TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 8. 1917. for early expenditures from the pav­ from Pomona to the State Grange at ROADS MOVEMENT A cedure code, prescribing methodi for ing fund.—Oregonian. Astoria and Mrs. Ruth Desmond as opening, laying out and vacating high LIVE ISSUE. alternate. ways, which will end the confusion 0------ Quite a lengthy discussion of co-op­ attending the three methods at pres­ School Children to Write Essays on erative buying in the Grange was en­ Good Roads ■ Advocate Formation of Clubs. ent prevailing, which have been con­ tered into and ended by the Pomona Wheeler Orc, March 2, 1917 solidated and revised into a practical Dr. W, A. Wood, of Hillsboro, Grange recommending to the subordi­ Washington Senator from Headlight, Tillamook Oregon. State workable system. Gentlemen:—The road legislation the county code, another of these County and Chairman of the Joint nate Granges that each appoint a co­ adopted by the Legislature just clos­ measures, has to do with the expen­ Ways and Means Committee : of the operative committee and take up this ed provides the means whereby Ore­ ditures of county funds and adminis­ recent legislature, is :z offering ‘ . prizes work. A resolution was presented recom­ gon cun enter upon and carry out a tration of county road work. The to school children for essays on good mending that Pomona Grange go on CvJP chensive Better Roads program supervisor system is done away' with roads. record as opposed to bonding the By referring House Bill 550 to the and road building centralized under a Rules are Set Forth. people for their ratification the prop- road master. Following are the rules governing I county for road improvements. After much discussion on both Miles this ■ositicn of Better Roads is put square­ The state highway code provides the contest: Contest A—Subject: The benefit ac­ ■ resolution was laid on the table until ly Bet ore the people of the State of procedure for construction of hard- Oreg hi for their decision. surfaced and for co-operation of cruing to the county in which the a special meeting to be called before It is Up to those who are interested county and state in state highways. It writer is a resident from the improve­ the bonding election takes place. A in Illi- proposition to see that this Act creates a non-salaried state highway ment of the roads described in the committee consisting of R. C. Magar- is rati tied at the special election to be commission of three, one member $0,000,000 bonding act. For the best rell, S. V. Anderson and Ole Redberg district, argument a prize of $5. For the sec­ was appointed to investigate the mat- .held lune 4th. To do so, will require from each congressional a united effort on the part of all who severs the state highway, engineer’s ond best argument, a prize of $-’. I ter thoroughly and report at the spec­ -are interested in this great movement department from the state engineer’s There are 30 first prizes and 36 sec­ ial meeting. fot better roads. office and- provides for the appoint­ ond prizes in this contest. in my humble way 1 wish to sug­ ment of a highway engineer. Contest B—Subject: The benefit Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. ------ o ■ gest that in each county an organiza­ The act to regulate motor vehicles wdiich will accrue to the state at large tion be perfected, to be known as a is another road law. It doubles the from the improvement of the roads “The Spirit of Meeting the Test of ■"Better Roads Club.” These clubs to present motor vehicle license taxes described in the bonding act. For the Faith and Life in Our Day" is the Be composed of all those in the coun­ and donates the entire proceeds to best argument, a first prize of $25. subject of the pastor’s sermon at 11 ty who are interested in this work. state highway work under supervis­ For the second best argument, a prize I ngxt Sunday. At 7:30 in the evening These clubs would have for their ion of the state high way commission. of $15. J the discourse will be in the nature of principal function the dissemination of It will give upwards of $300,000 a Contest C—Subject: The ^ame as .a confession and meditation along -information relative to the bond year for road work. contest B. This contest is open only ¡the line of “The Kind of Church I measure dealing with its importance The Bean-Barrett bonding act au­ to bonafide students of Oregon high I Want to be Pastor of. Who I Want and the great practical benefits ac­ thorizes the issuance, in event rev­ schools. For the best argument, writ­ ! in it, and Where I want it to be.” enues from established sources are ten by a high school student a prize , This will be a service quite out of the cruing to the state by its adoption. Thin each county organization not sufficient to met allotments of of $10. ! ordinary. The Church School opens should select one or several delegates government road funds of bonds in Contest D—Subject: The same as its exercises at to o’clock and is a live an amount equivalent to the deficiency »0 what might be termed a “State contest B, and is open only to bona- 1 hour of bible study, under the leader­ Road Committee.” This committee and insures expenditure in Oregon of fide students of Oregon grammar ship of competent teach’ers. There is would thus be a state wide organ­ the entire allotment for post roads schools. For the best argument, writ­ a place for all. Good singing and or­ ization and its function would be to and forest roads and an equal sum of ten by a grammar school student, a gan numbers make attractive and in­ gather the necessary information, ar­ state money as is required by. the prize of $10. spiring services forenoon and even­ Rul«s. range for the publication of the liter­ federal act. The amount of bonds ail- ! ing. All who have not their place piace of 01 One person may enter but one con­ 1 dutv elsewhere in town are cordially ature needed, plan publicity cam­ thorized is $1,800,000. The $6.000,000 bonding act lays out test. paigns to be carried out by the news­ invited here. In contest A the author must be a papers of the state and generally to a definite system of state highways There is more Catarrh_ in _____ this act as the central binding together and post roads. State highways are to resident of the county whose benefits body for the various county organ­ be paved, hardsurfaced under the pro­ from the proposed roads are discuss­ section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years visions of this act. The bond issue ed. izations. Funds wiH be required for this work proposed capitalization of the pro­ 1 Contest B is open to any resident of it was supposed to be incurable. and I suggest that each county organ­ ceeds for the next 25 . years of the Oregon who does not participate in Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure ization adopt a rule that each member quarter mill road levy that has exist­ either of the other contests. In contests C and D the argument with local treatment, pronounced pay a normal sum, perhaps one dol­ ed for several years, and the increas­ Catarrh is a local lar, for membership in the club. The ed motor vehicle tares. These reven- must discuss the road proposal from it incurable disease, greatly influenced by con sums thus raised to be used in carry­ ■ ties on the basis of the present tax the state-wide standpoint. No argument in any contest may ditions and therefore requires con­ ing forward the campaign, as sug­ valuation and the existing number of stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh automobiles in Oregon will amortize exceed 200 words. gested above. Medicine, manufactured by F. J. Writing must appear on but one Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a A fact which impresses me very not only the $6,000,000 but the full strongly is that this road bond meas­ limit of bonds authorized under the side of the paper used. | constitutional remedy, is taken in- Manuscript must be written prefer­ ! ternally and acts thru 'he Blood on ure is a state-wide proposition and to Bean-Barrett act. In other words, is­ secure the adoption of the measure suance of the $6,000,000 in bonds and ably with typewriter or pen and ink. the Muccous Surfaces of theSystem. and the resulting benefits, we, who issuance of the full amount of bonds 1 The name and address of the author One Hundred Dollars reward is live outside of Portland, should take authorized by the Bean-Barrett act , must appear in the upper right hand offered for any case that Hall’s upon ourselves the duty of conduct­ do not mean any increase in taxation. corner of the first page. Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send ing a vigorous and energetic camp­ The $6,000,000 proposal is to be sub­ | Arguments must be submitted with­ for circulars and testimonials. mitted to vote of the people at a out accompanying letters, explana­ F. J CHENEY &CO., Toledo, Ohio, aign for the success of the measure | Sold by Druggists. 75c. tions or other enclosures. at the special election to be held June special election June 4. I Of indirect bearing on the road 4th. The envelope enclosing the manu­ Hall’s Family Pills for constipa­ program is a reduction of the gravity script must be addressed to Senator tion. .Kindly consider this matter with test for gasoline heretofore establish ­ W. D. Wood, Hillsboro, Ore., and on those in your county who are inter­ ested in this.better roads movement ed by law. Government investigation the envelope must also be written the I J KI.ANI) E ERW1N, and arrange for the organization of has showm the test to be of no value, contest entered, thus: "Contest D,” but it has made gasoline one cent a "Contest B.” "Contest C,’ or "Contest your county Better Roads Club. PIANO INSTRUCTION, L shall be more than pleased to hear gallon dearer in Oregon. Elimination D,” as the case may be. Dipjoma from Chicago Musical Manuscripts must be received by that such an organization is perfected will give Oregon consumers gasoline in every county in the state, for only at the same price as consumers in Senator Wood on or before 6 p.m. College.—Beginners receive the same by united effort can we secure success other cities pay. The saving will just March 15. careful training as the most advanced. for »he measure at the coming elec­ about offset the increase in automo- ' Manuscripts that do not comply < Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ I bile license taxes in, the course of a , with the foregoing rules will not be tion. tion. Kindly write me, letting me know year. considered. ------ o------ Manuscripts will not be returned to what you think of the prospects for All lessons given at Studio. the organization of such a club in the authors. The “Get Ready” Idea. County Representative for the Neither Senator Wood nor the con­ Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high your county and giving me any ideas Good roads enterprise is advocated which you may feel disposed to give for Douglas County by the Roseburg test judges can undertake to answer grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos as to how such a campaign as I sug­ Review. That newspaper has grasped letters or inquiries conserning the etc. gest could be strengthened and made the full meaning of the $6,000,000 | contest or awards. more effective. Awards will be announced on or | bonding proposal. It understands that Ornamental Fire Places Built Sincerely yours. I the measure is for co-operation be- b"- before March 25, 1917, by three judges of Brick and Stone. All Fire 1 to be named later. Frank A. Rowe. tween state and counties in the par- ; Places absolutely guaranteed The right to publish any manuscript ------ o------ ticulars that the state will do the pav- not to smoke or money re­ is reserved by the committee. the ing if he counties will prepare funded. Road Rally at Eugene. Delegates from all counties of Ore­ I grade; it understands, moreover, that Brick work of all kinds done CLOVERDALE. gon are invited to a Western Oregon only $1,000,000 of the bonds may be on short notice. Road Rally to be held in Eugene next sold this year and $2,000,000 next We make a specialty of re­ H. A. Mills, of Woods, was a visitor i ybar. Saturday, March 10th. pairing smoking Fire Places. _ hat is Uncle Sam’s proposition?” I Therefore, suggests the Review to to the city lor a few days. ---- o----- is a question that will be asked of , Douglas County, it would be good ! John Lockwood, of Cloverdale had a very bad accident last Thursday j business judgment to prepare a strong government representatives, and sep­ and broke his arm. arate replies will be made as to Forest | case for consideration by' the High- Fred Nicklaus is moving away. He i way Commission. It would have Roads and Post Roads. to make his home in Tilla- TILLAMOOK ORE Competent engineers will tell the ; Douglas County busy itself on a : expects 11100k. COSt< of different widths and types of through highway or two: paving, and cost of getting grade i "Every live community will be anx- 1 Miss Jennie Glick was operated on H. T. I < tu, 1 :i8., Attorney ready for paving under the varing ious to be first served—remembering this week at the hospitol for appen­ dicitis. conditions existing in different sec­ : the old adage that “the Lord helps at-Law. John Etziniler, the star sportsman | them that helps themselves. ” While tion- John Leland Henderson, Sec­ ^HTie State Highway Commissioners ; Douglas County needs it worse than of Cloverdale, has been landing the anywhere else, it does not follow that big ones this week. retary Treas., Attorney-at- will discuss their policies. | Vfv Leonard, of the Nestucca Val­ ■5 hat the bonding act will insure 1 we arc going to get any considerable ley Real Estate Co., has listed a few Law and Notrary Public. portion of this road fund unless a lot improvement of all the designated more” modern dairy farms this week. of very active work is done and speci- ____ _____ ___ _ ____ hfchways within the five year limit at Tillamook Title and !<>v cost to the counties in preparing fied preparation is made for its appli- | Ovan Gist broke his arm this week grades is asserted, and facts and fig- cation on our roads. A paved road in a very serious runaway, Abstract Co. Go to church Sunday. A complete •yes will be presented to throw light I clear through the county is well change is good for everyone. Law, Abstracts. Real Estate, ■ every financial question involved worth working for. Let’s have it.” S, Wolfe, of Taft, Ore., was a visi- It is the old but golden idea that it an the highway program. Insù rance. . an op _ ­ tor to the little cheese city this week. is wise to be prepared to _ grasp Both Phones. that other j Bill Rally, of Sheridan, has layed portunity. It I is a spirit . ' ' » State Press Favor Bonding Law. counties could well emulate. We 7?* pre- off fishing for .i__ the ------ season -- and j gone I TILLAMOOK—OREGON. ■The following is from the Medford diet that Douglas County, which be- home where he expects to stay till the Mail-Tribune and the press of the cause of its topography and area, season opens. knows so well the difficulties that be-] The new Ford bug, recently built «Mate favor the bonding bill. Hl he road program consists of six Let permanent road construction with-. by the Burk-W ise Auto factory, bills, all important. There is the pro- out some outside aid, will be in line j proved to be a winner. They had her __________ on her maiden trip yesterday. | C. J. Hurd, State Sec. of the Grange was front Eugene.