TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 16. 1917. s OF AIR. I butter fat. Average fat content, 4.15 Plan for Financing SUOS. makbi 1.480 boxes. STORES IN BURMA. Average yield was 11.23 lbs. cheese . per cent. g>er Kx> tbs' milk. | 235,274 tbs. cheese manufactured You Can Make Purchases In Them if Che se sold for $16,742.60. Average and sold, making 3,335 boxes. , Realizing the importance of Silos to You Try Hard Enough. Tillamook : dairy industry of price 16.6 factory. It must be remem-I 11.25 tbs. cheese made per 100 tbs. I ¡County; the directors of the First You uiay walk through the muddy bered that the factory operates only a milk, Cheese sold for $39,311.37. Average : I ■* National Bank of Tillamook, at their old markets of Rangoon for hours at a short season, the season when prices ' regular monthly meeting held this time* or through the bazaar at Manda­ werjlowesl this year. Also that the price, 16.71 the lb. freight rate is higher than from Tilla­ I Factory received l>ic. the tb. for week, provided a fund of $15,000.00 to lay without any of the salespeople tak­ be loaned to responsible farmers on ing the slightest notice of you as a making cheese, or total of $4,117.26. mook Factory also charged for hauling one year’s time at 6 per cent interest. possible purchaser of their wares. The Factory received $2,269.84 for mak­ 'S M The proceeds of these loans is to be 1 dear little ladies sit crosslegged upon , cheese at 6c. per ease, or $199.14. ing ¿Leese. -4 Expenses for the year were $3,944.- usd for silo building only, but there is long tables in front of the high cui>- I aiu enclosing herewith ' itemized -d no restriction as to the kind or make expetlie account, less stock on hand 43- boards containing their goods. They ______ The coiypanv paid $400.00 for stock of silo. and Items sold, which shows net ex­ are placidly smoking or chatting or in Long Prairie Water Company, pense- of $1,826.12. painting their faces or braiding their Pleasant Surpise Party. With a checking account at this bank Fcfllowing is the financial report. this is added to the above expense ac­ hair. They are not attending to busi­ Resou rces: Cash in First National count. ness in the least. you will always have fust the “right Financial statement follows: Rc- Miss Elanor Spall was pleasantly Bank, $524.84; Building anil ground, It requires a great effort to get a $I,5iH.6o; Supplies on hand, $430.00 sources: Creanicry plant. $1,250.00; surprised by 1 host of friends last change" no matter where you pay the November making, estimated, $70.40; Equity in water company. $400.00 friday at the home of Mrs. L. Schrad­ Burmese shopwomau (they are nearly all women 1 to show you her silks, and Cast in First National Bank,. $73-73 Total. $2,535.84. er. Games and music were a feature bill or to whom you pay it. old fashion- Liabilities: Capital stock anil ad­ Supplies on hand, $722.70; 1917 ex- of the evening, at a late hour refresh­ when at last she has spread her mer­ 'Kgy wheel vance-, $1,400.00; November monr« pense account, $213.79; December ments were served, served. Those presnt chandise broadcast upon the table and e road? it You can draw your check for ODD on hand, $446.15; By balance, ». t making due company $74.50; Account were Mrs. and Miss Sappington, Mrs. you are reveling in the illusion that > load re«. due company, $167.90; Total, $2,902.62 Blackburn, worth, $689.68. Mrs. Vanortwick and you are living in the middle of a rain­ AMOUNT and pay your bill either There is Liabilities: Capital stock outstand­ daughters, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Jas- bow, with a chance of holding fast to The factory is now out of debt. Our >r the hone, person or BY MAIL which is a real Nover iber cliese has ben shipped and ing $750.00; Bills payable, $500.00; man and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hultz some of its colors, she will ask her rse lifts s' ■money will be paid out as soon as it Balance favor stockholders $1,652.62. and children, Mrs. A. Russell and son. price, which is seldom more than a convenience you can enjoy by The liquid assets of the company Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones, Mr. and conies back. expended, rupee too much, and will stick to it exceed its current debts by $752.62, ube strikes Mrs. R. Andrews, Mr. and .Mrs. G. but it was thought best to purchase Gray. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tompsett, Mr. like glue. ly punched BLAINE CREAMERY CO. She is an indolent lady in many ways, supplies, even if we had to pay in- and Mrs. T. I*. Miller and sons. Mr. The wheel The factory received 744,205 tbs. of tercst on indebtedness. who loves a quiet life, and she has de­ H. Morris, Mr. W. Devine, Mrs. Paul bstructloa xnilkl during 1916. Monthly receipts Dowling, Raymon Lindsy, Mrs. E. D. termined that her most comfortable raordluary were: February, 4.560 lbs.; March, THREE RIVERS CREAMERY Best and son, Mrs. M. B. Shaffer, course is not to haggle in the market chance to 35.255 lbs.; April, 68,738 tbs.; May, ASSOCIATION. Mr. Charles Caruthers, Mabel Ander­ place. So you may make up your mind le to build 118,022 tbs.; June, 136,244 tbs.; July, The factory received 2,352,995 tbs. son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolffing and tliat bargaining and persuasion are use­ All supplies furnished Free. 125,290 tbs.; August, 105,426 tbs.; of milk during 1916. Monthly receipts As a soap less arts to practice iu Burma, however September, 79,712 tbs.; October, 54,- were: January, 34,151 tbs.; February, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. nd elastic I valuable they may be elsewhere.—Lon- 752 It’«.; and November, 16,256 tbs. 47,187 tbs.; March, 142,489 tbs.; blows and ! don Spectator. “The Old Peabody Pew.” This milk contained 31.185.84 tbs. April, 253,023 tbs.; May 347,2'9 *bs.; i the Ideal butter fat. June, 359,052 tbs.; July 343,557 tbs.; te hardest Average butter fat, 4.19 per'cent. August, 309,203 tbs.; September, 24>- The above is the title of a very at­ INTERNATIONAL LAW. hat of de- 8*5,24 5 tbs. cheese produced making 188 tbs.; October, 169,719 tbs.; No­ tractive interesting entertainment idustry a 1,197 boxes. A BANK FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. vember, 73.333 tbs.; December, 29,- which the Ladies Guild of the Presby­ Held by Authorities to Bo Part of the nd which Average yield was 11.45 lbs. cheese 874 tbs. terian Church is planning to give on Notional Jurisprudence per too lbs. milk. This milk contained 93,667 tbs. of Friday evening, March 2. The people The declaration that international make mo­ Chjeese sold for $14,062.41. Ave.rage butter fat, an average of 3.98 per cent, of the community are advised to keep law is at one and the same time both le, but to price was i6}4c. Tillamook. It must 255,856 tbs. cheese produced, esti- that date open and be prepared to be national and international has far- be re 11 lcmbercd that production was mating December in factory, it not for on hand for an evening of rich en­ reaching and very practical signi 11- light during periods of highest prices boxes cheese made. Average 3,644 >rm their yield last year, both in the spring and in was 10.87 tbs. cheese per 100 tb«. milk joyment. It will certainly be a treat eance for the work of building a new rould not for grandma and grandpa, as well as the fall. ■d; high Cheese sold for $42,688.73, an k for all the children. The ladies are international order. The company received 2'/ic. for The courts of Great Britain, begin­ steering average of 16.68c. per lb making elaborate arrangements, and making cheese, or $2,131.13. for they insist that the friends in the ning with Lord Chancellor Talbot in Company received $5,177.12 'ould not Expenses per enclosed expense ac­ making cheese an average of 2c. per country about will like this particular 1733 and including Lord Chief Justice raldemar count, was $1,994.59. program too. No further mention will Mansfield in 1764, have held that the azine. Financial statement follows: Re­ lb. Itemized expense account shows be made of this affair until there is law of nations 1 b part of the common sources: Accounts due company, cheese etc.; $833.20; Supplies o’n total of $5,143.01, but from this good reason for doing so just a little law of England. Sir William Black­ band, $62.50; Building and ground, should deducted supplies sold and on later on. It would be well to keep on stone supported this doctrine in his hand, amounting to $4,530.21. the watch for a reminder or two. It clsssic Comments riee. This doctrine $1,00000; Total, $1,895.70. Financial statement follows: Sup­ will be Friday, March 2nd. aka ths holds good as well in the United States Liabilities: Capital stock outstand­ a. as in Great Britain, a fact to which ing. $725.00; Due for cheese, checks plies on hand, $600.00; Cash in hank, Card of Thanks. issued, $404.46; By balance, $766.24; $450.28; Building and ground, $3,500.- In Con- both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander 00; Due us for one case cheese $13-49 Total. $1,805.70. tells the Hamilton bore convincing testimony. account, $193.20; November making The accounts due company for In the lifetime of the present gener­ > Turk's We wish to thank the many kind account, $78.40; December making cheese are for cheese sold, and the ation the United States supreme court friends who showed so much kindness $404.46 is for checks issued. When __ Total $4,835.37. 10m the Liabilities: Bills payable $1.500.00; and sympathy to us in our bereave­ has held that international law is part we get the $833,20 in, it Would leave ed him Capital stock outstanding, $1,600.00; . ment, in the death of Mrs. R. A. Doty. of our law and that, in order to ascer­ us $428.74 in the bank. Mrs. Mary Doty and family, tain and administer it in eases where rerslon. Due. cheese maker. $114.05; By bal­ M rs M ary Isaac. Turkish there Is uo treaty and no controlling ance, $1,621.32; Total, $4,835.37. PLEASANT VALLEY CHEESE r cases executive or legislative act or judicial COMPANY. ih sub­ decision, resort must be bad to the cus­ The factory received 763,292 lbs. of toms and usages of civilised nations.— endant Effie is a had little girl who finds •milk during 1916. Monthly receipts New York Times. of the the joy of |living too great to be ■were. March, 44,'45 tbs.; April, 88,- il. The mistreated. She has the time of 544 lbs.; May, 119,886 tbs.; June, 124,- fh the Parnall’s Superstitions. her life and marries the man of 334 away from her as quickly aa possible. 1 the He also bad a horror of the number ... 1388 higher than dtfring the middle of the Long Prairie Cry.................. 9663 and season. 204 . 947 13. Once, during an election thia broth­ Cloverdale Cry. Asso.......... . 7779 first The company received 2'4c. for Central Cry. Co...................... "37 er, J. H. Parnell, tells us), be was •• 7340 making cheese, or a total of $2.051.05. Elwood Cry. Co...................... 6157 192 ... '403 put In a room numbered 13 in a coun­ 1001 try hotel. “What a room to give me!” The first part of the season only 2C. Oretown Cheese Co.............. Brat 20 . ;6o6 . waa charged for making cheese. ■ one . . * Cold Springs Cry.................... 5995 he remarked. “1 sup|M>se the landlord 880 is a Tory and baa done this on pur­ The financial statement follows: Re­ Neskowin Dairy /Asso............ man, • ■ 344 •• • . . 3697 sources: Building and ground, $1,- 1018 4168 the Beaver Crv. Asso.................... pose." 034.69: Supplies on hand, $241.50; East Beaver Cheese Co. .. . 12 . . . .. 1038 ... 3306 it if Cakb in bank, $11.72; Due company ... 3043 •• ... 2038 e an Pleasant Valiev Cry.............. Ready Fsr Him. for November cheese. $667.38; Total, Alder Vale Cry........................ . 2703 The landlady noticed with unfeigned $1,0=5.29. nac. dlamny that her new lodger's fire con­ Liabilities: Small accounts due by 161060 17042 23387 Total ............................... . . 20 and sumed more coal than ■ be had been company, $64.75; Capital stock out­ There was an increase of 7965 Triplets, 7730 Long Horns and 20 Flats accustomed to provide for ft. She standing, $302.50: Bills payable, note lent at bank, $500.00: By balance. $1.088.- over the previous year and a loss of 2092 Y. A’s. on account of using the 5 . A, mentioned it presses for L. H.’s. 3343 Triplets, 146 Long Horns and 200 Y. A.’s were of Cng- O4»Total, $1.055.29. "Oh. yes!” explained the Ingenious poor quality and shipped as seconds, which is about 12 per cent less than lUit, young man. "You see. I always place last year. the lumps of coal upon the fire in such THE TILLAMOOK CREAMERY Respectfully Submitted, pro- a way that the grain of the coal is per­ F. W. CHRISTENSEN, Inspector. Ti e factory received 5,120,494 tbs. had pendicular—that. is running up and of milk during 1916; Monthly receipts Following is my report for your down, you understand. It makes much were: January, 41,728 tbs.; February, association for 1916: CLOVERDALE. better tire. Nothing like a little sci­ 59,43n tbs.; March, 230,361 tbs.; April, ence, you know." ------ o------ 5'51'37 tbs.; May, 722.791 tbs.; lune, The association inspected 4,250.572 '1th The unimpressed female who con­ 769. 414 tbs.; July, 758,144 lbs.; August tbs of cheese during the year, per the VV. M. Owen ,of Portland, was a he 682,; 19 tbs.; September, 563,932 tbs.; following list: Cloverdale business visitor a few days tracted for the supply of daily neces­ at October, 439,520 tbs.; November, saries spoke in a hard voice that al­ Pounds. this week. ful 218,9'17 tbs.; and Dccenibur, 118,625 Tillamook Creamery ............. 573.667 S. W. lller, of Devil Lake, Orc., most stopped the lodger's watch: tbs. lea “That may tie so. but I always Maple Leaf Creamery .......... 543,324 I was a visitor to our city this week for This milk contained 205,381 tbs. Fairview Dairy Asso.............. 5'4,986 a while. charges 1 shilling extra to scientific butte to raise money on of the company: Liabilities: Capital stock out. >1.- Money on hand at last annual re­ staying with his brother-in-law, E. E. the car to purchase her a birthday ^J.00; Bill« payable. $1.000.00: Ac- port, $730.01: Received from factories. Antrim, of the Cloverdale hotel. Mr. present—London Answers. counts ar. n> of modent 'thing bo pa,. >8 in eoncep. Hr which w, ice strangely ' practical- must endur, » necessarily ’rial; practi. itch air asg he tales the) tire repair^ motoring ai » because of S of air had The Convenience of Havi nof The “RIGHT CHANCI OPENING A CHECKING ACCOUNT. Tillamook County Bank. A SPRINGTIME HEART Beats in the bosom of Effie Marchand, the part that JUNE CAPRICE takes in “THE MISCHIEF MAKER,” her latest WILLIAM FOX Screen Drama. TILLAMOOK COUNTY CREAMERY ASSOCIATION Cheese Inspector’s and Secretary’s Reports. GEM THEATRE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY FIREMEN’S DANCE, on Thursday, February 22. AT C.A.C ARMORY, Tickets, $1.00 Everybody Invited and a Good Time Promised I FREE .' FREE!! FREE! ! With every Pound Canjof Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display RAY & CO