TILLAMOOK Mat the Editors HEADLIGHT, MARCH 15 The Master Hypocrite. 1917, NOTICE OF ELECTION. Against the Ordinance Vote Call For Bidi. ------- o ■ Notice is hereby given, that a spec­ 3ot ...................................................... No. _ Notice is hereby given that the The cheapest thing is this era of With an L another fellow on the bal- (Elbert Bede in Cottage Grove Sen­ ial election will be held in Tillamook Initiative Ordinance, Proposed by County Court of Tillamook County, tinel.) hmh prices is the dollar. Had you ot whose name boasted a B secured Oregon, will accept bids for furnish­ City, Oregon, on the ¿2nd day of Initiative Petition. stopped to consider how many dollars Six months ago most any resident of March, 1917, at the City Hall in said “An Ordinance votes, makes things evenToS ing eighty cords of wood, for the to prohibit the con ­ vou could buy with a sack of potatoes han they were. Formerly the rota­ (’regon would have said that the last City, and which election will be held ducting of certain secular business County Court House, said wood to be place to look for an exhibition of from 8 o’clock a.m. on said day until a bushel of wheat or a bqg of onions tion was on a basis of five, on the Lord’s Day, commonly called 46 inches in length, of either Hemlock piety would have been The Oregon 7 o’clock p.m. of said day , at which Alder, or both. or beans?—Observer. Sunday and to provide a penalty or Bids amendment changes the ratio to two Journal. to be filed in the office of the election there will be submitted for . for the violation hereof, and to r*- County Clerk of Tillamook County, The Lokal Anzciger a newspaper smte’urmr Sta'r‘‘lg tXpcrts fro,n th' I he reputation of The Journal has the adoption or rejection by the legal peal all ordinances and parts of or ­ siate printing office were brought bc- bcen( and still is) that it would stoop not later than Friday the 16th day of -blisbed in Berlin, asserts that Pres­ whnt voters of Tillamook City two Ordi­ dinances in conflict herewith. hC comn»“ce and explained that March, 1917, at to o’clock a.m. ident Wilson is a “megalomaniac.” to any means which might be used to nances proposed by initiative petition, Purpose: To prohibit the opening The County Court reserves the right W3f prOposcd was impracticably gain its end—that it would even stab and one ordinance adopted by the Tbat’s an awful name, and is calculat­ th for traffic of Theatres, Moving Pic ­ the legislature cheerfully adopted the ed t0 make the president roll up his amendment and it is a law. Wc have in the back a friend who stood in the Council and referred, all in accord­ ture Shows, Confectionary Stores, Ice to reject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. "■■■' of anything it set out to accom­ ance with a resolution therefor adopt­ Cream Parlors, News Stands, Fruit J eves and “wade in” on his defamcr. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. n erV'chil rUB*?1 tlusJolali°" business plish. ed by the Common Council of Tilla­ Stands and Stores, Butcher Shops, L-Umpqua Valley News. By Kathleen Mills Deputy. c . child s play, which accomplished mook City on March 5th, ¡917, which Cigar stores and places where cigars Y et within the past two months we nothing while it added greatly to the First publication March 1st. -A Portland man slept in a day cost of holding election!. When ana­ have seen this hardoned old sinner resolution contains the full title and and tobaccocs are sold, Grocery and Last publication March 15th iach going coacn goius, to Puget Sound and $5,- lyzed and considered sensibly it is shedding bucketfuls of tears for the text of the Ordinances to be voted on Clothing stores. Drug stores, except CCK, in yellow-backs was taken from ■'°thmg more or less than an insult to down trodden delinquent tax payers and the form of ballot titles to be for filling prescriptions, Bowling Al­ Notic* to Contractors. Ins pocket. As it would have cost him the intelligence of the voters, for it and making as pretty an exhibition of used at said election. Said resolution leys, Billiard and Pool Halls, Black­ ----- o--. - being in words and figures as follows, outraged virtue as one would expect smith shops, Machine Shops, Garages onlv $2 for a berth and a trifle for Sealed proposals for the construc­ presumes that they arc incapable of to-wit: Supply houses of any kind. Ware­ tion of the Miami-Foley Improve­ “George,” the man’s mental anguish ?el‘-’ct,»g the candidates they desire to see in this w’orld, or the next. Resolution. houses, Gasoline supply stations op­ ment No 4 according to plans and must even exceed his pccuinary loss. and will blindly place a mark opposite And a large number of the people of Be it resolved by the Common erated in the street or elsewhere, specifications now on file in the office the state who did not analyze the sit­ —Oregonian. the name which happens to be first Council of Tillamook City, Oregon. Parades, Band Concerts or any other of the County Clerk of Tillamook ------ o------ uation were carried away with The That inasmuch as more than eight kind of amusements in the streets, on County, Oregon, will be received by According to the Railway Age Ga­ on their ballot. It was poor business Journal’s hypocrisy. This was also per cent of the legal voters of said to adopt such a law in the first place Sunday. the county court of said county until temporarily true of some members of zette the average weight rate per ton Is ajhfficult thing to excuse the the legislature who had not sufficient city, based on the total vote at the to o’clock a.m. March 16th, 1917, and Mark X between the number and in this country reached its lowest worse business in making it experience with delinquent taxes to last prececding city election, have then publicly opened and read. Such answer voted for. level during 1916, while the average proposals shall be made on the blank __1 realize the benefit and necessity of filed with the Recorder of said city, v.agc per employee was higher than worse.—Hillsboro Independent. For the Ordinance vote on the 20th day of January, 1947, an fortns furnished by the County Clerk advrtising. iver before. Y’ct in spite of this con- I Initiative Petition proposing an or­ or the County Surveyor, and each As wc do not print the tax list, we dinance by the Initiative, and petition­ 302 .................................................... Yes. and di ion the American roads never be­ Teaching the Virtues. every item thereof shall be filled will not go into the argument as to its ing this Council to call a special elec­ fore made so much money.—Observer out and proposals shall be plainly Against the Ordinance vote. necessity at this time. Later we may tion in said City for the purpose of marked on the outside "i Proposals ___,_____ ___ to 1 caching of ten virtues in the pub­ do so, but for the present we will con­ Portland newspapers quietly rebuk­ No. Construct the Miami-Foley Improve­ adopting or rejecting said Ordinance 303 ed a German newspaper published in lic schools is indeed a timely sugges- fine ourselves to showing up tile by the legal voters of said city, No. 4,” and any proposal not tion, says the News-Reporter. They Journal’s hypocrisy. That the legal voters at said elec­ ment that city last week when in one page are which said proposed Ordinance is as conforming to any of these require­ honesty, truthfulness, cleanliness, tion shall vote upon said ordinances they published a translation of the The Journal charged that the pub- pub­ follows: shall not be considered. alrioi- lictition of the tax list was a graft. respectively as in said ballot titles in­ ments patriot- “Ordinance No. ------ German newspaper’s editorial upon obedience, respect, courtesy, p Each proposal shall be accompanied dicated. ism, kindness, industry and punctual- 1 Wc do not concede that poin Wc do not concede that point, but if An Ordinance to Permit the open­ a certified check made payable to the news that Germany had made And whereas the Common Council by h las been ing and conducting of Billiard and „ the Tillamook County for an amount definite proposals to Mexico to at­ L J. etVa,Ue of thcse yr‘u<’s is to be it has been graft that graft of Tillamook City did on March 5th, taught from stroies from the best i ' • • — I in Multnomah County, where the list Pool Halls and Reading Rooms in equal to at least 5 per cent of the tack the United States, which claimed writers. I has been published in four daily pa- Tillamook City, Oregon, on Sundays, 1917 duly pass Ordinance No. 341 and amount bid. that the note was a fake gotten up by the same has been duly approved by At Eugene, a committee of teachers Ipers at a cost possible four to eight between the hours of eight o’clock a. By order of the County Court. the newspapers, and on another ad­ the Mayor and it is the desire of the Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. mission of the imperial minister that prepared the following list of virtues: i times as great as that charged in m. and eleven o’clock p.m. Common Council that said Ordinance First publication March 1st. Sunday, and to repeal all ordinances the note was authentic.—Independ­ I ruth. Honor, which relates to par- I other counties of the state. be referred to the voters at ‘ the said cn1tcs' [y school, to law and order, to I If that is graft, why did the pious and Parts of Ordinances in conflict election so called which said Ordi­ Last publication March 15th ent. self; Honeesty, Obedience, Altruism, l(?) Journal accept the graft? Why herewith. ------ o------ Notic« to Contractors. The people of Tillamook City do nance is in words and figures as fol­ which —h i is subdivided into politeness, I did it insist upon having the graft? lows, to-wit: Not only did the lit’ le group of fili­ cheerfulness, ------o----- I There was no law compelling the ordain as follows: kindness, helpfulness, busters in the senate defeat the "arm­ charity; Ordinance No. 341. Scaled proposals, addressed to the i Journal to publish the list. If it had Section 1. It is hereby madelawful Patriotism, Democracy, ed neutrality” bill, but they caused Courage, Cleanliness, Billiard and An Ordinance to permit the carry­ County Court, of Tillamook County, Thrift. Other 'refused to publish the list it would to open and conduct congress to adjourn by reason of virtues considered but not have saved the taxpayers that much Pool Halls in Tillamook City, Ore­ ing on of Billiard and Pool Rooms Oregon, and endorsed “Proposals to included limitation before passage of several in the ten are: Remodel the County Court House.” ambition, earnestness, money and would have affected in no gon on Sundays, between the hours and Card Rooms and Games on Sun­ in accordance with the plans and vital measures. Included in the list unselfishness, : patience, ; punctuality. ‘ way the validity of the publication in of eight o’clock a.m. and eleven day, and declaring an emergency. on file in the office of o’clock p.m. are the army appropriation bill, the contentment, self-control, value of' the other papers. The people of Tillamook City, do specifications the County Clerk of Tillamook Section 2. All ordinances and parts ordain as follows: sundry civil appropriation bill, the time, amiability, purity and friend-j It is too late, of course, to change County, Oregon, will be received by that, but there is no law under heaven of ordinances in conflict herewith are general deficiency bill, the rivers and ship. Section 1. It shall be lawful for the County Court, at its office --■ 1.. in the to prevent The Journal from return­ hereby repealed.” harbors bill and the appropriation for It would seem that the Eugtnc list ing this alleged graft money wrung And that inasmuch as more than Billiard and Pool Rooms and Card County Court House, Tillamook City, the support of the West Point mili- is broader in conception and the se­ from the delinquent taxpayers. Sure- eight per cent, of the legal voters of Rooms and Games to be operated Oregon, until the hour of to o’clock tary academy.—Itemizer. lection of certain major virtues with , ly if The Journal has a conscious it said City, based on the total vote at and carried on on Sunday, from and a.m. on Friday, the Ibtli day of March 1917, and at that time publicly opened allied virtues makes a stronger list I cannot honestly hang onto this the last prcceeding city election have after the first day of April, 1917. A Kansas paper tells this for a new than that chosen by the state school ! wealth gotten in a way which itself filed with the Recorder of said city, Section 2. Whereas certain initia­ and read. Each bid must be accom­ boy story: A youngster be- superintendent. on the 20th day of January, 1917, an tive measures arc to be voted on at a panied by a certified check equal to I says was fraudulent. fore going to a party was cautioned The Journal cannot expect to be ac- Initiative Petition proposing an Or­ special election proposed to be held 5 per cent of the total amount of the Be that as it may, the fact that a by ’ is mother against eating more I ccptcd as truly penitent so long as it dinance by the Initiative and petition­ on March 22, 1917, and the law hereby bid, which shall be forfeited to the than one piece of cake. “Did you start is to be made in teaching chil­ retains the money which it charges it­ ing this Council to call a special elec­ enacted is desired to be submitted county, in case the bid be accepted only eat one piece of cake?” his mam­ dren, and young men and women, self with having gotten by foul means. tion in said city for the purpose of thereat and by reason of the fact that and the bidder shall fail, neglect or ma asked him when he returned home something of the real things that But The Journal has at no times in­ adopting or rejecting said ordinance the present ordinances of Tillamook refuse for a period of five days, after “Yes, only one piece.” said the boy, count for the best in life is worthy of tended returning this so-called blood by the legal voters of said city, which City arc insufficient to fully protect which the award is made, to enter in­ “but they offered it to me three praise rather than of carping criticism money. It is even now eating its vitals said proposed Ordinance is as follows the health and safety of the people of to a contract and file a bond satisfac­ "Ordinance No..................... Tillamook City, so that the provisions tory to the County Court, as required times.” “What did you say?” asked In the years to come it is possible out with jealousy and cupidity as it An ordinance to prohibit the con­ hereof are imperatively necessary for by law. mamma. “Well the third time they that the virtues will be grouped dif­ sees The Oregonian and The Tele­ The County Court reserves the right ferently and that their allied attrib­ gram presenting bills for the publica­ ducting of certain secular business on the purpose, an emergency exists and asked me I just swelled up like papa utes to reject any and all bids. Dated this will be taught so as to strength­ tion of the tax list this year. this ordinance shall be in full force the Lord's day, commonly called Sun ­ docs and said “take the darned stuff 23rd day of February, 1917. en the main virtues that promote mor­ The Journal never was at any time day, and to provide a penalty for the and effect immediately upon its ap­ away.”—News Times. By order of the County Court. ality. This is a new departure for honest in its fight on the publication violation hereof, and to repeal all or­ proval by the Mayor. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Western schools and it will be watch ­ dinances and parts of ordinances in Be it further resolved that at the of the tax list. It thought such a fight Married men are the most success­ By Kathleen Mills Deputy. ed with keen interest for after all cer ­ conflict herewith. said election there shall be submitted 1 would be popular with the people and ful according to the American Maga­ Last publication March tn compromising ninety per cent of But there was a deeper underlying Jail one day for every two dollars of nance as in said ballot title indicated. Notice for Publication. the strikes and lockouts without motive. The real motive was to put such fine. Dated this March 6th, 1917. stopping work. The principal involved Section 3. All ordinances and parts Department of Interior, U. S. over the first move in a cleverly con­ Ira C. Smith, of ordinances in conflict herewith be is that public interest is greater than Land Office at Portland, Oregon, ceived single tax scheme. City Recorder of Tillamook and the same are hereby repealed. ” that of either party to strike or lock­ January 12, 1917. After the advertising of delinquent City, Oregon. ., And inasmuch as the circuit court of out, an