , be directed equally against right to reject any and all bids. When you have no relish for your sale. Also some nice spring pigs to See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. ■ 1 Wizens of native birth and our meals. Dated this 16th day of March, 1917. select from, both sexes. th'***1* afl°Ption. They will do By order of the County Court. When your liver ..._____ is torpid. _ x Joe Donaldson R F. D. Tillamook. I oi,eir O.,n)os* to sink our warships, kill Erwin Harrison, Clerk. For sale by Lamars Drug Store. < •oldiers and capture and destroy The ACME SILO FILLER Is a Perfect and Complet Machine BEN KUPPENBENDER, Tillamook, Oregon. FRANK FIEYD& CO. General Contractors and Builders. Estimates & Plans Furnished. SEE OUR I flüEX. IVIcNfllR & CO GENERAL HflRDUJflRE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. I