TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 15. 1917 -r—-------- ■ — P ' ’ ’ X * '• 4. ;■ ry - _ / Frank Blaser .............. Scouring is best unless the utensil A SUNDAY LAW. Lando Darby I is badly discolored. First free the ket­ County Court All°ws Bills and Trans­ A. I.. Darby ... tle troin all adhering food and wash Roy Hammond ...................... acts Other Business. Civil or Religious—Which? in hot water with a mild soap. Scrape ------ o Ben Darby ............ Certain 01 our citizens in liliamook with a wooden spoon (metal spoons In the matter of purchasing a flag ; Joe Blaser ....... aie ciutuuiing tor a municipal ^unuay will scratch the soft surtace off al­ to be erected in the court house Guy \aughn .. *aw. Gio.il you remind mein luai inis uminum ware), lhe scouring prepar­ frou’nds, the offer of James Christen- X- J. Dye .................................. govvrniiicni 01 tne united inates is ation chosen should not contain hard, * to furnish a pole iio feet in M ■ Hare ................... ivunueu upon me principle ol a sep- sharp particles ot grit which will I J. E. Sawyer .............. kii-'th at lie- a tool was accepted. -laiion 01 cnurcii anu siate, and re­ scratch the surface, lhe grit should I In the matter of the claim of Yani- I. Haugen ................. ligious liberty tor an, and tliat we are be fine or else compound of rounded ; li !1 c< iinty. on Sourgra^s road, the J. S. Graham ............... i.uuiio by tne constitution to make no j grains. A moist, soapy cloth, or steel Asa Haugen ............. clerk was ordered to draw a warrant laws establishing religion or prohib­ ■ wool, may be dipped into the scour- H. Garland ............... for $5059.14. iting the tree exercise thereol, then I mg material and rubbed on the metal. hi tin- mater of the petition of the I. 1‘angborn .. some begin to say that a Sunday law Most of the commercial scouring 4n Logging and Timber Co., the C. Dye is not religious. pastes and powders on the market I a . j. Nails ne was rejected. -jut wuy is 11 then that it is mostly' are satisfactory. |n ti c matter of the petition of l has Moore .............. A mixture ot equal parts, by volume religious people who are working tor 1 -I. Haak for reduction of assess­ William Turner .............. of powdered whiting and alcohol with mis law: .-vnu they declared repeated ­ Alvin Bloom ................ ment the same was rejected. ly, "we must get protection lor our the addition of a few drops of ainonia, In the matter of the petition of F. J. Proctor ................. is sometimes used for polishing alum­ Sabbath." John Bloom .............. C. Skomp for a county road the same inum that is not badly discolored. -sow, earthly governments have \\m. Eliingsworth .......... was continued. Stronk alkali should never be used their legitimate place. W ithout them, In the matter of the petition of D. Leonard Rush .......... there would be anarchy and contusion in cleaning aluminum because it at­ L. Jones for a county road, it was Ed Davis ....................... 1 Iley are ordained ot God to guard tacks and dissolves the metal. Such Sourgrass Road. ordered that R. L. Shrieve, Forest our civil lights, to protect our lives household alkalies are washing soda, Aver an 1 H ; breeds ot cattle were also developed visiting each section where jhcr< is Howard Cooper Cor. ... large and small intestines it relieves ¡in small communities. Lets center on desire for allotment of moneys, divid­ A. C. Deuel ....................... ANY CASE constipation, sour stom­ ¡one or two breeds and make lilla- ed the state as follows; Conijnission- i- 'V 'ss A' Sons . ... ach or eas and prevents appendicitis. Imook cattle as famous as J illamook er Benson to have Lincoln. Polk. Till­ "has QUICKEST actior, o any- Erwin Harrison ............... cheese. Every wide awake dairyman amook. Yamhill, W ashington, Clatsop Call at our plant and get prices. It will I thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug should strive to line his community Columbia, Multnomah, o- B. McClay ................... Clackamas, save you money. Albert Clark . up with one breed. Join the breed as­ Hood River and Wasco counties;. gist. C’rval K'ellow................... sociation and get the help of others Commissioner Thompson all of east­ ONE BLOCK WEST OF P.O. Forest Aver ..................... There is more Catarrh in this interested in tht same thing. It will ern Oregon except Klamath, Hood Fred Lyster (,'ommissioner section of the country than all other be a question of which group of River and Wasco; Both Phones. Sappington ........... diseases put together, and for ,e.ir breeders is most active that will de­ Adams all of Western Oregon except those counties allotted to Coniniis- ! noy Braden ..................... it wa« supposed to be im urai.ie cide what breed is to predominate in F. Lyster ..................... Doctor.- prescribed local remedies the county ten years from now. There -inner BenMM, ami al-o to have Kla­ John Afioltcr ................... more difference in individuals with- math county. whh ha n"'tre’dL'ient.” ¡wonounced is mo Lee Atioltcr ..................... The commission reached no decis­ breed than there is in the breed. Rank Foolishness. in the t--------- When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets «»Iter Afolter ................. If you are : anxious to have your breed ion as to the selection of a highway o- - •red Briody ..................... you should line engineer. Many applications have You. occasionally see it stated that gain the ascendency 1 been received both from within and I E. Cochran ................... When you fe< I dull and stupid after ith the Cow Testing Associations colds ‘ Jcnck ....................... colds would he as prevalent in mid­ Medu ine Tolei|„, Ohio, m ' your power t j get the best individuals w ill be taken. The commission will hold regular summer as in midwinter. The microhc When you have a sick headache. Joe Jcnck ............................ breed. This will advertise the for your Jini Rrjrrre breed in the community as nothing monthly meeting« on the first Tues­ that causes colds flourishes in damp | When yod have a sore stomach. [¡J Hunter When you belch after eating. irttKCOUsSurfacesoitheSyste^ else can possibly do. It is up to you day after the first Saturday of each cold weather. To get rid of a colm Pippin ................... COUNTY BUSINESS The ACME SILO FILLER Is a Perfect and Complete Machine BEN KUPPENBENDER, Tillamook, Oregon BY MILES THE BEST DR. ELMER ALLEN DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Oregon Tillamook, ■ FRANK HEYD& CO. General Contractors and Builders. Estimates & Plans Furnished, SEE OUR Cidi I