I, i T illamook headlight , march 22 idi - religious I controversy, and should the material out is that even amongst people there is a difference of opin­ used for hard surfacing not stand up ion, not only as to which is the Sab-Z| under the travel it will be for that First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 bath day, but as to what businesses body to fix it so that it would. Should state bonding road bill fail to car­ Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 should be allowed to run and which the ry at the special election in June, it i allowed to remain open on Sundays. Business and Professional cards will not deprive counties of obtaining ------ o 1 — one month......................................... I.00' Th:: ~ _ ____ p shot man was a little state aid to a limited : amount. This 0. I 'I he snap Locals per line each insertion... ' I amused innisi'd a few Íí days ago when discus- will not be sufficient money to do the Display advertisements, an inch sing farm loans with one of the dairy­ work contemplated the next few . . so those who want to enjoy and Lodge Notices, per line . •os men, who was instrumental in form- years 1 ing a farm loans association. 1 he some of the benefits and pleasures of Ail Resolutions of Condolence gentleman was an enthusiast on this driving over hard surfaced roads one month....................................... .50 subject, but in drifting to the state ! should not only vote to bond the bond bill for roads, he was very much state, but bond the county as well. to it because it called for I THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. opposed bonds. He seemed to be taken by sur­ P°rtland to Come from Under. F. C. BAKER, Publisher. prise when we informed him that both l federal and state farm loan acts call- For years the metropolis of Oregon I ed for bonds, and we could not re- has been terrorized, , hindered its in­ I train from asking him a question if dustries, crippled by a small bunch of I it is right and proper to bond the na- professional boycotters and picketers. I lion and the state so that farmers A state law was enacted to make ----- o----- could borrow money at a cheap picketing and boycotting a crime but We never heard of a sanctified rate of interest, why wasn’t it good like all similar contrivances of poli- editor, so there can't be any sanctified common sense to bond the state for j ticians it contrived not to accomplish individuals knocking around this burg. $0,000.000 for good roads, especially results. ' as Tillamook county would derive Now a bill is to be initiated and It has been suggested that the over $400,000? submitted to a vote of the people to Women's Civic Improvement League . prevent conspiracies to injure trade, and the Tillamook Commercial Club I We believe that the people of Tilla­ business or commerce of anyone do­ help to boost the County Fair and mook County should get together ing business in the city of Portland. take part in a procession on the open­ and advocate the Necarney Mountain The bill will make unlawful any ing day. road ill the highway through this kind of boycott or picketing the place county. 1 here is grand scenery of business of anyone by any kind of Bargain day at the sheriff's office on the Columbia Highway, but a . an organization, such as carrying will close on the 5th of April. Every highway around the Necarney Moun­ 1 banners in front of business places. person who have failed to pay their tain would beat the Columbia High­ This will be a real initiative as no taxes are invited to step up to the way for scenic beauty, which would hired signature solicitors will be put counter with a happy countenance, become the greatest attraction for ; out, but the 6,000 names will he se­ and receive their bargain receipt. tourists and the auto travel. Our j cured by the business firms of the citizens cannot imaging what a great city, large and small. Brighton has a pay roll of $35,000 a boost that road would give Tillamook At the election the people of Port­ month and it should have a road and County and the. number of visitors land wilt fvave a chance to decide a way out. If the state bonding bill and the money it would bring into the whether they will vote for propertv You revel in the strength of the Chevrolet ! carries, the highway will go through county every year. The road is four and busineses interests or for a small Brighton, and the citizens living there Its sturdiness brings you miles and miles of joyous travel or five miles shorter than the inner group of professional agitators. should be good boosters for the state I ar1 aipport t his was received with a great deal up $1,000,000 or about $.|jo.o for tin . weeks several business men have of enthusiasm by the public and the bard surface road? That is the ques­ co.ne to the snap shot man and asked tion for our citizens and taxpayers to i i n to do them favors. We have m ws of the general strike comes as a damper on this enthusiasm for with- . consider. ' adily complied with the reques, , ----- o----- out railroads in operation the country | those who have given us a square deal Frank A. Rowe has been quite peev­ otlld be helpless. >»vt those who haven't we have not In Oakland, Calif., ->400 union ed this week. He says that after all lie »•rupled to tell them what we think borers have just struck and tied has done, and the many sleepless ;>l them. The snap shot man balks at the shipyards with contracts to make c ( Boulder Creek. nights that he has pul i.i planning the ' ing made a convenience of. ~—0-------- ... . . large order of submarines f° f~" r th« i future welfare of this c.t>, it mi k.s him mad to have the kaiser promise United States Navy, and similar | Several men irom our neighborhood Unfortunately, the city is split up 4 attended the Farm Loan meeting at the city of Wheeler, along with the on elsewhere. again on the question of Sunday clos­ strikes are ■mu, balance of the Pacific coast, to the At Portland, Oregon, shipbuilding ' Beaver, Tuesday. ing, with more or less hard feeling Dr. Shearer came up from Clover­ umpired by a strike lasting i Japs, without even asking him about I he Sunday closing is a hard nut to has been ha.. of Gasoline it.—Wheeler Reporter. for months, the same has been true at dale Sunday evening to attend O. W. Representative Rowe does not crack, tor it is a difficult matter to points on I’ugeet Sound, and the Kimiaman who is suffering from a know where to draw the line, for one know what he would be missing with claim of loyal support of the nation severe attack of heart trouble. C. N. Johnson, wife and children the little brown Japs in control of class want a closed town while others is weakened. take ail opposite view. The snap shot W heeler. Why the county representa­ The people of this country will soon visited their niece Mrs. A. J. Schmel­ man is free to confess that he does tive would make an excellent servant see a new danger threatening this zer last Sunday. Norman Chopard came home last wheeling around a Jap mistress in a not know where to draw the line and government and realize how strong not discriminate. But the fight has go-cart, which would make Frank a and dictatorial is the national labor I Tuesday after spending a week with started, with the pastors of some of genuine W heeler. despotism dictated by such men as his uncle at Pleasant \ alley. the churches on one side and those Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Benfield went Samuel Gompers and the Big Four. Who do not attend church on the Friday. 1 here is no disguising the fact, the A general railroad tieup will dem­ to 1 illamook and back last other Side. We arc sorry to see this, United States is practically at war onstrate the real character of loyalty Mrs. Benfield has been suffering with If you buy economically you buy for we had hoped that the matter of with Germany, and it was < icrtnany that animates some of the labor lead­ neuralgia and went to the county seat the "cost” ba;is and insist on RED k opcT" or losing could that forced this country into war. ers, who will come as near crippling to consult a physician. CROWN GASOLINE. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith have a There are a large number of , persons have been settled without resorting to the government as they dare.—Manu­ bran-new baby daughter, who arriv­ STANDARD OIL COMPANY who predicted that Germany wanted an election. It would have been better facturer. __________________ (California) ed via stork express last Friday night. to involve the I'nitcd States in war for the churches and the good and We extend congratulations. for the purpose of saying that she friendly feeling of the citizens if this A Pleasant Physic. Mrs. R. Y. Blalock is laid up with a could not tight the world, and with could have been done. The snap shot that impression upon the German man is inclined to take a broad mind­ When you want a pleasant physic severe case of rheumatism ed view because one is apt to get . Mrs. Ada Benfield is expecting her people, the Kaiser will sue for peace. give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. When the war started, the war lord untenable ground when arguing in They are mild and gentle in their ac­ father to come and make his home of Germany and his military adviser favor ut Sunday closing. As an illus­ tion and always produce a pleasant with her. He is past eighty years old, tration (»Id Bosscy will persist in giv­ and very feeble. cathartic effect. For Sale by seems to have had an idea that they Sabbath The cheese factory is running again. could conquor the whole world, blit ing down her milk on the mars Drug Store. We hear the officers are still looking they found that they attempted an im- day and the dairymen have to pull for a cheese maker. In the meantime I ssible job, and are wanting some teats on that day the same as any other, and they lake their milk to the Roy Woods comes up from Beaver excuse tor making peace. | l.icory and just as much cheese is and makes cheese for them two or manufactured on that day. Even while ! three times a week. the ministers are preaching and lift­ Mrs. Dora Daniel of Mohler, spent ing their supplications to heaven on a lew days with t'rineds in our neigh­ Sunday evenings, there are persons borhood recently. She also visited her down at the electric light plant who daughter. Miss Etna, who is teaching are liirmshmg the juice to illuminate itlie Wolf Creek school. the churches. Go into our homes on Miss Ac a Owen, the Boulder Creek Sundays and we lind work being per- teacher, went to Tillamook last Sat­ tormed there by the women folk. Be urday. tween 40 and 50 years ago this ques­ A number of our dairymen are haul­ AXI) ALL OTHERS WILL BE tion was thrashed out in Europe ing feed from Tillamook, the result of IX1ERESTE1) IX SEEIXG THE with the result that those who were the bad weather March is bringing. broad minded won out. and instead of 1 1 he cattle must be fed, if feed prices the parks, museums, art galleries and 1 do go “out of sight.” places ol amusement being closed up Mr. and Mrs. H. I.. Jensen went to tnc) were thrown open. Hebo, Thursday on business. They came home Friday evening. Mr. Nehl returned from the valley I he article which appeared in our last week, with some cows and a last wick s issue dealing with a hard A METRO WOXDERPLAY OE SUPREME band of Angora goats for his ranch surfaced highway through the entire POWER IX 5 WONDERFUL AC at Alder Cove. , county caused some discussion .ln,| I O. W . Kinnaman has gone to Clov- set the people ol Tillamook to think­ I erdfile for .1 few days treatment at the ing. \o one can accuse the snap shot hospital. W'e trust he will be much man of being anxious to plunge the | benefitted and soon bi able to come county into .1 bonded indebtedness home again. >ut when wc see an opportunity to obtain a hard surfaced highway through the county at about one third Its cost to the taxpay ers, we are reach to concede that it would be ■I