a Your Choice of Any' ^tern’s FEBRUARY Trimmed Hat in the Store $185 (^Actual Values up to $7.50. A sacrifice Sale affording every woman, who has put off the purchase of her Winter Hat, a saving that is a sensation. Every Hat is up-to-date in style, well made, trimmed perfectly and altogether desirable in every way. “(Come to the|[store and see for yourself what a ’beautiful Hat such a small sum of money will buy. Fancy Work and Hair Ribbons, 29C. Yard. Splendid values and perfect styles in untrimmed shapes in a Sacriiice*Clean-Lp-Sale every woman who trims her own Chapeaux should see. Don't put off the purchase of one of these shapes for one day tor the shape you want may be sold by tomorrow. Shop Early. Small shapes and medium size shapes, sailors, etc. ¿A Sacrifice Clean Up of Silk or Wool Sweaters For Less Money Ladies’ Lisle, Silk and Fabric Gloves, 29C. Pair. For Actual Values to $1.25. Despite the fact that our present stock according to Fall Prices is worth 25 per cent more and over, we would rather have the money than hold these goods over until next season. Hence these re­ markable savings on Sweaters for Boys and Girls up to 14 years of age and Women in sizes 34 to 46 inch Bust. All colors and sizes in stock. A salcfof about 1000 yards of Silk Ribbons in almost every conceivable color and design. Moires—Satin Messalines—Taffetas— Stripes — Fancy At this exceptional Bargain Price we offer prac­ tically' the entire stock of Fabric Gloves for Women in all sizes from 5 to 9. Every size in­ cluded in the selection, but not every size in each class of glove. Leatherette—Chamoisette—Silk —Silk Lined and unlined Cashmerette— Colors Black—White—Tan—Grey— Brown- -Navy—-Blue-—Chamois. Misses’ Fabric Gloves. Very Special. Pair 9c. $2.39 $398 $5.68 $2.98, $3,25 and $3.50 Values now Stripe Taffetas and Messalines—-Satin $4.25, $4.85 and $5.00 Values now Edge and Satin Stripe Taffetas. .... $1.29 Velvet ~ Black— Blue - Brown—Green. For a Long Time. For Actual Values to 75c. Sales of Ribbons victual Values to $4.50 You wont Bu^ ¡■yin Unprecedented Sale of Persians — Roman Untrimmed Shapes 2'4c., 5c. and 9c. 9 - »■I Sensational Clean-Up Prices on 5c. Ladies’ Suits, Coats and Dress Skirts. BARGAIN TABLE cluded on this table of Bargains at Look over this list carefully, there is surely several of these you will need. Buttons. ....................... Reg. to 35c. doz. Featherstitch Braids ........ Reg. to 15c. Rick Rack Braids... ........ Reg. to 15c. Soutache Braids........ ...... Reg. to 25c. Stocking Darners . . .............. Reg. 10c. Curling Tongs............ ............ Reg. 10c. Dutch Linen Tapes. ............... Reg. 10c. Novelty Braids........ Reg. to 25c. Laundry Initials ... .......... Reg. 10c. Embroidered Initials Bone Hairpins ..... Reg. 10c. . of which are limited. Bargain Square. Fur Fabric Coats, $12.85 New Fall Suits, $12 45. For Actual Values to $25.00. For Actual Values to $25.00, Under Balcony. edly find many articles which you would be glad to pay many times the price asked for them. the store to secure one or more o these great Bargains. Stylish Suits in Serges, Tweed Mixtures and Gabardines in colors of Brown, Blue and Black. Stylish Coats, $8.85 New Fall Suits, $16.70 For Actual Values to $16.50. Coats in plain color Wool Velours and Handsome mixed Tweeds trimmed with velvet collars, etc. Coat Special, $3.98 For $7.50 Values and Over. Kenyon Raincoats in Tan and Dark colors, also fabric Coats in Checks and fancy mixtures. Very Special Clean-Up I ’rice. It wil' pay you to make a special visit t( Handsome, rich looking Coats in plain Black and Brown and fancy effects in Brown and Grey. Reg. 10c. And many other Articles the quantities On this Table you will undoubt Never in the history of this store have the women of this county been offered such high grade, stylish and becoming Suits, Coats and Skirts as this great Clean-Up Sale offers to those who will shop now. Every woman's ready to wear Suit, Coat and Dress Skirt in the House is purchasable at a price dollars and dollars below the former prices and in many cases less than cost prices. Reg. to 25c. Set. Correspondence Envelopes BARGAIN TABLE Every Garment Radically Reduced. Some of the most wonderful Bar­ gains we[have ever offered are in­ this]'modest price. 25c Children’s Bonnets.................Reg. to $2.5 Ladies’ Knit Caps and Hoods. Reg. to $1.5 Children’s Knit Caps..................... Reg. 40c Ladies' Waists........ ...............Reg. to $2.5i Children’s Leggings.............. Reg. to $1.4* Ladies’ Corsets ..................... . Reg. to $1.5 Children’s Nightgowns.......... Reg. to 35cj Girls’ Petticoats............................. Reg. 6: Covered Sugar Bowls ................. Reg. Meat Platters.............................. Reg. to 81 For Actual Values to $27.50. Bedford Cords, Gabardines, Crepe Pop­ lin, Serges and Tweed Mixtures in colors of Green, Copeu, Navy and Black. Dress Skirts, $5.98 Wicker Baskets. Gravy and Sauce Boats. Bowls iand Vegetable Dishes. For Actual Values to $7.50. Stylishly cut dress skirts in many weaves and colors. Very popular garments and very handsome when worn with pretty waists. And many other Articles the quantities' of which are limited. Bargain Square Under Balcony). Braids 14c. yard. i An extraordinary Sacrifice Sale of Silk an( Metal Braids and Edgings in actual values up t< $1.75 yard. Almost every conceivable color is re presented in the selection, though in some of th< patterns there are only short ends left. . Very special. . . Per yard 14C A February Sale of White ¿Affording a Saving on Every Garment in Stock Today A Clean-up Sale of practically the entire stock of Mett sand Bovs’Overcoats and Raincoats that makes buying now not only advisable but an event von will be glad you took our advice and benefitted by. Actual Values to $15.00 in MEN’S OVERCOATS, GOODRICH RAINCOA TS and O. C. BALMACA ANS, $10.45. ,, (:ic,llli',Hi\On‘Kr<»,i Citv VWmlen Mills Balmacaans, Goodrich Kuinprook d ’ abrie Coats, and a line of Blacl. and Brown Mixed Ov . .’ercoats 52 inches long are the styles offered in this : selection at the wonderful price of $1045 $3.35 For Actual Values t roup and it you would benefit by os sensational price leduelion we uige to buy to-day. otherwise when you do eonie you may find other» have been hen- before you. < ! 1 Great February Sale of Overcoats and Raincoats For Men and Boys. rubberized RAINCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Î 1 MENS HATS. 93.00 Values Now $1.45. \bout 1**0 to choo«e troin. Your si«c may be here today. BOYS' WAISTS. 75c. Values Now 59c. Made of »ice quality wool. Color« Brown and (¡rev. BOYS' HATS. 92 00 Values Now 69c Felt Hats in many color«. Smart shape« and all »izc». — Including the New Spring Styles. RE I t'lERthan ever are the white undergarments now being shown in the Ladies' Ready-to-wear Section on the Balcony and during this great Febru­ ary Sale of White, every Garment is purchasable for less. Note the low: — Corset 23c. Drawers Special- 29c. Envelope Combinations— Special • 68c. Combinations Special.................. . ■ 69c. Petticoats Special .................... . 75c. Nightgowns Special .............. 77c. Clean- Up Sale of P Ladies’ Kimonos and Dressing Sacques Shown in nice heavy weight 11 innelette in of Pink. I’,de Blue, 1. .vender. Brown, (¡rev, Ri Copenhagen with very pretty floral and fancy dt 75c. Dressing Sacqu s now -|<>t $1 39 Kimonos now ps, $1.75 Kimonos now ..... ♦ i Kimonos now $1 s c Every ¿^Member of the Family can participate in this c Great February Sale of Reliable Footwear t r LADIES' DRESS SHOES, $1.98 THE FAMOUS r For Actual Values .to $3.00. Gunmetal and Patent Leather Button Shoes with low heels and Gunmetal and Kid Blucher styles with Military Heels. All sizes. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SHOES. Sixes 5 to 8, Regular $1.98 now $1.69 Sizes 84 to 11, Regular $2.25 now $1.93 Sizes Hi to 2, Regular $2.75 now $2.29 RED CROSS SHOES $4.65 1< s For Actual $6.50 Values. Ladies 8 inch top Shoes in Pate and \ ici Kid Button and L» Models with Louis Cuban He and shown in the very newt lasts. BOYS' KREIDER — KICK- PROOF^ SHOES Sizes 8 to 111, Regular $2. 75 now $2.< Sizes 12 to 2, Regular $3.27> now $2s Sizes 21 to ."J, Regular $3.50 now $2. F a MEN'S WORK AND _ ___________ DRESS SHOES UNDERPRICED. " Men ! 5 ou can t afford to pass bv these woridei savings in footwear C Come in and i look in I ovi Vt ,rv tin i liv III J A i on II want more than one pair when you see thei: Reg $4 00 Box Calf Bluchers now $3.45 Reg. $5.50 8 in Top Work Shoesnow 4.35 To $9.00 12in. Top Dayton Shoes now 5.85 Io $9.00 12 & 16in Napa Tar Shoes 5.85 B si V n 1