k TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, ' FEBRUARY 1 FASHIONS FIFTY YEARS AGO. FEROCITY ON THE STAGE. GRAFT RULES CHINA. When Capa and Aprons Wars Worn Evon With Evening Gowns. Salvlnl as Othello Was a Terror to Hi. Desdemona. Ts Refuse to Accept It Would Create a Big Sensation. H. T. Hotis, Piea., Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderaon, Sec­ retary Treaa., Attorney at- Law and Notrary Public. Why can't China build her own rail­ So abandoned was Salvlnl at tlmea that It was difficult to believe that the roads, dredge her own canals? She ; force was at all governable. Though has engineers who are no slouches; she Tillamook Title and j there would have been time just be- has limltlesu material and the cheap­ , fore the fifth act to run over my im­ est of labor. Abstract Co. There are two reasons, sloth, and portant scene with him, It was not graft, the outgrowth of sloth. done. In this act Desdemona's bed Abstracta. Real Estate, Try to take one of the little steamers ; was placed in what seemed from in Insurance. ' front to be an alcove, but the alcove that ply from point to point along the Both Phones. coast of China. "Will the boat leave was not boxed in, aud I could stand today at the schedule time?” you ask TILLAMOOK—OREGON. right up against the bed. cent Before the act began Miss Brooklyn, the agents at the pier. Well, no, prob­ and ' who played Desdemona with sweetness ably not till tomorrow, the courteous &• I and appealing grace. Implored Salvlnl Chinese tell you. Tomorrow again there only la some delay, and you may hang about to be gentle. “Now, Mr. Salvlnl," she lette 1 ' begged, "do lie careful, won’t you?" tor a week before you get off In that that steamer. How could such methods He playfully promised. When, after tUtl< I she was usleep. he drew the curtains of build a trunk line from Peking to Can­ ness the bed aside and gazed down upon ton, even If the government could float all the bonds in the world? in ei- her I stood within five feet of him. Graft, which permeates all China, ever The scene that ensued was at such io close range very poignant. I did not from the highest official to the poorest belie i wonder thnt she had implored him to coolie, would make it very < Jcnlt for ing. 1 be gentle. As lie was choking her with a corporation to live. So many would mg a the pillows she kept gasping in broken take bites from the melon! fast c A missionary over here on a visit whispers of real terror between her ent g heard outcries and moans: "Oh, Mr. tells a story of a Chinese boy, educat­ road- DON® RIGHT ed in a mission school, who nearly up ­ Salvlnl! Please, please, Mr. Salvlnl!" of m< Sickened and fascinated, I watched set a whole province by refusing graft. the ir him. and I did not make connection Sent on some expedition for the local struct with the real world again until Emilia government, he was given what In our sort t RIGHT PRICKS myth —that vigorous and intelligent actress, money would be $300 for expenses. When he returned he handed In $50. the dt Mrs. Bowers—made her round off "What is this for?" they asked. The scene at the back of the stage, calling, J~^AVID ROBINSON, M.D, “I spent only $250,” he explained. fore t “Murder, murder!" Then 1 rushed There was a great to do, and the roads, headlong to Iago, for I knew that I pensiv governor of the province sent to see must shortly go on. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEQN orivile Of wliat happened thnt first night I this lad. who had done what no man while have m> clear picture. I was dazed by had ever been known to do before. their I NATIONAL BUILDING, the sudden transition from the dark­ But he was solemnly assured that he table ness where I had stood and seen Des­ must not return that $50 because it ¡»osges TILLAMOOK OREGON. ind ai demona strangled a few feet away to would mortify others who kept all they the torches of the stage and a world could get. —Eleanor Booth Simmons In »¡dual which In comparison to the one I had World Outlook. han e J ELAND E. ERWIN, Just left was palpable acting. Docile­ for Sn 9 the ly 1 hurried after Iago aud took my ap­ A MAN WE HAVE FORGOTTEN. PIANO INSTRUCTION, wheth, pointed place. But 1 should not have WHIM OF AN ARTIST. Diploma from Chicago Musical ■edeen been in it when the time came had not Matthew Fontaine Maury, Who Wee a College—Beginners receive the same idd|to Really Great American. Turner and Hi» Great Painting, “Tha terror rooted me rather than given me careful training as the most advanced. oad c Building of Carthage.” legs, for the ferocity with which Every one who has heard of Robert When Turner exhibited bls great pic­ Othello tan at Iago and the rage that Pulton, certainly every one who has Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ lomc rontrai ture, “The Building of Carthage.” he distorted his features were unexam­ heard of 8. F. B. Morse or Cyrus W. tion. lusinet pled. It was one thing to have seen Field ought also to have heard of Mat­ was disappointed because it had not All lessons given at Studio. :d in been gold at once at the private view It directed elsewhere and another to they Fontaine Maury. But that is not County Representative for the »ractic and angry with the press for criticising find It plunging your way.—"A Super the case. For my part, I had never Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high erest < It severely. Sir Robert Peel called With Salvlnl," by Algernon Tasslu. In heard of Maury until I went to Vir­ Js t grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos upon him. Scribner’s. ginia. I have asked schoolboys If they his«fai etc. “Mr. Turner,” said lie, “I admire your have heard of him. None of them has. nent. t •Carthage' so much thnt I want to buy »slitics Yet Maury's scientific researches and kJ T. Bonn CULTIVATE JUDGMENT. It. I am told you want 500 guineas for spurred accomplishments have bad un enor­ 1 a . lUtomo It.'* mous effect, not only in this country, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. nile of “Yea," said Turner; “It was 500 guin­ Without It Intellect and Knowledge but throughout the world. Accomplish Little. eas, but today it’s 000.” Complete Set of Abstract Bocka in ind-api It may be said that Maury laid the ................. Knowledge and Judg­ foundation for our modern weather bu oads ‘ "Well,” Bald Sir Robert, ”1 did not Office. Th- come prepared to give GOO, nnd I must ment were strolling along one day reau and that the science of meteor­ Taxes Paid for Non Residenta. •oad ap think It ever. At the same time it when they caw to a young buby sleep­ ology began with him. He founded T illamook B lock , rom 3( seems to me that the change Is an ex­ ing by the roadside. tlie national nautical observatory and “Here’s a chance to do some good,” the hydrographic office in Washington traordinary piece of business on your Tillamook - Oregon said Intelligence. "Thut youngster ap- aud discovered, among other things, part.” Both Phones. “Do as you please," said Turner. issirs to be a splendid specimen of hu­ the cause of the gulf stream and the iue,j ant manity. Suppose we serve him during eXlstehce of that plateau in the north “Do as you please.’* uc T. BO ALS, M.D., After a few days Sir Robert culled Ills lilelline." Atlantic ocean which, If I am no* mis­ st "All of us? ” asked Judgment. again upon the great painter. "Mr. Steady, evenly dis ­ taken. ihade possible the laying of the why she “ Why not? ” said Knowledge. “ By Turner,” lie began, "although 1 thought PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. r¡1Í|mo first Atlantic cable. Cyrus W. Field said tributed heat, un­ It a very extraordinary thing for you to combining we shall be able to produce with reference to this, “Maury furnish­ dates h Surgeon S. P. Co. raise your price, I shall 1« proud to buy a very superior person. I second the ed the brains, England the money, aud ligh sta der perfect control (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) that picture, nnd I am prepared to give motion.” jovtrnn I did the work." Further than this, Some inoimmts later when the baby the charts of the north Atlantic which ,ou the GOO guineas.” makes a good oil fress w Tillamook - Oregon. or us V “Ah!” said Turner. “It was iXM) guin­ rubbed his eyes upon a new world he Maury made years ago are today the stove wonderful found himself equipped With Intelli­ basis upon which that ocean is navi eas, but today It’s 700." fain ant ur Sir Robert grew angry, and Turner gence, Knowledge and Judgment- for baking. ^^EBSTER holmes , gated by all nations. Many years later the three were laughed. “1 was only In fun." he said, I am Informed that though he was .0 bond, “t don’t intend to sell the picture at all. again out for u stroll. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW rave ini "By the way," said Knowledge as decorated by matt J' foreign govern­ it shall be my winding sheet." ments, he was never given so much as :otnmun COMMERCIAL BUILDING, For years he kept It In bls cellar. they came to a spot at the roadside, io not t Then it waa brought up and hung In "do you remember that long ago we a cheap little medal by that of the FIRST STREET, :heir gr bls gallery, where it remained as long three agreed to serve a certain young­ United States, and that I i I b mini? lias not tieen kept alive by any memorial or iead< 1 •s he lived. When he died he left It to ster?" TILLAMOOK, OREGON tarts in the nation. “Perfectly,*' said Intelligence. “The other token of his country's glutltude. ¡speciali curious thing about It all Is that, al­ —Julian Street in Collier's Weekly. rapidly. Autobiography. though he Is a perfectly good human rp H. GOYNE, Rife ri Tha Crual Wolf Spider. Per Best The teacher had Instructed the chil­ being and respected by all, he lias nev­ Highwaj Ono of the most unnatural things tn dren» to write their autobiographies. er amounted to much—has never ac­ Results ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ittle coi Th. following was one of the uutobl- quired that supreme distinction which nature, if the expression la allowable. Use :o wond Is the manner In which the young of «graphics turned In: Office: O pposite C ourt H ousr , he should have received with us three Peu, I Oil good oil ire givin tlio common wolf spider treat their “I can remember when you got into backing him up.” :o fully stove is just Tillamook . Oregon. :rue rcla Judgment was silent. They both mother. After the little creature has ttu> back neat of an auto through a lit­ like cooking with laid her eggs she envelops them in a turned to him. tle back door Insteud of side doors, »earing 1 "llow do you account for it?*’ they silken covering, so as to make a ball city gas. If you When I was ten I was knocked down ind pros about the size of a pea. and this she Inasinì by a seven passenger machine, but It naked. J2)R- JACK OLSEN, haven’t a New Per­ “1 account for it quite »Imply,” said carries about with her wherever she n a lirici did not get over me. Mother has an fection you ’ ve missed Pacific F automobile, and my dog Teddy and 1 Judgment “1 agreed temporarily to goes and will defend It with her life. DENTIST. comfort for years. Bakes :rnment •nd the rest of the family like to ride go in with you and serve him because When tlio young are hatched they to con ic broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient in It. Some of these days I am going to there was a majority against me. But climb on her back, giving her a mon­ (I. O. O. F Bldg.) than your wood or coal stove,and coats leas te op­ rieer it fi owu an auto. That Is all I know about it didn't seem to me fair that he should strous appearance, and ride about until erate. Cute out the coal-hod and wood-boa drudgery, »arrow .have so much, so 1 after a little quietly nearly half grown, and as soon as they Tillamook - Oregon autobiography.”—Indianat>olLs News. you; kitchen C4»oh The long blue chimnoye prevent justify th withdrew and left him to be served by disc-over their strength they fall to aud imdeor odor.In l,2,9and 4-burn er aisoe,ovene separate. Alec Cabinet Models with FirelesB Cooking Ovens. Ask your dealer today only you two.”—Life. devour their mother. Musical Feat. el> STANDARD OIL COMPANY 0R. L. L. HOY, One of the fastest composers that >le whosi (CaHforaia) Pali.ados of the Hudson. A Bamboo Forest. «ever lived was Trotere. the writer of »ut as a | The Palisades are slowly changing. There are few spots Imaginable more aoags Some of the composer's feats PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nent to 1 errgie on the marvelous. It Is said, for To the traveler of a hundred years beautiful than a Japanese bauitioo for­ »pereti on For Sale by •xatnpie, that lie actually wrote the ago they were n sheer cliff of clean est. It is the most lovely In color, the »eneiit ol T illamook B lock , cock rising in a per|«endleular line from moat aristocratic and the best behaved •core of "In Old Madrid" and had :y thè un Tillamook, dropped It into the letter box within the water's edge nearly n thousand forest In the world, it whh>|>ers pleas­ Oregon. nent Th me he se eight minute, of the time lie had taken feet. Now tlie.v are buttressed at the antly and gently, and the severest is to say up hbi |ien. Ttils would bo remarkable foot by immense deposits of broken winds cannot make It angry. The long, ornar of merely as showing his dexterity ami rock which frosts have i>eeled from slim bodies of Its trees are useful long J OHN LELAND HENDERSON rame corr a«lllty. to say nothing of tho labor of the cliff. Gradually thia buttress is after death, for they are made into neaadcr growiug higher. th» composition Itself. water pipes, canes, fences, picture New Year’s Resolutions. ATTORNEY :hrough a To deal fairly with your body by The upward growth of this support­ frames, vases, tishlng rods, roofings, ----- o----- -oads thal ing idle is due to tlie trees—evergreens flutes, fans, furniture and poles. AND clean temperate living and by giving The Cockoo. The following New Year's resolu- Mlt, tiotw In the middle ages the cuckoo was of various kinds—which have grown it outdoor exercise and fresh air COUNSEI.LOR-AT-LAW »OTloing i tions snggested by an exchange, are every day. thought to be a god who took the form seemingly right out of the rocks—New Following the Stylos, T illamook B lock , •ouaty tha York bun. good ones to adopt, even if nearly a of a bird, and it was a sacrilege to kill "The average woman spends meet »y nature To deal fairly with your soul by Tillamook . . Oiegon of her time thinking about what to month of the New Yr sweet uese of flesh. and by vitalizing it with the fire of a vf ro:i I tc “She spends most of her time think­ To be kind. ielivcr thi "And 1 preaume fate has doomed ing about what to wear nexL”—Bir­ kind religion. attorney - at - law . Ih.fthe ri him to end Ills days In a flat?" Te be as generous as your means mingham Age-Herald. Tha Next Thing. No, g. ntl< allow. "Yes. But Gadsby is au optimistic “Ttite 1^ the sunset gun. The com- The story is told on former Repre­ T illamook B rock umber of His Tims to Talk ■landing officer has to bear Its report fellow. He still clings to the marine To exact from yourself all that you sentative Amos J. Cummings of New »e ma ’ e t< glasses he bought years ago."— lUruilug •very night.” Judge—Have you anything to say be­ expect Ironi others. Tillamook Oregon \ork, who was once city editor of he ffr afe fore I pronounce sentence u|sm you? “And suppose It should fall to make ham Age-Herald. To covet the respect of others, but the sun. One Saturday it was ■rive the • raport?" Prisoner—Yea, judge. I certainly have. an­ I ■ninde1 ci A Growing Thing. "Then I have to make a report.**— But it’s dinner time. Let's wait until to cherish more zealously your own nounced that all the saloon il were to :hinkitig. ì self-respect. Louisville Courier Journal "Mrs. Smith has telephoned six times after we've had It. 1 have quite a be closed the next day. Cummings oe nosed c- HAWK, ■>{ eoe trv To be more charitable toward the called his star reporter, Murry. “Tom' uow about that leak." offered the office reputation as au after dinner speaker. -ible jor it boy. Ha Was Soured. -Youkers Ststesuiau. faults of others and less charitable he said 'go out tomorrow and find ogical coti Wigwag -I can always tell a married "Give It a chance, son,' said the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON who d- -ir- toward vour own. out if the saloons are selling liquor. ” plumbar. "In a couple of days that nan when I meet one. Ilenpeckke Dangeroue Suggestion. rreate : ni io talk of the failures and mistakes < n Thursday Tom appeared at the Oh. I don't know! You might occasion­ leak'll be worth twice as much.”— '“Talk Is cheap." An !■ ccj Bay City of others only so much as you wish Oregon ili the peti ally run across a bachelor with a Richmond Times Dispatch. city desk. "They were,” he reported. "Now. look out and don’t be talking mmMo" 1 grouch — Philadelphia Record. that way or first thing you know the others to talk of yours. Judging from the shudder which »enti fot tl To deal fairly with your neighbor's No Wonder. telephone rates will be going up."— comes over American in he la» - re ---- industries T E- REEDY, D.V M. Not In It. reputation, and to remember that you .Mrs. Crabshaw—Don't cry, Willie, Baltimore American. »f beb-i'l-r “Maney talks." I'm not going to punish you this time, have no more right to take it away whenever a rumor reaches them that U • iloof Irom the European war is going to stop, “I'm sorry, then, but you'll have to for you hurried wheu I called you. When a man alts down and hopes from him than you have to 1 VETERINARY bandi count me out of the debate."—Detroit Willie—Boo hag. mamma, I fell dowu- for the best ba la apt to get the wont away from him than you 1 one would conclude that to them the It as Free Preea. I of IL stair*. - Chicago Herald. Both Phones. thought of peace with Wilson is what L tha take away his purse or his life. I I war was to Sherman. it err , Tillamook . th ^■c is Fifty years or more ugo the apron and the breakfast cap were tho pride and joy of every matron, for they were her sign and symbol. The cap of that time was au elaborate and dainty af­ fair. It was worn with the house dress and often, much trimmed, throughout the afternoon and evening. Aprous, evidently an Important feature of ev­ ery woman’s wardrobe In those days, were decidedly fancy, and usefulness was not a strong point in their con- atraction. According to an old copy of Codey's Lady's Book, aprons were made of soch materials as black silk and satin and were trimmed with lace and vel­ vet, with graduated ruffles of the silk. Often these ruffles were scalloped. They were also cut In strange shapes, and a final touch was added by sewing on lace pockets and a few bows. The same old fashioned book In “Chitchat on the Fashions For November” says: “Aprons, or simulated aprons, tire tho folly of the day. They uro likely to have as popular a reign as In the time of Queen Charlotte, when Beau Bruin- mel deposed them from their high es­ tate by deliberately before all the peo­ ple assembled taking off the apron of a duchess and Hinging It behind one of the settees at a ball given at the as­ sembly rooms at Bath. Aprons were made then, as now, of costliest lace, and enormous sums were spent upon this article of dross. The latest novelty Is a depth of silk not more than twelve Inches, to which Is added a flounce of lace equally wide, but narrowed at the aides. Of course this style will in time give way to large aprons. What Is use­ ful generally becomes popular and lasts for a considerable time.”—Chris­ tian Science Monitor. Have Your House Wiring Done by Coatis power Co. can be made well make it STANDARD OIL COMPANY li$hier,/lak biscuits NEW PERFECTION OIL COQK5TOVE KING & SMITH CO. ALEX McNAIR CO. »