Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 01, 1917, Image 5

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Presbyt'rian Church.
and wife. Foreclosure.
this moment, placed upon the impor­
W. Roenicke vs. John A. Ward and
tance of an all-season automobile
Five-hundred fault finders more or
'd Argument in Favor of Bonding roadway from San Francisco to Seat­ The Court Docket it Light—Criminal John R. Miller. Foreclosure.
tle and Puget Sound, and the only
th* County.
Jaunita Porter vs. James A Porter. less would hear something appro­ Emergency Clause Survives Oratory
Cat's are Few.
place that such a highway can be
Crowd Applauds Vote.
priate to themselves should they at­
built and dodge snow blockades in
|tor Headlight.
tend the services next Sunday even­
Ls one who came from a country
ing at 7;30. The service will be en­ Lewis, Mackay, Schimpff, Stott and
►rc they build all their improved This means that if it is built it must Court will convene in this city on dy. Divorce.
ps by bonding, and arc so satisfied come from Astoria south through Til- ' i,“', ”1""
joyable and helpful for many. The Willett—these are the names of the
n results that they never think of lamook County, and when it does, or ^on<'a> next, with Judge G. B. Bag-
subject of the sermon will be "Echo only members who voted against the
“The Convict’s Daught'r.”
■g it any other way, I am netural- public travel is induced to travel ley on the bench.
” In the morning the ser­ bone-dry prohibition bill today.
iy n hearty accord with the plan as . through the county on a large scale i i There are three persons confined in
This grand old play will soon be of­ mon will be on the subject, “The One
The bill went through the House
^iined by Mr. F. R. Beals in a re­ in any other way, an era of prosperity the county jail waiting the action of
fered by the Dramatic Club at the Thing Needful,” and as a sacramental late today after a four hour seige of
cent communication to the Headlight will have dawned upon the coast-
I wise counties the magnitude of which
and other county papers.
Star Theatre. Some new faces will ap­ address will enable the congregation oratory, by a vote of 5 3 to 7.
Some six or seven years ago, I not is not new in the dreams of mortal murder, in which Deck Johnson ac- pear in this r p*ay, i and many
new and to appreciate the more the privilege
As soon as the vote had been taken
only advocated the bonding plan in a man.
I cidentally shot Grant Marshall
m ! startling surprises. This play is one of of worship. Special music will be members of the house were served
Let that be as it will, whenever this Garibaldi, and the other two, Tom
letter published in the Headlight at
the best of its kind and you will do furnished by the choir in both ser­ with individual half-pint bottles of
that time, but also denounced the toll | state highway becomes a living fact
gate graft at Dolph, a parisitic insti­ I instead of dreams, it will be a paved Higgenbotham and Albert Nichols j well to see it. It is different from the vices. All of the people of the com­ loganberry juice, and the entire as­
tution that had outgrown its useful­ highway, and we will then all be are charged with forgery. The docket regular run of plays. It has a good munity are cordially invited
to at- sembly rested while the bottles were
ness and caused the corpuscles to boil j wanting the thousands of tourists to is as follows:
inKvery red-blooded individual that ! drop their sheckles all along the way I J. Tone vs. Tillamook Hotel Co.. plot, and the comedy and pathos are tend these services and make this drained.
and not at any one point, or in any
■ so blended as to give an entertain­ their church home if they have no
ever entered the county through it.
Permit For Alcohol Required.
To-day the toll gate is gone, and, I one section, but at all points and all Action for money. Continued until ment that you will certainly enjoy.
other church to which they are re­
The bill, as passed, merely carries
another case is decided by supreme
believe me, the bonding plan is com­
sponsible in town.
into effect the constitutional amend­
ing. The Fates have decreed its com­ | ize that every dollar thus dropped court.
Yamhill County Willing to Appro­
ment adopted by the people at the
ing as inevitable. Intelligent men are
W. A. Sargent vs. Robert Romero.
priate $10,000 for Road.
Bay City Community Church.
fast coming to know that if the pres­ I whether dropped in the pockets of
November election prohibiting the
ent generation are to ever enjoy good II om Jones or Bill Doe, and some of Action for money.
------0 —
importation of alcoholic liquors for
Oak Nolan vs. C. W. Talmage, ad­
roads adapted to withstand the traffic ' us fellows who thought otherwise
If Polk and Tillamook counties do
Services will be held at two o’clock beverage purposes. It also remedies
of modern conveyances, because of away back in 1916, will begin to wish ministrator of the estate of C. B. their share the improvement of the
next Sunday afternoon in the church, the existing prohibition laws so that
the ¡immense capital involved in their that we only had more territory and Hadley deceased. Action for money.
road in the Grand Ronde reservation preceded by the Sunday School at it will be impossible to buy pure grain
..‘.LL to dis-
structure, they must, of necessity, re­ moré miles of road in which
Chas. F. Panko vs. Harry Wilson et will be done by Yamhill county. The one. In the early part of
sort to the bonding plan if built on tribute them, and if it were possible,
the preach- alcohol excepting on prescription of a
12 highway al. Foreclosure.
anything tike a scale that would meet instead of having the_ said
Yamhill County court will be willing ing service the pastor will deliver a physician or a permit of a district at­
leaving the county as quick as pos­
the demands of the people.
Bank of Brownsville vs. Albert to put up $10,000 on the condition short talk to the children as usual.
L to
„ double
They begin to realize as never be­ sible we would want it
Smith. Action for money.
that the road between the Sour Grass An earnest and practical sermon will
fore that after building hard-surfaced back upon itself so as to make more
Inasmuch as the measure carries an
roads, though they are extremely ex­ room ter the distribution of more dol­ I Michael Marnisch vs. Joe Rozich. cut-off and the Polk county line will be delivered at that hour which every emergency clause it will become a law
pensive, that they have not only the lars ter the benefit of the county as a Action for money.
be built in 1917, and that enough one will find helpful who has any in­ as soon as it is signed by the Gover­
privilege of enjoying their benefits i I whole, and not for my neighborhood
Santa-Cruz-Portland Cement Co. money be raised including their $10,- terest in living the better life. This is
nor—probably before the end of the
while they are being paid for, but in or your neighborhood in particular. vs Bay City. Action for money.
000, to make $30,000 at least and the one church of the w hole commun­ week.
their building they have added a val- And about that time too might wish
W. G. Dwight vs. F. S. Carver and enough to complete the road from the ity, and has been so for about three
table asset to the civic property that that big petition containing the
l ive days are allowed, however,
possession of the comunity at large names of 90 per cent (?) of the voters wife. Action for money.
east end of the Sour Grass improve­ years, as a result of a commendable after the governor signs the bill, for
tnd an enhanced value to their indi­
F. R. Beals vs. Andrew Peterson. ment to the Polk county line near effort to concentrate the funds and
the express companies to deliver
vidual property possessions
more but leave it for the reader to say!
Action for money.
Butler store in the reservation. The forces of the community along effec­ goods already ordered or in transit.
han equal the money expended there­
Mrs. E. H. Best, vs. Alfred Johnson. court’s idea is that this improvement tive working lines and with single
for an d have also added munificiently world do the people who are enjen-
W. C. T. U. Se's Bill Passed.
:o the heritage of future generations, dering it mean by their sectionalism Action for money.
will cost about $40,000.—News Re­ leadership. The whole community
never was a bit of doubt
whether the bonds be all, or partly, when they set up the claim that more
State Industrial Accident Commis­ porter.
should be as united behind this move­ about the passage of the bill through
redeemed before their demise. And taxes are raised in one part of the sion vs. M. H. . Dennis. Action for
ment as they are in the support of the House. It was absolutely certain
idd to all that, the money used on county than another, and on that ac­
Swastika Club.
oad construction remains largely at count demand greater consideration? money.
the school, this being the rule. The from the time the session opened that
H. B. Spencer and E. E. Parker vs
tome where it has been.spcnt by the Isn’t Tillamook county an integral
church for the community, the com­ it would have at least 50 affirmative
tontractors and workmen with our unit of the great commonwealth of F. D. Small, D. C. Urie and James
The Swastika Club was entertained
voters. Whisky lobbyists and their
lusincss men and farmers, or deposit- Oregon? Arn’t the taxes levied upon Burke. Transcript from third justice by Mrs. J. C. Holden on Friday last. munity- for the church.
J. E. Youel, Minister. supporters made a determined effort
id in our banks, thus constituting all the people of the county for the district.
A very pleasant afternoon was spent
iractically a loan to them without in- benefit of all the county? Isn’t the
at various times to knock out the
E. E. Colestock vs. H. Crenshaw, by all present.
erest during the life of the bonds!
control that the county court exercis­
Sunnymead Birthday Club.
emergency clause but, obviously,
Is it any wonder, then, that with es in behalf of all Tillamook County Transcript from third justice district. I Mrs. Haberlach was awarded the
without success.
his fact in mind the federal govern- with special reference to every in­
Jacob Tagman et al vs. F. H. Neil- prize for doing the neatest sewing of
Mrs. Heaston entertained the Sun
The bill has been made a special
nent, the states and smaller munici- terest? There is no federal or state son and wife. Action for money.
| a quilt block, working out the Swas- nymead birthday club on Friday after­
lalities, are awakeing to the situation, dictation in such matters and why
order of business at 10:30 this morn-
A. F. Coats Lumber Co. vs Tilla- , tika emblem.
noon, Jan. 26. A fine time was en­
spurred on by a collossal army of should there be any in the county?
ing. Every seat in the chamber and
lutomobile owners (One to every For instance, Ohio, New York, Penn­ mook City. Action for money.
The hostess invited the members joyed, one thing special was the song
the lobby back of the railing were
nile of road in the United States,) sylvania, Illinois and New England
Bank of Stanfield vs. Martin Blaser and guests to a beautifully decorated “Three Leaves of Shamrock,” being
filled. White-ribboned members of
md appropriating millions for good probably pay to Uncle Sam $5 to $10 and wife. Action for money.
table and dining room, where de­ beautifully sung by Mrs. Ernest
through internal revenue for every
the W. C. T. U. had reserved seats in
Tillamook County Bank vs. T. B. licious refreshments were served Mrs. Knight. A few guests were present,
The United States has increased dollar they get back from the gov­
oad appropriations in the last decade ernment in federal grants for agri­ Meade and Andrew Peterson. Action Holden being assisted by her daugh­ Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Still­
Author Explains M'asure.
rom 30 to 282 millions, the states in culture, good roads or vocational ed­ ter money.
, ter and Wanda Haltom.
well and two children. Everybody was
After the entire bill had been read
he s ame time from 2j4 millions to 53 I ucation, and here in the state of Ore­
King & Smith Co. vs. M. Alice ' The club adjourned to meet with busy crocheting and visiting until the
trillions. The state of California has gon, how much of the money used in
from beginning to end Representa­
ecently voted a 15 million bond is- building the Columbia Highway was Jones and C. M. Jones. Action for Mrs. Robison for the February meet­ hostess served a bountiful supper, tive Anderson, its joint author, with
ing. The invited guests were Mrs. B. which every one enjoyed. Following
tue, and so it goes.
derived from taxes on property ad­ money.
Senator Eddy, explained the principal
If such a course is a good thing for jacent thereto? That road would
American Can Co. vs. Oregon Fish- C. Lamb, Mrs. Whiles and Mrs. are a few verses the hostess wrote for
provisions in detail, giving particular
it her states and other communities never have been possible under such eries Co. Action for money.
the occasion, after which the club ad­
vhv should it not be a good thing for a dispensation. Now, let us come right
attention to the several amendments
John L. Jones vs. Carl P. Knudson.
journed to meet with Mrs. Mayhon
Tillamook county? Inasmuch as these at home with its application: let
made by the committees since the
Feb. 15.
itates have and are attaining such a some rich man in your school district Action for money.
original bill was printed.
Near Sal'm.
ligh state of development under such say “because I pay more taxes than
H. H. Emmons vs. E. D. Sever­
Once more the Birthday Club,
Representative Lafferty, who had
jovernment, why in the name of pro­ the rest of you I must have a paved ance. Action for money.
In Sunnymead we meet.
press would it not be a good thing walk over which my children can go
been a member of the committee, ob-
And all your smiling faces
or Us when we have everything to to school,” though the other children I 1 L. B. McFarland vs. S. G. Reed,
jected to that provision which per­
, Winslow, aged 71, a resident of Ore-
pain and nothing to lose? Why not? go in the mud, how many of you action for money.
We are glad to greet.
1 O'T 1
mits clergymen to import wine for
J. C. Larkin vs. Augusta M. Wallan. *on since 1874, died yesterday at his
If our present program of hard- would stand for it?
Our club was organized
sacramental purposes in unlimited
iurfacing is to go on, and we refuse
Again, what right has a man living Action for money.
home across the river in Polk county.
In the third month of the year,
:o bond, I pity our old poineers who upon an improved road to say that
quantities, even though they are re­
Wheeler Lumber Co. vs Oregon Mr- Winslow was born in Damricot-
lave invested their all in outlaying his neighbor cannot have a like good
1916, was the time,
quired to have permission of their
| ta> Me > APril 21> 1846- At the a*e of
communities our main thoroughfares road, other things being equal, or one Fisheries Co. Action for money.
With Mrs. Broughton here.
District Attorneys. He argued that
John Theiler vs. John Graf. Eject- 15 he '"listed as a drummer boy in
io not touch. I fear they will be in community to dictate where the roads
Reynolds our worthy president this section would enable any group
heir graves and their children gray of another commnuity shall be locat­ ment.
th' Union army and served during the
leaded before they get their just de­ ed?
About every meeting in the year, of thirsty individuals to orgfanize re­
; The following persons petition for CiviI war- Following the war, in 1867
serts in the way of road improvement
Tillamook county has some of the
We see her cheerful face,
ligious societies and make importa­
¡specially if our timber is moved best people in the world, and I be­
tions ostensibly for “sacramental pur­
lieve a majority of men mean to do Suter, Sam Lundburg, Henry Lan- 1 of Panama- He remained in Califor-
The names of all the birthday club poses.”
Refering to the proposed State the right thing, but what is needed dolt,
-*-•* / George
nia ter several years and then came
Highway, about which there is no right now at this juncture of the
Mackay Opposes Emergency.
Are too numerous to mention;
W. A. Wise vs. A. G. Davidson. Ac­ to Oregon. In 1875 he married Addie
ittle controversy, I am candidly led county’s development is for old
Mackay, of Multno­
o wonder how many of our citizens pioneers to shake hands and get tion for money.
mah County, got up and made a long
We’ll give it no attention.
ire giving it sufficient consideration acquainted. If they but do this, the
Tillamook County Bank vs. Arenz their farm in Polk county since.
speech opposing the bill. He based his
:o fully appreciate its importance, its ugly chasms of strife and dissension Construction Co. Action for money. i Mr. Winslow is survived by the
Our membership has changed,
:rue relation to all the people and its will be suddenly bridged, and with
objections on the emergency clause.
widow and six children. They are:
As some have gone away;
>earinv upon the future development malice toward none and charity for
Representative El­
But others as you know,
Mrs. Clyde Nelson, Los Angeles;
ind prosperity of our county.
all they will conceive that in the A. G. Ross. Foreclosure.
more pointed to the journal clerk’s
Are here with us today.
Inasmuch as it would surely become county's development the interest of
John Earl vs. Thos Coates, admin­ Geo. P. Winslow, Tillamook; Mrs.
n a brief time an integral part of the one may easily become the interest of istrator estate Anna F. Paquet et al. Oliver Whitney, W. C. Winslow, H.
Some are young and some are old, record showing that Mackay voted
Pacific Highway, and possibly a gov- all, and then with free hearts and wil­
for the $1,800,000 road bond bill,
Some exceedingly sedate.
¡rnment Military Highway, if they do ling hands they will conjointly set Foreclosure.
which carried an emergency clause.
Others in order to have theirs
Tillamook County Bank vs. Red Salem. Funeral services will be held
io con.-ider it, they certainly cannot the ball of progress to rolling and
Lewis and Callan also protested
Monday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock
Can, indeed, scarcely wait.
view it from the same standpoint and from their united efforts will come Marish. Foreclosure.
against the emergency clause and in
tarrow environment that
would the best roads men are capable of
E. J. Claussen vs. F. H. Wilkins et from first Methodist church.
We have good times together.
lUStify them in viewing a local im- building, and that through the best
his closing address Representative
------o ■
The old as well as young,
rrovement. Any ordinary county road system that thoughtful men have al. Foreclosure.
Anderson showed that they, as well
s largely important only to the peo­ provided—the bonding system—and if
Mackay, had voted for three
ple #hose homes are adjacent thereto as I am willing to confess, our road pington. Accounting.
There’s no lack of fun.
emergency bills—the road bond bill,
>ut as a great and enduring monu- program is not altogether what it ■ Addie E. bellis vs. James H. Bellis. Salem Friday, owing to the illness of >
We have readings, music, speeches, the emergency
nent to the country, eliciting the co­ should be and it demands a more Djvorce
appropriation bill,
Mr. Winslow’s father.
With interesting talks galore.
operation of all the people for the logical planning of methods of con-'
which carried a part of their own
A. G. Loundagin vs. A de Wilde et
lenefit of all the people of the coun- stmetion, selection of routes and a
And various other amusements,
salaries, and a bill enabling some
Champion Debate.
:y the undertaking stands out promi­ more comprehensive
program of
c.' al. Foreclosure.
And then something more.
Eastern Oregon counties to take im-
------ o——
nent. This being true, how can any building and a system of mainten- < / Anna Helgeson vs. John Helgeson.
The “cats” are always good.
mete so selfish and narrow minded anee, they will be in a better position D¡vorce
On Friday evening, Feb. 2 the de­
mediate advantage of road bonds au­
And certainly fixed up right,
is to say that it might dip into one than ever before to find a proper
thorized by the people there.
bating championship of the North
| C. W. Leonard vs. Janet McAlpin
torner of the county and out at the solution.
No trouble to do it justice
tame corner; or that it enter one end,
And we cat with all our might.
ed. We have the opportunity of hear­
neagder two-thirds
of the way
Coats Driving and Boom Co. vs. A.
of all things that are best
ihrough and pass out at the first cross
Resolution of Condolenc'.
! D. Morrison et al. Suit for interplead­
Master Wendel Byers, of Rockaway
■oads that offers facilities for getting
Is the spiri* of good cheer.
decide the matter. Here are the facts I
entertained a few of his friends Fri­
lut, notwithstanding the fact that by
Hall of Pacific Lodge No. 105 I. er.
of the situation. There are fifteen 1
day evening in honor of his birthday.
io'domg it would avoid a third of the O. O. F„ Bay City, Ore., Jan 26, 1917
Exile Burkitt vs. J. E. Conner et al.
When we meet together here.
schools entered in the contest in this
Those present were Walter Huitz,
ountv that is so wonderfully endowed
Whereas, it has seemed good to the Tax lien.
Arthclo and Floyd Shafer, I.eo and
May we all assist each other,
iy nature and populated by just as almighty disposer of life and death to I George W. Phelps vs. Walter district. On January 12, twelve of
Lewis Best, Marshall Beatty, Edward
•nterj rising, progressive, intelligent remove from our midst our late and
As we meet the coming days.
these were eliminated, Tillamook,
Hart, Clarence Anderson. Games
ind 'deserving a class of people as highly esteemed Brother Frank Long,
As we’ve been doing in the past.
Oregon City and Silverton, only, be­
were played and lunch was served.
I G. E. Westinghouse vs. E. E. Yar­
ive in it. all because it would require and
Mrs. Q. W. Boss has returned to
he building three or four more miles
Whereas, The intimate relations nell et al. Foreclosure.
her home in Portland after visiting
these three schools meet in triangular
if road to traverse the latter and long held by the deceased with the
Now we must all get busy,
Sarah A. Clark vs. B. S. Clark.
her daughter Mrs. G. J. Jasmann.
ieliver the traveler at the same exit? I members of this lodge renders it
debates, and then we shall see which
And so for lack of time,
Mrs. G. W. Gray, of Rockaway, en­
□h, <he ridiculousness of the thing! I proper that we shall place upon rec- Divorce.
school is to be representative of the
tertained the Ladies’ Needle Craft
W. G. Dwight vs. M. H. Dennis ct
No, pentiemen, it is not the least i ord our appreciation of his services
district. Our affirmative team, Lee
Wil! close this little rhyme.
Club Thursday afternoon.
u^mb 'r of miles that such a road can as a brother Odd Fellow and his al. Foreclosure.
Mrs. P. Schrader, of Elmore Itark,
Doty and Delmar Powers, who ac­
ie made to traverse the county, but merits as a man; therefore be it
R. H. Coshun vs. Iola I. Handley.
ha<l as her guests Mrs. Reedy and
he greatest number, that would re*
quitted themselves so well here in the
Resolved, That we deplore the loss Foreclosure of tax lien.
Mrs. Condit, of Tillamook.
;eive the approbation of a broad- of Brother Frank Long with deep
preliminaries, go to Oregon City; and
------ o------
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. VanNortwick
Joe McDonnell vs. C. M. Martin,
citizenship, to my way of | feelings of regret, softened only by
Silverton sends two debators here to
Mcrt Everst leaves for Idaho to and family have returned home after
most limited stretch the confident hope that his spirit is et al. Foreclosure.
hinirir.;. Not the m
meet our negative team, Charles make cheese this week.
a three months stay in Enterprise,
if cotv try but the widest scope pos­ | with those who, having fought the
Katie W. Wilkes vs. Alfred Gubser
sible for it to penetrate would be the j good fight here, arc enjoying perfect
Lamb and Elizabeth Coates. Thus we
and Peter Luthi. To quiet title.
ogical tourse of reasoning by one i happiness in a better world.
have a chance to hear both the local dale this week.
Ca1! for Bids.
S. B. Vincent as receiver for T. B.
who desired the greatest good to the
Resolved, That we tender to his
teams. The coach .Mr. Hardesty, does
Something doing in Cloverdale,
rreates' number!
I family our sincere condolence and Potter Realty Co. and Potter Chapin
Bids wanted by the Red Clover
hit inception of such importance to our earnest sympathy in their afflic- Co. vs. Pearl Alkire et al. To quiet not promise a victory, but claims Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
there is a fighting chance. In any
ill the people, and its successful con- . tion at the loss of one who was a
for 100 cords of alder
¡umation. demands that the inettm- good citizen, a devoted husband and title.
event, the local debate will be well Ethel Newhertcr last evening at wood, 25 cords to be delivered on or
Daisy Smith vs. Clark Smith. Di­
>ents pf the offices which administer i an upright man.
! worth hearing; and as an intellectual the home of Mrs. Frank Foster, the before June 15th, 25 cords on or be­
he laii s relative thereto shall be men
Resolved, That these resolutions be vorce.
activity, and so fitly representative of hostess celebrating her 19th birthday, fore August 1st, 25 cords on or be­
if broad-mindedness, men who stand spread upon the minutes of this lodge
Wesley Raney vs State Industrial
an intellectual institution, should rc- A large number of friends a;..tided fore September 1st and 25 cords on
iloof Irom all party bickerings and one copy be sent to the bereaved wife
rnderh nded strategy, and, I believe, and published in some paper; and the Accident Commission. Petition for i ceivc hearty support. The debate will and all had a very good time.
or before October 1st, 1917, all wood
rithoo' asking them the privilege to charter of the lodge be draped in writ of review.
. be held in the assembly room of the
W. C. Braden, of Albrta. Canady to be body alder.
ay so. that our countv court is a mourning for a period of thirty days
Merchants National Bank vs. Wai­
( High School, at eight o’clock. Admis- was in Cloverdale this week.
All bids to be in the hands of the
iresen' embodiment of such men, in token of our love and esteem of ter A. Goss et al. Foreclosure.
' sion 25 cents. There will be several
A. C. Pisvhert, of Portland, w
in Secretary, A. H. Gaylord on or be-
ind in hem we repose our trust.
Robert R. Peters vs. Albert Darby musical „umbers.
the city on business this week.
Ther is being great stress, right at , tues.
| fore 1 p.tn. February 15, 1917.
___________ — - .¿¿ax