TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.IFEBRUARY 8. 1917. * Tarnaghan, Denis Mallon, Patrick Notic* and Summons in Foreclosure Summon*. Notice. of Tax Lien. Maloy, J. C. Manley, Eugene Mas­ ------ o------ ---- o------ ------ o------ eru, Andy Mattson, Henry A. Notice is hereby given. That the In the Circuit Court of the State of 1 Meyer, \\ ilford O’Neill Kate E. In the Circuit Court of the State Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon for the County of Tillamook. Ortinan, otherwise known as Miss Oregon, lor 1 iliamuok I ounty. Oregon, has accepted the street im­ S. B. \ incent, as Receiver tor T. B. ON THE ONE HAND Kate E. Ortinan, J. H. Overhauser, 1 K. it. t oshun, Flaiiitiif provements provided for by Ordi­ Potter Realty Company, a corpora­ Chattie H. Overhauser, E. AL Per­ vs. you may have your house burned over nance No. 328 of Tillamook City,Ore­ tion, and as receiver for Potter- sons, otherwise known as Mrs. E. Iola 1. Handley, a widow and gon, being the following portions of your head, but on the other you Chapin Realty Company, a corpora­ M. Persons, Joseph Peters, Nina E. all persons unknown, 11 any, streets, to-wit: All that portion of tion, Plaintiffs. Pickett, Gertrude Phillips, other ­ having or claiuiing an interest should have a fire insurance policy, Fifth Street from the East line of vs. wise known as Miss Gertrude Phil­ or estate 111 and to the herein- Stillwell Avenue to the West line of Pearl Alkire, otherwise known as Mrs. to entirely wipe out such a frightful lips, J. H. Price, La Vauchia Hill atter described real property. Second Avenue East. Pearl Alkire, E. K. K. Allen, Ade- as Mrs. loss. Now an insurance policy only Price, otherwise known Defendant*. And has apportioned the cost of laid Barstow, L. W. Belveal, Lewis La Vauchia Hill Price, Knute To Iola 1. Handley, a widow and all said improvements to the respective calls for a premium of a few dollars G. Belveal, Jacob A. Blissenbach, Quist, B. L. Redden, F. J. Schrae- persons unknown, if any, having or lots and tracts of ground which are Ada Breese, otherwise known as for every thousand valuation at in­ der, Robert bears, Etta J. Seis, claiming an interest or estate 111 and situated within Local Improvement Airs. Ada Breese, 1 . Prcstiahain, otherwise known as Mrs. Etta J. lu the hereinafter described real prop­ tervals of three or five years. Dispose District No. 7, of Tillamook City, Elizabeth Brown, i'homas F. .turns, Seis, D. C. Sheldon, Albert Edward erty, the above named defendants, Oregon, being all of the property of your anxiety about your real estate T. F. Burns, i.v.uizu Ax. burton, Brown, John F. Smith, M. L. Smith, In the name of the State of Oregon: fronting and abutting upon or adjac­ E. L. Bushnell, W. H. Campbell, D. J. F. Smith, Ignatius Stapelton, and do it now. You are hereby notified that this ent to said proposed improvement Green, F. Campbell, Jr., C. D. Oscar Stenberg, C. B. Stroman, F. plaintiff is the holder ot Certificate of and to said proposed improvements otherwise known as Airs. C. D. Taylor, W. A. Templin, Halver Delinquency number 9 >5 issued and especially benefitted thereby, and Green, Del Clements, Annie E. Thorson, Thomas L. Tutty, Ella October 2b, 1913, by the tax collec­ that the Common Council of Tilla­ Casey, otherwise known as Miss Vanduyn, otherwise known as Mrs. tor of Tillamook County, State of mook City, Oregon, has appointed Annie E. Casey, Joseph C. Casey, Ella Vanduyn, J. M. Vanduyn, Oregon, tor the amount ot lliirly- Monday, the 19th day of February, S. G. Clamp, John Coffey, Frankie Frank H. V andendale,, John S. three and 28-101) (133.28) dollars, 1917, at the City Hall in Tillamook Corrigan, otherwise known as Aliss Watkins, Elizabeth R. Williams, the same being the amount then due PHONE US. CALL ON US. WRITE US City, Oregon, at the hour of 8 p.m. Frankie Corrigan, Nellie Crowder, otherwise known as Mrs. Elizabeth and delinquent for taxes tor the year as the time and place at which the Teresa B. Curry, otherwise known R. Williams, James F. Wilkins, 1911, together with penalty, interest Common Council shall hear and de­ as Airs. Teresa B. Curry, Alaria B. Sarah A. Smith, L. Epworth Ken- and costs thereon upon the real prop­ termine all objections to the appor­ Dalton, Gertrude R. Davis, John F. ney, Alice Zapf, otherwise known erty assessed to you, of which you are tionment of the cost of said street Davis, C. T. Diamond, Antone Don- as Mrs. Alice Zapf, C. Casselberry, improvement and that at said meet­ he owners as appears of record, sit­ ati, Alereta Donavan, Kate Dolan, otherwise known as Miss C. Cassel ­ ing, or at such other time as the hear­ uated in said County and State, and otherwise known as Airs. Kate berry, D. Spinossa Cattela, Clara ing may be adjourned to, the Com­ particularly bounded and described Dolan, John S. Drew, J. H. Fox, D. Euerson, otherwise known as Miss mon Council will hear and determine as follows, to-wit: D. Tourcray, otherwise known as Clara Euerson, John Grover,, Chris­ such objections and make such Lots numbers One (1) and Two (2) Airs. D. D. Tourcray, A. Nettie tina S. Hosey, E. E. Löffler, H. T. changes therein as shall be necessary Bridgeman, E. P. Galbraith, Rob­ We have prepared charts show­ Kipp, F. Lee, M. T. McCarthy, H. in Block number Two (2), Miller's to make such apportionment equitable ert Getter, William R. Gibson, Cora Reed McCoskrie, Elizabeth G. Addition to Tillamook City, Tilla­ ing the correft lubrication of the and just. The apportionment so made mook County, Oregon. XI. Goodier, Patrick J. Grogan, Brophy, otherwise known as Miss various makes ot automobiles — by the Common Council is on file You are further notified that the Charles Al. Hally, George A. Hanly, Elizabeth G. Brophy, Andrew Mat­ with the undersigned City Recorder a separate chart for each car. Jennie Hart, otherwise known as thew, Samuel Mills, JatnesR, Mur­ holder of said Certificate of Delin­ and may be examined by any person Ask your dealer, or write us for Airs. Jennie Hart, Ida S. Haskins, ray, Janet K. Williams, Cecelia E. quency has paid taxes on said prem- interested therein. Hayford, Olai Hauge, W. S. chart for your car. W inters, G. A. Zitterholm, Agnes ises for prior or subsequeut years as Done by order of the Common Thomas Johns, Albert E. Johnson, I. Zirbes, otherwise known as Mrs. follows to-wit: Council and dated this 1st day of On Oct. 25, 1913, the sum of Nellie Johnston, William I P. Joyce, Agnes I. Zirbes, Hattie Snow, February, 1917. Miles Kelly, Alargaret C. I Keenan, otherwise known as Miss Hattie $25.51 for taxes of the year 1912. Ira C. Smith, On Oct. 26, 1914 the sum of $27.44 Arthur Kennedy, Gustave Kunze, Snow, Alfred Bachtold, J. E. City Recorder of Tilla­ Andrew Laidlaw, Chester Lehman, brown, Phillip T. O’Neill, Helen B. for the taxes of the year 1913. mook City, Oregon. On Alay 11, 1916 the sum of $28.54 Orville Lynch, Elizabeth AlcCarthy, Butler, otherwise known as Mrs. J. G. AlcGrary, J. H. McManus, Helen B. Butler, Hattie B. Cleve­ for taxes of the year 1914. On Alay 26, 1916 the sum of $28.33 George MacTarnaghan, J. A. Mac- land, otherwise known as Mrs. Notice of Final Account. Sold by dealers everywhere and Tarnaghan, Denis .Mallon, Patrick Hattie B. Cleveland, Nina A. Derby, for taxes of the year 1915. *t all Service Stations of the $2.54 On Oct. 7, 1916 the sum Maloy, J. C. Manley, Eugene Mas- of E. H. t.nglebarl, C. C. Findley, H. Notice is hereby given that the un­ ero, Andy Alattson, Henry A. Standard Oil Company A. Gillivey, otherwise known as for taxes of the year 1894. dersigned, administrator of the estate Aleyer, Wilford O’Neill, Kate E. On Oct. 7, 1916 the sum of $5.89 (California) Mrs. H. A. Gillivey, B. A. Kelly, of Delia Bean, deceased, has filed Ortinan, otherwise known as Aliss otlie.wise known as Mrs. B. A. for taxes of the year 1899. with the County Court of Tillamook Kate E. Ortinan, J. H. Overhauser, On Oct. 7, 1916 the sum of $6.24 Kelly, K. N. Laney, otherwise County, Oregon, his final account, Chattie FL Overhauser, E. AL Per­ known as Mrs. K. N. Laney, Chas. for the taxes of the year 1901. and that said court has fixed Friday, sons, otherwise known as Airs. E. AU of said amounts bear interest A. Storms, Robert E. Leonard, the 16th day of February, 1917, at Al. Persons, Joseph Peters, Nina E. Isabel Timberman, otherwise known from date of payment at the rate of 10 o'clock a m., as the time and place Pickett, Gertrude Phillips, other­ as Miss Isabel Timberman, James 15 per cent per annum. for hearing objections to said final wise known as Miss Gertrude Phil­ Said Iola I. Handley as the owner Mullins, Philip J. Murphy, Blenda account, at which time all persons lips, J. H. Price, La Vauchia Hill Munson Nord, otherwise known as of the legal title of the above de­ « having objections to said final ac­ Price, otherwise known as Mr*. Mrs. Blenda Alunson Nord, Joseph scribed property as the same appears count may appear and present the Price, Knute I. aVauchia Hill Overman, R. F. Schneider, Albert of record, and each of the other per­ I same. Quist, B. L. Redden, F. j. Schrae- G. Starkey, Celin R. Thompson, G. sons above named are hereby further Dated this the 18th day of January, der, Robert Sears, Etta J. Seis, A. Wagner, Henry G. Wood, P. J. notified that the plaintiff herein will 1917. otherwise known as Airs. Etta J. Gallagher, otherwise known as Dr. apply to the Circuit Court of the . ■ George P. Winslow, Seis, D. C. Sheldon, Albert Edward P. J. Gallagher, M. E. Setters, County and State aforesaid for a de­ Administrator of the Es­ Brown, John F. Smith, AL L. Smith. William E. Huskamp, George E. cree foreclosing the lien of said taxes tate, of Delia Bean, deceas­ J. F. Smith, Ignatius Stapelton, Aloats, George I. Pemberton, Sue and costs against the property above ed. Oscar Stenberg, C. B. Stroman, F. Thrasher, Doris Thrasher, J. M. described and mentioned in said cer­ Taylor, W. A. Templin, Halver Wooley, Administrator of the estate tificate. And you are hereby summon­ 1 horson, Thomas L. Tutty, Elia of Ben Thrasher, deceased; ed to appear within sixty days after Summon*. Vanduyn, otherwise known as Mrs. In the name of the State of Oregon the date of the first publication of Ella Vanduyn, J. M. Vanduyn, this summons, exclusive of the day of In the Circuit Court of the State of Frank H. Vandendale,, John S. You and each of you are hereby re­ said first publication, and defend this Oregon for Tillamook County. Watkins, Elizabeth R. Williams, quired to appear and answer the com­ action or pay the amount due, to­ H. A. Brandt, Plaintiff. otherwise known as Airs. Elizabeth plaint of the plaintiff filed against you gether with costs; and in case of your vs. R. Williams, James F. Wilkins, in the above entitled suit on or before failure to do so, a decree will be Nancy E. Brandt, alias Nancy Sarah A. Smith, L. Epworth Ken- the expiration of six weeks from the rendered foreclosing the lien of such E. Wilson, Alias Nancy E. ney, ?.lice Zapf, otherwise known 4th day of January, 1917, being taxes, interest and costs against the Loveing, alias Nancy E. Hiim as Mrs. Alice Zapf, C. Casselberry, the date of the first publication lands and premises above named. and if you alias, Nancy E. Winter. otherwise .known as Aliss C. Cassel­ of this summons, This summons is served upon you Defendant. berry, D. Spinossa Cattela, Clara fail to so appear and answer, plain- by publication for a period of six (6) Nancy E. Brandt, alias Nancy E. Enerson, otherwise known as Aliss tiff will apply to the Court for weeks, pursuant to order of court Wilson, alias Nancy E. Loveing, Clara Enerson, John Grover,, Chris­ the relief prayed for in said com- duly entered in the above entitled alias Nancy E. Holm, alias Nancy E. tina S. Hosey, E. E. Löffler, H. T. plaint, to-wit: that it be decreed and action and dated December 30, 1916. Winter: The above named defendant: Kipp, F. Lee, AL T. McCarthy, H. adjudged by this court that neither Date of first publication, January In the name of the State of Oregon, Reed AlcCoskrie, Elizabeth G. you nor any one of you defendants 11, 1917, have any interest or estate whatever you are hereby required to appear Brophy, otherwise known as Miss All process and papers in the pro­ and answer the complaint filed Eiizabe h G. Brophy, Andrew Mat­ in or to the following described real ceeding may be served upon the un­ property or any part thereof, to-wit: against you in the above entitled suit thew, Samuel Mills, JamesR, Mur­ Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), dersigned at the address hereinafter on or before the 24th day of March, ray, Janet K. Williams, Cecelia E. and Four (4), and tide lands fronting mentioned with the same force and 1917, said date being after the expira­ Winters, G. A. Zitterholm, Agnes effect as if personally served on the tion of six weeks from the first pub­ I. Zirbes, otherwise known as Airs. and abutting on Lot Four (4) of holder of said certificate within this lication of this summons, and if you Agnes I. Zirbes, Hattie Snow, Section Six (6) in Township One (1) state. fail to appear and answer said com­ otherwise known as Aliss Hattie South of Range Ten (10) West of the Glenn E. Husted, illamette Aleridian, in Oregon; plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff Snow, Alfred Bachtold, J. E. Also Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Attorney for Plaintiff. will apply to the court for the relief Brown, Phillip T. O’Neill, Helen B. 1220 Yeon Building, prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: Butler, otherwise known as Mrs. Four (4) of Section Thirty-one (31), Portland, Oregon. For a decree annulling the marriage Helen B. Butler, Hattie B. Cleve­ in Township One (1) North, of Ranee land, otherwise known as Airs. Ten (10) West of the Willamette Last publication February 22, 1917, contract existing between you and the Hattie B. Cleveland, Nina A. Derby, Meridian, in Oregon; plaintiff herein, and for dissolution of Lot Four (4) of Section Twenty- Notice for Publication. E. H. Englebart, C. C. Findley, H. the bonds of matrimony existing be­ A. Gillivey, otherwise known as nine (29), Lot Four (4) of Section tween you and the plaintiff herein, o------ Airs. H. A. Gillivey, B. A. Kelly, Thirty (30), Lot One (1) of Section the decree to take effect from the Department of Interior, U. S. otherwise known as Airs. B. A. Thirty-one (31), and Lot One (1) of Land Office at Portland, Oregon, date of your marriage with the plain­ Lyseptic is completely soluable in water. A teaspoon Kelly, K. N. Laney, otherwise Section Thirty-two (32) in Township January 12, 1917. tiff, from to-wit the aist day of De­ full to 1 quart of water is the average strength to be used known as Airs. K. N. Laney, Chas. One (1), North, of Range Ten (10) cember 1914. Notice is hereby given that David for Antiseptic, Germicide Deodorants, Wounds, Cuts, Nail A. Storms, Robert E. Leonard, West of the Willamette Aleridian; This summons is published in the Barrie Jr., whose postoffice address is Lots One (1), Two (2), Five (5), Isabel Timberman, otherwise known Punctures, Mange, Hoof Rot, Mud Fever, Lice, Fleas, TiBamook Headlight ,a paper publish­ 255 E. 71st St. North, Portland Orc., as Aliss Isabel Timberman, James and Six (6) of Section Seven (7) in did, on the 2nd day of December, ed weekly in said county and state Dandruff, Shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves very Township One (1) South, of Range Mullins, Philip J. Alurphy, Blenda by order of the Hon. Geo. T. Bagley, 1916, file in this office Sworn State­ effective for washing the animals and stables utensils, Ten (10) West of Willamette Aferi- Alunson Nord, otherwise known as Judge of the Circuit Court of the ment and Application, No., 04831, to ami if used in general improves stable conditions, Infec­ Airs. Blenda Alunson Nord, Joseph dian, less Ten (10) acres of the East purchase the N.E. % of S. W. State of Oregon, for the County of of Lot Six (6); tion among cattle, Abortion, Foul Discharge, and exter­ Overman, R. F. Schneider, Albert Tillamook, which order was made Section 20, Township 1 South, Range Lot Two (2) of Section Twenty nally to prevent the spread of diseases G. Starkey, Celin R. Thompson, G. and entered on the 8th day of Febru­ 10 West, Willamette Meridian, and A. Wagner, Henry G. Wood, P. J. (20) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and the timber thereon, under the provis­ ary, 1917. The date of the first pub­ Three ~ ____ (3) of Section Twenty-nine Gallagher, otherwise known as Dr. lication of this summons is February 1878, and ') North ions of the Act of June 3, P. J. Gallagher, M. F. Setters, (29) in Township One (1) gth, 1917, and the date of the last acts amendatory, known as the of Range Ten (10), West of William E. Huskamp, George E. Sublication thereof is the 22nd day of “Timber and Stone Law," as such Aloats, George I. Pemberton, Sue Willamette Aleridian; and that the value as might be fixed by appraise- larch, 1917, and the number of in­ Thrasher, Doris Thrasher, J. M. title of this plaintiff to every part incnt, and that, pursuant to such ap­ sertions is seven (7), and the time W'ooley, Administrator of the estate and parcel of said real property is plication, the land and timber thereon prescribed for the publication is six good and valid, and that you and each of Ben Thrasher, deceased; weeks. have been appraised, under Serial of you above named defendants be 04436, Defendants. the timber estimated 200,000 1 , • John Leland Henderson, forever enjoined and debarred from board feet at 20c per M, and 80,000 I To Attorney for Plaintiff. Pearl Alkire, otherwise known as Airs asserting any claim whatever in or to board feet at 40c. per Al, and the | ELAND E ERWIN, PROFIT BY THIS Pearl Alkire, E. K. K. Allen, Ade- said real property above described or land $40.00; that said applicant will ------ o------ Catarrh Deafness Cannot laid Barstow, L. W. Belveal, Lewis any part thereof adverse to the plain­ offer final proof in support of his ap- j PIANO INSTRUCTION, Don't Waste Another Day. G. Belveal, Jacob A. Blissenbach, tiff and for a judgment against you plication and sworn statement on the I Be Cured ------ o------ Ada Breese, otherwise known as and each of you defendants for the 10th day of April, 1917, before the Diploma from Chicago Musical by local applications as they cannot W hen you are worried by backache; College.— Beginners receive the same Airs. Ada Breese, F. Bresnaham, costs and disbursements of this suit, Register and Receiver of the United reach the diaeaaed portion of the Elizabeth Brown, Thomas F. Burns, and for such other and further relief Spates Land Office, at Portland, Ore­ I By lameness and urinary disorders-- careful training as the most advanced. There ia only one way to cure Don't experiment with an untried catarrhal deafness, nrd that is hv a T. F. Burns, Lorenzo M. Burton, as to the Court may seem just and gon. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ m edicine. constitutional remedy. Catarrhal F. . L. Bushnell, W. H. Campbell, D. equitable. Any person is at nueriy liberty to protest protest 1 , — ”-------- This summons is served upon you this purchase before entry, or initiate I. b‘J Deafness is caused by an inflamed thousands of people arc do- tion. F. Campbell, Jr., C. D. Green, condition of the muccous lining of otherwise known as Mrs. C. D by publication thereof for a period of a contest at any time before patent I ing. AH lessons given at Studio. the Eustachian Tube. When this Use Doan’ s Kidney Pills. Green, Del Clements, Annie E. six consecutive weeks in the Tilla­ i ssues, . by _ filing a corroborated affi- County Representative for the tube is inflamed you have a rumbl Read this McMinnville resident’s Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high Casey, otherwise known as Miss mook Headlight a weekly newspaper davit in this office, alleging facl.t ing sound or imperfect hearing, and experience: Annie E. Casey, Joseph C. Casey, published at Tillamook, Oregon, in vhich would defeat the entry. grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos when it ia entirely closed, Deafness Mrs. Mary T. Full, R F. D. No. 1, etc. S. G. Clamp, John Coffey, Frankie pursuance of an order duly made in N. Campbell, is the result. Unless the inflamma­ ‘‘Doan’s McMinnville, Ore., says; Corrigan, otherwise known as Afiss the above entitled suit on the 2nd day Register tion can be reduced and this tube Kidney Pills are all that is claimed Frankie Corrigan, Nellie Crowder, of January, 1917. restored to its normal condition, for them and 1 am ready to speak a Samuel White & John H. White, Teresa B. Curry, otherwise known hearing will be destroyed forever. Notice of Final Settlement. good word for them every chance 1 as Mrs. Teresa B Curry, Alaria B 1010 Board of Trade Building, Port­ Many cases of deafness are caused ------o------ get as 1 know from personal exper­ Dalton, Gertrude R. Davis, John F. land, Oregon. by catarrh, which is an inflamed Davis, C. T. Diamond, Antone Don- Notice i* hereby given: That the ience that they are very reliable. I Attorneys for Plaintiff condition of the mucous surfaces. ati, Mereta Donavan, Kate Dolan, Date of first publication Jan. 4, 1917» undersigned ha* filed his final ac­ have found Doan’s Kidney Pills just Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru otherwise known as Mrs. Kate count as executor of the last will anti the thing for a dull pain across my the blood of the mucous surface* Dolan, John S. Drew, J. H. Fox, D Date of last publication Feb. 16, 1917 testament of Jacob Luthi, deceased, kidneys. A few doses soon relieve the of the system D. Tourcray, otherwise known as in the County Court of the State of misery and makes me feel as strong We wiHgivet >ne Hundred Dollars Mrs. D. D Tourcray, A Nettie Oregon for Tillamook County, and as ever.” for any case of Catarrhal Deafness Notice to Creditor*. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t Bridgeman, E. P. Galbraith, Rob­ the court has fixed Monday, the 5th that cannot be cured by Hall's ------ o------ ert Getter, William R. Gibson, Cora day of March, 1917 at 10 o’clock a m. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Catarrh Medicine. Circulars free. Doan ’s Kidney Pills—the same that Notice is hereby given, that I have in the County Court room in the Ail Druggists 75« M. Goodier, Patrick J. Grogan, uses. Foster Millburn Miliburn Co., F J. CHENEY A CO Toledo, O. Charles M. Hally, George A Hanly, been appointed administrator with court house at Tillamook City, Ore­ Mrs. Full use, Jennie Hart, otherwise known as the will annexed of the estate of gon, as the time and place for hearing Props., Buffalo N. Y, Mrs. Jennie Hart. Ida S. Haskins, Leone Dutton Aforrcw, deceased, by objections to said account. Rosenberg Bros, have opened a Olai Hauge, W. S. Hayford, the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ All persons are hereby notified to large feed store on 2nd Avenue East persons having present their objections, if any, to Thomas Johns, Albert E. Johnson, ty, Oregon. Alt E Nellie Johnston, William P Joyce, claims against said estate are requir­ said account at said time and place near the saw mill and will carry a Miles Kelly, Margaret C. Keenan ed to present them to me duly veri­ Dated this 1st day of February, VETERINARY. large line of ail kinds of hay, feed, Arthur Kennedy, Gustave Kunze, fied within six months from the date 1917. flout, grass seeds at the very lowest Andrew Laidlaw, Chester Lehman, of this notice at my office in Tilla­ Emil Benscheidt, Both Phone« ■price*. Special prices on hay and Orville Lynch, Elizabeth McCarthy, mook City, Oregon. Executor of the last 7. G. McGrary, T. H McManus. Dated this February l»t, 1917. feed in car lots. * will and testament of Tillamook - Oregon George MacTarnaghan, J. A. Mac- H. T. Botts, Administrator. Jacob Luti, deceased. FIRE ! FIRE I • FIRE ! ! I ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man.” NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE Correct Lubrication Charts, Free ZEROLENE the Standard Oil lor Motor Cars DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon A lex . M c N air & co. GEHERflü HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere CLOUGH’S LYSEPTIC, The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide. CHAS. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, Tillamook. Ore. J.