Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 22, 1917, Image 3

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dream in a million German hearts for I First: Even in your smallest pur-
fifty years to sometime find a home 'chases think of the Fatherjand and
of peace and equal rights for them- . the interests of the Fatherland.
selves and their children on American 1 I Second: When you buy a foreign An Old Servian Legend of a Prophecy
and It» Fulfillment.
The rumor makers were busy last soil. And in Germany today are thou­ article, even for a penny, you dimin­
week and if they could have had their sands of grandmothers whose eyes ish by a penny the fortunes of the
Prilep, iu Servla, is dear to the
way the United States would now be are aching for a sight of their grand­ Fatherland.
hearts of all Servian [H'asanta, for
at war.—Independent.
Third: Your money should bring around it cluster countless stories of
children in the United States. The
present condition is due to the arbi­ profit to Germans and Germans only. one of tbe nation's most popular leg-
Charles K. Spaulding has started an trary will of a few war lords in Berlin
Fourth: Do not profane German endary supermeu—Marko KrallevlU.fi.
organization for a $000,000 paper mill and not to the will of the German soil or German workshops by the use otherwise King's Bon Marko.
So be established at Salem. Strength people. So while the American people of foreign made machinery.
The ruins of tbe castle of King's Bon
to his right arm, if it will reduce the I will heartily support every measure of
Fifth: Do not permit foreign dishes
price of paper.—Telephone Register. I defense and offense dictated by the or foreign fats, butter, and such like Marko overlook the town, and if the
visitor proves to be a sympathetic au­
[government; they will do so hoping to appear upon your table.
Probably it is only a coincidence, all the time that the storm will quick- 1 Sixth: Write on German paper, ditor the ¿uide will no doubt point out
hut simultaneously
with the an­ ly pass and that the old friendly rcla- with a German pen, and dry your to him In the slabs of rock which
nouncement of $7 onions and $3 po- tions with’ the German people will be German ink with a German blotter, | strew the approach to the stronghold
» i latocs there are rumors
that Billy restored.—Seaside Signal.
Seventh: Wear nothing but Ger- the indelible hoof prints of tbe master's
I Sunday is to transfer his activities
I favorite steed, Sbaratz. And if you
man stuff.
I from the munition prosperity of the
Gernian should happen to be in Prilep on the
I Eighth: German
«east to the potato prosperity of Ore­
i fruits, German beer, these, and these anniversary of Marko's festival, or
gon.— Independent.
"slava,” you can prove to your own
Governor Willis, of Ohio, who re­ only, give German strength.
------ o------
Ninth: Drink Coffee raised in Ger­ satisfaction whether there is any truth
The kite Bishop of London was cently retired said: “Ohio is over man colonies. If you prefer chocolate in tbe widely credited peasant legend
■once ordered by his physician to officered and over inspected and the or cocoa, let the cocoa or chocolate that at middight the doors of the castle
•spend the winter in Algiers. The bish- people and business of Ohio are being I be German.
chapel burst open and the hero, fully
«op said it was impossible he had so inspected to death.” And with this
Tenth: The only products worthy armed, rides in on bls piebald charger,
many engagements. “Well, my lord
| of a good German citizen are the pro- although the Marko of tbe flesh bus
’bishop” said the specialist, "it either have become indifferent for they be­ i ducts of Greater Germany.
been dead for 500 years.
means Algiers or heaven.” “In that
This is sound policy and good pro-
In an old Servian ballad called "Mar­
-case” said the bishop. "I’ll go to of emergency. Oregon is as bad as tection policy, war or no war. The
Ohio. Here we have state commis­
ko's Judgment” there Is recited this
Algiers.”—Willamina Times.
sions and boards eating up the money
bv home labor and industry made prophecy: Kral iKlngt Vuknshlne, Mar­
It is refreshing to note that a bevy of the taxpayers, but the legislature ours the richest country on earth; ko's father, whose • hief fortified city
•of dancing girls now doing a bare­
imide wares the highest; the standard was l’rllep, speaks first: "Son Marko,
foot stunt at the vaudeville circuit in to eliminate or discard. Even 'he les­ > of livin'* *he highest, and all business may God slay tbee! Thou sbalt have
Portland do not belong to that class
I the best. It is a policy to which this neither monument nor posterity, and
•of itinerant actors seeking the Sltten- Dakota to their neighbors in securing [country must and will return.
ere thy spirit leaves thy body the
tion of the stage door Johnnys. We
Turkish sultan thou shalt serve.”
are told of the strictest solemnity that
Then speaks the czar. Stephen Dushan:
these girls permit no familiarity from What has been accompuished in that What the Break with Germany Means "Friend Marko, mar God help thee!
the oglers and that their ambition state can be done by the rent payers
A break in diplomatic relations is a Bright be thy face in the senate, sharp
is not to indulge in late suppers and and taxpayers of every state. In the
sensational joy rides with strangers agriculture states the change will procedure preliminary to or coinci­ thy sword in battle. Never shall hero
but rather to elevate Jie stage and come for the farming classes arc be­ dent with war. Russia broke relations surpass thee. And thy name shall be
depict true art. Wc hope it’s true.— ing organized and they are awakened with Japan and Japan began torpe­ remembered so long ns sun and moon
to believe that in the game of love as doing Russian battlcshops. A break endure."
Sheridan Sun.
in politics the words of John Alden to puts the next move in the other na­
And here, according to peasant folk­
...... o-------
the captain of Old Plymouth arc not tion’s hands. German submarines are lore, is how that prophecy was fulfill­
It is all right to economize, merge
without meaning: “Would you do a thought to be in American Atlantic ed : Upon the death of Vukashine, La­
•commissions, reduce salaries etc., but
thing well, do it yourself.” The North waters. Admiral Mayo might find zar Hreblianovitch, Count of Sirmium,
the state should not go daffy on this
them in his fleet in Guantanomo.
was elected czar. Bitterly disappoint­
point. The state is considering the Dakota farmers by thorough organ­
America must dismiss tlu' illusion ed at the failure of bis own candidacy,
spending of $7,000,000 on highways ization captured the seats in the legis­
that a break with Germany can be
Marko threatened the life of Lazar and
and is planned to have this vast sum
future Oregon farmers will decide to made comfortable, safe or effective i was forthwith deprived of his fief. Pen­
paid out for labor and material by a
make their own laws and do the very without sacrifice. Germany must go
xion-salaried commission. Do the peo­
our way or we must go Germany's niless and disheartened, Marko turned
ple expect service and if they do, things they have longly waited for way or we must fight. We must fight, to tbe court of the hated sultau and
others to do for them. The future
what right have they to expect men
j if we do, as savagely as Great Britain eukisted In his army to fight the Mos­
•of ability and experience in road will show that the farmers arc be­ is fighting. It must be made the lems of Asia Minor. (It should be re­
building to give their service for
whole business of the nation until the membered tliat it was no disgriK-e for a
nothing. The
people of the state for action.—News Reporter.
end desired has been accomplished, Servian to fight with the Tu.
should be willing to pay for such ser­
We must prepare, train, reorganize vided the opposing forces wen- other
vice that represents the expenditure
Getting Down to Business.
and make the first consideration of Turks, for a Turk less, in whatever
•of millions, and we believe they are.
the nation to find a peace which will cause slain, was a blessing In the eyee
—Banks Herald.
Everybody feels jubilant today.’ serve American interests.
of the Servians.)
The Oregon legislature is down to
We cannot have a bloodless war.
In time, however, Marko's command
With England mining a goodly part business—good and hard—the live- If we broke off relations with Ger­
■of the North sea, and Germany estab­ wire representatives of the great state many and continue thus to express was brought west to wage war against
lishing a war zone around England of Oregon have at last ‘hit the nail our disapproval of German methods the orthodox prince of the Itoumuns.
and France, it looks as though the on he head” and drove a wedge for 1 and policy it would be our destiny to Loyal to his Mohammedan sovereign,
only choice left the men who go economy that will tickle the old tax- 1 find later that Europe had settled its when he came ui>on the field of battle,
down to sea in ships was that be- nayers into a “fit of despondency.” 1 I difficluties but that wc had not set- Marko's heart failed him when be'saw
tween going to the bottom from hit- Senate Bill No. 292 is responsible.
. ..~J ours. Now we may have allies. the men of hts own faith drawn up
ting a mine or being sent there by a is a “thing of beauty and a joy for- ' Then wc should stand alone.
against him, and, faciBg the dilemma
torpedo from a submarine. An old ever.”
A Germany from association with of choosing between proving traitor to
negro preacher once told his congre­
Listen, here is the full text of the which wc have withdrawn must be a hts chief or lifting his sword against
gation that there were two roads, one bill—right off
the “griddle”—and defeated Germany for our own sub-
___ those of his own faith, he cried out,
■"the broad way that led to eternal “done to an even brown” on both sequent security. If wc expressed dis­
“Oh, God, do thou this day destroy all
damnation and the other the narrow sides:
approval by a few harmless motions those who fight against Christendom
Toad that led to sure perdition. “Ef
“Senate bill No. 202. introduced by we should be as sensible as a man
dat am de case?” said an old negro of committee on consolidation, and read who slapped the face of an infuriated and foremost Marko!” Saying which,
he threw his body on the Christian
bis congregation, "dis chile am going first time February 6, 1917.
man.and then turned his back to him. spears and died without striking a
fru de wods.”—Capital Journal.
“ A bill for an act to amend certain
blow. — National Geographic Society
laws and to rental certain laws.
“Why Arn’t You in the Army?”—A Bulletin.
The immense commotion at Salem
“Be it enacted by the people of the
Common London Question.
«luring the past week has developed State of Oregon.
the interesting and instructive fact
Beginning of the Drama.
“Sec. I. That the offices of gover­
London, Eng.—"Why arn't you in I The theater in tbe only sense that Is
that the ordinary legislature is for nor. secretar»of state, state treasurer,
good roads, doubtless because the supreme court, state senate and the the army?' ’
worth considering was born in Athens.
Next to calling a man a German,
public as a whole has been educated sergeant-at-arms of the house of rep­
Both tragedy and comedy spring from
away from the old and 1 expensive resentatives be and the same arc here­ that is the favorite insult, amounting feasts in honor of Bacchus, and as the
practice of regrading any kind of by abolished and the duties and power to "fighting words,” now in use in jests and frolics were found to be out
road as a good enough road. It is not. heretofore performed and exercised London. The civilian hasn’t much
of place when Introduced into graver
The best is none too good for any b«' said officers are hereby transferr­ chance of a comeback except with his
fists, so if he retorts at all is usually scenes a separate province—the true
county or any community in Oregon. ed to the nnblic utility commission.
drama—was formed and comedy arose.
A primary investment which guaran­
‘Sec. 2. That the pubile utilitv com­ with his right.
The waiter with little gold or silver The father of the Greek comedy was
a term of years, mission be and the same is hereby
tees a highway tor
stripes on his sleeves, meaning he has Aristophanes, who had lots of fun
and not merely for a single year, is abolished.
■now known to be sound economy. It
"Sec. 3. Inasmuch as this dcstruc- been shot or gassed, throws a sneer­ lampooning tbe public men of Athens.
is a mistake—it is worse, it is sheer tivc measure is necessary fnr
the ing glance at the civilian diner. The The creator of Greek tragedy was
waste—to build
a dirt road or a peace, happiness and tranquility of soup is cold jnd the diner says so.
Aeachjrlus, bom B. C. 525. In sublimi­
“The soup isn’t cold in the army,” ty Aeschylus has never been surpass- I
macadam road, for heavy and con­ the people an emergency is hereby
tinuous traffic, for it will speedily go declared to exist and this act shall be­ is the waiter’s come-back. "Why ed. He is to the drama what Phidias [
aren’t you there?’
to pieces. The cost of repairs and come effective immediately.”
Americans generally escape because and Michelangelo are to art
maintenance far exceeds the interest
There is nothing further to be done
charge and the upkeep on a first-class at Salem if this “billv-goat” goes their “accent” excludes them from
8oldiera and Sock».
through—and it is almost a “cinch” English army consideration. But once
The German soldier does not wear
----- o
that the bill will meet with the ap­ in a while some one makes a mistake
Whatever comes, we must never proval of every senator and represen­ as a bus conductor did with a New socks, but fusa-lappen. These are strips
I of cloth soaked In tallow ami wound
forget that there are no better citizens tative—including the ianitor—when it York chaffcur.
“Why arn’t you in the army?” de­ about the feet They are supposed to
than our German fellow citizens—no comes up for final disposition. The
________ ___
to ______
socks, ,_ in _____
that ____
tetter Americans that the children of Douglas county delegation will be manded the conductor after a trivial be _ preferable
1 he New Y orkcr s reply ■ wear more evenly, are more easily
our German fellow citizens grow up "instructed” how to vote on this im- argument.
’n c made
m•> r> ♦ to
n order.
* _•
cleaned and, when properly worn, are
to be. The present apparent attitude portant measure bv local citizens
"Sa-ay, listen, Cockney,” he said not ao likely to wrinkle and cause blis­
of Germany is but the attitude of the who are always alert to all matters
Prussian oligarchy that since the vitally effecting their pocketbook.— contenmtuously, "my army has licked ters.
yours twice and if they have to do it
Franco-Prussian war has grown to Umpqua Valley News.
Military authorities disagree, howev­
again, I’ll be with them.”
assume that Germany is the foremost
er, as to the relative value of socks and
of nations, and that any means neces­
Ten C°mmandments.
tallow soaked strips. Either covering,
sary to impress that belief upon the
though, is considered preferable to the
world is justifiable. The German peo­
A French newspaper reproduces the
custom of wearing no socks, which has
ple would be glad to be at peace with following “ten commandments,” said Is Only One of Nature's Warnings
prevailed in the French, Spanish and
Weak or Disordered Kidneys.
all the world, and especially with the to be contained in a circular issued in
Italian armies.—Outlook.
------ 0------
United States, for it has been the Germany' just prior to the war:
Have you lame back, aching day and
Ths Absentminded Motorist.
night? Do you feel sharp pains after
“There's an automobllist In distress.
stooping? Are the kidneys so~e? Is
their action irregular? Use Doan’s Suppose we stop and ask iiltu if there
Kidney Pills—the medicine that is Is anything we can do?"
recommended by so many people in
“Are you referring to the man who
this locality. Read this Hillsboro res­ Is sitting still, with a faraway look in
A Sister’s Forbearance
ident's experience.
bls eyes?”
A. R. England, 728 W. Oak ■ “Yes.”
in closets don’t stay there gives film a happy ending. St., Mrs.
“Hillsboro, Ore., says: “Two years
ago I had such a bad attack of luni- • "I know that fellow. He's probably
be.go that I wasn't able to g.t up or wondering where he's going to get the
down stairs. When 1 sat down on a money to pay the next installment on
featuring Theda Bara,
chair, I could hardly straighten up. his cai.”—Birmingham Age-IIerald.
Sharp pains, like a knife sticking me
the Great Metro Wonder­
in my back, nearly killed me at times.
Quit* Potiibla.
play, 5 acts of Supreme
I could hardly drag myself around, as
"Here’s an accouut ot a man’s death
I felt so completely played out. I had which said he was in perfect health a
Drama, with the Great
taken only a few doses of Doan’s few minutes before he expired. Now,
Kidney Pills when my back com­ that's ridiculous."
menced to feel stronger. 1 had used
“Not at all. He might have smoked
only one box when I was able to get
about as well as ever. Since then I too near i] gasoline tank."—Baltimore
have never had any trouble with my American.
back or kidneys."
Valued Testimony.
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't
February 23-25.
The Mistress—Does this hat make
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—tbe same that me appear younger. Mary? The Mall I
Metro-Drew Comedy,
Mrs. England had. Foster-Milburn —Yes, mum. When we went to market
A story portraying the I Co..
Props., Buffa'i N. Y.
together yesterday they took you for
wiles of a fascinating
my daughter.—Puck
Something Go°d.
------ o------
Its Endurance.
Adults 15c. Children 5c.
Those who hate nasty medicine
"Does your wife always insist on
March 1st.
I should try Chamberlain's Tablets for having tbe last word?"
Miss Howley will be re­ Adults 15c.
Children jc.
constipation. They a»c pleasant to
“Yes. and It last* all right too.”—>
membered as one of the
Note—This is the last one of
take and their effect is so agreeable Baltimore American.
and so natural that you will not real­
characters in “The Pur­ able to offer for some time.
ize that it ha* gecn produced by a I
ple Lady.”
medicine. For sale by. Lamars Drug I One grain does not All the granary.
I Store.
Mtt It belpa Its companions.—Portu­
guese Saying
What the Editors Say.
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
With every Pound Canjof Royal
Club Coffee, one can of Pepper
Mustard or Ginger FREE.
See our window display.
Gem Theatre Feature Programs.
“Life’s Shadows,”
“The Vixen,”
Less Carbon
— because Zerolene is
made from Asphalt-base
crude. It burns up clean,
and goes out with the
Zie Slarda rd Oil /or Motor Cars
Sold by dealer« everywhere and
at all Service Station« of the
Standard Oil Company
“His Birthday Gift
National Building