Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 15, 1917, Image 5

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What Can Be Done.
quired. '1 hat would take the whole of !
------- v-------
the $420,000 if it . 1»
i» ucciueu
decided iu
to kuiiu
bond ,
suriaced 2 high--
(Oregon Voter.)
the county for a I naru
talk about a $54,000,-
I way through the county, and the snap
Each subsequent insertion, line,
•°5 shot man is in favor ot bonding for 000 highway construction program
I that specific project. It is good busi- for < tregon, of which the proposed
business and Professional cards
1.00 Hess sense and economy to do so, but $6,000,000 bend issue is but a begin­
one month........................................
0-I we arc opposed to bonding and the ning.
Locals per line each insertion...
The $54,000,000 figure is put out to
¡money used for other purposes. We
Display advertisements, an inch
I want to advise the people on this frighten the people of Oregon into
and Lodge Notices, per line .
•°5 matter for if the county is bonding voting against the bonds. No safe or
All Resolutions of Condolence
'and the money diverted for other pur­ sane believer in good roads for Ore­
one month.......................................
• 50 poses, the county would not be in a gon lias given the $54,000,000 dream
position to meet what money may be any indorsement.
Counties of Oregon today are
coming from the state, and in that
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. case some other county would take pending money on roads at the
wh.it belonged to Tillamook because of $4,000.000 a year. This is aside
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
it was in a position to meet the re­ from money spent from county road
quirements of the State Highway bond issues.
The state bond bill
About $750,000 of county money is
specially mentions the roads in Tilla­ now spent annually on the very roads
mook County that are to be hardsur­ designated as state highways in the
faced, and all right thinking persons bonding act.
Senator La Follette was what wits agree with us that this county should
Common sense teaches that any
called a progressive candidate for the be in a position to accept $400,000 or proposal involving the expenditure by
presidency. Hit filibustering tactics more for hard surfacing these roads, the counties of more than $750,000 a
in refusing to support the ¿’resident and the way to do so is to bond the year on these same highways will not
in a national crisis shows that he's county with the understanding that be received with favor.
the money is not to be diverted blit
not a Progressive but a mossback.
The whole state road program, so
used for preparing the roadbed for the far as the comities are concerned, can
----- o-----
We don’t think Tillamook City highway whenever state money can be met within the $750,000 a year now
needs a Sunday closing law to compel be obtained. That is the position of being expended on these same desig­
one class of business men to close on the snap shot man in regard to bond­ nated highways.
Sundays and allow others to remain ing, and we hope the people of Tilla-
Five years is the period contemplat­
open. It is not right or proper to dis­ mok will look at the matter the same ed by the bonding act for the high­
criminate. Give every business equal as we do. To bond the county for any way construction provided for. If
rights, but this cannot be done if the' other hard surfacing project is sure to during these live years the counties
people of this city discriminate and cause a great deal of friction and expend the same $750,000 a year on
attempt to make "goats" of a certain jealousy as to where the money is to these same highways, the total ot
be expended. The South part of the county money spent will be $3,750,-
few businesses.
county as well as the north part of OOO.
W ith this $3,750,000 expended in co­
It has been suggested to the local the county, will get peeved, and will
newspapers that an effort be made to get into a cat and dog fight, as to operation with tlie state and govern­
start a company fund for the lot II where the money is to be expended. ment on the designated highways, the
Company Coast Artillery, which was In proof of this we will quote from a whole program contemplated by the
recently organized in tins city. We recent issue of Ben Kuppenbendcr’s bonding act can be completed, and
every designated highway be made in­
believe the idea is a good one and organ, the Nehalem Times, it says:
“There will be a petition circulated to a good paved road, forest road or
should be taken hold of by the busi­
ness men or Commercial Club. It is in this county soon for the purpose of post road that can be traveled in
jio more than right that
those who calling an election to vote on bonding comfort and safety every month of
services Tillamook county for tile sum of $413- the year.
Counting this $3,750,000 of county
Aliuuld have the support and encour­ 000.00, this money to be used in con­
agement of those who have not, and structing hard-urfaccd highways. 28 money now being expended at the
we hope this matter will receive the percent or $216,000.00 of the money is rate of $750,000 a year on these same
attention ot our citizns who will or­ to be spent around Wheeler, Mohler roads, the total money available for
and Nehalem. As will be outlined in the entire road system to be built in
ganize fur that purpose.
the petition the money here is to be the five years would be as follows:
expended on a bridge between Nehal­
Thursday of next week a special em and Wheeler and the paving of By counties, for preparing
roadbed lor paving, and in
election is to be held to decide wheth­ the road from the forks of the North
co-operation with state and
er pool and billiard rooms as well as and South forks of the Nehalem and
Federal government in con­
reading rooms can open on Sundays. to pave two and one-half miles in the
struction of post roads and
T his was done by a petition signed by east side of the North fork. W’c hope
forest roads ............................ $3,750,000
50 citizens, but the city council has al­ everyone in this vicinity will sign the
By Federal government
so taken a hand in the matter. It petition and work for the bond issue.”
for forest roads and post
si t ins that some of the cigar stands
It will be noticed that the paragraph roads .........................................
wanted their places lo be open for dies not provide one cent for putting
By state, proceeds of Bean-
card playing, and without a petition, the road from the Clatsop county line
Barrett bond issue for for­
the city council decided to submit • o Garibaldi in shape for hnrdsiirfnc-
est roads and post roads..
this also to a vote of the people. Ill ing. and that $216,000 of the band
By state, from proceeds of
view of the fact that a large majority money is to be spent around Wheeler,
bonds for paving..................... 6,000,000
ol the voters of this city voted lo kill Mohler and Nehalem. When the time
the Sunday closing I; w, it remains to comes and the state has tile money to
Total, five years ................. $13,500,000
be seen whether they have changed brirdiurfaee from the Clatrop county
Average per year...................
their minds in so short a time and line to Garibaldi, there will be no
This expenditure is within reason.
whether they will overthrow the money available, and Tillamook coun-
It is within tlie resources of the coun­
( tregon System and the sovereign ♦ v will I vr the looser and the monev
ties. It is no $54,000,000 nightmare.
will of the people. We 11. ve comment­ will go to some other county. There
That it will complete the program
ed upon this in our previous issues, is one thing for Tillamook county to
covered by the bonding act is assert­
and showed how most of us are di­ do and that is to be in a position to
ed by many trustworthy authorities.
rectly or indirectly responsible for
«•-,( . nr f
money when­ I
Here is how they figure it:
Sunday trading. We do not belong to ever it is available.
I Paving 600 miles of to-foot
the mock modest class, for they are
at $10,000 per
inconsistent. T here arc men in this
mile ........................................... $6,000,000
city that want recreation and amuse­
6oo miles for
ment on Sundays. They do not attend
paving, at average of $2,500
church, and where they can obtain
a mile
....................................’. 1,500,000
amusement in a respectable well con-»
Construction of 2,400 miles
ducted place, it is closed. W e are not
I of forest road and post road
pl ailing for a wide open town on
' at $2,500 a mile. . . .
Sundays. Far from it. W'c do say this
however, Jiat when there is a highly
respectable place lor men to go on
Sunday's, like the Rialto, the citizens
s'lould take a broad view anil not put
the ’Tid’’ on. As we understand the
situation all that the proprietors ask
is to allow their pool and billiard and
Total miles, ..............................
1 ailing rooms to be open on Sunday,
T here is approximately 3,000 nii’ci
.sow lor .1 few remarks. The snap
of highway needing improvement de
s lot man thinks it would be a good
signaled 111 the bonding act.
idea lor every business in the city to
About 3.300 miles of road is desig-
dose tip on Sunday mornings. The
nated in the act. At least 300 mites
cig. r stands, drug stores, fruit stores,
of the 3,300 is in condition today,
i.iudv stands, express companies, the
That the other 3.000 miles can be
movies etc., have violated the Sab­
within tlie
bath day so often that their propriet­
available under the bonding act is as- j
ors should be given an opportunity to
. serted positively by practical experi- I
g< up to the mourner’s bench, as well
ence outside of Portland, men who
a- those who patronize them, for we
have faced Oregon road problems and
can't see why they ate allowed to run
who know what costs are.
wide open on Sundays and make a I
Remember, these practical men do |
"goat" out of the Rialto and compel i
1 not propose building Columbia High- .
it to close. Perhaps some of our citi-
way- all over the state. They advo- |
zens think thev need a scape goat to
1 cate a ten foot pavement
as b
carry away then sin» of being direct­
better spread along 600 miles th;
ly or indirectly responsible lor Sun­
The Hartford will issue a policy . jo-loot pavement on 300 miles
day trading.
( costly wide grading.
Legal Advertisements.
First Insertion per line ........... $ I
Claude L Myers
Editorial ¡Lap ¡Shots.
My Entire Stock of Wall Paper is on Sale, starting
Saturday, March 10, at prices von can’t afford to miss.
This Sale includes everything, Oatmeals, Ingrains,
Pulps, Cut Out Borders, Bands, etc.
Having bought this stock before the rise in price
in paper,lam able to meet and beat catalague prices.
25 to 40 per cent. REDUCTION.
Wall Paper from 7c. per double roll
to 45c. Nothing Over.
P i 11 a 111 ook, O rego n.
D odge B rothers
Completely Covered
Better keep your regis­
tered stock under the
complete protection of
Lire Stock
insuring registered and fancy stock
1 lie snap shot man will discuss the against death from any cause any­
question of bonding the county tor a where in the United States, Mex­
ha d surfaced highway through the ico, or Canada, including the risks
county, as this appears lo be a burn­
ing question just now with a large of transportation and exhibition.
number ot our citizens, especially Every “Hartford” policy is backed
tli< sc who have signed tile petitions, 1 by the ample resources and estab­
Which number over 800 signatures., lished loss-paying record of the Old
I liat is a large number wlio favor Hartford. Ask for rates and par­
bonding, and, no doubt, there arc a ticulars.
gi< at many more who arc in taxor ot
In ding but have not bail an oppor­
tunity to sign the petitions. Since the
petitions were signed, the situation is
quite different. I lie state bonding bill
11 it carries at the special election,
Roth Telephones.
provides tor over 50 miles ol hard
sui lacing to be done al the State's ex
pense, providing the county will con­
struct the road bed. It is estimated
that the cost ol preparing the road
bed will run iroin $2,500 to $5,000 a
lillle and the hard surfacing will cost
fr o n $10,000 to $i2.ixxi per mile.
«MB*..' in the best wet
Wbenevci any state or federal money
is ..vailable,
I illamook county will
weather togs
commit a great mistake it it does not
ever invented
put itself in a position to obtain this
money, It is our candid opinion that
the county liould bond itself for this
specific purpose, that ot
money to prepare the roadbeds for
han'surfacing. I el us illustrate this
(PATFNTED) $3.00
again. The slate bond bill provides
for hardsurfacing from the t latsop
con ’tv line to Garibaldi, a distance of
ovei 20 miles, and as Considerable
work i< to be dime on this road, we
Dealers wen where.
esti nate that the cost
of preparing
Our 80'- year.
the road bed will he $125.000. F rom
Garibaldi to
Tillamook City r the
county will have tex do all the work.
which would cost $125,000. From tin 19
city to the Yamhill county line it it
estimated about $itx»,ixx> would be r<
National Building.
B rave
the wind
1 he Dodge car renders service anti satisfaction.
Dodge car will steadily and constantly perform the obliga­
tion required bv you.
1 he efficiency of the Dodge car and the excellence of its
riding qualities are conceeded by all.
The excellence and workmanship of the several mechani­
cal features are features arc accepted by all prospective buyers.
1 lie reputation for economy are also well understood that
thi- point i- never questioned.
J h<- b< -auty of finish and permanency thereof results only
from th- unique process of baking the enamel on the steel
D<dge cars are owned every where you may go.
1 *>e recommendation and standing here in your own
community is the strongest you could ask. When the Dodge
car g..es into von home it immediately an intimate part of
your family and comfert of you home.
Let us give you a demonstration and prove these facts.
T hey state that in some counties, an
expenditure of $-’.0 a mile will put
1 nearly the whole designated mileage
1 in condition to receive the
I paving.
In some other counties, the
grading for a ten-foot
w ould be $3,000 lo $5.000 a mile. I ' • ■
state that $2,500 a nnh 1- th<
is plenty to allow for the co»:
: ting the whole txx> miles readv
I 10-foot pavement.
They also state that so
' forest roaj and post n
' w ill cost as high as $5,000 and
. 000 a mile for short mileage in
mountain country, while over m
the mileage an expenditure <4 $
$3,000 a mile will construct th<
and post roads. The average • $2.-00
a mile, they assert with confidence, 1-
liberal applied to the 2.100 mile of
forest and post road. This is born
out by the experience of the V. S.
■ forestry bureau in constructing manv
miles of forest rigid- in I me ("aunty
at an average cost of less than $2'500
a mite
Prizes for Best Producing C°ws. I •“■pt of all boughten feed fed, togcth-
So let us forget the $ 1.000.000
---- o-------
dream, and get down to what can be i
er with correct weight of hay, silage
done, which is to ratify the bonding
I he Tillamook County Holstein- j or any other feeds fed. (pasture ex-
act and get 3.000 miles of improved Friesian Association will give $12.50, ' cepted.)
road (600 miles of it paved) during $7-*o and $5.00 for the three most
5th—Where cows are in test asso­
the next five years. That is "what economical producing cows in Tilla­ ciation their tests may 1>c- taken from
can be done."
mook County under the following herd book. Other cows will have to
I rules:
be tested and certified to by your
For Sal*.
I 1st—All cows entered in this
con- cheese maker on the middle of each
——<1— -
1 test must be grade or pure bred H.l- 1 month.
One half acre with house and barn, stein«,
b’h—At the end of each month the
bottom land, '. mile from city.
2nd—All cows must be fresh and milk and feed sheets must be for­
.to acres 6 miles South of City, with entered on or before April 1st.
warded direct to R. C. Jones.
good bouse $1700
I 3r'I— Accurate milk records must be
7th—All wishing to enter cows in
For rent 8 acres with house and kept daily on sheets provided for that this contest will apply to R. C. Jones
barn just cast of Fair Grounds.
for the necessary sheets.
J. S Stephens.
4th—An accurate account must be
This contest will close August 20.
Office in Commercial Building, room
Tillamook, Oregon
1017. It is desired that the winning
cows also one of the poorer produc­
ers be exhibited at the county fair.
By order of Committee.
For Disease of the Skin.
Nearly all diseases of the skin such
as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and
barbers' itch, arc characteristic of an
intense itching and smarting, which
often makes life a burden and dis­
turbes sleep and rest. Quick relief
may be had by applying Chamber­
lain’s Salve. It allays the itching and
smarting almost instantly.
cases have been cured by its use. For
Sale by Lamar’s Drug Store.