TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 16 1917 i ASKET ALL CAME At Old Opera House, Saturday Night, February 1 7 Newberg High School I VS. Tillamook High. COURT ALLOWS BILLS Road District No. 1. W. Hulse .............................. Arstill ..................................... Hiner and Son............................. Df i>. Boyakin.............................. Tobi and Anderson ............... H. L. 1’rovoost ........................ Brighton Mills Co..................... A. D. Moodie ............................ Elena Lommen ........................ W. F. Cain ................................ Johnson and lllingsworth .. F. P. Hobson ............................ L. L. Smith .............................. Geo. W. f'helyps...................... Erwin Harrison ........................ Frank Crane .............................. Tom Berry ................................ Mai vis Johnson ........................ .John Paquet .............................. i C. W. Ross ................................ M. B. Shafer.............................. I E. H. Best .................................. Roland Crane ............................ ! Voctor Crane ............................ Sam Barber ................................ C. V. Stoker ................................ j A. S. Tilden ................................ George Knight ........................... J. R. Hicks .................................. Charley Easom .......................... Elmer Easom ............................ i Warren Easom .......................... Chas. Easom Jr........................... Albert Easom .............................. , Roscoe Barber ............................ Fred Kebbe Sr............................. E. A. Worthington ................. Sain Tomlinson ........................ ¡John Wall .................................... S. W. Zaddach .......................... Fred Zaddach ............................ James Murdock .......................... C. E. Allen .................................. R. Myers ....................................... P. E. Allen ................................... Felix Kebbe ................................ Oscar Bergma*............................ c. A. J. E. Cochran H. C. Sanders Chas Blum . Ered Broidy J. E. Coch ran E red Broidy Lloyd Kellow . Fritz Drvhert Ralph Welsh . Win. Stephens R. C. Magarrell Hiram Smith A. Y'etsch •. M. )•. Chance . Art. Haag ........... G. Ft owlcr .......... Wm. Long ........ R. B. McClay . C B. Measor ... Keeps the Motor Cool 10.00 36.25 ¡/•i; 10.00 $1,518.5 Total ................................ Sour Grass Road. 23.00 R. H. Baldock ...................... General Road Fund. 3.60 King X Smith ............................ 11.15 A. McNair & Co........................ 22.50 R. E. Wilson Co......................... 29.50 Frank Taylor ............................ 41.00 I. M. Baker .............................. 8.00 J. M. Selby ................................. Zerolene is made from Asphalt- bae crude. By its perteét lubri­ cation, Zerolene keeps the motor cool and enables it to work a: full efficiency. iheSfaxdard Oil dir Motor Cars Sold by dealers everywhere and a: all Service Stations ot the Standard Oil Company (California) DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon Total ....................................... $114-75 General Fund. S. W. Elliott .............................. T. E. Epplett .............................. Game Called at 8:00. Tillamook W ater Co................. G. B. Lamb ................................... General Admission 25c. Tillamook Headlight ............... Tillamook Herald ..................... Tillamook Feed Co................... T. E. Epplett ............................ PROOF FROM FOREST GROVE P. W. Barrett ............................ WHERE HEROES DIE. Tillamook Garage ...................... ------- o------ Speak out R. L. Shreve et al ...................... The Fate That Firemen °n a Warship Forest Grove Citizens Publicly. Irwin Hodson ............................ Are Liable to Meet. A. A. Pennington ...................... In Forest Grove we find that peo­ . Q------ ple are praising Doan’s Kidney ¡’ills Claim State Board of Health. The soldiers that fight with least highly. Being so near by, the state­ Electric Suuply Co..................... recognition in the battles at sea are ment of a Forest Grove resident is of Frank Heyd Co............................ the stokers of the destroyers running particular interest. Tillamook People I. S. Stephens .............................. at full speed. Eight men work under will do well to profit by Mr. Haynie’s Dr. W. C. Hawk ........................ the command of a stoker petty officer Total .......................................! $1,128.59 G. A. Jones Realty Cash store experience. in a space so narrow that movement Road District No. a. John F. Haynie, county road com­ Rav and Co.................................... of any kind seems impossible. There missioner, Forest Grove, Ore., says: John Blum .................................... C. O. & C. M. Dawson ........... is a furnace in front and one in the O. G. Swenson .......................... “Several years ago, I was given up to Job n Graff .................................. back. Sandwiched in between is a Elmer L. Webb............. ......... die with complication of kidney and Wm. Dorr .......................... maze of levers, pipes, pumps and gear. Geo. McDonald ................... . . E. W. Stanley.............................. Yet within these close quarters the bladder troubles. Words couldn’t be­ B. L. Beals '................................ C. S. Wells ................... stokers find space to perform their gin to explain what 1 went through Ike Wells ...................... Mrs. Marie Kamm .................... heartbreaking toil in an atmosphere for nearly a year. After taking about L. D. Krake................... D. S. Bayakin ............................ almost too hot to breathe, says the twenty boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills Frank Powers ............. Clerk's office ............................ Popular Science Monthly. When the in succession, 1 was restored to my N. J. Dye ..................... R. H. Cady ................................... men are at their posts the iron hatch former, good health and today I can Q. Pangborn ............... Tillamook Feed Co..................... is closed down, and the air sucked in hold my own with any man. I give W’111. Hare ................... Glass X Prudhomme ............... through a ventilator has to pass Doan’s Kidney Pills full credit for my I. H. Johnson ............. Ramsey "Good Eats” ............. through the furnace before it gets to present good condition. This r H. V. Berg ................... I. F. Jones ..................................... cine has no equal and 1 always them. J. A. Gover ................... E. W. Stanley............................... So long as the pumps work well and commend it to others I hear A. I. Nails ................... O. G. Swenson ............................. the evaporated water is displaced plaining of kidney trouble." I.. S. Hnshbeck .......................... Price 50c. . at all dealers. Don’t sini- A. E. Halden ............... fresh with automatic regularity by W. L. Campbel) ........................ air neither the tuhes nor the boiler ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Geo Edwards ............... T. C. Percy ................................... casting can get dangerously hot. But Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that A. E. Holden ............... Assessor’s office ........................ sometimes without apparent cause the Mr. Haynie had. Foster-Milburn Co., W. Johnson..................... Estate of Frank Long Jones Knudson Furniture Co. . water slowly decends below the level. Props, Buffalo, N. Y. W. H. Owens ............... Mrs. F. P. Hobson .................... Sometimes the cause of mischief is a A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. . For a Bilious Attack. Berns Bros...................................... leakage—a pipe broken or a joint Tillamook Iron Works J. J. McCormick ........................ strained that allows the water to When you have a severe headache, Hiner and Soil............... Lyseptic is completely soluable in witter. A terfspoon Ore. Agricultural College .... escape. Geo. W. Phelps ........................... If it can be remedied, well and accompanied by a coated tongue, Frank Dye ..................... full to 1 quart of water is the average strength to he used F. L. Owens ................................. good. But if not the water continues loathing of food, constipation, torpid John Zuercher ............. 88.05 for Antiseptic, Germicide Deodorants, Wounds, Cuts, Nail Peter Erickson ............. ■ liver, vomiting of partly digested food O. to drop steadily the stoker petty <>f- G. Swenson ........................... Punctures, Mange. Hoof Rot, Mud Fever, Lice, Fleas, I’. W. Barrett ............................... liter has but one duty to perform— ' and then bile, you may know you I H. Moore ........ Geo. Wilt ....................... have a severe bilious att^k. While Dandruff, Shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves very E. w. Stanley ............................. to keep the hatchway from being opened by the frenzied stokers, thus yon may be quite sick there is con­ Ike Quick ....................... effective for washing the animals and stables utensils, Pac. Tel. Tel. Co. . . . allowing the flames to escape and de­ solation in knowing that relief may C. W. Thurman ............. Dr. R. T. Boals .. . and if used in general improves stable conditions, Infec­ stroy the entire vessel The heroes lie had by taking three of Chamber­ R. F. Zachman ............. R. H. Cadv ...................... tion among cattle, Abortion, Foul Discharge, and exter­ lain ’ s Tablets. They are prompt and T. Haugen ....................... who perish in the stokeholds like so Bushong & Co.............................. nally to prevent the spread of diseases many ruts caught in a firey trap are effectual. For sale by Lamars Drug Asa Haugen . . ............ G. R. Lamb.................................... store. E. Good speed ............... not even listed. Bushong & Co................................ J. Proctor ........................ Remington Typewriter Co. . TILLAMOOK ASTONISHED BY Alvin Bdum ............... I. K. Gill Co.’............................... Notice to Creditors. MERCHANT’S STORY. G. Vaughn ..................... Sam Bauer .................. -------o------- Ed. Davis ........ A. M. Hare .................... A merchant relates the following: R. Johnson ..................... Notice is hereby given, that I have H. A. Kura th ............................. “ Eor years 1 could nwi sleep without Joe Blaser ........................ been appointed administrator with H. Mason & Co............................ turning every hour. Whatever I ate F. Blaser..................... the will annexed of the estate of Bushong & Co.............................. caused gas and sourness. Also had C. Dye ................. l.eone Dutton Morri w, deceased, by M. E. Gruber ............................... the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ stomach catarrali. ONE SI’OON- R. " Martin Elmer L. Webb ...................... .. FUL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ty, Oregon. All perspns having Bushong A Co............................... 25.68 as mixed in Adler i-ka relieved me claim* against said estate are requir­ total .......................... $433 38 Irwin Hodson Co.......................... Adler-i-ka 23.00 ed to present them to me duly veri­ INSTANTLY." Because Road District No. 3. Robt. R. Stillwell ........................ ENTIRE elimentary Edward F. Carter ... 3.00 fied within six months from the date flushes the Crystal Laundry ........................ 2.00 of this notice at my office in Tilla­ tract it relieves ANY ( ASE constipa­ J. C. Holden ............. Tillamook Drug Co.................... tion, sour stomach or gas and pre­ 1 ill. Sheet Metal Works . . 3.60 mook City, Oregon. E. W. Stanley ............................... vents appendicitis. It has QUICK-1 I G. W. Shaver .......................... 4-05 Dated this February 1st, 1917. Mutual Telephone Co............... 6.60 H. T. Botts, Administrator. ES I action of anything wc ever sold. G. M. Kostic ............................ (dass X l ’ rudhomnic Co I. S. Lamar, druggist. 214.87 I Cloverdale Merc. Co............... P. W. Todd ......... tfi.oo F. S. Foster ............................ \\ L. Campbell . . 0.50 R L. Shreve .......................... ( onorners Tory .. 2.5-50 J. E. Cochran .......................... lohn Schild ........... 3750 H. C. Sanders ........................ G. H. Foland . .. 75.00 Ray Hnshback ........................ lohn Nacgcli .... 137 50 Archie Gist ............................... S G. Reed............. 108.00 Because it’s a re­ Frank \ on Euw ...................... Myrtle O. Mills Gay Matoon ............................ fined gasoline—not Joe Jcnck ................................... a mixture. Summons. Ed Pierson ............................... ------- o-- STANDARD OIL John Imlah ............................... I11 the Circuit Court of the Slate of COMPANY John Lawrance ...................... Oregon for Tillamook County. (California) Toney Jcnck ............... ............. H. A. Brandt, Plaintiff. W. W. Taylor ........................ vs. Jim Beggs ................................. Nancy E. Brandt, alias Nancy • ilett Cochran .......................... j E. Wilson, Alias Nancy F R. C. Lawrence ...................... Loveing, alias Nancy E. Holm i C. Smith .................................... alias, Nancy E. Winter. J oe Dttrha m ............................. Why not get a good Defendant. Chas Murphy ........................... Catarrh Deafness Cannot AND E ERWIN, ■Nancy E. Brandt, alias Nancy E. Geo. Ramsey .......................... oil stove *o that dur. Be Cured There's no overheating \\>lson. alias Nancy E. Loveing, Forrest Ayer .......................... ing the hot weather PIANO INSTRUCTION. the kitchen withanup-to- alias Nancy E. Holm, alias Nancy E l>.v local applications as they cannot Clyde Lane ............................. reach the diseased portion of the your wife or mother date oil cook stove. It’s W inter: I lie above named defendant: ear. U. S. Edwards ........................ Diploma from Chicago Musical There ie only one way to cure or sister or daughter, I" the num* of the State of Oregon catarrhal deafness, and that is by a just like cooking with city Ered Lewallen ........................ College.—Beginners receive the same J. Davis .......................... you arc hereby required to appear 1 ii’nstitiitional remedy. can prepare the gas. The burners con­ Catarrhal and answer the complaint ’ filed I Deafness is caused by an inflamed careful training as the most advanced. I D. I’iersoti meals in a cool,com- centrate the heat at the Y irnic Kellow ........................ against you tn the above entitled suit ¡condition of the muccous lining of for table kitchen? Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ difierent cooking point*. A. Lane ................... on or betöre the 24t4i day of March. tlie Eustachian Tube. When this tion. C. Lewallen .... '9 ’ 7, -aid date being alter the expira ­ tube is inflamed you have a rumbl- ......... 20.00 Claud l ane tion ot six weeks from the first pub- I ing sound or imperfect hearing, and All lessons given at Studio. Y ictor Lane ......... ÎO.OO lication ot this summons, and if you I when it is entirely closed, Deafness Fred Dunham............... County Representative for the 1 is the result. Unless the inflamma ­ 'ml. to appear and answer said com- ........ 10.68 Harold Brant Co.s' line of high want thereof, the plaintiff tion can be reduced and this tube Wiley B. Allen ......... '8.44 ’’ :nnt' , Nels Haglund ............... grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolo« ......... 28.00 "'ll apply to the court for the relief restored to its normal condition M. C. Kellow ................... hearing will be destroyed forever’. etc. ............ 40.00 prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: Many cases of deafness are caused YYard Sappington No wood or coal or .... 40.00 I-or .1 decree annulling the marriage by catarrh, which is an inflamed Jim Tnilah ''onUact exi-ting between vou and the ashes to lug. No condition of the mucous surfaces 1 oni M eKnisjht .... 16.25 Plmntitt herein, and for dissolution of Hall s Catarrh Medicine acts thru waiting for fires to Ralph Welsh ................. »... 25.00 tin- bonds ot m.itrimonv existing be­ the blood of the mucous surfaces catch up. The long 1 manuel S.lures tween yon and the plaintiff herein of the system. Emanuel Borba Bill blue chimneys do the decree to take effect from the • • • We will give One Hundred Dollars lohn Borba Ruttiti away- with all date of your marriage with the plain­ for any case of Catarrhal Deafness in the best wet R Y Blalock Un smoke and smelL 6 86 tiff, from to-wit tlw ¿1st dav of De- that cannot be cured bv Hall s woatKer togs ' Kay Xiv! ...................... cumber 1914. In 1. 4, 3. and .-burner* P.arl ... 2.5O Medicine. Circulars free. 1 Gus Choppard ............... •t«»». with or without ever invented 8.75 T.Ihis »nntmons is published in the All Druggists. 75c. 1 H ten burner oven*. Alio cabinet J- CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. .... 5.OO lill.tmook Headlight,a paper publish­ t lohn \\ tUofi ...................... model* with Eireles* the .... 5OO ed weekly in said eonntv and state i lainta Imlah cooking oven. bv order of the Hon. Geo. T. Baglev Severe Cold Quickly Cur'd. 1 H 1. Tohl I Judge of the Circuit Court of the STANDARDOIL H P < >’neal .................... .... I.25 Jst.ite ot Oregon, for the County of COMPANY “On December first I had a very * H 1 ivingood I illamook, w hich order was made (California) . D. I’car F. Johnson .................... • 47 ary, 1917. T he ,fate of the first pub­ j Henry Gould .. ■ .. 1186 lication of this summons is Fehniarv l".he'1;’ wri,r< O J. Metcalf, Weath­ Lewis Mvers PROTECTOR HAT 75* erby, Mo "I bought two bottles of ........... 14.36 8'h. 1017. and the date of the last j Ylvev Ball .... 6.25 publication thereof is the 22nd dav of k hanibcrlain's Cough Remedy and it Dealers everywhere Grant Irish ......... . 1.86 March. 1917. and the number of tn- was only a lew days until I was com­ C. H Kandlc ........... O\ir 80 - year. pletely restored to health. I firmly 35.00 sertion* is seven (7), .. . and the time believe that Chamberlain’s Cough Grant Irish ................... A J.TOWtnco. BOSTON .... 5.00 prescribed tor the publication is six R Remedy is one of the very best med­ 3.75 weeks. I. E. Cochran.................. ’ . ......... icines and will know what to do when .... 6.00 John T.eland Henderson, John Lowrance ................. J have another cold." For sale bv . . .. 5.OO Attorney for Plaintiff. Lamars Drug Store. flüEX. MefifllR & CO GENERAL! HARDOUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere CLOUGH’S LYSEPTIC, The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide. CHAS. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, Tillamook Ore All kinds of power Put jnaurseir V in HER place Mr Man NEW PERFECTION OIL COOX-5TOVE B rave the wind AND STORM FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER KING & SMITH CO ALEX McNAIR CO I