TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY R. 1917 AN EMBROIDERED CEILING. WONDER ISLAND OF HISTORY. OLD KASSAN VILLAGE bt One* Graced the Chinaee Imperial Palace at Peking. Ths Story of Sicily 1« a Compendium of Medieval Romance. Curious Alaskan Landmark In the Ten* gave National Forest. One of the most beautiful and elab- •orato pieces of embroidery ever exhib­ ited in New York was the veiling of -the council chamber of the imperial jmlaee at Peking. This ceiling was (formed of yellow silk of heavy quality ’that much resembled faille in the weave. The back was of a greenish blue, woven in a small diamond pat- -tern. The total measurements of it sail were twenty-one feet six inches long and nineteen feet six inches wide. The design with which it was em­ bellished was an imperial dragon in the '-enter and four others, one in each «corner. Encircling these a groundwork -Was formed ef cloud pattern, and dis­ persed were small bats and other sym- I Idols. The cloud effect was worked out du blue and purple and the bats in gilnk. The dragons were largely gold •work, and a threefold line of gold snr- iroundt-d each part of the design. The story of this ceiling aud how it •came to New York includes a small ;part of Chinese history and custom, lit was* In the Imperial council chamber at Peking that the envoys of the va­ rious natious met in 1902 to settle the . Boxer difficulties. At the close of the ■«session a representative of the etuper- •or courteously informed them that the Kcoiitents of the chamber were consid­ ered profaned by the presence of for­ eigners and that they were therefore «at liberty to divide among themselves (the chamber's furnishings, in this manner the celling fell to the share of (the American envoy.—St. Louis Post- , «Dispatch. Sicily's history is as vivid aud pic­ turesque, as ferocious and creative and destructive, as mythical and Intensely . practical as the stories of all the rest of the world put together And In beauty of nature. of climate, or man. and of beast, the island is a paradise today, whether or not It was ever the . worklcss, painless, passhiidess elysinm I where our first an-estors enjoyed all ! the good things of life without having I to toll. Nature Itself, now in the guise of the misunderstood gy and looked brot hers. Can Any One Really Tell Juet Where It Ultimately the quarrel waxed so furi­ •1 a handsome and well dressed Italian B&ou idly while 1 as idly looked over the Is Located? \ •v null i who called herself America ous that tl'.e disputants lost all control Etolays. Suddenly Trap flew at a heap The east retains it somewhat con­ '.'i >u -i and claimed descent from the of themselves, defied each other to ' '«of manuscripts ami seized a printed descending attitude toward tbe middle ^»ttiook. We tried to get it from him. single combat and proceeded to settle nn- l ::;or who gave his name to the west, and in .its friendliest moments It’s all power ale dashed about the room. under and their difference and determine the i oidliu.-nt F.x-I’resldent Adams and sia-aks of the plainsmen as "first rate mind of the ancient legislator by a ‘iniel Webster became her especial ¡Sever the bed. because it’s all re­ raw material," as if the middle west f the public domain of the erners. Omaha 1 should tiescribe as land Jehus, that wonderful dog went pattens to approach the ordinary stat­ ■ouiilrr which bore the name of her unquestionably middle western, yet Ksluirectly to the box office of tile theater. ure of women, but she was tierce and at l usior. An adverse report, which there are middle westerners who repu­ I l-'rauk Lluucc. the business manager domineering iu temper. The combat > hi was marie. is one of tbe curiosi­ diate Nebraskn and only tepidly ac­ ■beheld him. “What has he got there?' appears to have been a drawn battle, ties congressional literature. It eu- cept Kansas, while St.. Lotus anti Kan­ •Biti'l he. “A play," said I. "Does he and the sense at Justinian remained io: i ed the petitioner as "a young, dig- sas City belong to the middle west ac­ as obscure and debatable as ever. «ffvaut me to read it?" said Bunce. "If allied and graceful lady, with a mind cording to some authorities, to the jnu please." 1 replied. Take it up of the highest Intellectual culture and south according to others as vociferous. tBtairg to Mr. Frolimau." said the busi- As Blind as Love. a heart beating with nil our own en­ By general consent Minnesota belongs siess manager. As the German army approached thusiasm in the cause of American and to the northwest. However, if you go i 'Twas done. Frohman read it. He Brussels in August, 1014. it was re­ humuii liberty." The reasons why the halfway from Portland, Me., to Port­ «accepted and produced it. The play ported that the Invaders might shell prayer of the petitioner could not be land, Ore., all of Minnesota lies behind Bind been written twenty years before the city. In a high state of alarm the granted were given, but she was com­ you. In Chicago they say: “Why, man. Cor my father by Madison Morton and Chinese minister went to see our min­ mended to the generosity of the Amer­ alire, there's nothing western about us! liobert Reece. They called it “Trade." ister, Brand Whitlock, to see what ican people. This is the interior." A dear soul in Crohman christened it "The Highest Whitlock meant to do in the event ef "The name of America, our country's Montana remarked to me: “How Jolly Bidder." The play was a great suc- bomlrardmeut. nnine. should be honored, respected and to bear that you came from tbe eust! 4cess and started both I'an Frohmaa "1 do uot believe there will be tiny cherkdied in the interesting exile from I'm an easterner myself. 1 lived In and myself on the waters of prosper­ assault," said Whitlock. "My infor­ whose ancestor we derive the great Iowa.” ity.—Edward H. Sotbern's “The Mel­ mation is that the authorities will sur­ and glorious title." Whore, then, is the middle west? In ancholy Tale of 'Me.'" render Brussels to avoid say possibil­ Later it was discovered that the wo- the words of the immortal Artemus, I ity of damage. But if there should be I man was an Impostor.—'Tesley'a Rem answer, "Nowhere -nor anywheres .......... an engagement, and the Germans | InlBceneBS.” A Useful Storm. else.”—Rollin Lyude Hartt tn Ceutury I Professor Cleveland Abbe, the Amer­ should use their heavy guns, I shall Magazine. heist the flag of my country over this ican meteorologist, was generally cred­ Genius and Hair A!I the convenien­ ited with being the father of scientific building, and I shall call upon my fel Charlea Kasral has carefully review­ Tho Haight ef Traee. Bakes, broils, roasts, ces of gas — better 'Weather forecasting The possibility low countrymen to come here for safe­ ed the biographies of most of the emi­ When one is out for a wit Ik it is a toasts. More efficient cooking and a «Of predicting the weather was first ty and protection. I advise y«>« to do nent men of the world and has tabulat­ very camtnon thing to wish to know than your wood or coal «considered at an international confer the same thing with regard te your ed the results of bls work, no far as the height of a particular tree which cleaner •once at Brussels in 1853. but the nec- people.'' the color of the hair la concerned. Dark i happens to catch the eye. When the stove, and costs less to cooler "But. Mr. Whftlsck," murmured the brown to black Is the prevailing hneen j sun Is shining it is ¡lOHsible accurately ■asary impetus to the movement was operate. Your cooking kitchen «i ven in 1854, during the Crimean war. Chinaman tn his [wllte but labored the bauds ef great men. A list of fifty I to measure th» height of tlie tree from is better, too, because 4>y a violent storm in the Black sea. English, "the cannon-he has ns eyes!" names has been compiled in which the . tbe shallow It < asts on the ground. In you have heat-control ■Which caused havoc among the allied —Saturday Evening Post. color of tbe hair ia given by biogra­ order to do so a stick must He set up­ British and French vessels. One French s like a gas stove. phers, and 90 per «rent are dark brown 1 right In tbe ground so that its shadow warship was wrecked, and in conae- Castle Garden. or blaek. The structure of the hair— j falls beside the shadow of the tree. •qiience of this disaster the astronomer Castle Garden was built by the Unit­ whether straight or curly—Is given on | Then, as the length of th« »tick's shad, Terrier (the co-diseoverer of Nep ed States in 1807 from the plane of twenty-six of Mr. Kassel's list of ge­ ow to tbe stick's height, s«> is the en- “ Now 1 think I ’ ll Invest in a coni if ft so be that he die. — Our Dumb An ­ km the afternoon in question?”— I Tbe patient glance«1 around ruefully mine. That crop is never a failure, and «•fitcil her instantly. Because A you believe in heredity?” I stomach or gas and prevents appen­ tngel.” Bitter. To.’’ dicitis. It has quickest action of any­ “ Who Is that fooli«h man that Is In •Tea. And I'm sorry I said IL She Plenty ef Practice. Why not?” thing we ever sold. J. S. I.arnar, drug "Have you any special qualification got intere«to<| In flying, and. after see­ love with you?” /*>k at the cheep skates that had gist. “How do you know he Is foolish?" ing her in her aviation costume, I must for this Job you are asking for la our it ancestors.''—Detroit Free Press DONE RIGHT "He is in love with you."- Houston any she doesn't look the part. '— Wash­ establishment as floorwalker?” O. I. C Swine. Post. , “Oh. y«nt. sir! My twins hare Just ington Star. Tao Leng. ------- o-------- 1th— Haven't you and Jack been I hern teething "—Baltimore American. I have «ome choice fall hoar» for Vessela large winy venture more, but Show nie a man without a ajax, and ged long enough to get married? •a! . \1 ro somr nice spring pigs to tkt1» l> >»»s should keep near shore I ’ ll show yon a maid without a fault - Panama te rising three feet In each -iliTt ”<»•, both »cxe». bel—Too long! He hasn't got a Frnnklln. RIGHT PRICES. Proverb. Io< D<>ndd