TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 8, 1917. McCullagh, for the last five QUIET AND NEAR LONDON. C. W.----------- - district of the city yesterday, repair- RAILWAY STRIKE ............... ----------------------------------------- years sales manager of the Yakima PLAN COMPLETE ing the pavement around the main i Valley Growers' association, 1--------------- has been Ths Lonsly Cotswold« Nearly Touch. There was a large crowd at the street. Ths World's Bigg««t City. I elected sales manager of the Hood Riv­ Fairview Grange on Thursday of last The Wert Sappington farm was Men to go Out Saturday if Demand The Cotswolds are au example of the« association. and er Apple Growers ’ association, week, there being 150 grangers pres­ sold last week by V. F. Learned, is Refused. ent with a number of business men Realty Co. It was sold to Fred Med- signed a contract at a salary of 36000 i vuriety of natural see eery that Eug- ' land succeeds in pucklng away withiui from this city, when the new Grange- iskey, of the Central cheese factory, v New York, March 13.—The propos­ narrow sea barred boundaries. Hall was dedicated by C. U. Hays, of memberg of the lugging I her Everyone in the vicinity of Clover­ ed strike program given out here to­ Principal Events of the W&ek ■« Here, within three hours of the largest the State Grange. A business session dale and elsewhere are requested to day is: engineering school of O. A C. are on I city in tile world, you can walk in. Eriefly Sketched for Infor­ was held in the forenoon, followed by attend the lectures to he held at the Saturday, March 17, 6 p.m.—Cali their annual logging trip to camps of complete loneliness over a grassy road a dinner served by the ladies of Fair­ Presbyterian church Sunday, the 18th, out all trainmen in freight service on mation of Our Readers. view. The program in the afternoon morning and evening. the Columbia river region. They will that follows the route laid out by Re­ the New York Central, Baltimore & proved interesting which was as fol­ V. A. Spalding ami his friend went Ohio, Erie, Atlantic Coast Line, spend two weeks In Cathlamet receiv­ i man engineers, with a tumbled sky lows: out fishing Sunday at Three Rivers Southern Railway, Louisvill & Nash­ of real mountains on your right Fear of an acute stock-feed famine ing practical Instruction in the log- I llue Recitation, John Leland Henderson. and landed some of the largest ones ville and Seaboard Air Line. Such an ' and a sweep of empty fluids falling : gin; Industry. Is growing around Canyon City. Address, R. T. Boats. that ever came down the river. Why order would involve 40,000 men. Recent r. ports uade to the state 1 away to the left. You can take tea iiu Song, .Mrs. Eric Gladd. is it that the largest fish you catch Monday, March 19, 6 p.m.—Call out A shingle mill is to be erected on he an old Roman villa, where the tiled, Remarks, H. T. Botts. gets away ? the freight trainmen in the Lehigh North fork of the Siuslaw River at board of health and examinations of i courtyard is still smooth and tight; you Recitation, Dolph Tinnerstet. the-heads of animals suspected of bav ­ with^ Valley, Lackawanna, Jersey Central, Rebecka lodge met last night j can sleep in an iuu that has uppareut- Remarks, C. H. Hays. a large attendance. A banquet was Pennsylvania, Long Island, Main Cen- once. nine of the councils n in; rabies show an alarming increase I ly not changed its hublts or Its bill of of Seven out Violin Solo, Peter Jacobs. ' tral, Delewarc- & Hudson, Reading served at the close. la the spread of hydrophobia through­ Song, .Mrs. Poorman. , and a|l other roads in the southeast­ of Oregon City are facing a recall, in­ out Oregon, according to Dr. David N. fare since the days of Richard tbe- Crusader. Address, F. R. Beals. ern territory or extending to New cluding the mayor. FISHING AND HUNTING. As mountains the Cotswolds cannot Flip Flop, Henry Crenshaw. The backbone of the car shortage on Koberg, state health officer. I York. William Branson, tried on a charge , pretend to any great eminence or bold­ Talk, Arthur Beals. Tuesday, March 20, 6 p.m.—Call out the Southsra Pacific lines in Oregon Some Changes in the Law Made by all the freight trainmen in the North­ Flag, Drill, by sixteen girls. of killing William Booth iu October, - ness. They have no attractions for the- seems to be broken. the State Legislature. western group, including the Hill man who wishes to brave steep cliffs; Another effort to create Cascade 1915, was found guilty of second de- : roads and all those centering at or foe him who would travel for w - - -o ! I gree murder at McMinnville. This "Capt. Racket.” county out of the eastern section of Fishermen and hunters may save Chicago. was Branson's third trial, the first | week on end through a single pine darlc Wednesday, March 21, 6 p.m.—If Clackamas Is reported to be afoot. valley. They are well bred little hills- fifty cents on each license by buying Cast of Characters. : having resulted in a hung Jury and the I the railroads still refuse to grant the Sixteen hundred acres of producing compared with the Alps or the Rockies, Mrs. Tolman—-in love with Tim otliy, them before May 21st, as on that date second in a verdict for convietion. men ’ s terms, extend the strike to all prune land In Polk county gave a to­ the law passed at the recent session but they have the true mountain flavor Verna Mast. More than 1100 people attended the of loneliness and sturdy charm. The- Katy—the mischievous maid, Ruth 1 of the Legislature goes into effect in­ other freight trainmen and call out tal of 3,500,000 pounds of dried prunes mole trapping demonstrations given occasional farmhouse enhance« the pe­ crasing the price of hunting and ang­ the passenger trainmen in every road in 1916. Warren. Timothy Tolman—who married for ling licenses from $1.00 to $1.50, and in the country. A carload of young shorthorn bulls, during the recent bad weather all over culiar feeling of isolation, for a single­ I a combination license from $2.00 to money, James Hiner. 43 in number aged 1 and 2 years, Multnomah county under the auspices human dwelling only serves to set ofl “Clarice—the Captain’s wife, Flora $3.00. State Game Warden Carl D. i The "Lady Reporter” In Japan. brought a total of 310,000 at a sale of the Oregon Agricultural Extension loneliness. Shoemaker says that there has been McKinley. And the roads are a perpetual de­ One of the newest stunts of the Jap­ at Union. division and by Theodore Scheffer, of Capt. Racket—a lawyer sometimes, a quite a rush for licenses in many anese newspaper is to employ the light The King’s highway winds; the United States biological survey. The new auxiliary schooner Margar­ parts of the state, due in all probabil­ liar always, B. J. McCowell. “lady journalist." which is considered The Western Broccoli association through these hills—a public road that Obadiah Lawson—the old sport from ity to the fact that the raise in licens- et, the second vessel built at the Mc ­ , es will become effective soon. Other a remarkable innovation in a country Eachern yards at ABtoria, was launch­ has placed 31600 worth of broccoli seed would cost the landed proprietor who. India, N. W. McRae. owns the ground on either side of it Mr. Dalroy—the Captain’s father-in- i changes in the game code made at the where woman is emerging more and in safety deposit vaults at Eugene for half his fortune in legal expenses to» 1 session of the Legislature just closed more from the seclusion of her home. ed Saturday. law.—Carl Dawson. During the recent heavy snow storm safe keeping until it Is distributed to close up.—Exchange. "Is the Indy reporter’s work satis­ Mr. Hobson—a waiter from the are as follows: almost every pole on the Riddle tele­ Lane county farmers, who have con­ Free running dogs, or dogs follow- , factory?" I asked the editor. "Gloriana”, Henry McKinley. "Tootsy” Tolman—Timothy’s rising ing upon the track of any game ani- j "Yes. hi a way. but she Is not satis­ phone exchange was broken and fell tracted with the association to grow NEW YORK’S DOWNTOWN. generation, Master Mast. | mal, may be declared a nuisance after fied with writing personals. I find that to the ground. broccoli. The seed is valued at $2 an Act. I.—Tolman’s home near New notification in writing to the owner of she wants to crowd iu little pleas for ounce. Baker county gold and copper mines Where Those “Tired Bueineee Men'” York. | dogs, and the animals may then be i woman's rights and equal suffrage. The amount due the 18 land grant Earn Their Daily Bread, "Cafe killed without any criminal or civil \Ve have to go pretty carefully on are at present producing an average Act II.—Home from the * ‘ ................ ... | liability on the part of the person kil- ! that sort of thing in Japan, you under­ of 3300,000 a month, according to es­ counties in Oregon on delinquent taxes Gloriana.” There Is a region of mystery into« from the Oregon & California laud which the metropolitan husband and: Act III.—Happiness reigns su- ; ling them. stand. and keep a pretty close watch timates of mining men. j One-half of all fine moneys will on what she writes, because It is like­ preme. With nearly 200 cases of measles in grant is 31,714,775.89, according to father vanishes between 7:30 and 8:45« hereafter be sent to the credit of the 1 ly to have a meaning that men do not Roseburg the health authorities de­ tabulations prepared by Oswald West, a. m. six days in the week and from« Specialties between the Ganic Protection Fund. Hiner, Henry McKinley. wholly understand.''—Archie Hell in cided to delay opening the public who is representing the department of which be emerges in the late after­ j Women are exempt from purchas­ World Outlook. Jennings. The music used school until late this week. the interior in steps to collect the back noon. He is welcomed, after the man­ with all the popular songs will be on ing angling licenses, but must obtain ner of nil returning warriors, with a> With 424 convicts at the state peni­ taxes. | a hunting license if they desire to ' sale at the Plasker Music Store. Bench and Bar. tentiary, every able bodied man is now Phil Metschan, Jr., and W. J. Hof­ tender solicitude. If you want to laugh, this is the hunt for any of the game birds and Sir Edward Carson is noted for Ills Downtown is the trackless Jungle- play. It is onlv to laugh at. Remember game animals of the state. I employed at some useful occupation, mann, both of Portland, were named ready Irish wit. On one occasion In into which father plunges to stalk the- j The deer season for district No. 1, this play will he at the Star Theatre, according to Warden Murphy. by Governor Withycombe as members family's living. After 10.000 years of two nights Friday and Saturday, which is western Oregon, has been court, when the judge, with whom lie Democrats from western Oregon for Oregon of the finance committee of civilization it Is still the same. Aux March 16th and 17th. You will miss shortened two weeks and will here­ had had more tituu one passage of the time of your life if you do not see after open on August 15th and close arms, pointed out to him the discrep­ gathered in Albany Saturday at a six members which will have charge of ious eyes follow him from the wig­ ancy between tile evidence of two of banquet, in honor of W. H. Horni- disbursing a fund for exploiting the wam till he turns the corner to the« it. I (on October 15th, the bag limit lias been reduced from three to two deer his witnesses, one a carpenter and the brook, former minister to Siam. scenic wonders and attractions of the I railroad station, and fond eyes greet other a saloon keeper. be answered. in any season. 1 him as he staggers out of the elevator­ Coast Artillery Company Fund. There are at least 80,000 sacks of Pacific northwest.. In District No. 2, the open deer "That's so. my lord, yet another case potatoes held in storage in Portland, door in his apartment house home wltl* It is reported that 21 applicantshave and of difference between bench and bur.' his prey, so to speak, on his shoulder. The Tenth Company Coast Artillery season begins on September 1st according to a report made to Assessor filed requests to secure quarter sec ­ Wives will never be reconciled to* was organized in Tillamook on the will close October 31st, with the ex­ I —Loudon Standard. Henry E. Reed of Multnomah county. tions of Oregon-California grant lands. ception of Klamath, Malheur and downtown. It swallows up the man ol seventh day of August, 1916, and Good road enthusiasts in the state of All the applications are made by resi ­ Harney counties, where tile season To Pop Corn. the bouse w hen he would much rather since that time the men and officers will be the same as in district No. 1. Here is the proper way to pop corn : Oregon have been invited to attend a dents of New York City. Attorney stay at home and play with the chil­ of the company have devoted much of Bag limit is reduced to two deer. Put the regular quantity—that is, a rally to be held in Eugene the after­ General Brown says no preference dren—so he pretends—and It sends bln» their time and gone to considerable The open season on migratory birds very small quantity—Into the popper personal expense in order to effect noon and evening of Saturday, March will be given to those who file early, home nt night too tired to be agreeable- the purpose for which the company throughout the state will be from and hold it under the cold water faucet 10. except to those living on lands. —as he asserts. Thus the little game October 1st to January 15th, with the was organized, to-wit: to make prep­ The 3200,000 road bond Issue voted Efforts to secure the revestment of i ; goes on. exception of Malheur and Harney long enough to thoroughly saturate the arations for the defense of this coun­ The primitive hunter, 1 imagine,, counties, where the season will be kernels. Shake the popper and place It in Wasco county at the last general the lands of the Coos bay wagon road try in case the same should unfortu­ from September 16th to December 31 on the back of the range to allow the election is valid, according to an opin­ grant in the United States and their made believe that he hated to leave- nately be embroiled in a war. The The Chinese pheasant lien has been corn to dry. then pop The kernels will ion handed down by the supreme sale according to the terms of the the family and go off into the dark; only income which the Company has protected and only male birds may be very large, uml there will be no forest, and on his return he threw him­ is fifty dollars a month paid by the court. grant are being put in motion by Os- ' hard center. self before the fire too tired to speak. State of Oregon. The company is re­ hereafter be killed, the bag iinpt is wald West, who has drafted a bill in I Plans to reopen the famous Todd five in any one day and not more Actually, 1 believe, the primitive hunt­ quired to pay $65.00 per month for the quicksilver mines at Elk Head, eight tentative form for submission to Sen­ er as soon as he was out of sight of The Difference. rent of the armory, and, in addition than ten in any seven consecutive ator Chamberlain and presentation to I He—Of course there’s a big differ­ miles east of Yoncalla, which have home broke into a cheerful whistle.— to litis, its expenses for lights and days. In Hood River county a ten day's ence between a botanist unii ii florist. been idle for 14 years, have been an­ congress. Simeon Strunsky In Harper’s Maga- other incidentals arc more than ten She—Is there really? nounced. The 335,000 grain elevator of the zine. dollars per month. The difference be­ open season on male Chinese pheas­ ants has been provided, from October He— Yes; a botauist is one w|io tween the income of the company, Over 50 delegates from the Y. W. Farmers’ Union Grain agency was ♦ and its actual expenses, must be made 1st to October 10th, with a bag limit i knows nil about flowers, and a florist Is C. A. organizations of western Wil­ dedicated at Pendleton Saturday. Primogeniture. of three birds in any one day or ten sends; up from some source, and it is the The law of primogeniture one who knows nil about tile price lamette valley schools attended a con- Extensive plans are being made by sense of the undersigned that, in view during the season. back Its roots to the most ancient All over the state the bag limit on 1 people will pay for them.—Boston ference at the Oregon normal school members of Oregon Lewis and Clark of the sacrifices made by the mem­ times, Away back in the patriarchal! Transcript. trout has been reduced from 75 to 50 at Monmouth. chapter, Daup-hters of the American ages the firstborn son had n supe­ bers of the company, the people of Only such measures as are deslg- Revolution, for the fourth annual state riority over nil his brethren and in the- Tillamook, who are not members of trout, or 35 pounds in any one day. He Traveled Winter fishing for trout in Game the company, are patriotically bound nated In the act calling the special elec­ conference, to be held in Eugene March absence of his father was in every im­ The clock struck 12. to render some assistance to the or­ District No. 2 lias been prohibited "I wish I had enough money to trav­ tion itself will be on the ballot for 9 and 10. portant sense the head of the bouse.. with the exception that trout over 18 ganization. In case the company el." remarked the young man. consideration at the election to be hold Upon the death of the father he be­ inches in length may be caught. The Cascade Contract company, of should be called into the service, "Here's a car ticket." announced her Monday. June 4. The open season on six inch trout Portland, has obtained an option on came by the unwritten law, which which is by no means improbable, a The W. F. Drager Fruit company, Saddle butte, 12 miles south of Albany, could not be questioned, the priest andl substantial company fund will go a begins April 1st and sportsmen are father, milking Ids appearance at that of Roseburg, shipped 87,500 ] pounds of and plans to develop an extensive rock lord of the family, and naturally to» long ways toward insuring the com­ urged to purchase their licenses and point.—Louisville Courier-Journal fort of the men belonging to the com­ carry them on their person as strict Douglas county prunes to London. quarry there. The plans contemplate him fell the property as well as the- honors of the household, Primogeni- His Snarl. pany until the status of the organiza­ orders have been given deputies to where they will be distributed among the construction of a branch railroad ture wherever it is found today is thé "Come on. Hiram! Don't you want tion is definitely established, and the check up all anglers found fishing in the allied armies. two and one-half miles from the quarry lingering remnant of the ancient cus- to see the ossified man?" red tape incident to moholization is the streams. It is reported that the livestock of to connect with the Southern Pacific tom. "Naw. I kin show you a whole town completely unraveled. If the company Douglas county suffered considerably railroad at Shedd. is not called into the United States of 'em." —Kansas City Journal service anv funds which arc contrib­ as a result of the recent snow storm. Dufferin’s Warning Dream. The McMinnville council has author­ uted will be disposed of not only in There are many stories on record of Hundreds of sheep perished on the ized the calling of a special election TESTED AND PROVEN the interest of the company but to the higher elevations. March 20, when the question of a 390,- the warning dream. The late LoriB benefit and improvement of Tilla-« Dufferin when iu Paris dreamed that Fifty Bandon business men are fl- 000 bond issue will be submitted to inook as well. Th®re is a Heap of Solace in Being he was in n hearse being conveyed to w nanclng a stock company to the the voters of the city, the funds thus Therefore, the undersigned have Able to Depend Upon a Well- cemetery. A few days later as be was- amount of 35000 to reopen the Bandon made available to be used to secure subscribed the sums set opposite Earned Reputation. about to enter a hotel elevator he was their respective names to the fund of woolen mills, which have been idle an additional supply of water from startled to observe that the attendant For months Tillamook readers have for the past two years. the Tenth Company, Coast Artillery, mountain streams for the municipal was the living reproduction of the- seen the constant expression of praise and respectfully invite other citizens Applications for grazing permits for gravity water system. driver of the hearse tn bls dream. He for Doan ’ s Kidney pills, and read to make contributions, paying the about the good work they have done 6491 head of cattle and 51,800 head of The project looking to the establish­ i stepped back, and the lift went up« same to either of the banks in Tilla­ tn this locality. What other remedy sheep have been made up to date to ment of a submarine and aviation base without him. Before it had reached1 mook City, and a receipt will be given ever nroduced such convincing proof Supervisor W. G. Hastings, of the at the mouth of the Columbia river 1 the top of the building some breakage for contributions, and the name of the of merit? was set back a year when the senate, | took place in the mechanism, and the party subscribing published as an ex­ Deschutes national forest. W in. Tupper, 1009 Furr St., Hills­ tension of the original list of subscrib­ Wlntworth Lord, one of the most on a point of order, rejected an amend-1 lift crashed down to the bottom, every boro. Orc., says: “ I have tried several ers. one in it being killed. kidney medicines, but I have found active men In the early history of The I ment proposed by Senator Chamberlain Tillamook County Bank . $1000 that there is nothing equal to Doan’s Dalles, and. with perhaps one excep­ appropriating 3300,000 to purchase land i First National Hank .............. 1000 Too Much Music. Kidney I ills. I am more or less sub­ tion, th« oldest pioneer of Wasco B D. Lamar................................ yoo and equip such a station on the site I Street singing is an especially Nea­ ject to kidney trouble and lame back. county, died In McMinnville. C. I Clough n 00 regarded most favorable by the Helm ■ politan Institution, and when for the \t times, sharp twinges catch me in Lamb-Schrader Co...................... 5.00 Miss Bertha Dorris, for the last year board near Astoria. first time one hears beneath his win­ Illy back and when 1 get down I can F T Haltom . .......................... too hardly straighten up. After 1 have and a half matron of the department dows the more often than not off key The Holly Condensed Milk company King Crenshaw. Hilw. ___ Co. ... taken a box or two of Doan’s Kidney of public safety in Eugene, has been of Amity, has invented a new product I versions of the snappy, lilting, inex­ Coast Power Co.......................... I ills my kidneys act all right and appointed parole officer of the state —rice and milk—which Is gaining pressibly Infectious Neapolitan songs« F. C Baker ............ ............... ... .. The city merchant who carriea my back teels as strong as ever ” he Is enchanted and throws pennies girls' Industrial school at Salem. no insurance is considered a Subscription lists now open at popularity with a bound, and many 1 Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t freely. After a week or so of it as ft mighty poor business man. John V. Hennes, a Portland archi ­ banks Subsequent subscriptions housewives are welcoming it Into their I simply ask for a kidney remedy—get steady diet, day and night, he incline* Yet the stock farmer who car­ be published each week. Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that tect. has been named to prepare plans list of table delicacies. The idea is ries no insurance on his live much more toward heavy crockery.— I Mr 1 upper had. Foster-Milburn Co and specifications for the proposed entirely a new one and the Holly peo-1 stock is taking just as big risks. National Geographic Magazine. I rops , Buffaflow, N. Y. And needlessly, for 3100.000 library building to be erected pie are the originators and only manu­ CLOVERDALE. for the Oregon Agricultural college at facturers to put out the article. It is His Idas. Hugh Arstill returned home last Corvallis. "Would you say that marriage is • rice cooked and canned with condens­ Saturday from Nehalem. The Willamette University glee club ed milk. failure?" Mack I raxler has gone to Portland has started on a 30O«-mlle tour of east­ “Not exactly; it's more like a busi­ The Central Curry Good Roads asso­ to lux home for a few days. He ex­ ern Oregon. Washington and Idaho. ciation has submitted a memorial to ness venture." pects to return here soon. Ornamental Fire Places Built INSURANCE “In what way?" The men will be absent for six weeks Oregon's senators and representatives Mis. Dunn is back in Cloverdale of Brick and Stone. All Fire ,rW -II. you can’t blame the business« again this week. and will appear In more than 40 con­ tn congress urging them to take Imme­ gt vea complete protection at Places absolutely guaranteed for the failures that get into it”—De­ H. Anderson, of Portland, was a a very moderate cost. The certs on the trip. not to smoke or money re­ diate steps toward eliminating lands troit Free Press business man in town last week. Hartford insures farm work funded. Work was started this week by the on the coast* slope of the Coast Range hone«, delivery and trucking Frank McGinnis, of Scapoose, Orc, Brick work of all kinds done Pearson Construction company on the mountains In Curry county from the teams and dairy herds. Call was a visitor to the city last week. Saving Money. on short notice. n, write or telephone. elimination of the O. W R. & N grade Siskiyou national forest and to have Earl Paul, of the Star Garage in * Mrs. Muggins—Don't you ever try to We make a specialty of re ­ Tillamook, is the stage driver in the c-ossfngs on Portland's East Side, a them opened to entry under the public save nny money? Mr. Muggins—Sure. pairing smoking Fire Places. absence of Mack Traxler. project contemplated for years. The land laws of the United States. Peti­ I save $4 today. Borrowell struck me Frank Owens, of this city, made a, contract amounts to 3507.000. tions indorsing the memorial are now­ for $.*. and I only let him bare St.- trip to Tillamook last week 1 The state board of control has turn­ being circulated through the county. 1 Philadelphia Record. V. F. I earned, of the Nestucca Vai- I ed over to the advisory board of wo Virtually everybody In the county la | ley Real Estate Agency, made a busi­ men of the girl's industrial school at declared to favor the elimination of the I _______ It Was Possible. Both 7 telephones. ness trip to Tillamook this week _______ TILLAMOOK ORE Edftb—You haven't seen my engage- Large teams are seen in the busy Salem, all problems of hiring and dis­ land« from the reserve with a view to ment ring, have you? Marie—1 don’t TILLAMOOK CITY. CALGON charging employes, or of accepting the increasing the amount of assessable know. Who is the man?— Boston Trat>- resiguat ions of such employee. land In the county. script OREGON NEWS NOTES GF GENERAL INTEREST Grange Hall Dedicated. aSound Business HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality I WATSON, Agent. National Building. ROLLIE W RALPH E WARREN.