TILLAMOOK ''HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 25 1917, there must be additional tax let this his convenience to do so. Travel | stopped at the hotels and put their ADVERTISING RATES. fall on those people who come to our about at state expense laying his autos in garages, which was a large Legal Advertisement». streams for fish from outside the ropes for political office, and neglect First Insertion per line ............ > .!• number. These facts go to prove that county. A fee of >10 is now asked the business of the state when it is Did you know that Tillamook .05 the summer auto travel brings a large Each subsequent insertion, line. from those who come here from out­ more convenient for him to attend to county spends about >100,000 or in number of visitors to a city as well as Business and Professional cards state, and a like amount his own business. side the one month...................................... i.00 a large amount of business, and there other words 10 carloads or 450,000 Fourth. The unblushing grafter might be imposed on all who live pounds of cheese every year on auto ­ why Tillamook City 05 is no reason Locals per line each insertion... the state and go to other that is there for what may come from with in should not do something to obtain it. mobiles. This >16.00 apiece for every Display advertisements, an inch counties than their own to enjoy the behind to his always extended hand. and Lodge Notices, per line . •OS It takes time and a little money to man, woman and child in the county. None of these men are what the get fixed up with a camp ground, but 8<) per cent of this money goes out of sport of fishing. This might help All Resolutions of Condolence defray the expenses of car- state wants. None of these men can some to 50 other cities find that it pays to do so. the state, most of it east. No wonder one month.................................... It is true that hard surfaced roads in the east is prosperous.—Nehalem rying on the trout fishing “industry” nor will do justice to all sections of of the state.—Umpqua Valley News. the state. J the vicinity of Ashland helped to in­ limes. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. No set of men should be permitted ------ o------ crease the auto travel. F. C. BAKER. Publisher. through volunteer control to direct The kaiser tells his army that the ------ o Chance to Save Money. <’Thc Portland Journal says that pub­ allies will be responsible for further the expenditure of this large sum of Editorial Snap Shots lishing the delinquent tax list is a presccution of the war, with all its Our legislature can make a big money for road construction in a graft. As far as Multnomah County is horrors. Perhaps so. And yet all who saving of money to taxpayers and manner which will leave many of the The editors have put on- over on concerned it is a graft to publish it in were responsible for the war in the residents of small and large com­ Oregon pioneers locked up in the val­ the few county judges and county four Portland daily newspaper.-., but it first piace will still be responsible as munities in Oregon. The way to do it leys and forest reserves with virtually clerks who were opposed to publish- is not a graft in other counties of the long as the war lasts. Readiness to is to head off costly duplication of no means of communication with the ing the delinquent tax list, At the state. 'The law was "fixed” lor the quit while in the ascendant does not electric and telephone plants except outside world. ■, timfc they did so ihey also went on benefit of the Portland new.-papers shift any burden of responsibility.— where there is a public necessity that The spirit of the Shackleford bill record favoring an increase in their and this is the reason that 1. costs Telephone Register. was to aid pioneer sections of the competition be established. salaries. Wouldn't that jar you. 412,000 to publish the Multnomah ------ 0------ Read the following expression from state in building roads, The legisla­ Oregon’s alloment of the federal County delinquent tax list. We agree te see D. Fl. Meyer of the Interstate Corn- ture should make provisions On the initiative of Senator Hand- with the Journal that it is a graft- •as road fund for 1918 is >128,111 and mcrcc Commission, Mr. Meyer was that the law is carried out in accord- ley, President Moser, put a motion: far as Multnomah County is concern- the money is to be expended in con­ formerly head of the Wisconsin Com­ ance with the intention of congress, "That .he coudtesics of the Senate be < d. But this is the point we wish to structing roads and trails within or mission. The first step should be to safeguard extended Fred C. Baker, editor of raise: To be consistent the Journal partly within national forests. The “Competition docs not bring good the construction of the commission th Tillamook Headlight,” and when should have refused to take the graft money is part of the ten million dol- which will have control over road service nor low rates. the Senate adjourned Friday a iter­ money, or have returned it tq the lars appropriated to assist develop- "If there is one thing above all expenditures.—Eugene Guard. noon the president and several ine in - poor devils who were unable to pay ment of the national forcsts and be­ others which the history of the Viewing Timber for Logging. hers gave us .lie glad h»:.d. their taxes. Not so, however, It put come available at the rate of a million utilities business has established it is ------o------ a year for ten years. Apportionment the graft money down in its jeans ----- o competition as a guarantee of good For the past two weeks timber The snap shot man was not the ami is now posing as a Simon pure is on the basis of area of forest lands service, and a regulator of rates has cruisers and engineers, representing only Tillamooker who, figuratively friend of the people. The snap shot, in the states.—Hillsboro Independent. failed. the Hammond Lumber company, ------ o------ speaking, attempted to pull the leg man in common with other newspaper "The verification of this simple have ben looking over the tracts of it i- really laughable to follow the of the legislature last week. The snap men of the state, resent the accusation truth has cost this country millions of timber owned by the conlpany near man was simply obtaining a few snap of the Journal that publish the delin­ antics of ous esteemed contemporary, dollars. • Seaside and have been running out the Portland Journal, in its efforts to shots and Bro Edwards was getting quent tax lists in counties outside of "Wasteful competition and useless lines for a logging road with a view fixed up to give the law makers a few Multnomah, is a graft. It is legitimate boss the state legislature. It has been duplication of plants should cease. of establishing logging operations business and the list should be pub­ untiring in its efforts to belittle the electric shots. “It would be nothing less than an near this city within the next few lished for good and various reasons. Governor and the Republican admin­ istration, and as soon as the members economic crime to reopen the door months. President Moser, of the State Sen­ It is well to say that the Journal The Hammond people own several of the legislature show that they will to competition in the utility business admis taking "tainted money. ” ate, appears to be the right man in the not submit to the Journal domination, with a mistaken notion that through thousand acres of the best timber in Me has the assistance of right place, it will let loose the usual flood of such action the public will receive bet­ this section of Clatsop county and some wide awake senators who know MAY TAX THE FAMILY TABLE bambastic verbosity. The Journal is ter service at lower rates.”—Oregon owing 10 their logging operations be­ how to obtain results. From all ap­ ----- o------ ing on the wane in other parts of sure the original little kill-joy in Ore­ Voter. pearances the Senate is going to Free-Traders Now Contemplate gon politics.—Forest Grove News- Clatsop, Columbia and other counties make a good record, and President The Delinquent Tax List. Imposing a Tariff on Tea and along the Columbia river, both on Times. Moser is doing his level best to bring Coffee. ------o------ the Oregon and Washington sides, The greatest service performed by this about. A newspaper office resembles a they are making arrangements to log the publication of the delinquent tax Pittsburg Gazette-Times. school. Not one patron in twenty in this vicinity in the near future It was Press Day at Salem on Fri­ The tentative proposition to tax tea ever visits the school once a year, yet list is to get before the public the fact providing there is not a decided day and the newspaper men were and coffee and to increase the taxes on that the property advertised is for criticism is often heard about the slump in the lumber market.—Seaside entertained at lunch by the Salem beer, whisky and cigarettes to over­ sale. By these sales the county collects school system in general. It is even Signal. Commercial Club, and as Salem is come in part the assured treasury de­ the money due it for taxes and which so with the newspaper office. Not one one of the best and cleanest towns in ficit due to extravagance and mis­ it needs in the conduct of its business. in 190 subscribers visits the office COW YIELDS $-->OO A YEAR the Willamette valley the editors management by the Democratic ad­ Not to advertise the sale publicly except to pay his subscription and ---- o - — were pleased to visit that wide awake, ministration and Congress, will be would result either in the necessity of C°ast Butterfat Record Made By then the task is done hurridly with­ progressive city with its many at- received with dismay. No one serious­ the county going without a lot of its California Helstein. out stopping to chat with the editor tractive institutions. tax money or in the monopolization of ly concerned for the welfare of the or reporter. If a dozen persons would ------ o------ More than >500 worth of butter country will object to the luxuries visit the sanctum once a week merely the buying of tax titles by the few Washington County has 53 road being compelled to provide more to­ who are able to go to the ex­ was the yield last year of a Holstein to leave two or three items, or in supervisors. No wonder that our ward the upkeep of the government, pense of getting a list of delinquent cow, Winnie Korndyke Cornucopia de some way give a tip on some news neighbor on the east of us have poor but to put an unnecessary burden on property. This would not be fair to Koi, owned by J. S. Gibson Company items, what newsy and interesting roads with that number of tax eaters the tables of the people is inexecus- the taxpayers of the county. of Williams, Colusa County, Calif., newspaper the community would to cat up the road fund. And Yamhill ablc. To provide for the national de­ Still another purpose served by the which completed a year's test break­ have.—News Reporter. county has 4 1 road supervisors. I( is fense in time of war it would be en­ publication of the delinquent tax list ing the coast record for butterfat pro­ ------ o------ a little surprising that these two pro­ tirely proper to tax tea and coffee, use duction and making the second high­ The following test as to honesty that would not be served by the gressive counties should hang onto a but we are not at war, and there is of postal cards is thr.t many who arc est milk yield on record anywhere. on the part of the average person system that is responsible for wasting little likelihood we will be; at least The cow’s yearly yield was 1200.99 was rtied recently, says an exchange. delinquent hasten to pay before their one third of the road funds, and not it is not probable we shall soon en- One dollar was mailed to each of 100 delinquencies are made public through pounds of butter and her milk totaled adopt more modern methods of plac­ gage in a war that could tax our re- New Yorkers, with an accompanying publication. Thus a large amount of 31,034.2 pounds, upward of 15,050 ing road work in the hands of some sources as have been those of the letter stating that this money was money is put into the county treasury quarts. competent engineer. European countries. It is true a very- due from an imanginary company. and the cost of publication saved. The only cow in the world that has The law requiring the publication of given more milk than this is owned ------0------ low rate of import on tea and coffee Anybody receiving the dollar would It may not be a bad idea, in the ef­ would yield a large sum annually, see at once that it had been sent him the delinquent tax list was repealed by William Bishop, of Chimacum, fort to rid the dairy herds of Tilla­ since we import over 1,000,000,000 (or her) by mistake, and—if honest— some years ago but was again put on Wash., and also is a Holstein. Both mook Comity of tuberculosis, if more pounds of coffee and almost 100,000- would hasten to return it to the send­ the statute books through the protest animals were on official test. care were taken of dairy herds. It is 000 pounds of tea a year, but such a The Gibson cow has bested the er. Fifty men and fifty women of of the taxpayers whose property had no wonder to us, when dairy herds tax would be directly felt by all the been sold without their knowledge, famous onc-year record of Tillie various professions, were chosen as are left out in the storms, and fog and people and would be resented accord­ the victims or material for this lab­ so the post card system was not ef­ Alcartra, of the W. A. Morris & Sons freezing weather that they become in­ ingly. \\ hen there is no necessity for oratory experiment. Thirty-three fective even to the extent of reaching Corporation herd at Woodland, Calif, fected with tuberculosis. Here is it, there being plenty of other articles women and 31 men returned the dol­ those who were delinquent.—Cottage although Tillie still is the best animal where, in our judgment, some pre­ on which to place the required exac­ lar. Sixty-four out of a hundred were Grove Sentinel. in the world for long-distance produc­ cautions should In taken, for in ex­ tion, and when a decent consideration apparently proven honest. As a mat­ tion. Tillie still is a young animal, posing dairy herds to all kinds of bad A Warning to Oregon. lor economy would greatly lessen the ter of fact the score should be still while the Gibson cow made her rec­ and severe weather, no one should be prospective deficit it should not be higher. It is logical to excuse some of ord at more than 8 years of age. surprised that cows become infected. The Oregon Observer of Grants thought of. the 1V0 on the grounds they may ’ ass sounds a warning to the people *1,500,000 Deal in Nehalem District. As to increasing the excise on beer ive accepted as true the statement, The hill proposed by State Senator T. B. Handley to create the office of and whisky it would be well for the .hat they had the money due t'cm of Oregon. It warns them against ac- epting something for nothing. Thio For a consideration that will reach herd inspector for Tillamook county, national lawmakers to bear tn mind from some company. Others may was introduced in the Senate on Fri­ that these old standbys of taxation have failed to return the money bc- nay sound like strange sort of logic, >1,500,000 the Oregon Lumber com­ day ami a copy sent to Tillamok for arc likely soon to cease to be pro­ caus. o: neglect or indolence, rather but it is "good horse sense” when the pany, a Utah corporation, has con­ the committee to see. Numerous ductive at all. Unless the signs are . an because . f dishonesty. There are possibility of abuses through free tracted to take over the timber hold­ changes were made in the bill by the misread, it will be necessary in a few h> - < f honest people in the world service is to be considered in connec­ ings of the Dubois Lumber companv committee and these were sent to years to find elsewhere the hundred- despite the cynics. Furthermore the tion with the expenditure of >7,000,- in the Nehalem district. The stump­ Salem on Tuesday. Senator Handley ot millions now collected from brew­ number is increasing and will con 000 on roads in the state. age price agreed upon is reported to The immense amount of money the be >1.50 a thousand feet for approx­ was successful in getting a good bill ers and distillers, for their will be 'imie to i - ,«e. Improved contmer- drawn lip, and the changes suggested none left in business. It is important, i.il s. o d - ' — require it.—Umpqua state of Oregon will have to spend on imately 1,000,000,000 feet of fir, roads within the next few years will spruce and cedar. It is said that by the committee are in accord with then, that wliih provision is made tot \ alley News. result from the co-operation of the David C. Eccles is now in the cast the ideas expressed at the meeting present needs careful thought be giv­ en to the future. There will have to last week. E. Dubois, Farmers and people living in the state with the federal government. conferring with John be more scientific imposition of taxes. country towns do not look with any Congress enacted the Shackelford bill whose home is in Pennsylvania, over The Oregon \ oter, in commenting Haphazard methods will have to be great degree of favor upon the pres- with a view of aiding road construc­ the final details in the transaction. J. on what it calls the light Wad Com­ abandoned. Perforce, then, we must nt law compelling them to pay a tion especially in undeveloped sec­ K. Gamble, of Portland, local repre­ mittee (Ways and Means) says this give more attention to the tariff, license of 41 a year to hunt and tions of the various states. It acted to sentative of Mr. Dubois, left to meet of our representative: "Frank Rowe, making it not only yield revenue but another >1 for the pleasure of an oc­ bring about commercial development. his principal several days ago. timber owner, saw-mill manager and also afford protection to American casional Sunday out on the creek W hat its people should demand is a in Tillamook industries. 1 he Democratic schemes fishing. The proposition to increase salaried commission banker of W heeler tn representing DON’T WAIT. County, is of broad type, - -a nervy that are now being tried have had a the amount of annual fishing or hunt­ eastern Oregon and southern Oregon 1 ------ o------ and capable young business man who success more apparent than real be­ ing license may be the proverbial as well as the territory in the im­ Take Advantage of an Astoria Citi­ zen’s Experience. is not afraid to use the blue pencil as cause general business conditions “last feather," and the long tried pa­ mediate vicinity of Portland. W hen the back begins to ache, a business man has to in (rimming have not been normal. When the war tience of the rural residents of the There is danger to the state in the Don t wait until backache becomes expense, and who also has the vision boom ends there will be a great fall­ -rate break under the indignity. They non-salaricd commission. What kind 1 chronic; and broad sympathy of a business ing off of revenue from source- th. kidney troubles develop; -omebodv is going to get what is of commissioners can we weak and sore him so.” to indicate that such a system can be as pursuit of the wary trout, without employer. that I could hard!} gut around. When hoped for under Democratic manage­ first providing himself with a license. Second. The man that has a certain i I>vn t o\ < r t< ' ’ o do anything or sat in ment. These good and worthy people will road that t is his hobby and one that ( j one position very Itm’g, , i." it was all I stand to be jostled about a whole lot will benefit his personal interests or could do to straight .-n up. My kid- Chamberlain's C^ugh Remedy Most without Complaint, but if it comes to gratify his fancy. This man will al- 1 ncys were also more or Ic ss out of t ’r.i. r during ’ this trouble with my - Effectual. 1; ys be found pulling the funds of , the point where rod and gun chib n .?,llrr 1 had ‘-'ken two boxes of "I have taken a great mans bottle- the state to the improvement of his I Doan? Kidney I’Hls, my back felt of Chamberlain*» Cough remedy and enthusiasts or "city chaps” attempt very time it b. .» cured 111c. 1 havi to trample on their inherent right, pct project and neglect the balance of strong tn every way and I was able to get about as well as ever.” found it most effectual for a hacking there will surely be a «lay­ reckon- the state. I rice 50c, at all dealers. Don’t Third. The mat that lores pub­ visitors to cough and for colds. After taking it ing and then, not the whole face of Mmplv ask tor a kdney remedv-get •1 cough alwavs disappears,” whites I. licity and will give some vain, or three R. Moore, Lost \ alley, Ga. For sale nature, but th c entire fish and game noisy s Kulnev I’il s—the same that is serve» ,.lrs Mornson had. Foster-Milburn those who by Lamars Drug Store. law will be radically changed. Ifj services to the state when it Uo, Prop»., Buffalo, N. Y. Import» from France. ------ o------ Some one has said that France has been bled white. But she is still full of "pep” and the Democratic Tariff law keeps her going sufficiently to hang onto the American market. The imports of the United States from France of the first ten months of 1916 were just about a million dol- lars greater than during thc first ten months of 1914, and >33,000,000 greater than for the same period in 1915, and yet the gritty little nation is mixed up in the ] European scrap from line-bucking to trench fighting, If France can send us >02,000,000 worth of products in ten months of international rough housing, what can she do to our markets under the present tariff policy, during peace conditions, and with a war-disciplin­ ed army of mill workers? Notice to Parents and Guardians Notice is hereby given that the Curfiew Ordinance will be enforced from and after date of this notice. The following is w’hat is known as the Curfiew Ordinance: Section 1. That no minor shall be permitted to go abroad upon or wonder about the streets of Tilla- mook City after the hour of eight o’clock at night during the months of October, November, December, Jan­ uary, February and March, or after the hour of nine o’clock at night dur­ ing the remainder of the year, unless such minor shall have the permission of his or her guardian, or unless such minor shall have necessary business upon such street or streets; and any minor who shall violate the provis- ions of this ordinance, upon convic- tion thereof before the City Recorder, shall be punished by a fine of not less than >5,00 dollars nor more than >25.00 dollars, and in default of the payment of such fine shall be im­ prisoned in the city jail until such fine shall be discharged, at the rate of one days imprisonment for each two dollars of such fine. Parents and guardians are request­ ed to govern themselves accordingly. Dated this Jan. 23rd, 1917. Ira C. Smith, City Recorder. There is but one way for Woodrow Wilson to take the Tariff out of politics—give the country a protective tariff. California Invites You to come and enjoy a few weeks of her glorious sunshine. Tite quick and com­ fortable way is via Portland "The City of Roses ’’ and the famous Shasta Route Fortland at 8:20 A. M 3:50 P. M 8:00 P. M to San Francisco Quick Time and Safe Line our choice of stand Ask locnl nyetit or write for information John .Vf. Scott. General Passenger Agent. Portland. Ore. Southern Pacific