TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 13. 1917. THE TILLAMOOK DAIRYMEN PRODUCED 42,970,783 LBS. MILK IN 1916. FRANK HEYD& CO General Contractors and Builders. Manufactured 4,815,128 Pounds of Cheese Valued Estimates & Plans Furnished at $807,095—Increase of $180,592 SEE OUR * The dairy herds of Tillamook County produced 42.970,783 pounds of milk in 1916, being an increase of 2.219,542 pounds above that of the previous r, and lhe output of cheese was 4,815,128 pounds which is an increase of 609 pounds. Although the increase of the output of the cheese is small, a it increase in the price is recorded, making this the banner year for the large receipts. The cheese for last year sold for $807,095, which is an increase of $180,592 and is bringing the output to near the million dollar mark, '¡'here are 23 cheese factories in the county, 19 of which Carl Haberlach acted as secretary-salesman, of that number 18 were under the supervision of the in­ spector F. W. Christensen, who inspected those factories and graded the cheese. One pleasing result is the gradual decrease in the production of Call at our plant and get prices, save you money. ONE BLOCK WEST OF P.O Both Phones Continue«! front next page.) Locating the Silo. As silage is a heavy feed, the first consideration in locating a silo should t>e convenience for feeding, 't his as a rule requires it to be placed at one end of the barn, especially if the rows of cows face each other and there is <1 feeding alley between Placing the silo in the barn is not advisable, for it is not always convenient to fill, and space is occupied tliot may otherwise lie used to advantage. Silos should be so constructed and cared for a*, not to need the protection of the barn. Roof of Silo. ’1 he most condemnatory practice on the part of the builder of the home­ made silo is the construction of a roof that makes the silo the most de­ plorable appearing building on the farm, and does not reinforce the building as does a properly construct­ ed roof. Quite frequently no roof at all is added, which is false economy. The conical roof is economical and easily constructed by the use of a peak cut froi* a post or piece of log. It presents a better appearance than any other type of roof. Value of Silo on Dairy and Livestock Farms. -------o- ■ ■ Practical dairymen who are silo users say that the silo on the farm means a saving from 8 to to rents a poll nil in the cost of producing butter­ fat, beef feeders say it saves from $1 to $1.50 per hundred pounds in pro­ ducing beef, and feeding experiments at experiment stations bear out these statements. Ou this basis ensilage at the present price of feed is worth about $5.00 per ton. The inadvisability of doing without a silo seems to be more important than the question of whether or not to build a silo. Estimates based in in­ quiries at this office indicate that there w ill be 50 or more silos built in this county the coming season, Wc shall be very glad to give aid to any wishing to build a silo. All Scaffolding Inside Building Concrete Silo. — —o------- Scaffolding for .1 silo not to cx- ceed 12 feet in diameter should con- .ist of center post of 4x4 inch ma- terial, with 2x6 quarter posts, ict four or five inches from the inside of the silo form The pasts are most cons enientlv handled in lengths of to to 12 fert, or they may be long enough so that hut two lengths will lie required; for instance, ;w •» set* of post* -acb 16 feel in length, when a silo 30 feet in height is being built At .1 height ot six to eight feet above the top of the silo forms, cross arms of 2x4 should be placed for raising the forms. The length of these cross arms should be one loot more than the outside diameter of the silo Methods of Building the Hollow Tile Silo Tile for silos is durable, ornamental efficient m exerv escrv respect. The re hollow, providing a dead air t and arc glazed so that they are I -Z'A I By liana Si 10 FAIRVIEW DAIRY TION. ASSOCIA­ W mook. Factory received 2c. per tb. for making cheese, or 02,841.54. In addi­ tion we charged for hauling the cheese to Tillamook at rate of 20c. the case, making $333.00. The itemized expense account shows expenses of $3,137 28. Financial statement follows: Re­ sources: Building and ground $2,000; Cash in bank, $307.54; Supplies on hand, $385.00; November making, estimated, $142.66; December mak­ ing, estimated $65.32. Advance to sunds. $32.37; Total, $2,932.89. Liabilities, Capital stock outstand­ ing. $1,100.00; Balance, net worth, $1,832.89; Total, $2,932.89. The factory received during the year a total of 4.552,298 tbs. of milk. Receipts per month were as follows: January, 68,231 lbs.; February, 102,- 932 tbs.; March, 251,904 tbs.; April, vat one, 93,895 lbs.; and other vats, 372,634tbs.; May, vat one, 120,282 tbs. second grade cheese. other vats, 477,786 tbs.; June, vat one, lhe Tillamook Creamery which was third highest in the amount of milk 125,010 tbs.; other vats, 490,241 tbs.; received in 1915, 1, jumped of milk, 573,667 juiiipcu to iv first ...... place 1-.--- with ....... 5,120,494 ,—... pounds . _ one _ 122,898 tbs., other vats, I July vat pounds of cheese ._ ’ receipts ‘ ■ x<....i„ «.»i Creamery is ,e l and amounting to $95.937. Maple I Leaf is - „ Au , vat onc IIO,lqo, lbs., other vats, 459,445 tbs.; . Septch- Dairy Association third Highest. -- - c..^,..i._ second and Fairview that is to take place in the future is the bill allow- ber, vat one, 91,373 lbs., other vats, One important feature .¡vj a dairy herd inspector. All cows will have 383,317 tbs.; October, 414,061 tbs.; ing Tillamook County to employ a November, 227,881 tbs.; and Decem­ BEAVER CREAMERY ASSOCIA­ 10 ne iiispcvicu ...... .... ..... - -till to be inspected and no milk w:!! be b: taken at the cheese factories from cows TION. that have not been given a bill of good health. In this way it is proposed to ber, 1 29,228 tbs. Milk contained 183.898 tbs. butter The factory received 911,414 tbs. of eliminate any cattle suffering from tuberculosis and other diseases, and to fat, an average of 4.04 per cent fat. milk during 1916. Monthly receipts enhance the value of the cheese by taking this wise precaution of placing a Estimating some cheese brings the were, February, 14,562 tbs.; March, pure, clean, wholesome cheese on the market. total to 514,986 tbs.; average over 48.471 tbs.; April, 96,639 tbs.; May, Factories in the Tillamook Creamery Association, of which Carl 11.3 tbs. cheese per 100 tbs. milk. 144,388 tbs.; June, 143,693 tbs.; July, Estimating 107,923 tbs.; Haberlach acts as secretary-salesman: Estimating some some cheese cheese on hand 126.638 tbs.; August, an Amount. brings the total value to$87,422.00 September, 84,225 lbs.; October, 7. »_ tbs. Cheese I lbs. milk Name of Factory 294 tbs.; November, 40,681 tbs., and 91,705.00 average price of 17c. Tillamook, Maple Leaf Creamery ............... 4,686,210 .. ... 543.3'4 ••• 7525 boxes cheese manufactured. 87,422.00 December, 25,900 tbs. .. 514,986 . . . Fairview Dairy Association ... 4,552,298 to Making charge at i4ic. amounts This milk contained 40,026 tbs. but­ ... $95,937 00 •. 573.667 Tillamook Creamery ................. 5,120,494 54,17700 $9018.74. ter fat, an average of 4.39 per cent. .. 324,745 -’.924.591 -- South Prairie Creamery .......... Expense account totals $8,213.59. 105,045 tbs. cheese produced, mak­ 45,479.00 impervious to air, moisture anil acid. . . 269,280 . • 2,403,416 .. Estimating some cheese brings pay­ ing 1,481 boxes. 42,688.00 The walls are built on a concrete Mohler Creamery ........................ .. 255,803 Three Rivers Creamery, ........... 2,352,995 40.103.00 ments to patrons, $1.72 plus too tbs. Average yield was 11,53 lbs. cheese foundation as described for the con­ . 238,597 Clover Leaf Creamery ............... 2,141,565 crete silo, by setting the blocks on per 100 tbs. milk. ... 39.31100 milk. .. 235,274 2,091,396 Long Prairie Creamery ............. Financial statement follows: Re­ edge in cement plaster,, and arc rein­ Estimating December cheese at ... 33,789 00 . 200,064 1,817.771 forced by the use of steel reinforcing Cloverdale Cheese Co., ............. ... 32,13700 sources: Small amounts due factory, I price prevailing today, brings the titaf . '89,799 1,696,652 . rods which arc laid in every course in Central Creamery Co.................... 27,71400 $109.77; Cash on hand, $1,876.05; to $17,688.74. Average price, 16.82c. .. 167,299 ... ... 1,487.395 Elwood Creamery Co.................. 24,44700 Building and ground, $3,273.05; No­ Tillamook. the lower one-third of the silo, in . . 147,6.52 . . 1,318,882 Oretown Cheese Company’ . . . $2,413.03 for Factory received 23.788.00 vember making estimated, $531.48; each alternate course in the suceed- 142,077 . . . 1,296,631 ...„ one — third ...... ... ....... ing and in every thin! Cold Springs Factory................. 17,688.00 December making, estimated, $299.78; making cheese. 105,045 . . 91L4U course in the upper one third of the Beaver Dairy Association ........ Financial statement follows: Re­ 16,742.00 Supplies on band and 1917 expease, 100,894 ... 898,139 Neskowin Dairy Association .. silo. 15.71300 $2,136.78 due patrons for Nov. $373.74 seurces Accounts due factory, $1,039.- .. 93,403 -. • 800,312 The Iowa silo is a tile silo which East Beaver Cheese Co., ........ Capital stock $900.00, Balance $6,953.- 08; Factory and ground, $1,890.36; 14,097 00 84,020 ... 763.292 originated in that state and lias be­ Pleasant Valley Cheese Co........ December making, $78.75; Supplies ... 14.062.00 17. Total $8,226.91. 85,245 744.205 .. come popular in many other sections Blaine Creamery Co.,................. on hand. $318.00; Total $3,326.19 10,802.00 .. 64,643 ... 595.443 • ■ where the hollow tile are obtainable Alder Vale Creamery,................. Liabilities: Stock account. $700.00; CLOVER LEAF CREAMERY CO at reasonable cost. Most frequently $726,911.00 The factory received 2,141,565 tbs. Bills payable, $800.00; Amount need­ 4,335.817 ••• Total .......... 38,603,101 ......... the door is of the intermittent type, of milk during 1916, Monthly receipts ed to pay patrons, $051.89; By bal­ ......... 38,603,101 B>s. with only two or three blocks sepa­ Total milk received, 1916...................................... ance, $874.30; Total, $3,326.19. were, January, 28,433 lbs: February, T ........... 56,186,867 tbs. rating the floors, but these are for Total milk 1915 ..................................................... 35,308 tbs.; March, 94,689 tbs. >.; April, milk receipts Gain over 1915, slightly over six per cent in the purpose of tying the reinforced EAST BEAVER CHEESE CO. tbs.; June, 216,076 s.; May, 289,941 " - - door jambs together, 't he doors are Cheese produced during 1916 ........................ ........................ 4.335,8'7 B>s. ; July. 323,230 tbs.; August The factory received 800,312 tbs. of 322,121 tbs. $726,911.00 generally made of two thicknesses of Value of product, 1916......................................... 294,936 tbs. .; September, 234,243 tbs.; milk during 1916. Monthly receipts one-inch matched lumber with roof­ 62,092 boxes cheese manufactured during 19 16. 1 October, 174,449 tbs.; November were, February, 6,475 *b.; March, 46,- ing paper between. The popularity of '.556.334 “ B>s. >. of butter fat in milk, 82.194 tbs.; and December, 45,945 tbs, 796 tbs.; April, 87.124 tbs.; May, 120,- this silo will increase as it becomes Average ‘ butter fat in milk, 4.031 per cent, 19'6 receipts were i.980,712 tbs. 636 tbs.; June, 127,174 tbs.; July, better known and as the demand for Average price per pound cheese, 16.76e. milk. 114,931; tbs.; August, 102,508 tbs. more permanent silos becomes great­ Average yield was 11,23 Bis. cheese per 100 tbs. milk. Milk contained 85,539 tbs. of butter September, 79,619 tbs.; October, 62,- 41.8c. lb. making cheese, er. __________ __ price per tb. blitter fat at l-kjc. for Average fat, an average of 4.0 per cent. 800 tbs.; November, 33,955 tbs.; and Average per 100 lbs. milk on same basis, $t.( 68%. 238,507 tbs. of cheese were produc­ December, 18,254 tbs. Years. Hints for Constructing Amounts for the Past Eight ed, making 3,422 boxes. This milk contained 32,908 tbs. of Yield Amount Pounds Cheese Average yield, 11.14 tbs. cheese per butter fat. Pounds Milk the Metal Lath Silo.' ... 10.70 2,506,612 .... $386.135.81 100 tbs. milk. . 23416,524 ------- o—_ . I Average test 4.11 per cent. ... 10.75 400,04484 Cheese sold for $40,103.57. Average • 23,639,664 2,541,057 ••• 93,493 tbs. cheese produced, making ... 10.85 When building the metal lath silo, 358.206.29 price, 16.8c Tillamook. (1915, $29,- ■•359 boxes, This is estimated weight .. 24,131,802 ... . 2,619,229 .... ... I 1.02 524.718.61 the foundation and floor are first con- ; ...... 3,211,004 .... 760.00). of the December cheese remaining in ■ • 29,130.5'4 ... 11.10 541,748.46 structcd as in building the monolithic J The company received $4237.50 for the factory. .. 31.566,888 .... 3,505,516 .... ... 11.12 silo, but -when the concrete is within 568.395.53 making cheese. 33,202,516 ... 3,694458 .... I Average yield was 11.67 *bs. cheese 557.59600 six inches of the top of the trench, ... 11.05 Expenses for the year were $4.- per 100 tbs. milk. . 36,577,206 .... 4,043,875 .... ... 11.23 726,911.00 dug for the foundation, place the first 006.84. 38,603,101 4.335,817 .... | Cheese sold for $15,713.55. Average course of the metal lath and fill in I Rc- price 16.82c. Tillamook. Financial statement follows, the concrete on both side of the lath. 1 $4,063,756.54 sources. Supplies on hand and 1017 250,277,215 26,458,568 The factory received $2,103.59 for Totals Scaffolding should then be erected ■ expense account, $904.38; $004.38; Building making cheese, 2% c. per tb. cheese Association : Factories not in the Tillamook Creamery inside the silo foundation about 18 '•and ground, $2,389.53; ; Accounts due being the making charge for the past Amount tbs Cheese lbs. milk inches from tile wall. This scaffold Name of Factory company, $2,242.02; 1 December mak- season. 12,51700 76,817 668,468 should have at least four platforms, Miami ..................................... $99.57. Total I ing due company, The expenses for the season were .... 44,228.00 ... 261,072 depending of course on the height of Red Clover Creamery . . . 2,418.762 . $5.635-5O. $2,018.49. The board of directors .... 3,284.00 20,199 the silo. The door form consists of Sand Lake Co-op.............. 1198,472 .. cheese maker ' Liabilities, Due bought cheese vat, $60.00; cheese 20,155.00 ... 121,223 .. .... 1,082,000 the concrete on each side of the lath, M eda ..................................... $121.60; Borrowed money to pay pa­ press, $31.00; scales, $31.00; pipe cut­ the door. One side of these forms trons, $2,311.25; Capital stock out­ . $ 80,184.00 standing, $600: By balance, $2,602.65; ter $5.00; vat cover, $5.00; cheese should be left open until after erected 4,367,682 . .. 479.311 $100.00 ( •hoops, "yvpa, $20.00; Total lUlil $152.00; $ 100.00 and the gas pipe and tie rods are ; $807,095.00 Total. $5,635.50. . 4,815,128 .. .. 42,970.783 j dividends paid was also charged in — | The company spent $434.82 the past placed, which constitute the door j the expense account. jambs reinforcement. Temporary • year on the whey drainage system. Financial statement follows CREAMERY I ing cheese. Hauling charges, $144.12. t-J4c. was charged most of the year studding of 2x.|’s are then set up 18 SOUTH PRAIRIE sources: Supplies on hand 5 were $3,140.- Expenses for the year inches apart and with double pointed Th factory received 2,924,591 lbs of for making charge. The company is building and ground; $1,150.4 tacks the metal lath is nailed to the milk during the year: Monthly re­ 23. Factory also erected water tower fairly well supplied with necessary ccmbcr making due us, $57.51 studs, lapping the strips thrive inches. ports were, January, 22.450 lbs.; Feb­ al cost of $33.70. ' supplies, with the exception of some Financial statement ot the company items. There is considerable more of company for cheese, $616.24; The first coat of cement plaster is ruary, 65,040 lbs.; March, 159,795 lbs.; $2,132.56. then put on, which is made of one April, 297,119 lbs.; May, 429,094 lbs.; follows:— Resources:- Building on the several articles of supplies on Liabilities: Capital stock outstlnil- pari cement to two and one half parts June, 452,404 lbs.; July, 431,408 lbs.; ground, $2,266.99; Due company for hand than last season at this time. ing, $525.00; Needed to pay patrons, of sand, using about one-tenth as August, 381,568 lbs.; September, 304,- October cheese, $491.18; Cash in Nov. $250.00; . Balance favor ____ ...... company. bank, 174.70; November making, $97.- much hydrated lime as cement Two 037 lbs.; October, 223,091 " — lbs.; KT Nov- ’$1,356.76; Total $2,132.56. CENTRAL CREAMERY CO. more coatings are thus applied, and _____ , , lbs. . and DecembcrsS,- |6o; December making estimated, $21. I After we receive pay for November ember, 99,419 The factory received 1,696,652 tbs. 00; Supplies on band, $453.00; Ad­ then a wash coat to cover aty checks 524 lbs. Butter fat 117,205 lbs. of milk during 1916. Monthly receipts cheese still outstanding and Decem­ in the wall. The scaffold is then re­ i his milk produced 324,754 tbs. of vance to patrons, $30.00; Due com- were, February, 81.630 tbs.; January, ber making, it will leave the company ' pany for supplies, $.00; Total, $3,535.- moved to the outside and two coats cheese making 4,513 boxes. 145,651 tbs.; March, 124,055 tbs.; Aptil, $422,95 after taking care of above and a finish applied In hot weather Average yield was 11.1 lbs cheese 07. ' 160,930 tbs.; May, 234,139 tbs.; June, overdraft of $250.80. 1 Liabilities:— Capital stock outstand­ the outer wall should be wet daily per 100 lbs milk. 236.469 tbs.; July, 224.923 tbs. August, for five or six days. f ing, $550.00; Bills payable, 2,000.00; Cheese sold for $54,176.97. Average 195,105 tbs.; September, 160,357 tbs.; ORETOWN CHEESE CO. 1 Tillamook Creamery Association, price 10.68 cents the lb, Tillamook. October, 125,138 tbs.; November, The factory received 1,318.882 lbs. $02.95, Due dices* maker, 93.02; By ’of milk during 1916. Monthly receipts 158,440 tbs.; December, 40,815 tbs. Essential Requirements i The factory received $5,803.83 for balance, $779.10. I making cheese. This milk contained 69,835 tb. of .were, February, 31,318 lbs.; March, Expenses tor the year were $5,631,- of a Good Silo. MAPLE LEAF CREAMERY. AS- butter fat. Average 4.116 per cent fat. 85,665 lbs.; April, 145,543 tbs.; May, i 59. ——0 : 189,799 tbs. cheese produced, mak ­ 196,634 tbs.; June, 213,528 lbs.; July, SOCIATION Financial statement follows;— Re­ ing 2,726 boxes. 197,324 tbs.; August, 169,612.; Sep­ 1. The walls of the silo must be air sources; - Accounts due company, The factory received 4,086,210 lbs. Average yield was 11.19 tb. cheese tember. 131,178 tbs.; October, 98,682 light. during 1916. Monthly re- $929.19; Building and ground, $2,790.- of milk per 100 lbs. milk. tbs.; November, 37,969 tbs.; Dccem- 2. I'he silo must be deep. The deep­ 05; Supplies and wood on hand, $772.- ccipts, January, 43,03616s.; February, Cheese sold for $32,137.73. This . ber, 11, 420 tbs. er the silo the more pressure, which 50; December making due company, 60,022 lbs.; Marcli, 262,725 lbs.; April, i includes December cheese. ' This milk contained 52,861.74 tbs. will cause the silage to pack well and $149.00; 1917 expense account, 58.06; 510,131 lbs.; May, 669,909 lbs.; June, | Average price, 16.88c. factory. butter fat. an average of 4.0 per cent. 642.429 lbs.; July, 656,652 lbs.; August . keep better. | Total, $4,698.80. Factory received 2C. per tb. for 147,652 tbs. cheese produced mak­ Liabilities:— Overdraft at bank, 600,078 lbs.; September, 515,410 lbs.; making cheese, or $3,705.98. 3. I'lie silo should be round, free ing 2,119 boxes. from corners, and have smooth per- $6303; Hills payable, $500; Capital October, 407,047 lbs.; November, 213,- Itemized expense account enclosed i Average yield, 11.19 tbs. cheese per stock outstanding, $900, By balance 302 lbs.; and December, 104,773 tbs. pendicular walls. totals $3,473.87, after deducting items This milk contained 187,663 tbs. of I sold, freight rebate and mils, on hand. 100 tbs. milk. 4. l he walls should be strong In a favor company, 3,235.77; Total, $4,- Estimating December cheese (which butter tat, a n average of 4. per cent, silo thirty tret deep there is .111 out- 698.80. Items have been paid except secre­ has been sold), brings total value to 543,324 lbs of cheese produced, ntak- tary for December. 1 ward pressure of 330 pounds per $24,447.86 1915 cheese was valued at CREAMERY COM­ ing 7.874 boxes. Average yield, 1 1-59 square foot at the base of the silo ELWOOD Financial statement follows: Re $18,756.79. lbs. cheese per 100 lbs of milk. PANY when the silage is settling. Alter it is sources: Accounts due company, Average price, 16.56c. at factory. Cheese sold for $91,706.85. Average $1,772.28; Building and ground. $978.- The factory received 1,487,395 lbs. once settled the lateral pressure ceas­ Factory received 2C. the tb. for es. If it is not well hooped at the base ol milk during the year. Monthly re­ price, 16.87 cents, Tillamook. This is 59; Supplies on band, $460.50; Total, making cheese or $2,953.82. it is apt to spread and the result will ceipts were, March, 65,795 lbs.. April, a gain of over $18,000.00 over the 1915 $3.211.37. Expenses for the year were $2,402.- be spoiled silage all around the sides. 153,606 lbs.; May, 439,639 lbs.; J June, » cheese account. Liabilities: Capital stock outstand­ The factory received $8,161.89 for ing, $670.00; Nceden to pay patrons, 79. This after deducting supplies on Aug­ 5. The sir« of the silo should be 245,030 lbs.; July 234,325 lbs.; Aug- hand and other items. suited to the site of your herd. (See ust, 22t.7o8lbs , September, 167,656, making cheese, different prices being $570.53. Financial statement follows: Rc- lbs., October. 89,443 lbs., November, charged at different times. In ad­ table.) cources: Accounts due company, 6 'The silo should, bv all means, 42,780 lbs . and December, 9,413 lbs. dition, the company sold nine shares COLD SPRINGS CHEESE FAC $776.24; Supplies on hand, $662.15; This milk contained 58,820 lbs of of capital stock, the gain over par and have a good roof in tlii^ country, as TORY. building and ground; $1,523.13; Total, The factory received 1.296,631 tbs. ten feet of water pouring into . the __ butter fat, an average butter fat con­ the interest earned amounting to $2,961.52. $47930. tent ot 3.956 p<-r cent. milk. Monthly receipts were, January silo is apt to leach and spoil it I.labilities: Capita' stock outstand­ l bc expense account totals $7,984.- 16,133 tbs ; February, ; 27,264 tbs. Estimating the cheese on ha nd, 7. I se nothing but good lumber ing. $800.00; Overdraft. 302.24; By 03. This included the last 40 per cent brings total cheese made to 167.- ’ 99 March, 62,125 Bis.; April. 125.362 tbs.; and other materials. Cheap material balance, $1,859.28; Total $2,961.52. dividend. May, 189.440 tbs.; June. 106.522 lbs.; and lack of cure m ike silos expensive lbs cheese per financial statement of the company Average yield, 11.25 lbs. Inly, 180,815 tbs.; August, 173605 and unsatisfactory. The silo is not to NESKOWIN DAIRY ASS N. follows;.. Resources:-- Building and tbs.; September. 134.511 tbs.; October blame when poor ilage „ results from 100 lbs milk. 2.426 boxes of cheese were manu­ ground, $4,300 11; Supplies on hand, '02.230 tbs,; November, 54.208 tbs.; The factory received 898,139 tbs. of putting in the crop too green or too $2,520.40; 191’ expense account $392.- and December, 25.407 tbs. factured. milk durinn 1916. Monthly receipts ripe, or without being finch cut. Estimating the cheese on hand at 20 40; Oct. cheese account out $152.47 This milk contained 50,213 tbs. of were: February, 6,597 tbs.; March, cents the ll>. brings the value of the . now out $4,504.62; Dec. ~ making, es- butter fat, an average of 3.88 per cent. 32,547 tbs.; April. 85,122 tbs.; May, Rosenberg Bros, have opened a cheese to $ 27,714.25. This brings the timatid $241.13; Misc. accounts due icosenocrg tiros, nave 142.077 tbs. of cheese produced. 141.027 tbs.; June, 155,912 tbs.; July, large feed store on 2nd Avenue East average to 16 cents the 11 On ac­ company, 71.14; Due company on 130,973 tbs.; Average yield was 10.06 tbs. cheese 148.894 tbs.; August, near the saw mill and will carry a count of the small amount of milk de- de­ stock account, 16t.oo; Wilson River per 100 tbs. of milk. September, tot,295 tbs.; October, 73,- large line of all kinds of hay, feed, livered during both spring and fall, Farmers’ Water Co.. $676.00; Total, 022 lbs., and November, 21,850 tbbe. 2.002 boxes of cheese were made. flour, grass seeds at the very lowest when prices were high, brings the av­ $13,010.47. Estimating some cheese on hand This milk contained 36,820 lbs. of liabilities:-- Bills payable, $2,569- brings the total value to $23.78841. butter fat, an average of 4.1 per cent. prices. Special prices on hay and erage value below the other factories. feed tn car lots. * Factory received $2.928.16 for mak- 49; Capital stock outstanding. $90000 Average price would be 16.75c. Tilla- 100.894 lbs. of cheese manufactured. Silo! on before curing weather. The silo enables us to save the crop when it is right. In soiling one must often start feeding when a crop is too immature and continue after it it too ripe. The silo enables us to cut when the crop is just right. 6. The silo filled in the spring with the first cutting clover will supple­ ment the pasture* in the fall when drouth makes them short. It can be refilled in the fall with corn or artichokes for winter and spring use. 7. Food from thistles: Crops unfit for making hay, can be made into a palatable food when put into the silo. The seeds of our common weeds are killed by the fermentations of the silage, and thus do not reinfect our field*. 8. A crop partially cured for hay and then got wet can be saved by putting it into the silo. -***■