k Absolutely the Greatest 5 Da Fl ! I Ever Before Known in Tillamook. f 25,495 Yds. th»Best Fabrics I » i Consisting of Silks, Wool Goods, Suitings, Coatings and Wash Goods to go in this sale. I am including all the new 1917 Suitings, Coatings and Wash Fabrics Just Received. DOORS OPEN AND SALE BEGINS AT 9 A.M. FRIDAY, March 9. ■■Mil A SPECIAL FEATURE EACH DAY WILL BE THE SHOWING OF SKIRT AND WAIST LENGTHS. EVERY WOMAN WILL TAKE A SPECIAL INTEREST AND DELIGHT IN THESE DRESS GOODS Absolutely Given Away. These Goods Displayed on Table No. 5. 2 YARDS FOR 1. With every yard you buy we will give a yard free. Wool Dress Goods Given Away for 5 Days, beginning March 9. Waist Lengths You Will Buy these quickly when yo u see them. Priced at 49c. to 98c. New 1917 Sport Wash Fabrics for Suits and Skirts. 29c. to 79c In addition to this Great Piece Goods Sale there will be a general sale thro­ ughout the entire store. I SOMETHING NEW in BARGAIN SALES. The Chance of a Life Time. I want to show you that we are holding a Big Sale, and the terrible sacrifice prices I am making in order to raise money for Mr. Ilaltom. That is the reason for 5 days we will absolutely give Dress Goods Away. These goods are all pure dve and this is the best time to buy goods for Skirts, Suits, Cloaks and Dresses. Save one-half. Buy a Yard and Get a Yard Free, or 1 Yard Free with Every Yard. Beginning at 9 A.M. FRIDAY, and at 10 A.M. SATURDAY, ON BARGAIN BALCONY. FOR ONE HOUR 1 O MMM * ’ ‘ 7 F NLY. REMNANTS i s At Halt Marked Price. J. S. Langhorne, Manager of ■ SILKS AND SILK AND COTTON MIXTURES THAT Sold to $1.25 Per Yard 25c. • < Skirt Lengths They are beautiful and just what you will want. 88c. to $1.98 A’ Wonderful Bargain It lsjust like giving them away. Hundreds of Yards of Wash Fabrics that Sold to 50c. Per Yard 25c. Wool Dress Goods Worth to $1.00 LOT NO. 1 CHOICE 59c. Per Yard. Wool Dress Goods Worth to $1.25 LOT NO. 2 CHOICE 69c- Per Yard. Wool Dress Goods Worth to $1.75 LOT NO. 3 CHOICE 98c. Per Yard. S Big SALE