TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 15 1917, Married on the 13th of February, at taken under advisement by Judge Christian Church. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Bagley. ------ o------ Peterson, Mr. Harold W. Brandt and Wesley Raney vs. State Industrial Bible school 10 a.nt. Miss Mary Edwards, the Rev. Albert Accident Commission. Writ of review Communion and sermon, 11 a.m. H. Smith officiating. The bride is a Case tried and taken under advise­ Theme: "Workers With God” An daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses ment by the Judge. exposition from First Corinthians. Edwards, of Sandlake. John Theiler vs. John Graf. Eject­ Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m. Their Rarity Is a Tribute to the Evangelistic services, 7:30 p.m. Major Amos Freis who has charge ment. Jury trial and verdict in favor Skill of Our Seamen. of defendant. Theme: "A Great Evangelist in a of the government work in this dis­ New Country.” trict, came in on Wednesday, and that You will always find a welcome in evening met with the Port of Tilla­ CAN FISH IN TILLAMOOK AND our services. Come and bring a THE WRECK OF THE SAGINAW. mook. It was pointed out to the Ma­ TRASK RIVERS. friend. jor that the most obstruction to ves­ ..... o- ■ C. C. Curtis, Minister. sels reaching this city was in the bay Commissioners Decide to APply Dead epresented by the more than one thou ­ Thia Catastrophe Brought Into Play the and not in Hoquarton Slough. Line only to Commercial Fishing. sand patrons who carry greater than $200,000.00 Bids Wanted on W°od. Wonderful Ability and Energy of ------ o ■ . Saturday and Sunday, February 24 on deposit at The First National Bank—is the Through the efforts of Senator T Commander Sicard and His Officers and 3$ the management of the Gem Maple Leaf Creamery Association and Crew—An Epio of the Sea. prosperity of this community and confidence in this Theatre will present, Mabel Taliafer­ B. Handley, the Fish and Game Com­ ro in “The Dawn of Love” a Hetro mission decided to allow angling by wishes to receive bids on wood, as bank. For the former, we are always striving— American naval officers are noted for wonder play, also Metro-Drew hook and line in Tillamook and Trask follows; up to 100 cords of hemlock well as the latter. comedy, "His First Tooth” featuring rivers, the dead line applying only to or alder wood, delivered at its factory their efficiency, fearlessness and en­ Ask a Patrou of the First National about our willingness and ability to co-operate. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew. Don’t commercial fishing. The Tillamook ami piled. Wod to be good merchant- ergy uot alone In the stress aud tur­ DIRECTORS : miss this one. Adults 15c., children 5c. Commercial Club and others interest­ and piled. Wood to be good merchant- moil of war. but also when emergen­ ed themselves in this matter, with the of the wood to be delivered by August P. Hursel, C. J. Edwards, J. C. Holden, A. W. Bunn. Lieut. Colonel Gessler will be in the result Senator Handley succeeded in 15th, 1917, and balance by. Sept. 15, cies arise where a battle with the ele­ John Morgan. B. C. Lamb, W. J. Riechers. city the 5th and 6th of March for the having the change made. 1917. Cmpany reserves the right to re­ ments may be ■ more perilous than B. C. Lamb. Pres. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. purpose of inspecting the 10th Com­ ject any or all bids. Leave bids at would be the heaviest big guu fire of pany Coast Artillery, and as this is Carl Haberlach’s office, Tillamook, an enemy. Little Folks Entertain Rebekhas. the first inspection of the local com­ Oregon, on or before March 1st, Maritime disasters happily have been pany it is earnestly expected that ----- o------ 1917. rare In our naval history. Their rarity every member will put in an appear- Maple Leaf Creamery Asso. An enjoyable entertainment con­ indeed Bpeaks volumes for the skill of ance. sisting of recitations, vocal and in­ TILLAMOOK- OREGON our navigators, to whom negligence or On Saturday morning fire destroy- strumental selections was given by Financial Report of the Community incompetence has hardly ever been im­ ed the home of J. H. Hicks at Bay the little folks at the I. O. O. F. hall Xmas Tree Enterprise. puted. At most an overconfidence may City, which was totally destroyed. Wednesday night after the business ------o------ be urged in ono or two Instances; but. session of the Rebekah lodge. After I am in the market at all times for Mr. Hicks was at the barn at the time As secretary of the „Minister's As­ generally speaking, our naval wrecks the entertainment by the children 1 your baby calves—Smith “The Calf the fire started and Mrs. Hicks was in they were introduced to the banquet sociation, I have been asked to make have been caused by violent convul­ bed the fire getting into the bedroom a report of the finances of the Com­ ! Man,”—Both Phones. before she awoke. The loss is covered room where refreshments had been munity Christmas Tree enterprise. I sions of nature in her angriest mood or ------ 0—- from causes over which our naval coin- amply provided by the Rebekhas. The Mrs. Gao. Winslow and child re- by $2000 insurance. have been delayed in making this re­ W. A. Wise, dentist. entertainment was thoroughly enjoy­ port by the fact that some bill were munders hud no control. turned from Salem on Tuesday, and Frank A. Rowe, of Wheeler, Repre­ ed by all*and voted a great success; In the latter class was the wreck of I George is happp with a smiling Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. sentative from Yamhill and Tillá­ with the suggestion that in the near very slow in coming in. the United States steamship Saginaw I countenance. There was contributed by the citi ­ Noglare Auto Lens at W. A. I mook counties, is an active all around future the entertainment be repeated zens of T illamook, in cash, besides on Ocean Island in the north Pacific Williams. For quick sale, . 20 acres 4 miles legislator, but is a regular squirrel for the social enjoyment of all. other offerings of labor and com­ Oct. 29, 1S70. This disaster was due to south of Tillamook, , with buildings, when it comes to cracking financial modities, $113.50, of which there re­ faulty charts that did not show the ex­ Sidney Paul returned from Portland Owner going on homestead. Inquire nuts. While he is chairman of the mained after all bills were paid $36.81. istence of an outlying reef upon which on Sunday. Resolution of Condolence. commerce and navigation _ committee at this office. This balance was turned over to Mr. the vessel piled up in the darkness of of the House, he also is a member of Shop to rent, next to my office.— Mr. and Mrs. Darniellc, of The the ways and means committee and is Miriam Temple No. 36 Pythian Thad Robison, as Treasurer of the the night. Through the energy and * Dalles, came in on Sunday, having among T. H. Goyne. Associated Charities of Tillamook, to good seamanship of its commanding of- a few’ of the members of that Sisters. purchased G. B. Crane’s farm, They be used according to the purpose of Whereas the allwise Ruler of the this organization, for the relief of th* lleer, Lieutenant Commander Mont­ Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, are parents of Mr. Alfred Reynolds. committee with a batting average of gomery Sicard, who realized at once 1000 when it comes to attendance. It universe has seen fit to remove from Cloverdale, Ore. F. L. Burkhalter, general superin- is doubtedful if there is a single state our midst Ernest Baker, beloved hus­ needy. that Ills ship was a total loss, every Together with this report we decide soul was safely landed, together with Four grade Jersey cows for sale. F. tendent, and F. M. Seifer, general activity that has asked for money that band of our sister, Florence Baker, to express our appreciation and such stores and provisions as the time engineer, of the Southern Pacific has not come under a close scrutiny L. Buell, Long Prairie. * Be it resolved that our Temple ex­ were in the city on Wednesday. by Mr. Rowe. He is particularly in­ tend to our sister a fraternal love and gratitude for the hearty co-operation permitted which elapsed between the of the public in this worthy and sig­ For Furnished Rooms at reasonable anyway, " ... sympathy, accident and t^e ship's breaking up. On Saturday February 24th at 2 terested in matters of ' finance nificant enterprise. price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 p.m. there will be a team wagon and add so has been a particularly active Without delay he organized a camp Resolved that a copy of fliesf reso­ Respectfully submitted, committee.—Ore- lutions be spread upon the minuets of Tillamook Minister’s Association. on shore, establishing and enforcing A. A. Pennington left on Monday harness sold at auction in front of the member on that our lodge, a copy published in the Tillamook Feed Co.’s store................ * gonian. C. C. Curtis, Secretary. the strictest rules, for upon them de­ for McMinnville and Portland. papers, and a copy forwarded to the pended the lives of all concerned. He The W. R. C. will give the follow ­ W. A. Williams has just received a A marriage license was issued to bereaved family. managed to secure a boiler from the County C°urt Jottings. complete line of oil clothing. You ing program, Wednesday evening. Gus Peterson and Georgia Bonin. Emma Harrison, Ethel Gaylord, wreck, and lie converted It Into a dis­ Feb. 21, at 7:30, in the K. P. Hall, May Frisbee, Committee. —%r— Blacksmith tiller, thus obtaining a constant sup­ Coal—Right Coal— should inspect his stock when in need National Building. In the matter of the petition . ot ply of fresh water for drinking. It is Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * of anything in the oil clothing line. ♦> Song, “America“ ................ Audience. Emil Kardell ami others for a cou nty difficult to imagine the sufferings those Civic Improvement Club. Don’t forget those busted castings. Lincoln’s Getteysburg Address, .. C. For sale, 4 5 pure blooded road, an order having been entered poor fellows would otherwise have un­ white E. Reynolds. Can be welded for half. Goods sent Song .............................. Male Quartet. rock chickens, very cheap.—Phone At the February meeting of the by mistake, this was changed to a dergone, since there wus no potable wa­ by?parcel post and express promptly Reading ............................ Alta. Sheets. Women's Civic Improvement Club continuance of the petition to Feb. 17. 6F11. ter on the Island. / In the matter of claims for indem­ returned. Hiuer & Reed, Tillamook, Solo .......................... Mrs. Allen Page. the following standing committees Recognizing the fact that his party nity for cattle slaughtered, the follow ­ Will pay you to see Everson for a Oregon. * Remarks on Life of Lincoln, .... S. were appointed for 1917. might be detained many weeks, if not »afe investment in city property or Membership—Mrs. Hill, chairman; ing claims were continued until the S. Johnson. * Lost—A gold watch, has monogram Violin Solo ............ Chester McGhee. Mrs. Conover, Mrs. Feeney, Mrs. March term, Ella Hcmplc, E. L. months, anil that Ocean Island was a farm lands. Robertson. N. P. Nelson, W. M. Har­ breeding ground for sea fowl, he at Bring your County Warrants to on case of B. C. J., somewhere in Til- Reading .............................. Mies Funk. Bristow, Mrs. Heyd. rison, F. R. Beals, A. O. Jackson, once drew a line around his camp and Public Health — Mrs. Youel, chair ­ Instrumental Solo .............. Miss Ball. Ray & Co.’s store and get 100 cents latnpok City. Finder please notify Remarks on Life of Washington Rev. man, Mrs. Hadley, Mrs. Thos, Coates, Mrs. P. H. Messner and Oscar Tittle forbade any one crossing it without au­ In the matter of the petition of J. J. thority, lest the birds be scared away on the dollar in trade. * Mrs. Leslie Lucas or leave same at J. E. Youel. Mrs. Shreve, Mrs. Groat, Mrs, J. S. Hudson and others for a county road, and the only source of food disappear this office. Solo". .. Mrs. A. E. Williams. Lamar. For Sale, horse, buggy and harness. with them. t Reading ........ J. H. Johnson, City Beautiful—Mrs. S. S. Johnson, same was continued until Feb. 17. 1 will trade my ten acre ranch in Music . A bargain for $100.00. Apply to In the matter of the petition of F. Raids for obtaining eggs and fowls Burton, Mrs. ............ Drum Corps chairman; .Mrs. F. River Side, California, for Tillamook Song, “: Star Spangled Banner, Au- Gruber, Mrs. Billings, Mrs. Edmunds, C. Skomp for a county road. Continu­ were stealthily carried out out at night Frank Hobson, Garibaldi, Ore. *4 ed until March gth. Also the petition under specific orders by selected and City property, one and one half miles dience. Mrs. Clough, Mrs. B. C. Lamb. For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City from town. See Geo. Hamlin the Publicity—Mrs. Everson, chairman; of D. L. Jones. carefully instructed men. In this man­ L. A. Stephens, of Willets, Califor­ Claims against the county continu­ ner, reflecting great credit on Hicard’s for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address Mrs. F. C. Baker, Mrs. Partridge, house mover. * nia is visiting his cousin, J. S. Steph­ Mrs. Ammer, Mrs. O’Donnell, Mrs. ed : Mrs. C. N. Drew. ♦ forethought, there was never any lack ens in this city. The visiting cousin 27.00 of food, such as It was. R. N. Henkle ...................... Now is the time to look after your had a rather queer experience of late. H. A. Williams. Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight Educational—Mrs. F. Beals, chair­ Kilham Stationery Co. . . . 4.31 Fire Insurance on all your property. Since the scene of the disaster was on the Mutual phone, Prompt service It will surprise you how cheaply you He was on his way overland from man; Mrs. Mabel Terry, Mrs. Brains, Yamhill County ................ 5059.14 some point in California to his home * can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie 6.00 a thousand miles removed from the or­ W. B. Elliott ...................... Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. and careful work. at Willets, Cal., when he found it 9.10 dinary path of vessels traversing the Glass & Prudhomme ........ necessary to stop on the road on ac­ Marolf. Why not be insured in the best fire W. Watson. 1.00 Pucltic, little or no hoi>e could be enter­ W. B. Elliott ........................ Parlimentarian — Mrs. C. J. Edwards Protect your valuable papers from count of the conditions of the roads. insurance company, it costs no more. M. Melchior and others for election. tained of casual rescue. In some way * the unexpected fire by renting one .of For about a month his friends at In the matter of the petition ‘of P. or other word had to go to the outside1- See Everson. Basket Ball on Saturday. our safe deposit boxes. Only e land. Atjthe regular convention of Mara­ bly exliuusted by privation and the 1 will offer my entire stock of Tillamook again Friday and Saturday, and our high school boys have a feel- ceaseless struggle against old ocean’s County Warrants are worth 100 household goods at auction, Saturday March 2-3, at Jenkins’ Jewlery store; ing'that Newberg will have to admit thon Lodge No. 37 K. of P. Tillamook, cents on the dollar at Ray & Co.’s Feb. 10th, at 1 p.m. at John Sheets also in Cloverdale, Thursday March that they have had to play some in Oregon,[held at their Castle Hall Mon­ fury, their ours all lost in a heavy * residents, 2nd Ave. and 8th Street, 1st. Dr. Turner is a specialist of ex­ order to take this game. store in trade. day evening, Feb. 19th, National Bldg, gale of wind, the bout pushed on under 2* perience and standing, end you will sail, only to be cupsized by the surf in Guy Ford. Our local team is working more cor. 2nd ave. and 1st at., it was unani­ George Bodyfelt, who was quite ill landing on the beach of the island of make no mistake in consulting him smoothly, showing more team work, C. A. Smith, of Cloverdale, was in about your eyes and glasses. Head­ mously agreed to hold an open meet­ Kauai. while in Portland, returned with Mrs. and also more ability to hit the basket the city the first of the week, having aches relieved, cross eyes straighten­ ing Feb. 19th, for the purpose of cele­ Bodyfelt on Monday. It Is related that Talbot sighted the than ever before, and those who at­ bought a full blooded Guernsey bull Mrs. Ray Grate returned on Satur­ from the Chase Bros., of Independ­ ed. Consult him. Don’t forget the tend Saturday evening are sure of brating the 16th anniversary of Mara­ very last outlying rocky islet of tho date. * Hawaiian group, fortunately recog­ day from visiting her sister, Mrs. ence, which arrived on Tuesday. witnessing as fast and clean a game thon Lodge. Be sure and let Dr. Turner show as has ever been played here, The Loomis, at Oregon City. Some weeks ago a committee was nized by one of Ills crew, and from For Sale—One Faultless and one you the double vision glass, without there beat up against the trade wind to The Tillamook Jersey Cattle Club New Hercules stump puller and lines or seams to catch dirt, strain the boys promise that every moment of appointed to make arrangements for this event. The committee has worked Kauai. Had he missed this islet, no will meet at the Court House on Sat­ equipments in good order. Price $80 eyes or come apart. One light solid the game will be hotly contested. urday February, 24th at one o'clock. each with equipment. J. D. Tompkins, piece of glass that looks like a single untiringly to make the occasion a suc­ more, in ull probability, would ever have been heard of him, and it is Henderson ’ s Fed Barn Sheridan, pair, yet answers the purpose of two, St. Val e ntine Party. cess. They have secured some good equally likely that his shipmates on For Sale—New modern residenct, Oregon. 2 enabling you to read or do close work speakers, also some good singers and Ocean Island might not all have sur­ located in best residence district. For On Wednesday afternoon a St. Val­ musicians The Shakespeare Club met on Fri­ and see distant objects perfectly. Call Thev are co-operating vived until success should crown a sec­ sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * and see them. * entine party was given by Mrs. C. 1. day with Mrs. Geo. Willett, with a with the Pythian Sisters, and from all ond attempt to communicate with civ­ Clough, Mrs. WebstW Holmes, M rs. Henry Uithof, Contractor and large attendance of members, when W. L, Campbell and Mrs. F. C. Baker accounts everyone interested is work­ ilization. Builder, Estimates furnished. Barns another enjoyable aftrnoon was par­ Hicks Home Bums, Loss Adjusted. In the overturning of the boat four ------o----- to a large number of their lady ing with thought and action for a and Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10' ticipated in, the hostess served a dain­ of Its occupants were drowned, the The home of J. H. Hicks, which friends, which took place at the home rousing good time. It is hoped that all American manure spreader lor sale. ty lunch. • with contests suffered a total loss on of the latter. It was a beautiful spring Knights and their families will be brave Talbot among the number. Hap­ “TheMischief Maker" will be shown last Saturday morning, was insured in day, which added to the enjoyment of Will sell cheap, as it is too heavy for pily one seaman got ashore, more than present. Everyone, whether a Knight half dqad, to bring Bicard's dispatch­ my team, for cash. T. McCormack. ♦ at the Gem Theatre next Thursday, the Concordia Fire Ins. Co., by Rollic the occasion. The decorations were February 22nd., This is William Fox’s Watson Agent. The loss was adjusted hearts and ferns and the floral favors or otherwise will be welcome. es to the American minister to the W. A. Williams carries a full line of latest production and is a thriller from for the full amount of $2.000.00 today. were pink carnations. Rook and fancy There will be refreshments served. Sandwich Islands, who at once char­ Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay | start to finish. Don’t forget ttec date. Mr. Hicks will rebuild at once. work formed the features of the after­ Marathon Lodge was at a standstill tered n steamer and sailed the name noon's diversion, the honors falling to sometime back, but during the past 2 day to the relief of the marooned you to look over his stock when in Thursday, February 22. Mrs. Ammer and die consolation to years, the old Pythian Spirit has been ship's company of the Ruglnaw. Ex­ Circuit Court Adjourned. Clifton Hall returned to his home need. » Mrs. David RobinsClh. The hostesses aroused, and with the addition of cept for the sad ending to Talbot's mis­ in McMinnville after a ten days stay J. M. DeLillies has bought the with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Martin. The February term of the Circuit served a delicious lunch, and the about 20 new members, the lodge is in sion, this wreck, however unfortunate Jones Apartment house. And will be County Assessor C. A. Johnson has Court adjourned on Saturday night guests were highly pleased with the a position to entertain the public in the In Itself, is n splendid example of the delightful time. until the 26th of March, when Judge moved into his beautiful new home in known in future as the DeLillies resonrcefulne s and skill of the Ameri­ Bagley will dispose of several cases The invited guests were: Mesdames good old Pythian wav. can naval offices and so may be re­ Apartments. * the cast part of town. that were held over. Lonard, Shreve, Jones, W. Baker, If you have other engagements, it Two individual members of the H. B. Spencer and E. E. Parker vs. Edwards, Winslow, Rasmussen Gru­ would be well to postpone same and garded with vastly more pride than re­ Money to loan on farm lands, from Christian Church, whose names are gret Rear Admiral Caspar F. Good­ F. D. Small, D. C. Urie and James ber, Reedy, Burton, Alderman, Olson, $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate not revealed, have purchased a new Burke. Transcript from third justice Haner, Holden, Chaphe, Hall, B. D. join us for the night of February rich In Philadelphia Ledger. of interest. We want your business. Ford automobile which they have court. Judgment in favor of plaintiff. i Lamar, E. D. Allen, Farley, J. S. La­ 19th, and help us to make Pythianism W. G. Dwight vs. M. H. Dennis and mar, Geo. Peterson. Groat, Berge, what it was in the past. Odd Name Oddly Won. See Everson. * placed in the service of the church to be used by the pastor. D. M. Dennis, A. A. Arstill and Franklin, King, Hill, Haberlach, Ma­ The Inn known ns the “Same Yet,” at Theresa Arstill. Foreclosure of mort­ son. Walls, Ammer, Coates, Poorman, I'reatwlcli. lias n curious history which The B«st Recommendation. gage. Decree. Lamb, Conover. Hadley, Reichers, Mr. Ha'kwood relates: “The House ■ o------ S. B. Vincent as receiver for T. B. Youel, Smith. Miller, Boats, Plank, originally bore the ‘Seven Stars,’ but Potter Realty Co., a corporation and Robinson, H* A. Williams, Hayes, T he strongest recommendation any many year» ago It became necessary as receiver for Potter-Chapin Realty Kirk, McNair, Rotts, Willett, Sanders article may receive is a favorable to bnvc Its faded sign repainted. When Co., vs. Pearl Atkire et al. To quiet Crenshaw, Bales, Wiley, f" Haltom, word from the user. It is the recom­ the painter asked the landlord what he title. Order dismissing one defendant. Brodhead. Max Schultz, O. A mendation of those who have used it was to put on the board he received The mandamus proceedings brought Schultz, Carl Schultz, Brains, j Koch that makes Chamberlain’s Cough the answer, ‘The same yet’ And the by Rollie Watson and others of Tilla­ Purdom, Lewis, Byers, ~ Dunn. F. R Remedy so popular. Mrs. Amanda mook to compel the officers to call a Reals, B. I.. .. Beals, Beals. W X William* Gierhzrt, Waynesfield, Ohio, writes, man took him at his word.”—London . __ compel Tillamook City to call a KUnfelter, j J. P. Allen, . jBbry, Moul- "Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has New». special election for the purpose of ton, Barnes, Condit, Ever^^ W. I J been used in my family off a nd on - w Have the courage to appear poor submitting the question of allowing Peterson. Pennington, wglvester for twenty years and it has never fail­ and you disarm poverty of Ita sharpest pool and reading rooms to remain Scott, Partridge, Morrison, Hunt, ’ d to cure a cough or cold. ” For »ale 4jftn dfr» ^ft«> l^ftSS 5ft M ^ftiSS »ting. Mrs. Jameson. open on Sundays, was argued and and Stranahan. by Lamars Drug Store. * Prosperity and Confidence « R Thefirst National Bank * Tillamook Jottings. » UHJWAR’S variety store , I I.OO.F. BLD., £ Drop in and book Around ” »