Regal Polish MOPS, 25c- Each, on Bargain Balcony. All Trimmed HATS- and Untrimmed Shapes, $1.00 each. WANTED ! 20 Experienced Sales People for this Big Sale. Come to the Rear Door on Friday and ask for MR. LANGHORNE. LADIES’ SHOES, sizes 21 to 4', that sold to $5.00, $1.00 per pair. In tlie State' of Oregon to b MEN’S HATS, that sold to $3.00, choice, $1.00 each. $2.50 Cotton BLANKETS, $1.65 per pair. HERE WHEN Children s Fabric GLOVES, worth to 40c. 5c. per pair. Ladies’ Fabric GLOVES, worth to $1.50, 10c. per pair. Girls’ DRESSES, worth to $3.50, choice, $1.00 each. Men’s 50c. SUSPENDERS, I I Haltom ’s Big Sale to be Managed by Mr. J. S. Langhorne, of Portland. Mr. Haltom has known Mr. Langhorne for years and has engaged him to manage this big sale. He is now here preparing the stock for this big bargain event, and promis­ es to give the people a square deal in every instance. STORE TO BE CLOSED FRIDAY. Mr. Langhorne announces that the store will be closed all day Friday, Feb. 23, in order to give him and his force of salespeople time to get ready for the opening Saturday. One lot Men's Suits at ................................................. $12.75 One Lot Men's Suits at................................................. $14.75 I he famous Hart, Schaffner N Marx Suits, worth S-’>, $27.50 and $30.00, have been divided into 3 lots and you may have your choice at $19.85 $21.85 and $23.85 Men's Overcoats that sold from $15.00 to $20.00 your choice at............................................................ $9.75 Men's $1.00 Dress Shirts only................................... 79C. Mcn > Si.;o Monarch Dress Shirts with French nlv DRESS SHIRTS, 79c. each. and many of you ’will wonder why when it is a well known tact that prices on all lines of merchandise are steadily advancing. Mr. Haltom has been ia business here many years, and has always given the people high quality merchandise. In order to sell you goods at the lowest possible price he must secure a great deal of this merchandise from Eastern Manufacturers and whole­ salers and pay tor it promptly. For that reason rather than borrow money he has decided to turn thousands of dollars worth of merchandise into cash, and at the same time give the people the benefit at a time when they most need it. MEN, Now is the Time to Outfit BARGAIN BALCONY. Yourselves. 35c. per pair. Men's $1.00 THIS BIG SALE MUST TAKE PLACE $1.15 $2.15 . 18c. . 8c. 27c. . 27c. . 98c. $1.10 $3.95 . 63c. . 69c. . 35c. $3.95 . 32c. \\ e have established a special Bargain Department on the Balcony. Hundreds of people will visit the Balcony daily, as great quantities of merchandise will be placed there from all <»ver the store at great bargain prices dur­ ing this mammouth sale. Don't fail to see the goods on the Balcony. 5c., 10c., 25c. 50c. Bargain Tables on the Balcony. All hinds of Remnants on the Balcony. Laces and Ribbons on the Balcony, per yard < )ne I .ot of waist s on the Balcony at............................ 2oC. I owels on the Balcony at b for........... ........................ 50c. Misses' I’nion Suits sizes 2 to 16, worth to Sl.68 at 50c. sscs’ I lion Suits, si ees 4 to 18. on Balcony....... 25c. The Opening of the Bargain Balcony Saturoay will be the Scene of the GreatestBargainBrilliancy ever Seen. VISIT THE BARGAIN BALCONY. New 1 We have just recti newest Wash Goods! 25e.: 29c J The newest and bl and Skirts at..........| WoQ To go in this sale at] 49<„ 59c. ( )ne Lot of Towelinfl One Lot of Towelina J. S. Lang: