TILLAMOOK. OREGON. l-'EBKl ARY I’.so PER YEAR. I am in the market at all times for CIRCUIT COURT. your baby calves—Smith "The Calf Two You-.fc L'-a Svut to Fcràt-nûary Man,"—Both Phones. F°r Forging Bank Checks. Bet. Kuppenbender will move froip Nehalem to this city and will engage I he Febrv . v term of the circuit in tile implement business • court conv.cd on Monday, with Rev. A. J. Montgomery, Superin­ Judge Geo. R. Bagley on the bench. tendent of hr me missions, of the A grand jury was drawn composed Presbyterian church, was in the city of Lewis Anderson, L. J. Redberg, on Wednesday. John Schild, J. J. Hollett, W. M. Dr. T. B. Ford, district superintend­ Maxwell, A. X. Vaughn and M. D. ent of the M. E. church, held quarter­ Ackley. The Judge appointed Mr. HECK. Your can- ly meeting in this city and preached Anderson foreman of the grand jury. NOT alone are we able •<> co-operate in the problems both a RECORD and at the Oak Nolan, vs. C. W. Talmage, ad­ '.... M. .’.I. E. L. < church on Sunday. He is of our patrons i- tne city and on tile farm but we one ---- of — the .... broad ------- 1 minded mtn of that ministrator of the estate of C. B. RECEIPT for the bill it pays and are always willic T to Co JO. Add such Service to denomination. Hadley, deceased. Action for money. the complete fai dtuos fforded bv The First National serves you with an unfailing memory For Sale—One Faultless and one Dismissed without cost. Bank of Brownsville, a corporation, New Hercules stump puller and Bank and you will hu.c found a practical banking that will tell you one year or ten years equipments in good order. Price ISO vs. Albert Frances Smith. Action for connection indeed. money. Dismissed. each with equipment. J. D. Tompkins, from now just wliat you did with every Remember. 1 he First National is a Michael Marnisch vs. Joe Rozich. Henderson’s Fed Barn Sheridan, NATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTI dollar. Oregon. 2 Action for money. Dismissed. W. G. Dwight vs. F. S. Carver and Tl’TION—and affords the protection H. H. Hayward, of Hemlock, left Flora Carver. Action for money. Dis- Government Regulation. on Wednesday for Dundee, where he ' missed. A checking account costs you nothing, was called by the serious illness of , i Jacob Tagmann ct al vs F. H. B. C. Lamb. Pres. W. J. Riechers, Cashier we furnish all supplies free, explain how James Whitman, who is still very ill, ! • Neilson, ct al. Action for money. we understand that Mr. Whitman is I Continued for term. simple the plan is and assist you with about to undergo an operation. ! A. F. Coats Lumber Co., vs. Tilla- your bookeeping. I have a number of store buildings, mook City. Action for money. Dis- houses and office rooms to rent. Also 1 missed. Bank of Stanfield vs. Martin Blaser, can give desirable ground lease in various parts of the city desirable to et al. Action for money. Dismissed almost any needs. See me also for King & Smith Co., vs. M. Alice ! city property on payments to suit Jones and C. M. Jones. Action for money. Dismissed. , your income.—Rollie W. Watson. John L. Jones, vs. Carl P. Knudson. i Rosenberg Bros, have opened a large feed store on 2nd Avenue East I Action for money, Judgment in favor near the saw mill and will carry a 1 of plaintiff. J..C. Larkin, vs. Augusta M. Wallan. large line of all kinds of hay, feed, flour, grass seeds at the very lowest Action for money. Jurv trial and prices. Special prices on hay and verdict in favor of plaintiff for $5.00. I Tillamook County Bank, vs. Red feed in car lots. * Tillumook ’s Largest, Strongest Bank IMarich. Conf’rmation. Sale confirmed There will be a Parent Teacher’s F. I. Claussen plaintiff vs. F. H. 1 meeting at the High School on Feb- Wilkins, et al. Foreclosure of Mort- I ruarv 12. Parents are urgently re- gage. Continued for term. : quest to be present to discuss the 1 The Adjustment Bureau of the topic: “The value of teaching econ­ Portland Association of Credit Men. I Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * omy to boys and girls.” and other in­ I vs. E. E. Yarnell, et al Foreclosure of teresting questions. | Mortgage. Default and decree. W. A. Williams carries a full line of Webster Holmes, as trustee, of ' Frank Hadley, et al. vs F. L. Sap- Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay Lvster Brothers and Jennings, bank­ ■ pington. ^ceounting. Final decree. ybu to look over his stock when in rupts vs. Oregon Box anti Manu­ W. A. Wise, dentist. Arb'ic F. Betti». vs. James H. Bet­ ♦ facturing Company, a corporation, is tis. Divorce Decree. For Sale, Shaved Shingles, —See need. Anna H-lgcson. vs. John Helgeson. Wanted a married man to work on a case filed in the circuit court to re­ Shrode. ♦ a dairy farm, house furnished fjee and cover the sum of $3,238.50 for work Divorce. Final decree. Corts Driving and Boom Co. cor­ in sawing and delivering logs to the Noglarc Auto Lens at W. A. garden spot. Inquire at Headlight Of­ defendants. noration. vs. A. D. Morrison, et al. Williams. *2 | fice. This is a good joke on Ed. Rollison, Suit for Tntort’leader. Dismissed. Shop to rent, next to my office.— G. E. Westinghouse, vs. E. E. A nurse of experience and some ' of _ ________ = Station. One night the Life ______ Saving T. H. Goyne. training wishes nursing to do. Can | this week he disrobed before retiring Yarnell, et al. Foreclosure of Mort- , give references. Call 78 W. Reason- ”—' ’ for the night in front of the stove, > gage. Decree. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, ’ able. Sarah A. Clark vs. B. S. Clark. Di- i where he left his duds. Next morning vorce. Decree. Cloverdale, Ore. U. S. Edwards vs. Edward F. Carter . the duds had disappeared and Sheriff ' Robert R. Peters vs Albert Darby | For Furnished Rooms at reasonable ; is a suit filed in the circuit court to Campbell was notified that the prem­ and Bertha Darby. Foreclosure of ! ises had been robbed. price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 recover $214.45 due the plaintiff in a Mortgage. Decree. logging contract. While looking after his nets at deep Tillamook County Bank vs. Arenz Game Called at 8:00. Tillamook County is enjoying some J. H. Rosenberg had the misfortune hole, about two miles up the Nehalem Construction Co. Action for money, splendid spring weather. to fall from the back end of a wagon river on Friday, Albert Crawford dismissed. General Admission 25c The grand jury brought in "no bill" For close prices on Alfalfa hay, and while loading hay on Monday and found the body of George J. Meacam. Z George J. Meacham was accidently against Dexter Johnson. dairy food—for cash, see Shrode. * dislocated his wrist. drowned near Batterson, December 1 hoinas Higgenbothem was indict­ S. S. Dow was a visitor to this city 1 17. He was 19 years of age and was ed by the grand jury on a charge of Blacksmith Coal— Coal—Right on Tuesday. He is a newspaper man Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * formerly of Ray, Colo., but now re­ the son of Thomas Meacham, of 1 forging a bank check. He pleaded not Five Hundreed Parties. er, Mr. and Mrs. Christensen, Mr. and Banks, Oregon. guilty and the trial was set for Sat­ . -Q-- - Mrs. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Haber­ For sale, 45 pure blooded white siding at McMinnville. Mandamus proceedings were started urday. He changed his mind on Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Boals, Mr. and lach, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. De Lillies has bought the by Rollic W. Watson and others Thursday and pleaded guilty, there be­ Mrs. W. A. Williams, and Mr. and Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and rock chickens, very cheap.—Phone City to call a ing six indictments returned against Mrs. R. B. Walls gave a 500 party at Mrs. Flank, Mr. and Mrs. Poorman, Jones Apartment house. And will be against Tillamook 6F11. him. Judge Bagley sentenced him known in future as the DeLillies special election for the purpose of from two to twenty years in the state the Tillamook Hotel on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Will pay you to see Everson for a , submitting to the voters the question evening of last week, to a large num- j . M. A. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Apartments. safe investment in city property or , j whether pool and reading rooms penitentiary. her of business men and their wives. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schultz, Albert Xiohols was indicted by the The dining room was used for the Mr. and Mrs. Walls, Mr. and Mrs. W. farm lands. ’I Lost—between the home of E. E. I shall be allowed to remain open on grand jury for forging a bank check. Bring your County Warrants to I Koch and E. T. Haltom’s Ladies I Sundays. Judge Bagley has set Feb- He pleaded guilty and was sentenced occasion, and everybody spent a most A. Williams. | ruary 9th at nine o’clock for hearing pleasant evening. The honors of the I Ray & Co.’s store and get 100 cents Cameo Ring, finder please leave at from two to twenty years in the state evening ' fell to Mr. and Mrs. Emmet | the case. "The Convict’s Daughter." on the dollar in trade. * Headlight office and receive reward penitentiary. Bales, as they scored the highest A. W. Atterbury, at one time a res­ C. W. Leonard vs. Janet McAlpin ( number of points, and Mr. and Mrs. I - - . x | * ..V Xaramiaauv will piCSCIIl The Dramatic VlUU Club will present CHIS this For Sale, horse, buggy and harness. | Money to loan on farm lands, from ident of this city, died on Monday and Frank McAlpin. Foreclosure, De- X-. slor y in four ac‘s A bargain for $100.00. Apply to ' $500 up. Good terms. Reasonable rate January 29th, at his home in Ashland, fault, order.__________ cd a success in every way, especially . ■■ a j Star Theatre, two nights, of interest. We want your business. from a complication of diseases. De­ Frank Hobson, Garibaldi, Ore. *4 the "eats” served by the hostesses. ceased was a man of splendid char­ Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23rd and Charity Board Meets. See Everson. The invited guests were Mr. and 24th. This will be a chance of the acter and the news of his death will For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City Mrs. E. M. Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Thad i many friends of the club to see the 1 W. A. Williams has just received a be received with sadness by his many for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address The first regular meeting of the Robison, Mr. and Mrs G. L. Burge, • i complete line of oil clothing. You friends in Tillamook County. A son board of directors of The United Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Hill, Mr. and Mrs. members in a play that is worthy of Mrs. C. N. Drew. 1 should inspect his stock when in need | Lester Atterbury and a daughter Charities of Tillamook, was held last J. S. Lamar, E. J. Claussen, Mr. and their efforts. Specialties will be pre­ Mrs. Chas. Goeres reside in this city. Wcod Sawed—Call E. W. Knight Tuesday evening with a good attend- Mrs. C. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. sented between acts, and there will be of anything in the oil clothing line. * on the Mutual phone, Prompt service I I The public will be pleased to hear I ance of the members, which includes Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ammer, no waits. Be sure to sec this i play. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23, : 24- Don’t forget those busted castings. Miss Abby Upham, of New York I twenty-seven representative people. and careful work. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Olson. Mr. and Can be welded for halt. Goods sent City deliver a popular address at the Reports of work accomplished and Mrs. J. E. Reedy, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Why not be insured in the best fire Wedding Anniversary. by parcel post and express promptly Presbyterian Church at 7 3° next proposed were given and some plans Clough, Mr. and Mrs. F C. Baker, insurance company, it costs no more. ! returned. Hiner A Reed, Tillamook, Sunday evening, and also look for­ were outlined for effectively carrying Captain and Mrs. John Groat, Mr. I Friends of Mr. and Mrs. _____ ward to hearing in the same service out the purposes of the organization. Frank See Everson. Oregon. * the soprono solo by Mrs. Harley J. Among them is the policy to encour­ and Mrs. L. E. Partridge, Mr. and Heyd gave them a complete surprise Mrs. F. Poorman, Dr. and Mrs. E. D. A full line of standard spark plugs, I Lost—A gold watch, has monogram Curl, accompanied by Miss Zylphia age the contribution of organizations, Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis, Mr. coming for a social evening to remind also other automobile accessories at Switzer, both popular musicians of business firms and individuals toward and Mrs. E. E. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. the host and hostess that another * on case of B. C. J., somewhere in Til­ W. A. Williams Harness Shop. our city. the work of charity in the community G. F. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Carl year had passed since last the guests through the common agency of this Haberlach, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. had met. Five hundred was the diver- County Warrants are worth 100 lamook City. Finder please notify The Fairview Birthday Club met at IV, s‘on ,°f *hc evening. The ladies served cents on the dollar at .Ray & Co.’s Mrs. Leslie Lucas or leave same at the home of Mrs. Robt. Stillwell. organization, instead of making their Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holden. 54/ a dainty lunch which they prepared gifts in response to the many pro­ * this office. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. miscuous appeals which are frequent­ Mr. and Mrs. Webster Holmes, I.'... for the occasion. Those present were store in trade. and Mrs. S. W. Conover, Mr. and Arthur Mapes and Mrs. John Nacgeli. Mr ___ and ____ Mrs. ... M. ‘^r- i,n<' Mfs- J- W. Peterson, Mr. and I will trade my ten acre ranch in A splendid program was given. A ly presented. This will protect the Mrs. O. A. Schultz, ___ Will F. Spencer, chief officer of the * ’I.Mrs. M. E. Gruber, Mr. and Mrs. Portland Juvenile Court, was in the River Side, California, for Tillamook guessing contest was next enjoyed. people, and result in not giving less A. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. I Feldschau, Mr. and Adolph Erickson, perhaps but in helping where there is city on Wednesday. I City property, one and one half miles Mrs. Bester receiving first prize and real need and after careful investiga­ Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Franklin, Mr. Arthur Feldschau, Miss Amanda Mr. and Mrs. H. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. ............ i . i? : i S. C. Tomlinson returned on Sun- 1 I from town. Sec Geo. Hamlin the Mrs. Holden consolation. A dainty tion has been made. The Finance Ray Grate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ■ L’. 1.1....I............................ I w • I luncheon concluded the most enjoy­ Committee which is composed of Mr. Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dunn. day from visiting at Seattle, North j house mover. able afternoon, 17 members and 8 C. J. Edwards. Mrs. F. R Beals and Yakima and Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. H. Crenshaw, Mr. and visitors being present. Has Plenty of Husbands. Mrs. M. W. Harrison, will work out Mrs. R. L. Shreeve, Mr. and Mrs. Al rs. Louis Laborwitch and daugh- I Now is the time to look after your Silverton won the debate given here the system which it is hoped will Fred Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. M. E ter left the first of the week to visit Fire Insurance on all your property. It will surprise you how cheaply you last Friday night, which gave the meet the approval of the public. 1 he Gruber, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Peterson, relatives in San Francisco. H. A. Brandt vs. Nancy E. Brandt, High School of that city the cham­ Treasurer is Mr. 1 had Robison who Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Alderman, Mr. Nancy E. Wilson, alias Nancy For Sale—New modern residence, can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie pionship of the district. I he question may be found in the Tillamook and Mrs. I.eo Morrison, Dr. and Mrs. :li. E. Loveland, alias Nancy E. Holin, located in best residence district. For 1 W. Watson. debated by the teams this year was: County Bank where contributions for Peterson, Mr. and .Mrs. McNair, Mr. alias, Nancy E. Winter, is a divorce Protect your valuable papers from "Resolved that Oregon shall adopt the Charity Fund may be left at any and Mrs. G. P. Winslow, Mr. and suit filed in the circuit court. These sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * the unexpected fir£ by renting one of compulsory health insurance.” Chas. time. Mrs. G B. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. parties were married in Tillamook _____________ ____ Henry Uithof, Contractor and Lamb and Elizabeth Coates discussed Pennington, Mr. and Mrs. Albert By­ December 21, 1914. It is alleged that our safe deposit boxes. Only one Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns Nazerene Church Notice. ers. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Botts, Mi-, Nancy E. Brandt was married for the Tillamook County I the negative side for Tillamook and and Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. Aio dollar per year. ------ o------ i lost by a «core of two to one. On the and Mrs. Blaine Hays, Mr. and Mrs. first time to James Winter, as hus­ Bank. * ' same evening Delmer Powers and Services at the usual hours on Sun­ R. A Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Bryans. band No. 1; that thereafter, tinder the The County Fair Board has elected name of Nancy E. Winter, was mar­ I will offer my entire stock of ' Lee Doty took the affirmative «ide of day. Prayer Meetings on Tuesdays Ben Kuppenbender, of Nehalerm, to ried in Illinois, on October, 1915, to superintend the county fair this year household goods at auction, Saturday 1 the question of debate at Oregon City and Fridays at 7 3° P- m Evangelists On Wednesday evening i and lost to the high school of that Lewis and Mathews will not be here delightful time was enjoyed I I’. II. Holm, husband No. 2, on which American manure spreader for sale. Feb. 10th, at 1 p.m. at John Sheets city by a narrow margin. to begin revivals on the qth as we had married folk at the home of last named date the defendant was Will sell cheap, as it is too heavy for residents, 2nd Ave. and 8th Street, expected, but they will probably be and Mrs. still the wife of James Winter; that who t Olson, The Alaska Daily Dispatch of Jan. 2* here by the 15th, announcements will hostesses to a large 500 party. These after her pretended marriage to P H. my team, for cash. T. McCormack. * Guy Ford. 20th, 1917, printed at Juneau, Alaska '•vening parties have become quite Holm, she obtained a divorce from gives an account of the death of H. appear later. A. H. Smith, pastor. popular as well as most enjoyable as James Winter, her first husband; that 1 W. R. Holmes, formerly of this city was the case on Wednesday evening, there after defendant under the name by axphyxiation. Mr. Holmes with everybody having a social time. The of Nancy E. Holm, fvas married in Bids Wanted for Hauling. five other men was on his way from honors of the evening fell to Mr and South Carolina, in September 1906, to Juneau to one of the mines on board Maple Leaf Creamery Association Mrs. Ammer whose score« were the W. E. Loveing, husband No. 3, on a boat. They had been engaged to on hauling highest, while the consolation prize which last named date the l-r Mr t ' M- Ba’es. i when I k married the def ndant she was not discovered until someone Maple Leaf Creamery Asso. a- 4 v-s ”•• •-’« D- a”.tiff di I n->t know this until three I Mr. Holmes leaves a wife and two The County Court is in session this Boals Mr and Mr«. Barnes. Mr and P years Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Conov-p- — after bis marriage with her. | children now at Pomona California. week being the February term. i ADOPT The Simple System Our Willingness to Serve MAKE THE START NOW Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings BASKET BALL CAME At Old Opera House, Saturday Night, February 17 Newberg High School vs. Tillamook High. UflJVIAR'S VARIETY STORE. 1.0 O.F. BLD., Drop in and Liook Around ”